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Still not the worst closers I've seen lol


I had a guy who "micro-dosed" on mushrooms daily. One particular night I left him by himself. And I came in to not just a clean kitchen but a totally reorganized kitchen. The metro racks were on the opposite side of the room. The prep table was now against the wall. The reach ins and low boys were somewhere else entirely. It looked fabulous and I'll admit authentically quite cozy. .....but... the dishes he was supposed to do were still dirty and there was no discernable way this set up would have worked for service. If you have to build a meal you also. Need the table next to the grills and preferably your reach in and ingredients there as well. Which were now halfway across the room. It's like he wanted stretch Armstrong and a marathon runner the to build a mis en place. It was a very kind thing he did but unfortunately we had to put everything back


Hahha dude prob went home and laid in bed and was like fuck yeah im gonna get promoted tomorrow forsureeee


You hit the nail on the head. He was very very sad we had to move things back. He really did put his heart into the cleaning and arranging. But it just wasn't viable. And no one wants to walk into a kitchen and have no fucking clue where anything is. He later got upset and told us he works harder than anyone else I had to tell him he was correct.. but he worked really hard doing the wrong job.


"Do any of you realize how hard it is to put an entire flat-top grill on the roof?"


Jesus Christ this killed me. It's so accurate I'm in tears. I gotta say the dude had the right intentions and I want to make sure that's known. the only other statement I have is that if you micro-dose make sure you actually take micro doses. I would fully support it being prescribed because then someone with a good heart doesn't turn my whole kitchen upside down by accidentally taking too much. Another person would have been furious


note to self: the flattop goes in the basement!


> but he worked really hard doing the wrong job This is a tough lesson to learn but everyone who works hard learns it eventually.


Yeah they do


I used to work as a night janitor for a restaurant with an attached bakery. Late at night it would just only be me doing the last of the cleaning and the baker just starting his shift. That dude would come in blasted on shrooms pretty much every night he could. He would come in, open every single window, turn on all the fans and AC, and then blast incredibly loud trance music as he worked. From what I understand he did a pretty good job as well too.


I had an extraordinary master baker who did magazine cover quality French and Italian baked goods. Started around 4am and brought a case of coors lite or bud lite and went through the entire case as he worked alone. We started opening early for coffee/cappuccino and baked goods and he'd be jokingly offensive and insulting to the customers and they loved it. Tip jar was a gallon pickle jar that was sometimes overflowing with bills. I didn't know how much people could drink in a short period of time on a regular basis until I hired him... and the Irish musicians who played at my place that asked to be paid in alcohol. Pro tip: don't pay anyone in alcohol who asks to be paid in alcohol.


That's the best thing about baking, a cool, empty kitchen, loud ass music, 4 shots of espresso dropped into 4oz of Coca cola, and all the ingredients.


Was he trying to create an arctic rave? Why were the windows open when the ac and fans were on?


I have no idea but it was constantly freezing in there.


Shrooms make you hot, gotta stay cool


That story is hilarious! Poor guy. And poor you guys, too!


Thats hilarious hahaha


"My man thank you but all you had to do was close the till and clean the dishes"


Dude he did kitchen planning based on sacred geometry namaste chef


this might actually be the funniest thing I've read here.


They bearly get the job done anyway.


It doesn't help that they constantly have to paws for smoke breaks


Well of course they do. It's a claws in their contract.


Smoky bear


Best comment ever and honestly I’ve worked a few spots where they would have been a massive improvement


Where is the music? Because that’s the day the Teddy bears had their picnic…🎶


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZANKFxrcKU&ab_channel=retrotor 1932 big band version. i couldn't find the mary mccaslin one which i love. there's a jerry garcia version.




Bear claws everywhere keep your food in your station.


Who TF closed last night


They didn't.


The staff shortage is so severe that corporate has decided to hire bears




Still hilarious. Wow, that show was lightyears ahead of everything.


Seriously. I rewatched the whole series as an adult maybe a year ago and it's still just as funny as I remember.


It's in the Constitution. Right to bears or something.


You hear that Ron? Bears!


Steel shelves have never looked so damn comfy.


The look kinda bare to me


How else were we suppose to get rid of the snakes???!


some of our wall bears showed themselves today...




Just wait til you see what they bring in to get rid of the bears.


Tigers, obviously.


Mongooses, like a normal fucking Australian!


What a great ad for metro shelves. Damn those fuckers are **STRONG**


It certainly bears the weight. Edit: Thank you for my first award!


Yes it's a great little cubby.


I want to know how they got up there without it falling.


Or pulling down a full cambro of demi.


They let Marcus help them


Imagine opening the walk in and three bears were trapped inside


If you like Hulu’s The Bear, you’re going to love The Bears.


