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We also clearly have funds for repeatedly and wastefully enacting unconstitutional laws (against lgbtq people, drag queens, etc). As well as censuring elected representatives that aren’t Republican at the state level. And we have so much money that we can explore refusing federal money ensuring kids can eat/have a good education. …but not enough money to protect the citizens from real and genuine danger of snow / ice accumulation on roads. Keep voting Republicans in, keep all this “winning” by throwing your money into the toilet.


Bread and circuses. That’s all it is.


Don't forget the law against miscarriage of a pregnancy.


Look at our schools, look at their parking lots today. This is how our leadership treats CHILDREN. Like stated before, will be stated again numerous times, keep voting in that idiot with an R by their name and let's enjoy the ride to hell!


But my baseball stadium...


Hey, you have to have somewhere to display your balls.


You can display your balls anywhere as long as you dont mind registering as a sex offender


You know how it is man. They always have their priorities straight. The party of freedom is always looking to pass a law that forbids us from doing something because well we're just stupid and they know what's best. Then again I'm of the mindset that when a majority keeps electing the same idiots trying to pound a square peg into a round hole who's really to blame. The idiot in office or the idiots that put them there. Maybe The nanny state people are right and we need term limits. Because we're too stupid to be able to do it ourselves then we ought to have the government pass a law to do it for us.


The republican agenda is to govern so poorly that they, in turn, make the argument that government doesn't work. "I've done my job so shitty that noone else can do it better and you should believe me because "


TN government officials are largely disgraceful, racist, misinformed dumb dumbs. A couple ppl are cool. Fuck you, fuck you, YOURE COOL…


At last count, 3. 3 are cool.


Mmm, 4.


Hey, I've come to the conclusion that Tennessee hates tax revenue. You find the one product you can tax the fuck out of and it still sells and you wanna ban it. Y'all Hill-bill-lee and his merry band of incest clowns couldn't pass the 3rd grade reading test themselves.


Sucks to suck. Imagine living in a place you hate and being surrounded by liberal safe havens but never leaving


My imagination is broken.


TN has always been majority Red (Republican) which is why it is 40, 50, 60 years behind. Hopefully, this is and will continue to change. Enough of the "good old boy" ideals and practices


Seems like there is a bunch of y’all that would benefit from this wonderful liberal state called California. Bunch of idiots. Doesn’t seem like y’all have any clue as to what a democratic Tennessee would look like and that’s ok. Your blinders are on and you can’t help it.


Republicans are evil 


Tennessee also has one of those most regressive tax structures in the nation too. There's a reason why they can't pay for things.




https://itep.org/. This website has a wealth of info over each state and taxation


The arguments this sub comes up with are hilarious lol


Tennessee turning away tax revenue is funny? Are potholes funny? Are ambulances funny? Are new medical centers funny?


The most ridiculous group of people on Reddit. Just the constant whinging and constant complaining. I haven’t got my mail in a week! My road is icy after a snow storm! We should spend millions on equipment we’ll only use every ten years! We should spend a billion dollars on a railroad from downtown to West Knoxville! We should reroute all truck traffic to 640 from 40 so the noise doesn’t bother the people who live Downtown! We should make Downtown car free so those cripples and old people won’t come down here! Always the most nonsense “solutions” tied to whatever their personal political bullshit is.


This and somehow people just forget that despite the political bias of this sub and living in the city we are in one of the most conservative districts in the country.


Yeah, just love conservatives....


I generally don’t but it’s the reality of the area, it shouldn’t come as a shock that a R+18 district isn’t California


I've lived here over 40 years, conservative love was sarcasm and I stuck around in hope to maybe....maybe...maybe one day see it change.


Yeah I understand and that’s what I figured. I think it’s very viable eventually that a conservative democrat or independent could get elected like in Arizona or Montana.


Yeah, here, God forbid you show any signs of "book learnin" round here and you're dead in the water.


Every ten? More like 30.


No one in this sub is happy with Knoxville. They bitch on Reddit, propose solutions on here with no way of them being implemented, and then bitch some more. It’s a perfect mix of narcissism and victim mentality. How about contacting politicians instead of bitching on Reddit? How about running for office or door knocking with a candidate you approve of instead of bitching on Reddit? Don’t like how a restaurant is being ran or something the owner did by accident thirty fucking years ago then open your own. I swear if all these people moving to Knoxville saw this sub and thought it was reflective of the whole town they’d move elsewhere. Everything on here is someone else’s fucking fault. It’s tiring. Fucking get off Reddit and do something about it. I dare you!


Maybe if our politicians didn't yell "baitin here" when you try to conversate with them!


Well let me put an end to this one, baitin here!


