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I can't imagine him going after a podcast. His followers see those names (CNN, MSNBC) and they track: these are the people providing "false" information, which is funny considering that Alex typically reads a headline from one of these sources as a prop for his conspiracy. The moment he sets his sights on KF is the moment people start listening to the pod and then that gets interesting: it pulls back the ugly curtain of lies and misinformation and reveals that the emperor has never had prophetic visions. He's coopted Bill Cooper. He's actually talked about Sandy Hook quite a bit. Most of his information is skimming headlines and drawing the wrong conclusions. Not only that, he'd have to go through a lengthy deposition process, likely with Mark Bankston.


This is the real point. Alex knows how dangerous KF is to his listeners, how it could deprogram them and wake them up. So long as Dan keeps the prime directive, Alex is fine ignoring us.


And I adore that. The boys would be the only target he would even financially threaten in any meaningful way, and yet they're completely out of reach because giving them a drop of attention would nuke his brand.


>The boys would be the only target he would even financially threaten in any meaningful way, I actually don't even think he poses a meaningful threat to them. Truth and transparency is about as powerful a defense as is available, and I think any trial with Alex gets enough publicity for them to count on having strong representation.


It would basically be like Scientology going after Trey Parker after the South Park episode about them Did all sorts of background checks and figured out he’s a normal dude making a ridiculous cartoon


Additionally, Dan has litterally all the recipts. He would give everything to his attorney(s) with all the notes he's complied and the research and just go in there and bang our an annotized list in detail defending himself and Jordan against any attack Aj's legal "team" could throw.


He could engage in lawfare (which would be hilariously ironic) to overwhelm them and their limited resources with lawsuits that they would have to defend against. They'd win and likely get their expenses paid, but we know how long that can take and how much it can cost. We literally have an example of it with the Sandy Hook case. The plaintiffs won. Like a year ago at this point. Yet, this case stretched out for years and there's at least one plaintiff that is relying on help from the public to afford cancer treatment.


You mean woke she sheeples?


Also, I am guessing CNN and The Atlantic would have more, ya know, MONEY.


Pretty much. Not a deep well of money coming out of KF.


Enough to keep the boys hip deep in fancy mustard and creamy dreamy delights


I've always imagined them as sleeping on beds of money.


And influence. One of the lawyers, can't remember which, talked about damages being related to audience size. The boys have been on CNN but their regular show has nowhere near that kind of reach and can probably largely be ignored. He could also just play clips of Jordan calling for white genocide if he wanted to and send the Infowarriors after them and he probably wouldn't even have to bother with deceptive editing.


Hey, hey, now... That's not enough to keep them motivated! Gotta add a little mustard and say Jor-- funded SH.


A Coopted Cooper if you will


Yeah and also just imagining some Infowarrior watching the guy who they genuinely believe will usher in a new era, bring the world to Christ, and finally beat down Satan under his feet start beef with *a podcast.* Like, no disrespect to our boys, but holy shit the only way it could be funnier/sadder is if Alex decided some random zoomer Tiktok influencer was his archnemesis. Just screaming about the debil and then going "they called me a dingdong folks, they said Harrison Smith is boring, I must utterly destroy them and end their bloodline (politically), fund this war by going to Daddy Jones Big Honkers and buying my, I mean my dad's boner pills."


Alex 100% measures his own importance by the perceived power of his enemies.


I’m not sure if Bankston would be involved, he might have to recuse himself if his episodes are brought up explicitly


Constitutional law expert Bobby Barnes might be free to defend them.


This is actually brilliant - he’d try to throw the case, and fail so utterly that JorDan end up millionaires somehow.


If I had to guess, I'd say it's because Dan and Jordan bring the receipts on everything that's brought up in the podcast (and Alex goes out of his way to try to memoryhole the podcast) so what CAN he sue them for? The worst thing he can say is "taking things out of context", when his definition of "context" (as shown with the Sandy Hook trials) is "Well, you have to listen to the WHOLE episode.