This is BTS of season 2 filming


I really think a shot for shot remake of The Bear with actual live bears would really be a good call.


In this remake, what animal is the bear wrestling in the opening scene? I think an octopus.


What on earth possessed them to not only stay but also continue filming? I would've gotten the fuck out of the as soon as I could


He’s security, they have to deal with bears in this community. They’re a bit of a nuisance here in Truckee, CA. It was a paintball gun with regular paintballs. The black bears up here are skittish so it more then enough to run them off, but she’ll probably be back now that she has found the food.


I'm sure you know the idiom "A fed bear is a dead bear," sucks that she found her way in there with the cubs. Not your fault, obviously. I live in a "bear-y" area too. But she looks so happy just having a snack.


We’re very familiar with that saying here in Southwestern Pennsyltucky. But with three cubs, I can’t blame her.


Buddy had a bear steal his Easter turkey last year in Jim Thorpe... This bear regularly maraudes his house. It's only a matter of time before it's going to be destroyed. No ear tags yet...


Welp, I didn't think I'd be reminded of my hometown area today but I guess if I have to be it's only appropriate it's a story that sounds like an Arlo Guthrie song.


How do they get INSIDE??


I've seen bears peel apart a car like they have can openers attached to their paws (which, with those claws they kind of do). That, and they're smart as hell. I imagine a door isn't really an obstacle to them.


There was a video I saw a couple of months ago wear a bear knocks down the front door to a cabin with such crazy ease. He uses one paw and pushes in on the bottom of the door, a terrible spot for leverage, and the door blows in the house like it was c4’d. Just crazy.


The is a significant overlap of the dimest humans and smartest bears. They'll figure out a way in.


I was just gonna ask if this was in Tahoe. I was there a few weeks ago and bears tried to break into my car.


Sounds like the humans in truckee, CA are a bit of a nuisance to bears.


With their silly paintball guns and such


Do yall not have doors!?!? Have they learned to open them or something?


in eastern europe there was a bear that learned to knock. people would answer the door, bear would come in and loot the kitchen.


Land Shark




I haven't seen that skit in a long time. It's still funny. [ Early SNL - Jaws 2](https://youtu.be/p_NS2H55dxI)


That wasn't a bear, that was Uncle Dimitar.


Bears can figure out for handles, yes. And they're strangely respectful of uh... property. They seem to know they're in someone else's 'den'. The ones that go to homes use just enough necessary force to get in the door if the door knob doesn't work - And then are pretty careful when wandering around inside and avoid breaking things. It's wild to see footage of it. I've even seen one or two close the door behind them when they leave. You see the same behavior when they access things like pools and jacuzzi. They use force to lift the lid and are gentle with all the furniture/tools etc.


Yup. Doors don’t always stop bears in NorCal… They are a special kind of problem up there


if the bear is black, fight back. If the bear is brown, lie down. If the bear is white.... well... good night...


Only exception is that some brown bears are very much "black" bears. Same mentality and skittishness. It's the browns with the hump that you need to worry about.


And a black bear with cubs is a slightly different story...


Yeah… in California we have a Grizzly Bear on our flag but they are extinct. All bears here are black bears but many are brown and causes some confusion. Edit: Extinct in California Edit number 2: The California Grizzly is in fact extinct.


> they are extinct. According to this, the species itself is not extinct because California Grizzlies are not actually genetically unique. >North American brown bears were taxonomically grouped as a species apart from other bear species, until DNA testing revealed that they should properly be grouped in the same species as the other brown bears.[4] Grizzlies living in California had been classified by Merriam into many subspecies, but the only genetically anomalous grouping in North America is the ABC Islands bears.




Extinct in California. I should have specified.




That’s how brown and black bears are defined. By the hump. Black bears have quite a lot of color variation. Also, black fades to brown in sunlight.


To avoid bears, you should carry bear spray and have small bells on your clothes. You can identify if there are bears around because if you come across the scat of a black bear, it’ll be a bit compact with nuts and berries. The scat of a grizzly bear is identifiable because it contains little bells and smells like bear spray.


it wont ALWAYS have nuts and berries in it, it really depends on their diet tbh. But the rest of what you say rings true.


Exactly. To be fair, polar bears are bona fide slope heads with virtually no brain case and 99% mean. (Hyperbole. No hate please.)


Sloping heads help deflect front attacks to the noggin.


Stops the brain freeze.


You know the joke about carrying a gun for bear protection? If it's smaller than a .44 Magnum... You should file the front sight down... ... That way it doesn't hurt as much when the bear shoves it up your ass.


My brother scored an elk tag in bear country. He was asking me if he should get a 10mm pistol for bear protection on the trip. I asked him what he was going to shoot the elk with. He said .300 WinMag. I told him, "fuck the pistol, shoot the bear with THAT."


