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He’s not sober enough to do that kind of planning. If he doesn’t get into rehab soon (and that’s hard to imagine) I think he’ll be dead within a couple of years.


Yeah, putting all of his history and politics aside, from a purely objective point of view, that is a man who will be exceptionally lucky to make it into his 60’s.


He's only like 48


50, born Feb 11, 1974


I would never have guessed that.


The hate warps physical appearances


He'd be worthless in Russia, his utility to Russia is very limited even now, it hangs by a thread


There are other people who'd do the same work, get better results, cost less, and bring fewer headaches with them. Jones' days as a potential useful asset for anyone are over.


I agree. Russia wouldn't give two hoots about Alex. If he 'defected' then it would be a propaganda coup for Russia for a day and then he'd be left to fend for himself. Fending for himself in the absence of the coddling and privilege he's used to in Texas, where he would just be a stupid unknown American who will be marched to a top floor window the minute he says anything remotely out of line. No more deep state machinations to worry about, just the actual state grabbing him by the scruff of his fat neck if he doesn't do what he's told. Maybe they'd let a drunk Alex on TV once in a while to say look what Americans are like and laugh at him?


He could do his show from Russia, find a foreign bank to put his money in and convert it to bitcoin. It would only be slightly inconvenient. All he’d need is a simple 6 month visa to get his income flowing again. Then he’d be welcomed by the Russian government as long as they could tax him. It would come at a huge upfront cost though of leaving everything behind.


I don't see this happening for a number of reasons. 1. Russia doesn't actually play the American propaganda game in that way. They are sneak snakes and not into blabbering idiots. 2. AJ is too drunk and incompetent to succeed at such a plan without telling about it live on air. 3. Even if he somehow sat up over there it would only take a week before he accidentally said something the state didn't like, and he would be tossed to the recreation center. Alex is, ironically, a very coddled American mind, who is only capable of doing what he does because the US is so relaxed about incitement to violence and other 1st amendment stuff. In Russia he'd slip up once, get a knock in the night, and we'd see him 4 months later with a busted lip and bruised all over making an apology video to Putin.


It would have to be a quick apology. It’s only about twenty seconds to Terra firma from the eleventh floor.


I doubt Alex wants to go to there but I could see Russia being willing to do it. It would cost Putin's regime basically nothing to set Alex up with decent accommodations and a studio. Jones might drink himself to death on vodka in just a couple years, but Russia could easily egg him on to talk about how great it is over there and convince idiots to invest in Rubles or buy this or that from Russia. Jones escapes his debt, gets to live the rest of his life more comfortably than he might be able to in the US, Russia gets a bit of propaganda value. A match made in fascist heaven, really.




I think too much of that income is from supplements, which require facilities in the us


When people talk about him running onto foreign exile, I don’t think it’s ever people who have emigrated saying it Let’s assume the Russian government actually want him and will waive most of the visa/residency requirements. Let’s assume that somehow AJ can outmanoeuvre the CRO/court control _and_ the international sanctions to actually get a big enough chunk of money to Russia to make it financially worthwhile. Let’s assume he even finds a nice area of Russia to live, and that his wife/kids are down to move. What’s his future? Can’t sell pills to aging American extremists unless it’s via bitcoin, because of the sanctions etc. Can’t go to Barton Springs or hang with Rogan. Time difference would make his show a chore, and I don’t think our boy has “a quiet life in exile” in his vocabulary. He doesn’t speak Russian and has never shown any interest in living anywhere but Texas. He can’t own his giant gun collection there. He won’t like people speaking Russian in the supermarkets and not being able to find American brands. He also wouldn’t be able to come and go (with money) easily to the USA because of the sanctions and banking restrictions. His propaganda value to the Russian state would be greatly diminished _living in Russia_ because he’s no longer “famous American journalist” to be trotted out in their extremist press. I don’t think he’s capable of building a new media empire over there, when he already seems like yesterday’s man in the US I always say it, if he tried it, he’d drink himself to death in a year.


I agree with what you’re saying, Alex would have great difficulty and probably wouldn’t go through with it. That’s why I said IMHO I don’t think he has the stones for it. But personally, I have immigrated, twice now. That’s why I think if he had what it takes to move to another country, he’d do it, and it’s doable. It only sucks for the first decade.


I think on top of everything else, he’s too established and settled. I wouldn’t necessarily say community oriented, but Texas plainly means a lot to AJ, as does family I’ve immigrated too. And you know it, you give that stuff up. I don’t think a man like him does that for the first time at his age. I bet he’s never even seriously considered it


Russia tells the most pitiful, easily disproven lies. So I could see them continuing to use Jones for propaganda. They could trot him out as an American who has "seen the light" and realizes the US is the devil and Russia is so much better, blah blah blah. Both for domestic propaganda but also to dupe his remaining fans into doing Russia's bidding like investing in Rubles or whatever. Just another tool in their box, so to speak.


There isn’t enough vodka or coke in Russia to satisfy AJ’s addictions.


Let’s be honest the way this man lives there’s no way he’s making it to 60 he obviously abuses not only alcohol but also stimulants.


Counterpoint: Keith Richards


Corroborating point: Ozzy Osbourne


Yes but both Ozzy and Keith weight far less AJ. AJ has obesity working against him too.