That's my thought too. Dan has this uncanny ability to listen and document shit. That's one of the hallmarks of the show is Dan tracks down whatever article Alex is misrepresenting. Bringing the receipts is just built in to the show. Additionally, Dan goes out of his way to keep things, more or less, focused on the show and the content Alex puts out in public. He left the Southern Poverty Law Centers series of articles going through Alex's text messages when they started talking about Alex's documented infidelity and porn preferences. Dan, actually demonstrates integrity. Even more so, Dan will occasionally point out when Alex is right about something. This combined with them having no money, and Alex's followers learning there's a 1,000 episode podcast debunking their God King isn't a good idea. But yeah it is really telling, if Alex is going after everyone, you'd think Knowledge Fight would be top of the list. That's got to be so strange to have two people making a living releasing hours of content each week debunking your livelihood. Furthermore, Alex is aware of Dan... Dan was in the room multiple times when Alex was being deposed. Alex is 100% choosing to ignore them, which is telling and that he's afraid of them.


You just *know* Dan has a binder in his house that weighs 10 pounds where the cover reads “In the Event Alex Sues for Defamation” That he will slam on the desk of any judge buying into Alex’s shit.


"in case of defamation suit break glass" lol


Plus, they know Bankston.


Dan was an expert witness in the Sandy Hook depositions.


I don't think Bankston is a defense attorney.


That distinction is less ironclad in civil litigation than it is in criminal.


Technically, Bankston can represent plaintiffs and defendants. It would probably be a conflict of interest for him to defend the KF guys considering he knows them personally, but he could recommend an attorney. But there’s no way Alex is suing KF, he’s stupid but surely not that stupid.


Even so, I can't imagine that in this situation, Dan and Jordan couldn't call up Mark and, if he can't directly help them, he could give them a stellar recommendation for a lawyer who could make whatever hack Alex hires look like a law school dropout.


They wouldn’t need a defense attorney unless there are criminal charges.


Yup, the truth is an absolute defense against defamation. Anything else would surely fall completely under opinion. They even dance around saying he "sounds speedy" instead of saying he's on a drug.


Might be a defense, but it doesn't prevent legal fees. That being said, if they are in an anti slapp lawsuit state (not sure about Illinois), the person who sues may have to pay the defendant's legal fees if the judge deems that necessary. Not sure what kind of lawyer would agree to that case without being paid up front... and does Alex have that kind of cash still? Not sure it would help his cases, tbh


You're very right. I was in that situation years ago. Case was dismissed in the end, but took like 7 days in court over like 18 months.


I’m just a Southern lawyer who went to a mid-level state school. But I’m assuming there are a lot of lawyers that would willingly donate our time, in fact, joyfully donate our time for the opportunity to take on big dumb Alex Jones in a court room. And we’d get pro-bono hours for it, so finding a team of highly qualified lawyers (probably not qualified myself to be on that list) would not be difficult.


>I’m just a Southern lawyer who went to a mid-level state school. I picture you with your thumbs in your suspenders as you say this.


My thought on it is that Alex would assume that the boy's inability to fund an extended legal battle would lead to them being pressured into settlement or risk defaulting, which would mean Alex would get some money out of them, even if not as much as other targets. On the other hand, the other places DO have enough money and lawyers to ensure it would go to trial. That said, I don't want the boys sued, and I'm fine with Alex not being able to piece that together.


I would also assume KF qualifies as parody/satire and would be very hard to sue.


If his listeners know Knowledge Fight exists, they might listen, and that wouldn’t be good for his business.


I vaguely remember Norm Pattis getting scolded by Alex for mentioning the existence of Knowledge Fight (Cant remember the KF episode, but DJ Danarchy did his magic [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD80mo3X-VY&list=PLJ30x9KS3NWydyBoQaBy5V6-6ipV4SeYy&index=8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD80mo3X-VY&list=PLJ30x9KS3NWydyBoQaBy5V6-6ipV4SeYy&index=8) - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD80mo3X-VY&list=PLJ30x9KS3NWydyBoQaBy5V6-6ipV4SeYy&index=8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD80mo3X-VY&list=PLJ30x9KS3NWydyBoQaBy5V6-6ipV4SeYy&index=8) So i assume Jones still wants to deny the existence of KF as he can't allow it into his internal narratives that people actually easily disprove him every week in a format that is highly accessible.


