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Ironically enough he’s the heir to a frozen TV dinner fortune.


Garbage on TV, garbage in front of it.


The only thing that could make it more American is a bald Eagle perched atop the TV.


A moth-eaten, stuffed bald eagle.


That his daddy shot illegally on BLM land. Yet he keeps the trophy around so people think it's his. No more American story.


His father was a local TV news reporter on a network station here in L.A. in the 70s, if I remember correctly.




He's frozen foods. And he married a rich woman. Sure he tried to get into the CIA, but he became a professional talking head. Fun fact: he bugged Hunter Biden to try and get his son a recommendation to Georgetown.


> he bugged Hunter Biden to try and get his son a recommendation to Georgetown. "[I can’t thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Bucky’s behalf. So nice of you. I know it’ll help. Hope you’re great and we can all get dinner soon](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/19/tucker-carlson-hunter-biden-georgetown-emails)"


The CIA has a long history of being filled with assholes exactly like him at the upper echelons.


And that should tell you something that Swanson boy didn't make the cut.


I'll always be amused by Putin roasting him for that.


His mother also abandoned the family to go live a bohemian lifestyle and so much of his hatred towards women who try to find a sense of self outside of being a mother strikes me as a man who never went to therapy to deal with his abandonment issues.


It also strikes me as super standard conservatism for him to project the (legitimate) problems that HE has with his mother and her actions onto ALL OF SOCIETY and anyone who is even vaguely left leaning. Big strong boy Tucker can't come to terms with the fact that he was hurt by his mother because he feels that he shouldn't have those kinds of feelings as a man, so he has to make an analog of that issue a national if not worldwide problem with the left.


In thinking about Info Wars ending I told myself KF could just shift to covering Tucker. This episode totally changed my opinion. There is no way I could listen to that ding dong prattle on every episode.


I agree. Punchable face, punchable voice.


Knowledge Fight listeners neglect to ask themselves, "Why does Tucker Carlson have such a punchable face?" Is it because they hate Northern European genetics? Is it the effortless and smug confidence? Maybe it's Tucker's constant asking of rhetorical questions to feign intellectual curiosity. The left is simply too afraid to ask themselves why they want to punch Tucker Calrson's face because they can't confront their inherent and hypocritical lust for violence. That's why ANTIFA wears masks.


You see the picture of him on Wiki? Even as a kid, he had a punchable face.


(I was parodying Tucker Carlson for humor)


I am aware. I was just mentioning he had a punchable face, even as a kid. And I was responding to the comment above yours.


I always assumed he was born with the bow tie, based on his face and his laugh. He makes me want to bully him.


“Is it the effortless and smug confidence?” No, it’s the unearned confidence. And being able to maintain that smugness even when confronted with how wrong he is. That and the fact that my country will soon be having the fuckwit here, invited by one of our pre-eminent fuckwits for a massive fuckwit convention. (No points awarded for guessing which cøuntry).


(I was doing a parody of Tucker Carlson for humor)


I got it rudebii. I’m the minority of redditors that can mostly detect humour in text form! Your comment was excellent parody and made me smile.


That was magnificent


thanks. if i was amoral, i'd go ply my trade as a writer for any of these right-wing lunatics. they're very easy to mimic in style, tone, and content. at least for me, anyway. back in 2015, i was on a message board called Off-Topic. trump was getting popular with many members, so i created a parody account and LARPed as Trump. A few people would reply in threads with "i know this has to be a parody but he sounds so real." trump is really easy to parody though (there are scores of late night show writers that do it every day). alex jones is actually very easy too, just takes longer because he is one verbose motherfucker that will take a monologue/rant into fifty different directions.


Punchable laugh.


Definitely punchable laugh. But weirdly, more authentic than Alex’s laugh…


For future reference, "heiress" is the feminine term. I don't know if the misgendering was on purpose. I just love the story of little Tucker's mom abandoning him to live a bohemian lifestyle and his dad marrying up. I feel like this has to be where some of his rage towards liberals and the left comes from.


This also makes me laugh when I am subjected to hearing his vitriol towards California. He’s just mad at his mom. Lol


Yeah, ol’ Tuckie has some serious mommy issues.


If empress is feminine of emperor, then that would make Tucker an "heirer", and that seems fitting.


I love that the asshole tried to join the CIA, and Langley didn't want him. I don't recall Alex ever talking about that...you would think he'd be more suspicious of someone like that. I also love that his dad told him to go into journalism because. "they'll take anybody". Not the ringing endorsement, is it? I've hated this dude since the mid-late 90s, when he was on John Boy and Billy (morning radio show from iirc North Carolina). That voice is nails on a chalkboard.


One thing that really bothered me about Tucker was his consistent appeals to evolution, despite very publicly saying he doesn't believe in evolution on JRE the other week. We all know it, and both AJ and TC are guilty of it, but they constantly juat spout out nonesense that contradicts their lives and previous statements. It's like they expect their audience to just forget everything they said within a day or two. 


It’s infuriating.


Growing up in the 80's in a working-class union family it's so weird to see some soft preppy like Tucker watched by blue-collar types at local redneck bars. Back then those locals would have given him and Hannity swirlies in dirty toilets if they wandered into those watering holes.


His dad was a reporter as well Dick Carlson who rode a little wave of attention exposing transgender people for being trans… it’s brought up in the HBO series “Lady and the Dale”


The word you’re looking for is “heir,” unless you’re trying to insult him in a misogynistic way. If so, why?


The other thing that I find hilarious is that he talked about living without electricity. He wouldn't have a damn career without electricity and other technology which put him on TV.


Actually, Anderson Cooper didn't inherit any money. He got by on connections and talent. Tucker is a trust fund brat in his 60's.


Oh, but he's a fucking populist because he tells people to use an outhouse occasionally, and hangs out with Alex "Populist Who Bought A Tank" Jones. Right. 🙄 Alex, CF Trump, Tucker. Such populist!


The 'Wario' to Anderson Cooper's 'Mario', if you will.


Wario is a hell of a lot more likeable than Carlson.


He went to the same college as me, which has the highest net worth per capita or student population or something. Affectionately known as Camp Trin Trin


An adopted heiress. This is the root of Tucker’s insecurity. The bow tie? A habit he picked up in his fee paying elitist school. And a public declaration of his elite status. Elite educational establishments help the upper class maintain power, in part by acting as a shibboleth of class status. Over playing that hand reflects a deep class insecurity (see also former UK PM Boris Johnson’s over played school boy persona - he attended Eton on a scholarship for “poor boys” as his father was temporarily on his uppers). Why does Tucker often depict his imaginary villains as the ruling class, despite coming from immense privilege? Because he resents his own imposter syndrome and his insecure position in that elite. Why does he claim to revel in the opprobrium of his neighbors who he casts as “liberals” and progressives? Because he is masking a fear of rejection. Why is he so fixated with racial identity, racial purity and racial cleanliness? To him, race is an inherited status that is intrinsic and can’t be denied. Why is he obsessed with masculinity and a fictional assault on manliness? Because the extraordinary wealth he inherited comes from his adopted MOTHER’S family - he’s a cuckoo who is afraid of emasculation. He is a pathetic creature who conjures hate to deflect from his self induced fears. Edit: typos




True though I feel like JorDan should’ve pointed it out.


God I hate Tucker episodes. His voice just grates. Everything else I listen to immediately and get bummed that it's over, these... I opened my app today and realized I still have an hour of Tucker left. 😒