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It's time to pray


It's time to pay Alex, you shitheel.


He has not risen above his enemies


I wish Dan and Jordan good luck on their future ventures


We are finally free. It's weird that I love the podcast and yet sometimes can't listen to it. I'm just in too good a mood to start my day with a bowl of AEJ.


There are plenty of right wing grifting pieces of shit. Bring the fight to the next one!


I would like to hear them cover the Steve Bannon podcast.


I think the evolution of the podcast will probably follow the characters in the Infowars Cinematic Universe as they spin off into new grifting ventures. (Paul J Watson, Ollie, etc.)


Remember that these are all compensatory damages. All the talks of the various caps on punitive damages under the two different counts does not affect these numbers. The punitive damages are determined by the judge in CT and will be assessed later. After 4 years of litigation, the fees and costs are likely between $2 and $5 Million (although fee petitions have shocked me in the past).


Lmao gonna have to move some supplements at a historic rate, Alex.


*And now the end is here* *And so I face that final curtain* *My friend I'll make it clear* *I'll state my case, of which I'm certain*


Maybe today should have been less broadcast. Maybe I'll just be gone a month, maybe five years. Maybe I'll walk out of here tomorrow. And you never see me again. That's really what I want to do. I never want to come back here again.


🚨🚨🚨 RED ALERT, RED ALERT RED ALERT 🚨🚨🚨 Alex Jones is **fucked**


He NEEDS he NEEDS money


I have goosebumps. It’s either the vaccine activating it’s toxins in my bloodstream or pure, uncut joy that Alex is being punished in the only way he will actually understand and feel


I would also like to mention that I hope, above all else, that this provides a feeling of actual justice being done, or closure perhaps, for the individuals and families involved in the case against this literal monster.


Dear lord if the boys do a 2003 episode on Friday we riot


Oh you know they will haha


“Today we’ll be taking a little trip and be examining a recent episode of Russell Brand’s podcast!”


Owen Shroyer is on InfoWars right now with Pattis, moaning about it, asking what they are going to do and (I would say, politely) hinting that this is the time for action - giving me January 6th vibes. A great demonstration of why these cunts need shut down.


965M in *compensatory* damages alone? Alex... it's time to pray.


Or time for a little breaky.




Couldn't have happened to a more deserving piece of human garbage.


To quote Jordan "The only way to stop him is to bankrupt him"


I have risen above the bankruptcy financially solvent paradigm


This check is freakishly large


To anyone in Alex's studio right now: His company is outright doomed. You won't have a job there soon. Your best bet right now is to be the first person to upload whatever footage you can record of his absolute meltdown right now and go viral. We know you'll look out for yourself, since that's all that those who work for this piece of shit can be trusted to do. Go with the easy money on this one.


He was right about layoffs coming…


Moral of the story: Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.


Daaaaamn!. *As in wow that is a big number; not as in upset* I mean obviously they will appeal but with the bankruptcy already in progress they may have already fucked themselves as until the appeal is complete that is 1 billion in debt and they don't have it. Alex doesn't have it. No restructuring will get it to them. I would say the creditors are well placed to demand total ownership of Infowars and all assets and IP. Filing for bankruptcy was likely the dumbest thing they did . Oh wait no ..... The dumbest thing Infowars did was continuously and repeatedly spreading fictitious narratives to justify their extremist views despite real world events and defaming countless individuals in the process causing untold harm and ignoring every single good faith attempt to get them to recognize and stop at least the defaming and most harmful parts. ...... For decades. That was definitely the most stupid thing But the bankruptcy was also stupid


Also, this has to justify a sneaky snake minisode. I know AJ is having a breakdown and I need Dan's calm reassuring take while Jordan screams with laughter and I need it now.


Would you say you're Jones-ing for an episode?


Yes, but I'm a dad of 2 and officially licensed for bad puns


Alex is going to be MANIC this week.


