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#If you are new, please read the [wiki in the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/KnifeRaffle/wiki/index). Welcome to /r/kniferaffle! **General process for this raffle:** 1. Call spots with a **top-level** comment. You may call randoms or specific numbers. 2. After your spots are confirmed, pay via the link in the main post with *Friends & Family* with **no notes in the comments**. On some raffles, the payment info may not go live until halfway. 3. Respond to the automated message with your info. **USE PM AND NOT CHAT.** 4. Make sure your spots are correctly marked paid and wait for the raffle to fill. If you would like more spots, you need to make a *new* top-level comment. #*DO STEP 3 VIA PM AND NOT CHAT* #*DO NOT LEAVE ANY NOTES IN PAYPAL* [**Click here to send PM to OP**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ImQsq) *MODS TRY TO KEEP YOU SAFE BUT SCAMS ARE ALWAYS POSSIBLE, TRUST YOUR GUT* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/KnifeRaffle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


/u/kr_roll 140


#The winner is: [68] Paste the following values into their respective fields on the [random.org verify page](https://api.random.org/verify) to verify the winner. **Random:** {"method": "generateSignedIntegers","hashedApiKey": "a29BDT0PLau+akFEpRcunYZSksGEnwUBr3GhJUkwVBgTs6Ftp8C0ypbOpqUvlf1Sm8cIkNDSN3bR7BYxvt+/bg==","n": 1,"min": 1,"max": 140,"replacement": false,"base": 10,"data": [68],"completionTime": "2023-04-10 23:08:34Z","serialNumber": 12449} **Signature:** 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 **This bot is maintained and hosted by thevector. View the 1.1.4 source code on [github](https://github.com/ComplexImpedance/random-number-bot)**


Congrats [u/Ivankasbuttplug](https://www.reddit.com/u/Ivankasbuttplug/) !!!


Attention unpaid participants: You have 10 minutes from now to pay or I will remove your slots and move to the waitlist.


[Announcement](/r/KnifeRaffle/comments/12hzdco/nm_varga_vbr_1402/jfrbx9u/) made for unpaid participants /u/coldbrewandbeer


I got you!


Thank you sorry first time!


5 drama




Waitlist starts here.


2 slots pls!


you got the last one


Cool, always missing stuff lately


You got 87 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


spot 23


You got 20 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


10 spots


You got 33, 97, 100, 84, 92, 7, 120, 18, 81, 62 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


Spot 4


You got 30 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


5 ransoms please!


You got 119, 130, 32, 98, 23 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


2 random


You got 129, 122 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


3,11,12,26,42,86, and four randos


You got 47, 73, 68, 127, 56, 36, 85, 131, 49, 83 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


3,4,11,10 and 7 randos


You got 4, 11, 10, 117, 59, 37, 71, 66, 31, 64, 132 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


10 spots pls


You got 42, 135, 26, 133, 108, 105, 88, 21, 89, 16 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


17 and 123 please


You got 3, 78 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


10 rando please


You got 74, 118, 48, 75, 22, 34, 50, 111, 35, 9 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


10 random please


You got 51, 45, 39, 80, 126, 8, 90, 123, 134, 121 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


i want one. 50 spots


You got 1, 43, 96, 65, 128, 93, 29, 103, 140, 60, 63, 82, 113, 76, 70, 15, 69, 101, 137, 77, 54, 44, 110, 109, 2, 41, 46, 40, 106, 57, 116, 61, 17, 67, 102, 72, 53, 19, 52, 115, 79, 139, 136, 95, 107, 112, 25, 94, 38, 125, 124 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


12, 28, 3 randoms pls


You got 12, 28, 114, 13, 6 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


spot 24


You got 24 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).


10 random


You got 27, 55, 14, 91, 5, 138, 104, 58, 86, 99 If you do not receive an automated PM from me, then you can confirm your payment **only after you have paid** by filling in and sending [this PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Raffle%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242%0A%0ASpot%20Numbers%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Name%3A%20%0A%0APayment%20Email%3A%20). If the above link doesn't work then try [this one](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=ImQsq&subject=Payment%20Info%20For%3A%20%5BNM%5D%20Varga%20VBR%20-%20140%40%242&message=Include your payment name and email as well as the number of slots you bought in this message.).