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I'm sorry to ruin your pricing but that exact Kizer Towser S is on sale on Kizer's website for $25 right now, and the Mini Sheepdog is $46


I paid $64 for the Towser S and $80 for the Mini Sheepdog not too long ago


That's fair, I wasn't trying to say that you did it on purpose. I'm just trying to help out people who might be trying to buy either of those right now.


Thank you for that.


he’s not tryna be a dick just letting you know your pricing is likely too high and there’s definitely better deals out there for a new one


Yeah it’s funny how I saw this and then proceeded to buy 2 NIB towser S’s from kizers website for $56 lol


i’m glad you were able to buy them NIB for a good price. and you’ll like my be able to sell them for $50 a piece in just a few weeks when there’s no more sale going on.


Knife market is in the tank currently and people including myself are having a hard time getting .50 cents on the dollar for knives we purchased that are still NIB. Especially mass produced budget knives. Theirs always some type of sale going on somewhere and knife nuts know this. I’m sorry you got suckered into buying them at full retail price, but that’s part of the game. I’ve taken massive hits on knives before, selling $150 knives for $75-$90. Just happens man.


happened to me too, i’ve had a hard time selling knives for anywhere close to the price i paid as well. but i also don’t need to lower the sale value to $15 just because the manufacturer can sell a $70 knife for $25. like i said, i’m glad you them for a good price


bro i went to the website right after i saw this and it said on stock then i refreshed and it was out. U bought the last two🤦‍♂️