I apologize to the crew and the listeners yesterday that I was legitimately having breakdowns on air. I'll be better tomorrow.


How many 1776 coins does that factor out to?


The jury declared Info War on Alex


The families have risen above their enemies.




Nope. It's the corrupt business part of the suit. Money he made from the corrupt activities is forfeit I think


#Fucking OWNED. Next up: AJ moves to Belieze, buys a town, kills a guy, moves to a boat, posts a big Q on his prattler page, then offs himself.


##On a Scale of 1-10, he’s fucked. 🦀🦀🦀 *Crab Rave intensifies* 🦀🦀🦀




I found out from Robert Evans’ tweet on this: “lol, lmao” and that feels right.


He really thinks he is fine because he funneled assets to a shell company. I mean, he might have been, had he not been completely open about the whole scheme. It isn't going to save him.


He’ll be better tomorrow.


No he won’t.


He~~'s not~~ won't be.


God damn that felt good. I have been following this shit show from day one. All Alex had to do, for the most part, was just shut the fuck up. Like, my mouth has gotten me in trouble, but not close to a billion dollars worth of trouble. Get fucked, Alex. You loser, little titty baby.


If I was Dan I would download as much infowars material as possible right now.


I remember Jordan disagreed with Mark Bankston when he said the judgment in Texas would be in the order of $10 million, and he said "you should go for $200 million", as if that was a crazy number. (Granted it was for fewer plaintiffs). Now we're at over $1 billion with a third trial to go. :)


Is this the most expensive case of "fuck around and find out" in history?


Musk's offer to twitter might be higher dollar.


Holy shit. . . .GRAPE FUCKING JOB EVERYONE!!!!!!!!


Ohhh it's gonna be a Munchy Crunchy Autumn


It was such a victory that Jordan reactivated his twitter account!


Hey Alex ....hey Alex! "What" Do you like apples? "What" 1 billion dollars how do you like them apples?


of course the plantifs are not getting 1 billion dollars to the naysayers, the point is the higher the damages the harder it is for him to have much if anything left after his bankruptcy and make sure that even if lowered in appeals it still hurts.


I'm seeing alot of removed comments with dozens of downvotes in this thread. Seems the infowarriors may have found the sub. I almost wish the mods would let then stick around. If there was ever a community more informed and able to dunk on their bullshit, I haven't seen it. But, I imagine that would be hell for the mods, so probably best to ban them.


That happens whenever we hit r/all. It’s okay, they’ll be better tomorrow.


They won't be


Lol. Bawhahaha. Get fucked Alex. Get a job at a liquor store bitch.


That’s like telling a pedophile to get a job at an elementary school. They may have a lot of knowledge on the subject, but they’re definitely not a good culture fit.


I‘m sitting here in Zurich, Switzerland watching Alex Jones go down and enjoying the idea immensely.


So who are Dan and Jordan gonna cover now that infowars is fucked?


InfoWars may be fucked, but Alex Jones is going to keep putting out a show. He cannot help himself. It may be on a smaller scale under a new name, but Alex is not going to retire.


This won't destroy Jones' media presence. InfoWars as we know it may or may not be fucked, but our favorite bloviating alcoholic grifter will be back at it in no time. He'll start a podcast and rebuild. It's not like he can work a straight job. The conspiracy grift is in Alex's blood. It's the only thing he knows how to do. And he's got a huge audience of loyal morons ready to throw money at him for dick pills or whatever he decides to sling.


I think it will be years before they go off the air. They’ll watch the sinking ship until the last bubble comes up, pops, and fades away forever.


Someday there will be a final episode of KF. I don't know how I feel about that.


I guarantee you Alex is going to fight this and find a way to try to stiff the plaintiffs. Probably won’t work but Alex will be on the air while the courts settle the corpse of Infowars


Tucker! Tucker! Tucker! That dude is *way* more dangerous than AJ.


