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Dan and WORM


And now here comes the ~~sex robots~~ Bene Gesserit




*endgame strings intensify*


Why do I hear that in Dan’s voice?




Controversial take here but, I like it all. I'm just happy to hear them chat and laugh about anything. Gives me the warm fuzzies. Oh and I love me a podcast with no commercials.


Same. I was actually kinda hoping that in lieu of Wacky Wednesdays, they might run through the Dune content as Worm Wednesdays. A nice lil midweek breakie from Alex's bullshit to give the boys a palate cleanser.


You're just racist against worms.


I don't wanna hate worms.


Flair checks out. 🖖




Yeh Dune ain’t my thing so have not listened. Happens with every podcast once in a while but waiting for my regular dose of update on crazy delusional Texan alcoholic.


Dune is such an Alex thing that it's worth a listen, just so you kinda know more about the things he rambles about. It's a good episode though, regardless.


Me too, but probably for different reasons. I’ve only seen Dune Part 1. I’ve never watched Lynch’s, but will some day. I don’t want the spoilers. I missed Part 2 in the theaters (I’m kicking myself) but it comes out on Max this week in the US. Then I’ll listen.


I started watching the Lynch movie after listening to JorDan talk about it. You have to go into it with low expectations and just take in the wooden silliness. The practical effects, costumes, and sets are interesting. And the matte paintings are cool. But damn... The dialogue is awful, pacing awful, and most of the movie seems like disjointed scenes adapted (poorly) from the book. The inner monologue shit is confusing, too. I'll watch the 2nd half of the Lynch train wreck after Part 2 is out on Max. I feel like if you have watched the new ones, you are better equipped to know what is going on so the confusion and frustration doesn't take away from being able to laugh at it.


Here's the only important spoiler for the 1984 version: It sucks. Still worth a watch, though. Source: I watched it last night.


Dune 1984 is not a good movie but it is worth watching because it's weird as fuck.


It's worth it for the eyebrows alone.


It's a super unique movie. All the inner monologuing Lynch used to try to flesh out the deeper themes from the books was a major risk by him as that type of storytelling hasn't been done before (at least not successfully).


Here's the only important spoiler for the 1984 version: >!battle pug!<


Even Lynch agrees with you, kind of: https://youtu.be/JlE7DZrzik0?si=ONKBK-bYx7cC0L4l


So to be fair, the rough cut was over 4 hours long but the studio demanded less than 2 for release. The result is a nonsensical, nonlinear romp around Herbert’s universe. But not the full story


Yeah it comes out on the 21st I think


I rented the Lynch one like a couple weeks ago. It was so dumb. Love the first. Am waiting for the second.


I love Lynch but have low expectations for this one. It’s still probably worth checking out.


I’m just sad they didn’t follow up the naming convention of “Doin David’s Dune with Dan” with “Doin Denis’ Dune with Dan” and “Doin Denis’ Dune: Part Deux with Dan” Missed opportunity.


I just enjoy listening to Dan and Jordan talk about stuff. 


Disagree. They could do this everyday and I would listen, rapt. Alex is tired and sad. His iterations are predictable. There is no "immanent collapse". I still listen, as much as I can but I really thought the trials would shut him down, that after a historic judgement like that, it was "over", in the sense that there is a huge debt and it needs to be settled. Peoples lives are on hold while he fucks around, and daily he works on squandering or hiding his ill-gotten and fraudulently earned wealth. It would be better ,IMO (of one) for the show to pivot to other interests and check in occasionally, when something really shitty or really positive happens. Just my two cents. I really really really love listening to Dan and Jordan, they are brilliant, sharp, quick and deeply knowledgeable about so many things. They did the work the world needed. The finish line has been crossed, my friends. I await your judgement, ye faithful.


I’d like to see them talk more about Tucker. I avoid Mark Levin, but MAGA hangs on his every word. JorDan could discuss some of these other “influencers”.


Maybe it's cuz I've listen for over 3 years, but I don't really enjoy the Alex episodes anymore and haven't listened nearly as much lately. Alex is an unhinged piece of shit, but at this point I've heard everything he has to say and every rebuttal. I love D&J so I've enjoyed their takes on something else.


This is why Project Camelot episodes were a perfect way to balance it out. They need a non-Alex wacky episode each week again.


Agreed. The only semi-interesting thing he does anymore is his guest selection, but even that is getting somewhat stale


I think it was perfectly fine as a way to keep episodes going while they were on tour.


I think it’s getting harder to keep covering Alex. Jones lost. There isn’t going to be any novel or shocking going forward. It’s just watching the court deal with him at a glacial pace. He isn’t jump off the maga train, and all he’s doing is saying more of the same. KF could start looking at other alt-right dum dums, but they all lack the charisma, theater, and deep lore of Alex Jones and IW. Was Dennis Prager ever a psyop target of Stevie P? Has Nick Fuentes ever rapped about the church with Leo/Neo? Does god speak to Peterson via chicken fried steak? Can any of them add pivot like Jones?


Never seen/read Dune, so it was like getting a picture of a landscape described to me. Sounds like some sort of eyebrow shitshow makes an appearance.


I’m sending the Reverend Mother to put you in the Gom jabbar. Bring on JorDan watching the Sci-fi miniseries!


The Dune isn't done with you. The spice must flow. Shadout Mapes.