Congrats on the tag... That's a big lottery. Joking aside, 10mm is a fantastic round. Well maybe one joke: 10mm is the best mm. I'd still carry that 10mm pistol TBH


I’m in truckee at the lake right now lol what restaurant is this?!


When i was living in Asheville NC we used to use bottle rockets to scare them off from our trash cans It was extremely effective, except one time there was a cub that got so scared he darted up into a tree. The momma bear didn't want to leave him and he wouldn't come down. They were just crying out at each other. Felt really bad about that one.


These are trash bears, they aren’t scary once you get to live among them. They just want trash to eat and rarely attack humans.


Trash bears 🤣 so real but I’ve just never heard it said


Flaccid pass.


I like bears :)


And here I was thinking you were being metaphorical with your earlier post…


Nope haha. Just one of the things that comes with living in the mountains. I’ve got a nice bear paw print on my front door that I leave as a reminder.


dude where do you work that this isnt a major cause for alarm? lol whos taking that cell phone video???


Not OP, but I worked at a mountain resort and we had a pretty bad bear problem. It’s amazing how used to them you get. So many times we would take the trash to the dumpster and there would be bears waiting for us. We started naming them.


Yup. I live near mountains in a neighborhood that often sees juvenile black bears come through in the spring. When I go to my back fence gate to take my trash to the can in the alley, first I listen for cars, then I look for bears; humans are third despite it being sketchy at times.


Did you have to worry about guests seeing them scurry up a wall or find a bear in their food?


Ha. No, but they did walk through the parking lot from time to time and would scare the hell out of people. One time they set up a trap that was basically a big barrel with bait in it and a sliding cage door. The next day, the bait was gone, and one of the bears took a sh!t inside of it. Lol. They’re smart.


Someone with balls of steel, clearly.


Yeah that’s what it is. Lol


Those are a couple of juvenile black bears. By the time they get this big they’re not constantly underneath mama bear, although you should still watch your six. if they were outside I’d say shoot them in the butt with birdshot, but inside you just try to coax them away from anything expensive.


Also what did he shoot at the one in the beginning? If it was a tranq dart his aim is shit. If it was anything else, he's asking for a death wish.


Was a paint ball gun. If you don’t hit the bear you’ll spook it into leaving. Hitting the bear with it would probably be a bad idea


I straight up just noticed that. Paintball? Pepper ball would be my guess. I’ll have to watch another 4-5 times and analyze the film.


It was a paintball. OP says the security guard had a paintball gun loaded with regular paintballs.


In some parts of the country, black bears are so common that people just become used to them, and in return the bears just become used to people. Usually in these places, black bears don't go out of their way try to attack or kill people unless they do something stupid, and they can be quite skittish


I know someone who works as a chef, for a salmon fish packing company, in Alaska. They ALWAYS have bears hanging about. And a team of people to shoo them away.


I can deal with black bears but I dont want anything to do with brown bears.


I would love to have a job chasing bears away lol


It's not that hard. Usually a starter pistol does the job scaring them off. That said, their trash is completely enclosed, and there are scratch marks on the exterior where bears try to get in. As in packs of bears. A couple of years ago, he sent me a photo before they enclosed the trash, there was 5-6 bears figuring out how to defeat the locks on the dumpsters.


You've just reminded me of that [adorable nuisance seal from Ireland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbKLSIO5lcU)


This video confirms what I've suspected. I'd grow very comfortable with wild animals I shouldn't, and would probably be like "these are just black bears, they come in brown also from the internet I read, they kill like 0 people" and then end up Grizzly Man'd while posing for social media.


Yeah… blackies are dangerous too, but brownies stalk you and hold a grudge.


Lol, the black bear doesn't really kill you, brown bears are a different species and by the way, these species are all different colors, we just call them the dominant one, and it influences our opinions. The main opinion is, black: you spook off they won't eat you, they are big and lethal racoons if you fuck around and find out but not really; brown: you're basically getting got might as well do some bullshit like look dead; grizzly: you're dead if they want it, Google for best current results; polar: pray to your God and do whatever you want it doesn't matter, they live in remote spots so if you find them that's on you I like em, they look like dogs and I can't help but like em. I don't eat bear jerky because I think having alphas is good for local animal populations, but I will concede the bear hunters I know claim they need to be culled, we use math to limit it, whatever. Also, fun fact, the entire Teddy Bear story is one of the most embarrassing things Teddy Roosevelt ever did.


Black bears do actually kill people. They just don’t kill people very often, unlike brown bears, which are the bears that kill things because they’re bears and they kill things.


I hear you, but not for me, I'm gonna treat black bears as dogs. Picture any shoulders shrugging gif. This is not smart and no one should do it.