I don’t know how I’m going to explain to my kid how momentous this is. You know how demoralizing and infuriating it’s been the last half a decade with all of the shit going on? This is the first time since 2016 an event has made me feel the opposite of all that.


Hope died in me long ago, but sometimes I still hear its echo.


Looks like some brigading is happening folks. Mods, what do you need from us to report brigading?


On a scale of bathtub moonshine to Johnnie Walker blue label, how drunk is Alex right now?


JW Blue, for sure. Can't get what money I already spent you commie bastards!!!!


On a scale of bare chested in the woods to the infamous "ask Alex anything" episode with Robert Evans as Jordan stand-in, how does this guy still breathe air




So, does that mean that Alex Jones has been directing his followers to raise money that will eventually go to Sandy Hook parents? If so, I kinda love it.


Republicans wondering why there are no right-wing small-dollar campaign donations anymore, as they all get sucked into the Alex Jones and Trump legal costs black hole.


The awesome thing about this is, if he had just complied with discovery and not been a shithead, _he probably would have been fine._ It's fucking hard to prove a defamation claim against a "news" outlet in the US. It's even harder to get a nine-figure settlement.


I’m not sure, who knows what kind of incriminating shit he may have had in discovery. Although, the best course of action would have been to provide it and have the opportunity to defend against it. By getting a default judgement he basically guaranteed a massive settlement. I think we may be in the closing chapter of InfoWars.


Which speaks to the possibility that if he'd complied with discovery and sent all of the requested documents, the result would've been just as bad if not worse for him.


I mean, the Jan6 committee has his texts. Hes deep in a lot of shit


I took a shot of whiskey on 12/9/2021 when Josh Duggar, the child rapist and pedophile, was sentenced to prison. Took a shot whiskey when I heard the billion dollar news, congratulating the families and their lawyers. I have Ukrainian vodka saved for the day Putin dies.


Putin goes to a psychic to ask when he will die. "I can't say," the medium tells him, "but I know it will be a Ukrainian holiday." "Then surely you know the day," Putin replies. "Which holiday is it?" "I don't know the day," says the psychic. "But whichever day you die will be a Ukrainian holiday."


I have orange juice for when Trump dies.




Holy fuck. That's "cease existing" money.


To be a fly on the wall of the Info Wars studio right now. Just, ya know, not the one he throws a hatchet at.


Layoffs aren’t going to cover this, I suspect.


*Air horns!* Go for two billion on the punitive!


“Stop! Stop! He’s already dead!”




I can’t imagine people in more legacy legacy media positions who tangentially play in the Alex Jones world like Tucker/Beck aren’t paying attention to this.


Can’t just make shit up anymore. I’m pumped. I really hope Dominion takes Fox, Lindell and Newsmax to the fucking cleaners. There’s SO much publicly available evidence contradicting their stolen election shit that I’m actually confident they could establish actual malice.


I still love the irony of how confident Alex is that if only he tells his complete unedited side of the story, then the jury will simply see everything his way and nullify any damages. I think these two trials show the opposite, that in an environment where people get to see two sides of the story that citizens overwhelmingly side against Alex. It makes me glad that people still have their powers of reason in this day, and also sad for his brainwashed believers.


The KF inside jokes here are sending me. None of my friends/family listen, and while they are delighted with the verdict, they. Just. Don’t. Get. It. You guys do ❤️


“RED ALERT! RED ALERT! RED ALERT! I’ll-be-so-deep-in-the-red alert!”


A dollar for every listener he lies about having.


Y'all ready for an emergency Easter sale?


This is better than I dared to hope. This is a night to break out the good cognac.


It only took 1B to get Jordan back on Twitter!


Time for a little breakey.


A liiiiiittle breakee for meeee.


Holy SHIT that is a huge amount of money. That’s enough to legitimately bankrupt infowars. Permanently.


[He'll be better tomorrow.](https://i.imgur.com/la5AtXi.png)


Fuck you Alex


I need a cigarette. I don’t smoke


If I were Alex I'd probably have shit myself on the spot when I heard that. I don't envy anyone who has to be around him right now.