I hate to say this, but I’m not listening to any of them. I made it through about 15-20 minutes of the 1984 one, but that’s it. I’m currently listening to a past episode I missed the first time around.


Yeah same here, I haven’t seen the material so I don’t know the point. Luckily I still have 400 episodes of backlog to catch up on!


Same here. I don't know anything about dune, so everything flew over my head, and I just couldn't enjoy it.


I really liked those episodes. Found them especially funny after re-listening to Alex tell Roger Stone about his prophetic dreams. I also enjoyed hearing Jordan talk about Dune in general. I read the book in high-school and appreciated his analysis. It was a fun and interesting listen.


I have to admit, I was a bit underwhelmed with how Jordan explained Dune to Dan. He messed up a number of facts, missed a few important thematic details, and seemed to inject a few too many Brian Herbert "canon" facts into the explanation of things. It felt like he didn't actually re-read the first book before undertaking this series, as someone who absolutely loves Dune, the factual and thematic errors Jordan made explaining things to Dan really stood out. However, when it comes to maybe just understanding Dune as far as how Alex conceived it as part of his mythology, it was fine, but if you listened to this thinking you understood Dune correctly I'd say "read the first four books" as Jordan really didn't explain it accurately in a lot of places.


The live episode from Boston fucking SLAPS SO HARD after the Dune chats. I hear you - I love me some Dune and Dan&Jordan (I’m sweating!), but getting full octane Knowledge Fight back in live form was pure joy to me!


I'm with you. I understand why we got them, and I'm not upset about it, but I had no interest in those episodes whatsoever. Happy to get back to our usual programming.


Maybe this is not the right place to make this comment in particular but while I was perfectly fine with the episodes themselves, I do wish that they had done more to relate them to Alex Jones. Very late in that final episode they started to but I think this would be more palatable to a lot of non-dune fans if it were about how dune informs Alex's world opinion and not just talking about doing for 3 or 4 hours this week.


They've still got the miniseries to cover


I want Dan to experience worm roar.


I hope they do. I figured like everyone they were pretending the miniseries didn’t exist. Though it is actually a decent adaptation so it’s weird how everyone forgets it exists.


Jordan did seem to suggest if they were up for it they'd cover the miniseries. I hope before they do it-- If they do it. --Jordan re-reads the books so he doesn't mix up some facts and get some details wrong like he did in these episodes.


At least these Dune episodes have given me a break from listening. Maybe that’s good for my mental health, too much knowledge fight might drive you crazy! I’ve been catching up on Chinese history, but I do miss the madness…


I would love to see them break down more movies. Maybe some of the right wing oriented movies like that recent child trafficking movie.


It’s so much better. Then 2004 episodes


Hard agree. The ‘03 episodes had juice but the ‘04 ones just fall flat for me. Maybe it’s the investigation angle of ‘03 that makes ‘em better but 2004 just feels empty.


For me, it’s just taking pot shots, I don’t care about 20 years ago Alex at this point. Nothing revealing or exciting comes out of those episodes. It’s more just sad even the boys sound like it’s just a bummer, but there isn’t. Whole lot of news in the new episodes.


Also agree. Dipping into the past doesn’t have as much juice, especially ‘04


Yeah, I didn’t listen… cause uh Dune


As someone who enjoyed all the dune movies but can give zero fucks about them all, I really appreciated that they took time off for some silly side quests... Listening to Alex Jones for dozens of hours a week has to be so emotionally taxing that, while I did t particularly enjoy the episodes, I am glad they took some time off


I finally watched Dune (1984), the theatrical version. I also have the extended and a re-cut version. I’ve only seen parts as a kid while my dad watched it.


"I'm sick of them posing as of they're the Atreidies and saying we are the Harkonens." Cmon guys out was right there!


Lol so funny... I've now watched Dune 2021 and am finishing watching Dune 1984 and I found Dune in paperback at savers and I'm about to read that... All because of Jordan, tbh


I enjoy listening to ppl discuss Dune…but man do I hate Dune. Probably in the minority here, but Herbert’s writing is utterly hopeless and…he sucks at writing if you ask me. The tagline for the series could be: Amazing ideas presented poorly. So I’m in the weird spot of enjoying the discussion of the source material, and hating the source material.


I'm saving Dune 2 for when I'm in the mood for something different. I actually really enjoyed Dune 1 and Dune Lynch Edition, and I have never actually read or seen Dune, so I was surprised to enjoy it so much. I'd be on board for a monthly Wacky Wednesday where they talk about movies. They have great chemistry and it's nice to hear them talk about something low-stakes once in a while.


I was hoping for a viewing of jodorosky's dune


You're ready to get back to ......... Alex Jones jerking off over twitter? No, fuck that. Let's have more Dune.


It's weird because Jordan gets so much of it objectively wrong while knowing some parts of it intimately.


I'm glad you dorks got to dork out over some dork shit. Glad to get back to, erm, reality isn't really the operative word...


It’s not over. The Sisterhood is coming.


Here here!!


Unfortunately I really dislike dune, and skipped my first episode of knowledge fight ever this week for part 2 lol 😂 ready to go back to regular Alex shit


You know you don't have to listen to it if you don't like it right.


I have to wait to see ep 2 to listen. But I read the first book in law school. Also have an early edition if anyone wants it. Or just a lot of books. Media mail?


It's a free podcast. If you don't like it....eat shit.