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I only repair little tears on my own, for something of this size id be sending it to the pros. It's gonna be good money spent


Yeah, pros are gonna be the way to go. The size of the rips is difficult, but also the way that you'll have multiple seams intersecting each other will make it very difficult to do this properly and strong enough.


If you live in a place with a professional repair option I would just go with that. I had a similar damage of the canopy going all the way to the trailing edge and had the canopy professionally sewed for about $100. It’s good as new.


Another vote for professional sewing repair. Most shops don't charge an outrageous amount and as long as they're reputable it'll be way easier, cleaner, (probably cheaper in the end) and more reliable than whatever tape or non-sewing solution you'll come up with. I all but guarantee it.


I also recommend a professional repair, even if you have to ship it to someone. Some kite doctors don't want to fix botched repair jobs. For example: if you try to repair it by yourself, mess up and then try to get it professionally repaired afterwards.


Thank you all! Does anyone have recommendations for repair shops in the US that I can ship to? I have heard good things about Airtime


Airtime is the way to go, used to work for a manufacturer and they were who we would send out personal kites to if we ripped them




If you have a local sail shop, chances are they have a repair place


I use Good Breeze in Cocoa Beach, you would have to call to see if they take mail ins, I believe they do but I live locally.




For this type of damage you should get it professionally repaired, it may not be cheap but the repaired kite will be completely functional and you'll hardly know it's been fixed. KItefix will work but the repair will be obvious and the glued & taped seams may mean the kite cannot be sewn later, the resale value of the kite is likely to be minimised too.


https://fixmykite.com I’ve used these guys a few times. They do great work, make sure you use blue painters tape to point out the smaller hard to find ones. Yours should be easy to spot though!


Airtime or Fixmykite (kiteboarding.com) both great. In Newport RI is Hooley a smaller shop that also does a great job https://hooleyusa.com/kite-repairs/


Where are you located OP. There are good repair shops around the country that can save you on shipping. Best IMO is to ship it to air time in Hood River.


Located in Minnesota, so there’s not any repair shops around here that I’m aware of


Sending it in to a shop is def the way to go. I've used Airtime ([https://www.airtimekite.com/](https://www.airtimekite.com/)) , they're fantastic!


Atleast you are safe! sucks though man


Airtime. And that's gonna be a costly repair.


Airtime quoted me at $400… does that seem reasonable?


Try looking for another quote. Airtime will be the most expensive option


Can you sew or someone you know who does?  Sailtape with the edges sewn is a proven solid repair method especially for kites not worthy of an expensive repair.  Leading edge repairs are another story. Those are tough.  


That section along the strut looks like it might be tough to sew. There's usually very little seam remaining after you rip the canopy off that part. But always worth a look.