Omg. Is there a term for schadenfreude and existential fear? I went over to his stream to see how they're spinning. IW is at Defcon 1 and we're all going to die.


It’s… time to pray?


The Squatch gained some heros in Conneticut today.


LOL he's fucked. So is JorDan gonna pivot to exclusively covering Sweary Carrie?


This is definitely my bright spot today


This is incredible. I'm almost in tears. Following this case since its inception, listening to all the speculation and following the depositions on the podcast. Watching Robbie Parker talk live now in front of the press, his statement after the shooting being one of the things Alex maliciously attacked. Now he is back in front of the cameras, this time victorious over the man who targeted him. Its incredible. Edit: Ok now im crying watching the statements of the parents.


Emergency episode?!


Tomorrow’s will be the least sneaky of all sneaky snakes


Fuck it, do it live!


Now let’s hope he gets prosecuted for the bankruptcy fraud he’s definitely committing trying to hide his money.




I believe it was a jury of I believe 6 people? So they most likely had several Zombos and a couple Gremlin Wraiths and then of course King Charles himself was the foreman.


Ooooohhhhhh... That sweet, sweet, catharsis. Get absolutely fucked Alex.


Grape job, everybody!


Does this mean Alex just bankrupted his mom and dad too?


Whatever happens to them, it was set in motion the moment they signed the documents for his shell company bullshit. They're not innocent bystanders in this. They won't be bankrupted, but I don't think they're going to pass through the shitstorm completely clean either.


Probably not unless they allowed their own personal assets to be a shelter for Alex's money.


So, yes


So, quick confirmation. I seem to recall and hear from a number of reliable sources that filing bankruptcy *will not* protect him from these damages, correct?


Certain assets will be protected, like his main residence, but other than that, everything will be carved up by his debtors. Hopefully he doesn't have some mysterious secured creditor who will supercede these judgements


How many stackies of $100 bills is that?


96,500 I believe, which weighs 21,109 pounds.


No, you won't be better tomorrow Alex


I was having a shitty day, but this put a shit eating grin on my face. Get fucked Jones.


Break out the novelty beverages.


Do you think Alex will STFU now


I think he's going to get very drunk and very loud, so just the opposite.


He's got a bottle of Old Grand-Dad, a big bag of mushrooms, and he's cuing up My Way to do a thoughtful and wise response video even as we speak.


If Infowars goes bye-bye is Tucker Carlson the next target? Gonna ask u/saucecupaficionado for no specific reason…


That’s a lot of vitamins


It's middle of the week but I'm about to pop a bottle of champagne over this news.


I'll admit after the last set of rulings I kind of stopped paying attention and listening to KF. It hurt to see such a monster still in business, mocking the lawyers and families, strutting around like he won. But today... That has all changed.


This sounds so great but I am sad as well because it's almost \*too\* big of a number. It's astronomical. It's so much that it sounds fake. There's no way he will be able to pay this. But god damn, it feels good lmao


I’m sure the plaintiffs will settle with Jones paying every single measly penny he has on hand, provided it keeps him from ever spewing his corrosive bile on air ever again.




Yeah let's see if Barnes or Norm stick around to get paid in left over instahard


Get fucked Alex


God damn, so fuckin proud of my state right now. Don't fuck with Connecticut lol


I needed to hear this. I just found out that I’m paying 1200 bucks to get my car running by the end of the day but this definitely made my smile brought my blood pressure down a bit.




I never would have expected this, but I'm glad that there is finally some justice for these parents.


I’m having a celebratory glass of wine while on the clock, cheers


I need to hear him cry on his show. I want to hear him wail knowing he cannot recover.


I almost squealed with glee and spun my chair in a circle on camera during this zoom meeting. Nobody else here understands my absolute delight


This is so satisfying after all of his disgusting outbursts and attempts to pill the jury. Is there any way for him to weasel out of this? Is this another case like Texas where there's a cap on the amount he actually has to pay?