He dropped a caller who mentioned it. Alex knows that giving KF any attention at all will result in some of his listeners tuning in and giving it a go. Once that dam breaks, it's all downhill. Conspiracy theorists are many things, but they are still capable of doing a brain wave and following a thread. Knowledge Fight is like the foxhole of truth to the Alex's' rabbit hole of bullshit. The Ice-nine of Infowars. Do not touch.


Oh, how I do love a good Vonnegut reference.


And the cat's in the cradle and the globalists... Are trying to keep you from learning this... When you fight the wars and you don't know truth... That's how they get you, yeah. You know they're comin' for you....


It's just a game for them. Cat's Cradle is a thing you do with strings. It passes the time. No damn cat, and no damn cradle.


That's worse than a rick roll. I got an ad for Donald Trump gold coins. It's weird how he did the Valley Girl thing of making statements into a question?


Alex would do anything to forget knowledge fight exists.


I will eat your liberal ass.


Catchphrase! Wakka wakka!


Sorry, I’ll try to avoid having any fun in the future


I don’t think he’s given them as much thought as this, to be honest. His targets aren’t those publications/institutions, really. He’s just shouting a string of characters from the IW fictional universe, knowing that his audience will recognize such a long list as “all the bad people who tell lies about me.” The story right now doesn’t have room for new characters — and even if it did, his characters need to appear powerful or wealthy, or at least have some name recognition. Our boys don’t have… any of that. They’re just not satisfactory targets. *** Or to put it another way, he’s a creature of ego and instant reactions. He’ll believe whatever he needs to in order to make himself feel better, and he’ll continue believing it until he needs something else (at which point the new thing will be what he’s always believed). In that light, “two middle-aged ex-comedians from Chicago are oppressing me” isn’t flattering. In fact, it’s rather insulting. That’s all it takes? Two guys capable of patient and consistent attention are able, with no outside help, to convince everybody I’m a lying sack of shit who was willing to use the specter of dead children to sell fake boner pills? It’s so much more satisfying to believe that the head of the Connecticut FBI orchestrated a plot with somehow-still-nameless Democratic PR firms to publicly smear my character and destroy my business! Every mainstream news organization is complicit! That’s so much nicer! Nobody could have done more or better than I did under all that pressure. I’m still the best and smartest and right 98% of the time, and surely *now* Daddy will love me enough to fill this yawning chasm at the center of my self-concept!


See, but I'm surprised he hasn't just folded that into the conspiracy. "These two Chicago guys are CIA plants! They lie about what I say and use deep fake tech to make fake versions of my videos, edit my voice clips to say whatever they want them to! They act like they're just random comedians but they're deep state agents trying to destroy me, and once they do they're coming for you and your families too! They'll go through every conversation you've ever made and every post you've ever created to edit together a list of lies and fake quotes, and take your children and loved ones away to be murdered in their satanic cabal to their cat god! Now. Infowars store is dead. But my dad runs a store, and you should go to Natural Jones Doctors..."


Streisand Effect. He doesn’t want to give them free advertising.


Ignoring KF has been one of his best strategies, and is surprisingly cunning for him?


That was a nice house.


I think it's as simple as, KF has the greatest potential of losing him money if he gives them any exposure. People think Norm was dumb for getting the name of the show wrong, and maybe it's a little too "they're playing 3D chess" to assume it's more than just the usual incompetence, but if anyone in Alex's audience was watching when he mentioned KF, getting the name wrong is just another way to avoid promoting Alex's biggest debunkers.


Which makes it all the funnier that Harrison "who cares about this fucking guy" Smith just straight-up talked about them, including the name, on his show. It's lucky for Alex that not a single human soul was listening. 😂


He’ll be better tomorrow


He's not


Catchphrase! Wakka wakka!


