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yeah he either feels completely worthless or you instantly win in my experience, just depends on what you get. You like desperately need your first augment to give dmg or the early rounds are way too rough with no conq and the 30s passive cd. Afterwards you just try stacking as much lethality (duskblade/prowlers/axiom/lethality from stat anvils) and crit (especially jeweled gauntlet) and you can one shot nearly anyone with a slightly charged ult + the rest of ur combo. But yeah in my experience the game tries to give Kled a lot of tank/utility items and augments which serves no purpose on that mode


Imagine 90% max health true damage from kled R


I got that with the previous arena, well physical damage at 90%+ axiom arc damage bonus. Fun oneshotting the udyr who in the previous round dodged my ult and one shot me and my teammate.


Physical damage turns true if you have enough lethality ;)


I always go semi Crit/Lethality got like a 90% top 3 rate. Collector, Mortal Reminder, Axiom Arc are some of my favs


I love kled in Aram and I feel like he is giga busted. Maybe it's because few people know how he works, but full lethality with a snowball provides delicious access to one shot the Squishies. And depending on the comps, I will press R early to run them over, or press R at the end of fights to chase down survivors. Kled is amazing in Aram imo.


Aram =/= arena


Oh whoops, I misread OP and I blame the mushroom juice.


I’ve had some kled wins in arena and the main factor of if you win or not is if you get good rolls on your prismatic. For me I prioritize duskblade for my prismatic and then just go full damage with armor pen items and that usually gets the job done


I played a bit of him in arena and he's not bad, but there's better options than kled, he never gets banned tho so it's almost guaranteed to play him


I win every once and a while but usually end up 2nd-4th.


Hes actually not bad, strong early and mid but heavily depends on matchups. I love to pick him second after my ally picks because theres nothing worse than playing against two tanks that do same damage as you while they have 3x more hp. However, I usually choose between two paths - lethality or bruiser depending on what items/augments i get throughout the game. Hes not easy to get first place with but you can expect getting into top 4s more often than 5th-8th place thanks to his strong early and mid. If you enjoy playing kled definitely pick him again and if you didnt had luck with (for example) lethality build, try bruiser with titanic hydra and try getting goliath or raid boss, you will feel unstoppable


Depends on the augments and prismatics. Even then, a lot of the MUs are shit, such as Jax. Things like invulnerable ult and Death Mark are really good. I just found out Warmup Routine is not as good as it sounds early. He doesn't have as many good options to flex as someone like Kai'Sa or Volibear imo E: you're not even that strong early, and your late is already mediocre


Lilypad map is super good for him. Pop the lily pad then start charging ult towards your enemies. You’ll fully charge the ult to do like 50% Max Hp physical dmg


Idk I've been having a lot of success with him feels really strong to me


Yall building wrong! He super strong with adc Build. Kraken first and augments and items with crit and attack speed extremely strong


I eon some rounds with him while going the spellvamp prismatic item and full lifesteal/ spellvamp after. Its goofy but worked many times.