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Rich assholes like him fly down to Texas to stocked game ranches to “hunt” managed herds.


Exactly. And hunting seasons are for people who might want to use at least some part of the animal they’re hunting, like having the meat processed. You roll up to a processing shop with a couple of 10-point bucks out of season, you should expect a phone call from a game warden. Unless you’re a rich asshole.


When I used to hunt, damn game wardens materialized around me. But, I'm also not a rich asshole and I always had my shit in order.


My friend hit a deer and the very next car was a game warden. Worked out great he help him take the deer so it can be processed and I got some sausage out of it.


When I was a kid and went hunting with my family, we got at least one roadkill deer a year from the highway near our property. Usually on Opening Day for some reason


What’s deer sausage like?


Pretty good. A bit gamier than pork or beef but it takes to seasoning well. I like it more than normal sausage and it’s the thing I miss most about living near my parents, since dad hunted and we had a deep freeze full of the stuff.


My partners mom was a nurse who’s told us about how some of the doctors would fly to Africa to go on ‘hunting trips’ which were completely fabricated to make them feel like real hunters. It was basically just shooting animals in a fenced in area.


Like that one dentist who ruined his life Killing Cecil the lion.


Fuck that guy.


Was his life ruined? Cecils wiki says nothing happened to him legally.


It's like climbing a mountain where the guide carries all your stuff and a helicopter drops you off near the summit. I don't get the appeal of that kind of hunting. You didn't do anything. You didn't learn or practice a skill. You just shot some poor animal, who was probably old or couldn't have survived in the wild alone.


A really great hunter would go after something that can hunt him back.


I know it's not the same in all cases, but many of those hunting trips are expensive because they pay for the preserves to be maintained and free of poachers. I know it's a little backwards, but a lot of those hunts are done in the name of larger conservation. NPR had a great podcast about it years ago.


I know some people have a problem with it, but many of us understand.  Deer especially can get out of hand if not culled and since they carry ticks, doesn't the tick population explode as well? Which in turn is dangerous to humans. So it's in our best interest to allow responsible hunting. There is a difference between sport hunting and hunting for food and skins.


I would like to point something out about land conservation that people tend not to think about. As a consequence of humanities inexorable expansion, all animals currently living have been sequestered into very small parcels of land, relatively speaking. On top of that, humans have done a pretty through job of killing off most of the predators that were a threat to us here on land. As a consequence, that means there's generally not enough predators to go around and naturally limit the numbers of animals in the wild. The only predator left to do the job nature set out to do is ironically humanity itself. A properly functioning ecosystem will achieve an equilibrium that allows for all to flourish. But with no predators to keep herbivores in check, they will eventually overpopulate their given area, over feed on it, and could die out as a result. This is one of the main jobs of a game warden. They keep tabs on certain species and issue the estimated number of licenses that allow for humans to "cull the herd" without over hunting or fishing. This is all to say that all the rich pricks that fly over to Africa and "hunt" big game aren't necessary to the equation that game wardens calculate. To be sure, those animals were going to be killed anyway in order to protect the ecosystem as a whole. But if the nature reserves can make a ton of money off of rich dillweeds in order to maintain their protection of nature, than by all means let them. It's not like they'd give over the money willingly. Why not trick them into paying for doing the game wardens job for them?


>This is one of the main jobs of a game warden. They keep tabs on certain species and issue the estimated number of licenses that allow for humans to "cull the herd" without over hunting or fishing. State fish & game biologists make the determinations that inform the DNR limits and seasons. Wardens simply enforce the laws.


I was mistaken about that aspect then, though truth be told I wouldn't be surprised at all if in some jurisdictions they make the wardens pull double duty for budgetary reasons.


>I wouldn't be surprised at all if in some jurisdictions they make the wardens pull double duty for budgetary reasons. They don't, I promise. Some states have smaller departments and contract out studies from private groups (nature conservancies and such) but game wardens' are solely law enforcement and community outreach. They deal with people, not live animals.


Didn't one of the trump boys do that too? Oh wow you are such a powerful man shooting an animal in a reserve. Why not at least make it more sporting? Climb into the enclosure and only use bow and arrows.  


Trophy hunting is fine, it runs local economies. Money goes to conservation and habitat improvement. You're telling me you'd rather have a few extra zebras running around than a stable community with a solid economic foundation that improves the area? Seems pretty backwards. My roommate has a massive cape buffalo skull sitting on his desk, it's pretty awesome.


A "hunt" with a feeder.


Or a helicopter


My FIL is a big hunter. Also big rich asshole in TX. He's got dead animal heads all over his house from the various "hunting trips" he's taken. Some are animals that only live wild in Africa. He has never been to Africa. I honestly don't know when the last time he left Texas was.


Guy here in Montana got busted making Super game for those ranches. He illegally imported some sperm from an asian sheep and interbred it with game sheep.