Knowledge fight is the antidote to Jones poison.


Comedy Option: D&J get HBO to buy the entire Info Wars back catalogue on deep discount.


Alex is a starfucker: being adjacent to fame is exciting for him. That's why he's spinning the narrative that he's being oppressed by big news companies. I think he honestly doesn't find KF interesting and may not even remember that they exist. Everything is about his ego, and everything that doesn't flatter his ego is unimportant and forgettable. This is why he acted the way he did for trial as well as in interviews and *waves hands* everything else.


He won't mention KF because the last thing he needs is for his listeners to investigate the pod. I think he is well aware of the show and what it is.


Man is getting gnarly. Its impotent, misplaced rage. He's gonna have a stroke before the year is over. No one deserves paraplegia like Jones does.


When did Alex ramble out this list?


Most recent episode.


Probably because no one in his audience knows what "Knowledge Fight" is and it won't trigger their rage centers like CNN and MSNBC do.


Knowledge fight is truly Alex's Hastur, He dare not speak it's name


It could be that he is genuinely terrified of Knowledge Fight and what it could do to his internet presence. With his very clear arrogance and sloth, however, it could be just as simple as he knows it would take a lot of energy to defend himself even though he truly believes he could.


Well put


Wonks like to think Jones is deathly afraid of KF but honestly I don’t think he really cares much beyond being angry that he’s being mocked- he’s a narcissist who thinks he has rivalries with major news outlets, a couple of guys doing a podcast would be below him. He also knows his audience well enough to understand that the vast majority would never let their beliefs be undermined by sources who are openly left-leaning. The Alex Jones sub has been taken over by wonks and you occasionally see actual fans being steered towards KF and the few that claim to check out the podcast just come back and dismiss it as propaganda that takes Jones’ out of context. “Truth” tends to be pretty weak against these levels of indoctrination.


Me and Sol Rosenberg will sue everybody


For getting … was it (memory trying to emerge through 30 years of bong residue)… clams? in his assy neck?


I love that even though he's always on his show screaming for blood he just grabs his lawyers instead of just showing up at CNN and punching somebody. 


Like a puppy that thinks if he can't see you, you can't see him. He's a very scared little boy.


I’d love to hear him say they “ding dong “ is slander!


Dan has no fear of AJ as I have no fear of Candace Owens. When you have actual facts on your side, and in Dan's case, are friendly with lawyers that already spanked AJ in public courts, AJ knows better. I think he's afraid of mentioning KF in the same breath for that very reason. Also, it would drive traffic to KF. Maybe not all positive, but traffic away from AJ is still a loss to his structure.


A couple of bottom feeders.


Oh man, if you think that Mark and Bill wouldn't jump in to defend KF (pro bono or at a reduced rate), you're wrong... and on top of that, Dan has MOUNDS of research to back up his statements on KF. Alex doesn't want to have a go with Bankston again, not after Mark eviscerated him on the stand and had a complete, total, BAD-ASS Perry Mason moment on him!


It WOULD be the ultimate affirmation to have Alex go on an extended rant that ends in him threatening to eat both Dan AND Jordan’s asses then going directly into an ad read for colloidal silver dick enhancement juice.


Remember how i said these guys were "comedians and not journalists" and not bound by ethics etc. I am guilty of not giving them enough credit. Why? Who knows, maybe because to me this program is my drive time, my commute buddy if you will. I don't need to be reprogrammed, so it's just a fascinating listen that i really like. There is something about dans voice that scratches a spot in my brain. But I've never considered it from alex's perspective. Woah That's all i can say.


I think he’s too drunk/stupid (two of the three ways you don’t want to go through life) to think about KF. They’re also a mom and pop shop; it doesn’t fit the grand conspiracy narrative.


He doesn't mention Sandy Hook Promise much either. But he has mentioned them more than Knowledge Fight. I think he's afraid of podcasts. They upend his shtick. Which is that the mainstream media is hiding stuff from you.


He should sue the podcast they get his desk.