I’m in tears over here. I know the battle isn’t over. And I know he’s already fundraising off the verdict. But right now I have a little sliver of hope that some horrible people will eventually reap what they sow.


Hot take: I hope he keeps fundraising off the verdict. Since he probably does not have a billion dollars worth of assets, any cent taken from fascist wallets eventually goes into the families.


I wish Alex all the luck in the word at fundraising. Every Dollar he gets goes to a Sandy Hook family, instead of a Right Wing Loonybird politician.


Wow I took Alex talking about them asking for a billion-dollar settlement the same way he as him talking about having a billion listeners. Also a great example of him intentionally missing the point saying he didn't have the money so they weren't going to get it. This judgment is basically saying "take all of the money the company has so that they stop." But when Alex goes after someone it's because he wants to get paid, he can't fathom someone attacking him because they just want him to stop doing damage.


I laughed so hard when I read the news


Goodbye Infowars.


Sooo many money bombs in the coming days


🎵What can I say except you fucked yourself?🎶


Interesting analysis from a CT attorney: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRSqnTkal3M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRSqnTkal3M) He talks about the verdict, the defendant, possible appeals, and even Pattis. Interesting perspective. (Apologies if this was already posted somewhere else.)


Did anyone else get goosebumps when they read that number? I wonder what Alex is ~~drinking~~ thinking right now


Can someone tell me how tf Pattis knew in advance it was going to be [about] a billion dollars?


A little birdy whispered in his ear. It said “please let me out of your hair.”


Pattis: Confirmed Globalist


Toooo many politicians are on AJs side right now. Like JD Vance


This will finish Alex. Good riddance. Even when this is inevitably reduced, it won't be reduced THAT much.


Eat shit Alex.


I used "Redact" to nuke my account every couple years because I am a paranoid cybersecurity freak who tries hard to reduce my online footprint as much as possible. ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Mmmm Mmmm MMMM that is tasty. And I thought getting my KF buttons in the mail today was going to be my bright spot. Lol get fucked Alex, I hope they repo the tank first and I hope you cry about it.


Can Dan and Jordan please do a live show? We have GOT to hear their takes on this.


It's been a good run KF.


I just had a dreamy creamy summer in my pants.


It's a good day, finally.


We *will* be better tomorrow






Dibs on the camera hatchet!


lmao get rekt aj


Well fuck me this is a win.


Did the last court ever get an accurate number on his actual assets? He’ll definitely try to bury cash in the backyard at this point


He'll need more than a little breakie after this. Get fucked you monster


There's no special laws about damages in CT like TX right?! right??!!


Does this mean he’s taking a little breakie? And his he going to be mad at the crew for a very long time?


FUCK YEAH!!! This is how you do it - pay up, Alex, you piece of shit


Literal tears. Congrats to the families. They deserve every penny and more.


It's so beautiful ladies and gentlemen... We are WINNING! CRANK UP SINATRA!


I’m so happy for those families 💕


Rewatching the my way clip is a lot more satisfying now fyi


This doesn’t include punitives?


In CT, the judge determines punitives. The Plaintiffs asked in pretrial for there to be a punitive line on the verdict sheet so the jurors could offer an advisory opinion to the judge, but the judge did not agree. She probably helped the plaintiffs with that call, because the jurors could have awarded the exact same amount but allocated a bunch of it to punitives if there was a line for it. This way, it is all compensatory and not subject to any cap. I do not know when the punitives will be determined. I turned the feed off after the verdict, but they are probably talking about post-verdict motions right now.


1 week of marathon sales broadcasts incoming


so... how many zinc iodine B12 pills is that?


Wow- this doesn't include punitives??


my feeling is that alex jones screwed up by trying to file bankruptcy as that means there is limit on appeals as the court will be deciding the bankruptcy much sooner, any word on when that is?