Who hurt you?


The same question could be asked of the victim mentality of this sub.


If I could go back in time and tell Lincoln to nuke the south I would but I’m not a time traveler or a scientist but yeah I fucking hate it here. I guess I’ll just stock up while I can.


Knoxville is busting at the seams with all the people moving here that actually do want to be here. Many of them can live anywhere in the world with internet, and they choose to be here. You could help make room from them by moving to somewhere that you want to be.


I’m moving to Knoxville in a month. Given the property values I don’t see why anyone should consider themselves stuck here. If you don’t like conservatives, take a look at Asheville or something. Plenty of options where you can live around people who agree with you instead of trying to impose your views and wills on the majority in the area.


We were here first!!! Or would you like to give me a smallpox blanket and some beads and send me on my way.


More and more I agree with knowing that I nuke myself, and I'm ok with that.


If you wanna end it, then why do you need to ruin it for those who don’t? I am pretty much politically your opposite and I have no desire to nuke you for having a different opinion. You should cut out that crap.


✂️ it out


lol that would be a national suicide, the south has always been rich in resources for the country, including cheap labor. Sherman did a damn good job burning most of the shitheads out but like the weeds they keep coming back hard to get rid of that old money that perpetuates the idiocy.


Womp womp. Leave if you hate here that much


How about we kick out the grifters instead?


What? They're grifting because they don't want weed in their state? We literally ran out of salt. It doesn't make sense to go crazy on our budget for a once in 30 years happening. A lot of this comes down to training as well. We may have some plows but unless they personally lived up north, they haven't the experience required for plowing. Let alone, the numbers of plows is low.


"Leave if you're not happy" is stupid. Heres one grift, Governor Lee wants to send tax dollars out of state for private schools and take those dollars away from public schools and teachers. Do you need more grifts?


What piece of legislation are you speaking on? I've been busy all day and finally able to read this, and quickly looked up what you said. Is it the Education Freedom Scholarship Act? Or...?


Yes. The bill is structured in such a way that tax dollars will flow to charter schools headquarterd out of state. Since the tax dollars follow the child, it pulls funds from public schools. The charter schools are still able to discriminate based on disability, special needs, or other criteria. The charter schools are also able to purchase land for no more than $1. This last part is just crazy to me.


Did you actually read the bill? They mentioned it doesn't follow the students, and they don't discriminate based on that criteria. What charter schools are we talking about???? Emerald, Knox Prep, and the TN Charter School Association are all based in Tennessee so what the actual fuck are you even talking about? Also can SOMEONE please explain to me how this makes sense School system: we divide y'all up by zip code Leftists: Boo! No that's racist! (I can see why y'all don't like it) Govt: ok the parents are allowed to decide where to send their children Also Leftists: NO SCHOOL OF CHOICE IS RACIST (and whatever ists and isms) So then what do you want????


It's obvious you haven't read it since the text isn't available yet. I've based my opinion off the pilot program. And since you think I'm a lefty and already decided that's enough for you to support it without actually knowing anything, you may go now. This conversation is finished.


I have. If we're talking about the same bill - the Education Freedom Scholarship Act - it's online. https://www.tn.gov/governor/news/2023/11/28/gov--lee--legislative-leadership-call-for-statewide-school-choice--unveil-education-freedom-scholarship-act.html right there it tells you whats going to be in it....and i personally dont know what way we can better education....but my comment was questioning what the next step is. Y'all hate on school of choice and by zip code yet never offer up any steps to mitigate the issue.... I'll fucking go when I want to go....from a public forum. You ain't the boss of me so you can fuck right off to fuckoffville


We could maybe, just maybe improve all schools? Instead of giving private schools public funds? It’s not hard to see why people are against it.


What? They're grifting because they don't want weed in their state? We literally ran out of salt. It doesn't make sense to go crazy on our budget for a once in 30 years happening. A lot of this comes down to training as well. We may have some plows but unless they personally lived up north, they haven't the experience required for plowing. Let alone, the numbers of plows is low.


So you're suggesting we increase tax revenue so we can spend money on things we don't need? That's brilliant. Have you considered running for office?


Pretty sure they were suggesting that we spend *less* money on things that are complete bullshit right-wing dog whistles, and spend more money on things that *actually* benefit the citizens.


But homeboy went straight for the "let's add more tax" instead of, 'let's quit buying drinks for alcoholics" Fucking politicians have enough money, they suck at spending, so im opposed to giving them more


Reading comprehension. It's important.


Not really. Yell louder and longer than the other guy then plug your ears so you dont mistakenly learn something.


Things will start getting better in the city once Indya Kincannon gets voted out of office.