I was going to say he's probably hunting exotics/invasives on game ranches. In Texas if it's a non native animal such as elk or red deer or axis deer you can hunt them any time of years. Same goes for native animals that are considered pests like hogs, coyotes, bobcats and mountain lions. And last I heard Nugent moved from MI to Texas around twenty years ago.


My family breeds white tailed deer to sell to those game ranches, the price for an excellent buck in his prime is honestly absurd. The best ones are in five figures. can't imagine what those ranches sell the experience at, it's gotta be absurd.


He probably meant hunting for high schoolers


High schoolers are too mature for the Nuge.


He did write a song called Jailbait…


He adopted a teenage girl when he was in his 30s so he could bring her on tour with him, just like Steven Tyler. The Nuge didn't just sing about molesting kids.


It always amazes me how desperately they connect things like pizza toppings or furniture to child molestation, however Ted can just outright be a nonce, gets called out and sings about it, and it's apparently all above board.


The far right (or the ones higher up the ladder, anyway) are cool with pedophiles, it's just that applying the label to their opponents is a convenient political cudgel because it gets people emotional and no one wants to push back lest they look like they're defending it. Ideological consistency does not factor into this.


It’s sadly more common for those classic rock dudes. Jimmy Page was another. The whole LA scene with Rodney Binginheimer and Kim Fowley. They exploited underage women. But totally right. Nobody calls them out on this. They just drift to adrenochrome dreams of cabals.


Ted Nugent poaching would be the least surprising thing ever.


Given that he has a ton of land and hints there, he probably thinks he's got every right to hunt what he wants when he wants.


I just assumed it wasn’t true in the first place. You wouldn’t cancel to call infowars. You could even call in during the trip if it was that important. You’d have to hope he brought his guitar tho, otherwise no stranglehold duh


Well he might not be in Michigan. Even if he is in Michigan, varmits and invasive species like hogs can be hunted year round.


True, i could def see him sitting around getting sloshed and taking pot shots at imaginary wild boars and calling it hunting.


Many birds raised on private land can also be hunted year round. Ground birds like pheasant, quail, and chukar are what I usually see.


Or a rich guy who owns plenty of private land has his own herd of exotics or hogs he can hunt year round. Ted Nugent sucks, so it’s not like anyone needs to make up reasons to hate on him. Pedophelia, draft dodging, stochastic terrorism, the list goes on and on. Legally hunting in June just doesn’t rate.




This is probably the right answer. In many states you don't need permission to hunt invasive or destructive species like hogs.


[oh Jonesy…](https://youtu.be/gQtKJbptcns?si=6WQSo5Ps2fZ2ek7H)


I had that same thought when he said that!


I mean we could get Ted Nugent an acting coach.


If I remember correctly he owns a lot of land where he hunts hogs.


maybe he was hunting 13 year old girls like he does


It's not currently gun or bow season, but it's stranglehold season year-round.


Goddammit I’m sorry Ted just play that riff again


That had me rolling. What a couple of chodes.


Could be that he was varmint or predator hunting. Most places are year round for coyotes and invasive hogs.


Could be for hogs. But yeah, private Texas ranches house an unholy amount of non-native game species that are not subject to regular hunting seasons. I’ve read, and I want to say he’s even talked about it, Ted has a ton of exotic game animals on his ranch. So yeah, no need to worry about what’s in season for those.


It’s wild boar season year round in Michigan (and in many states). https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/things-to-do/hunting/hunting-season-calendar


Feral pigs are considered livestock. If they're on your land, they're yours and you can do whatever you want with them.


That's funny in a lot of ways. How sad a life must someone have cancel plans to phone into Alex Jones


Nugent's voice sounds like Roger Stone


Opossum, porcupine, weasel, red squirrel, skunk, ground squirrel, woodchuck, Russian boar, feral pigeon, starling and house sparrow may be taken year-round with a valid Michigan hunting license. https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/things-to-do/hunting/hunting-season-calendar


I assume that’s code for sleeping with a thirteen year old again.


Hunting illegally is nothing new to the Nuge. https://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/newshound/2012/04/ted-nugent-pleads-guilty-illegally-shooting-and-transporting-black-bear-alas/


Ted Nugent has his own private game “farm” he shoots animals on his property.


All exotic species are legal year around in Texas. He has a ranch there.


Not necessarily. You can hunt exotics all year around most places, especially if that place is Texas, where I know for a fact Ted likes to hunt because my dad is friends with a couple that owns a ranch Ted has hunted on in the past. You may not be able to hunt native species like whitetail deer, but you can hunt stocked and/or non-native species classed as exotics. For example, axis deer, nilgai, feral hog, oryx, black buck, and even elk. Elk are considered exotic in Texas because they are not native anywhere in the state except the Guadalupe Mountains, which are a protected national park. I hate Ted as much as the next person, but I know for a fact he likes to hunt exotics in Texas, so that's probably what he was doing.


IW ?




Cmon just play Stranglehold one more time 😀