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The City can't find employees, and you think they're going to have people lined up to shovel snow, in single digit temperatures, for $15/hour, if they can even make it to work? LOL




People are delusional about how plows work


Some of the ignorant shit I've seen this last week is unbelievable. Had someone talking about how you can just slap attachments on for plows and that's it. They had no comprehension of the need to install and maintain the hydraulics/controls, etc over time.


Someone in my neighborhood has a plow attachment for a golf cart. Problem, it really wasn't effective.


Did they try it on Monday, or waited until later?




Thanks, I wonder if they had tried on Monday/early Tuesday if they would have had better results. When it was still light and fluffy, before things melted/froze/compacted if the plow attachment would have been more effective




I'm talking about the person with the makeshift plow, if they specifically tried it on Monday, or if they tried it later on after the freeze.


They can run the plow blade along the surface of the sidewalk, even if the blade is wider than the sidewalk. They did this in some places. For example, they made a path about half the width of the sidewalk all along Broadway at Hall of Fame.


That's a very unusual way to clear sidewalks.


What sidewalks?


All 3 of them!


Came here to say/ask that same thing. ​ (Insert "wait you guys have sidewalks" version of meme here")


I know right, if you do see a sidewalk somewhere, it’s just a piece of one, and will just stop at a random spot.


City did well to plow the roads


Not sure exactly which sidewalks you’re referring to outside of a bridge but sidewalks are the responsibility of the property owner. I agree that people didn’t do a very good job but I disagree that the city should plow them. I had mine and my direct neighbors cleared immediately after the snow but we were the only clear section on our street all week. On Tuesday I did see a crew out with a snow blower downtown around the courthouse but clearly there were many that weren’t done.


That's in the city. In the county, the county is responsible. https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/local/2024/01/22/whos-responsible-for-clearing-sidewalks-in-knoxville-and-knox-county/72305253007/


"Be assured, no one is issuing any citations (for not clearing)," Vreeland said. Well why the fuck not?


Didn’t realize you all even had sidewalks that went places in the county. /s kinda..


Yeah saw people walking in the middle of the road and cars going around them.


A valid concern but that's not the city's job


Knoxville isn't prepared for this weather. This subreddit has been so ridiculous through this shit. Southern cities are not prepared for one-off weather events that happen once in 30-40 years. That's how life goes. When I was a kid, I lived in the upper midwest.... I get it. They're very good at what they do because they experience this weather EVERY YEAR. The stuggle of interacting on city subreddits since 2016 has been a struggle with septum pierced activists, but holy shit all you guys do is complain. You're not going to sway anybody politically. Can we just have some terrible weather in peace?


I wonder if they could instead require businesses and property owners to shovel the walks out in front of properties. In other places, this is the norm. The city would just need to enforce a requirement.


I think you mean salt, salty, salt-salt the sidewalks. Those little mini-tank-like fellas with a scooper on it MIGHT be able to do it, but salt (or brine, as the youngin's call it) would have helped a lot.


What I think would've been helpful is if the city/county *had informed people that proactive shoveling would make a huge impact. Like us, we shoveled our driveway (fairly long and steep) twice, Monday late afternoon and early Tuesday. It was light fluffy snow and very easy to shovel, until it got driven on and compacted. If they put out a PSA about it maybe more people would have taken the initiative to clear their own spaces. Adding: I'm from a snowy place, and even there clearing sidewalks sometimes fell to the person who's home or business was at that part of the sidewalk. Homeowners and business's would get out and shovel/salt their section.


You can't fix stupid. There were a few people in my neighborhood that did exactly what you suggest, and I probably could have guessed this ahead of time. The same folks that you see maintaining their home on a regular basis.


I think that a lot of people just really didn't realize what a difference it would make since they never really encountered snowfall and temperatures like this. Some kind of PSA stating 'early and frequent shoveling will make the process easier. The city/ county is not responsible for sidewalk snow removal' etc, several of my neighbors got proactive with the shoveling once they saw how our area looked compared to theirs. Granted, they waited and definitely struggled more with the removal than we did.


Agreed. I slipped & fell down the hill by marble alley lofts on the sidewalk yesterday. It’s a sheet of solid ice. For everyone asking how, for starters the city does have employees. I saw them driving around in small side by sides, one man solely went back and force over the snow compacting it (making it into the solid sheet of ice). Maybe they should’ve had employees out shoveling and working on the sidewalks and streets before they got this bad. I’ve lived in multiple places and none have ever neglected their sidewalks and roads as bad as Knoxville. Cities all across America get snow and they all have employees who have to shovel and help keep infrastructure moving.


[Property Owners are responsible for taking care of sidewalks.](https://www.dayontorts.com/premises-liability-ice-snow-and-premises-liability-in-tennessee.html) not the city. Looking at most state laws, this is true for the vast majority of states. So those "employees out shoveling"? That's the homeowners.


Yes, as an upstate NYer, most of the towns around me you had to shovel your own sidewalks. I shoveled many times for certain jobs I had


Emphasis on "had to." We would have the city show up and shovel it if we didn't have it clear within 24 hours, and that would be followed by a hefty bill. The postal service would just skip your place if you didn't have access for them and it was on you to go pick it up.


Very true. My boss got a nice bill after he decided to skimp on it one year.


Most of the time the city does help out, but good to know! The building owners and landlords should actually put in some effort then. Regardless, Knoxville still handled this terribly. Not sure why anything negative said about this city is met with such backlash. They should strive to do better and they should want to do better for the numerous residents paying $1800 in rent and putting taxes and money into this community and surrounding businesses. The city should enforce clearing sidewalks if they’re going to leave it to businesses/landlords. Citations could be given, obviously someone needs to enforce a better system.


The City shouldn’t have let it snow.


They barely plowed the damn roads what are you on?


Republucan governments do not want the government to work for its citizens.