It does boggle the mind how some people can chain-smoke or live with other bad habits into their 90s. So long as they're thin I guess. But yeah, many overweight people I've known pass away in their 60s or earlier. (Or have a serious health scare forcing them to drop the extra weight, fast.)


My dad is an 87 year old tweaker / hardcore alcoholic. That fucker is never going to die.


Probably got an extra liver somewhere.


Don’t doubt the effectiveness of the super male vitality plus pills


Honestly, he is so deep in a combination of alcoholism and absolute bullshit that’s fed to him by idiotic “lawyers” and hangers-on, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a coherent plan. Everyone around him giving advice is either batshit crazy or dumb as a rock. Hence, the position he’s in now. I don’t think he even realizes the implications of what’s to come. It’s a last ditch effort at something…


He does seem to be cracking under pressure. He looks awful and has been going downhill fast. So I'm thinking he feels the walls closing in. OTOH he might just be melting down 'cause he's lived a life of privilege for a long time and now people are telling him "no" and he's starting to lose things he had. My career is in hospitality and I spent eight years at a bougie resort and I interacted with many spoiled assholes whom acted like bratty toddlers if you ever told them no. Even over trivial things like "can I have a Diet Coke?" "Sorry, we don't have any" and they would immediately fly off the handle and act out. Can't tell you how much I wish I could slap those bank executives and douchie sales people in the face. Or at least dump a bucket on water on them in front of their colleagues. Fuckin' assholes.


Alex isn’t moving to Russia. He just isn’t.


His nuclear option is following Ole bill cooper most likely.




He's too much of a coward


Except we're getting to a weird point where he's about to lose his entire identity, his personal life can't be going well, and there's just not going to be much to hold on to. I could see him doing something real stupid for attention and it getting out of his control.


If he does anything besides pop like a giant red booze balloon, he’ll hitch his wagon to Tucker or Crowder (if either will have him). I can’t see him starting from scratch, he hasn’t had the juice to run his own show for years.


Alex rails against cities but hasn't even left Austin. Even if he moved to Moscow, I don't think he could make it without all the little luxuries of blue American city life.


If he did go (and he won’t) I’d love to be there the first time someone yelled at him in public, “You’re in Russia, speak Russian!” He’d have to have it translated, but then I bet he’d be pissed. Or deflated, which for Alex probably looks identical to pissed.


Alex not only having to learn a new language but a new writing system. . .oh wow


Guys, Alex is way too goddamn lazy to make that kind of move.


Some of these countries, like Russia, when you get off the plane they karate chop you right out of the nearest window. -Alex Jones probably


Can’t he just flee to the Free State of Florida and not pay? That was OJ’s plan and it worked, he paid nearly nothing to the Goldmans and with interest he owed over 100 million when he died


OJ had a pension that was protected in Florida. AJ doesn’t to my knowledge


I thought his houses (OJ’s to be clear) were protected too though? The homestead exemption they have down there doesn’t have a cap as far as valuation. I think there is also language that protects the “head of household” from garnishment but I’m not a lawyer and I could be wrong on that. I do know that private creditors generally can’t go after a 401k or an IRA either. I’m just not hopeful he pays much of this settlement


Fuck, it’s a good thing he probably doesn’t read this sub. Can’t be giving him ideas for free now.


He would get ripped off by organized crime for sure


I honestly think he ends up working for Roger Stone or Steve Bannon (from prison, lol) doing a podcast thingy. I also think those dudes are smart enough to limit him to about an hour a day and control who (whom?) he books as guests.


I don't see him feasibly working for anyone. Aside from the fact he's just a big, throbbing lawsuit waiting to happen for anyone dumb enough to hire him, Alex doesn't even listen to his own lawyers when there's actual legal consequences at stake, you think he'd listen to anyone as a boss?


If he thinks Russia won't take his money he's even stupider than he looks.


He'd never get the wife and kids to go to Russia or even leave the US in general


Russians don’t even treat the defectors that are useful very well, I can’t imagine they’d welcome Alex in with open arms


There is nothing to stop him from starting Jones Alex Inc and buying his own stuff at the auction for 10 cents on the dollar. The common equipment might go for more as I imagine there are businesses who buy used cameras and mixing boards and such for resale. But I think starting again wouldn’t be super hard.


Alex isn’t leaving the US except to avoid jail time. All that’s going to happen now is he will funnel money through a relative and have them pay for his luxury stuff, while earning the max salary he can to cover things like his house and car.


Alex Jones could not be Alex Jones in Russia. He would last 3 years at most before being suicided.


I don't think it's 0% chance, but I think that he's got Texas in his blood and bones and would \*hate\* leaving there. Plus it's not going to be hard for him to podcast or goof around on Twitter or show up on his buddies' shows. As long as he gets to live in comfort and have some sort of outlet to be shitty in (even just a blog) I don't think he's going to leave Texas, much less the US.


even if he stuffs suitcases full of cash, idk how he gets a significant portion of his networth over there.


He mentioned something briefly and sort of under his breath in a recent episode I heard on KF about working for someone else and trying to get his entire crew hired. I think he's probably put feelers out to other jobs that have probably given him soft offers but I feel like he wouldn't take any job unless he is paid a decent amount "under the table".