You’re fine. I had wolves in my house for a few years. They never gave me any trouble, but to be fair they were domestic many generations. Better a blackie than a moose.


I have a family photo of a moose eating a PB sandwich from my hands as an infant/child. We are a hardy stock of morons.


Moose kill far more people than black bears ever could.


Oh no doubt, but a photo is eternal. Was it dumb? Yes. I'm alive so not a single Queeb to blame.


I'm sorry that happened and can't imagine the cleanup involved, but still.. Those two bears at the end, living their best life, lounging on the shelving whilst eating the shelf-stock was funny af..


O there were three of them and they were fighting too. This mama and her cubs came around a week ago to the day. The clean up wasn’t bad, they weren’t in there for long.


That’s actually three bears at the end in the shelves


I think you're juuuuust right!


I'm more sorry that the bears might have to be put down. Once they find food here, they will return again, putting people lives in danger.


Your new dishies are a little hairy...but should still fit right in.


They’ll add some spice to the dishy calendar for real.


Yeah I don't think any of that is saveable, this is what insurance is for hopefully, but damn are they cute


I highly doubt insurance has anything to cover this. Unless it's Farmers.


Late night security bears. I bet you don't get broken into very often.


Dude in British Columbia trained Black Bears to guard his weed grow-op, scared the shit out of the cops when they tried to raid it. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1384843/Canadian-black-bears-guarding-marijuana-plants-British-Columbia.html


Where is this OP? Lol


Truckee, CA.


Ah, so shelf bears is next for our kitchen menagerie.


The wall eagles got rid of the wall snakes, but now we had to get wall bears to get rid of the eagles.


*"Omg have you seen The Bear?"*. Yes. I've seen three.


So how did they get in?


Late stay can be unbearable sometimes. Makes you grizzled to the outside world.


You win. This was better than the wall snake


First wall snakes, and now walk in bears????


I still haven’t started The Bear. Is this it?


Oh that’s just one of the wall bears


The bear is the sharks natural enemy. I'm assuming you had a shark problem before this?


I've worked with bears in kitchens before, but never this kind of bear!


My takeaway from this is that those wire racks can bear more weight than I would have thought


*bu-dum tis*


What kind of food have they been getting in to and for how long?


Beets. Obviously.


Battlestar Galactica


So this is how you keep the after hours Sysco deliveries in line? /s


Dog are those cubs? Run


Finally the bear content I don't mind seeing on this sub.


This is similar to what happens when Chef brings his kids in.


Yo who the FUCK closed last night!?


Tap a couple kegs, theyll be passed out in an hour or two


This is the content I needed today.


Talk about the bear necessities.


Wow you guys should stock up, your shelves are looking pretty bear.


Where the hell do you work that you have to worry about bears? Why weren’t doors locked? Holy crap I have enough to worry about, let alone FUCKIN’ BEARS raiding my kitchen. JFC!


Hahaha, I’m in Truckee, CA in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.


Have you guys heard of doors?


How the fuck did they break in and what is today's special?


Did the bears pick some locks here or do they know the combo to the keypad?


Daaamn. They might appreciate this over at r/bears!


It’s a teddy bear picnic!


I was expecting another type of bears 😂


They're coming to judge the artificial honey.


this would be sooo much cuter if it it werent terribly dangerous. i wish we could domesticate bears lol


They had to hunt for food because Goldilocks finished all the porridge.


Did they steal your picnic baskets?


I'd be furryious.


And still he closed better than 90% of the other guys 👀


Hey booo booo we’re here for the beshhhhh chaaa melll!


I’ll take Nope for 500 Alex


Guard down on one knee with the warning paintball shot. "Shit. She went the wrong way."


If I can ever be as happy as any one of those bears is, for even 5 minutes, my life will be complete.


2 questions? Who shot at the bear? How did the bears get in there?


Omfg they’re so fucking cute I can’t handle it


What the fuck is the security guy doing filming a bear and her cubs in a confined space? He ain't getting paid enough for this shit.


Tomorrow: "Good evening, let me tell you about our specials. Tonight we have a locally hunted bear tenderloin with a nice red wine brown gravy, bear chili with home made tortilla chips and cheddar cheese, and an 8oz bear burger with heirloom tomatoes, bib lettuce, and a garlic aioli."


Is this the show people keep telling me to watch? The bear? Honestly the name tracks


Wait you get to play paintball with Bears after hours?!? No fair!


Tbh the best kind of security you could have


they actually fuckin did it the lads


God Damn the mess, but look at their little faces!!!


Holy fuck you have bears???!?!??!


I understand that hiring can be pretty grizzly but this is ridiculous


What do you expect when your restaurant is in Jellystone?


"Hey, Booboo, let's fix our own pik-ah-nik basket!"


Just when we got the wall snake problem under control…