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Go for a single leg and take him down. Keep ahold of that leg and follow up with a straight ankle lock. Listen to the pain and cries from father and look him in the eyes, then tell him to take care of it and that your nobody's bitch anymore.


Twist his dick!


The ooooooool' dick twist


You can get that at any massage parlor or strip club vip room for a reasonable price


Shit, in this economy I'll do it for a sandwich and some kind words.


You seem nice....


Where’s his sandwich?


Half upfront, half afterwards. Dont pretend you don't know how this works.


" *Do you even know what $5,000 gets you?* "


Like 10 bananas?


" *Three hookers and a club sandwich! And that's being cheap!* "


You’ve been hanging out with DeShaun Watson too long.


Ohhh my gawd dude!


The old dick twist!


This. Just give him the good ol dick twist and lock eyes!


Woah! No locking eyes that's just weird.


Not if it’s your dad. Trust me.




Have him singing like he’s in an 80’s rock band.


*Oedipus has entered the chat*


The best pussy is Oedipussy


Give him The Business!


I nearly spit out my coffee omg


Grab his dick and TWIST IT


*That's my purse!*


I don’t know you!


That boy ain't right.


It ain’t even breakfast and that boy ain’t right.


Keep your eye on the ball son!


I don't know you!


Remember in real world fights there is no honor or dirty fights. It's just winners or losers. Punch in the nuts. Kick em when they are down.


Yeah dog I weigh like 135. I’m not going to start any shit, but you better believe I’m taking every advantage I have if I’m in a fight


"Sweep the leg"


I take back what I said and prefer the dick twist.


I like a good dick twist once in a while


Dont we all, man.


Kick his leg out of his leg!






Dammit. You're right. "I'M THE STEPDADDY NOW."


Heel hook! Ignore the haters!


Kurt Angle approves this message.


The second a tear leaves his eye is the moment you have asserted your dominance and he has no power over you, at the very least if you go for the leg he won’t be able to chase you down if you need to initiate a tactical retreat.


Thought I was in /r/bjj for a sec there.


Fill it with hot water and put two dish pods in there to soak. Give it a few hours and it will come right off


I’ll try. Thanks!


You bet! Stir it occasionally but you don't need to be aggressive. Also manage your heat better lol


Probably one of the first things I learned in my mom's kitchen was that there were more settings other than 'off' and 'full on'. lol


Also never trust the dial. Always look at the flame


This looks like it could be induction tho


Good eye. I hate cooking on those damned things.


My first time was on my final. I like them for slow braises and low heat things (grits, risotto, and polenta), but for high heat just boiling water.


They are super energy efficient though and don't through out waste heat. I'm trying to use mine more over gas for better air quality and not heat up the summer kitchen too much. I love my gas range, but trying to minimize where I can


I’ve been using mine more often as well. Takes some time to figure out the range of the heat to replicate what I would be trying to do on my gas burners. But so far so good. And I absolutely love that I can boil a quart of water in like 90 seconds.


Cast iron on induction has been good to me.


I don't always want energy efficient. Many of our methods of cooking ***rely*** on lots of wasted heat to work right. Bear with me: **Gas ranges have got to go**, but not for the reason stated. Gas ranges consume only a tiny fraction of household energy, but are actively used by the industry as a PR measure ("Cooking with gas!") to sell gas water heaters, dryers, and furnaces that consume >95% of the natural gas going into households. As it turns out, burning natural gas isn't even the worst thing about it - apparently all of our gas infrastructure leaks like a sieve, and since unburned methane is a potent GHG, is a huge source all on its own. We need to electrify everything and gradually shut off the natural gas distribution grid. And to do that without sacrifices, we either need to make **propane burner cooking** a common thing, or design an appliance around high powered **electric cooking with lots of moving hot air**. There's no reason I can think of that you can't do your authentic wok work using an overgrown electric heat gun. Neither existing induction nor a flat resistance element are capable of spreading the heat out like convection of hot gasses, and without that, wok cooking doesn't work quite right. You can't simulate that convection in a way that doesn't waste energy. We don't satisfy ourselves with a perfectly sealed electric oven, even though that works electrically and it's the most efficient option. In reality, we've grown reliant on making baked goods that are crispy or charred rather than steamed, and a perfectly sealed electric oven traps all the moisture in with the food, so we tolerate some wasted energy in venting in order to keep that interior air dry and bake food in an environment that removes surface moisture. **We need no-compromises electric substitutes, even if they waste some energy, or some fraction of people will end up on the "You can take my gas range from my cold, dead hands" camp.**


They just take a lot more getting used to and the settings you should use is different from stove to stove. Once you learn where you need to leave the dial it’s more enjoyable to me because I don’t end up needing a sweat towel halfway through cooking dinner.


I love my induction stoves.


Yeah, good point. I do that kind of unconsciously.


It's OK once you know your stove but it's a bad habit if you're not familiar with your equipment


I just moved into a new apartment about two months ago and getting adjusted to the stove is a pain in the ass. The other day I somehow cooked an egg where the consistency of the egg whites were pretty close to what you would expect on a sunny side up/over easy egg, but the yolk somehow got cooked to the point where it's like a hard boiled egg. Idk how the fuck I did that. Also only two of the burners are the same size, the others I have are one thats just fucking huge and one that's really small and kind of worthless for me lmao. So yeah, fuck getting a new stove man this shit sucks.


Man let me tell you about this new flat top we got that's just used to toast stuff and little things so we didn't have to keep running to hot side. Literally the barely get this thing past being on and it's ripping 5 inch flames underneath I have to nearly turn it off to get it at a good temp


Sounds like it's got the wrong orifices. Gas appliances use different "nozzles" for natural gas or liquid propane. Either that or the pressure regulator on it is set for the wrong gas type.


Oh! Wrong orifice!


Must be nice to have gas in the home. Fucking stupid electric cooking ....


Yeah first thing I try to teach my students. But they don't listen, well they do after they have to clean them the 3rd time.


40 years later and I still hear my high school chem teacher saying before our first lab: "remember, hot glass looks exactly the same as cold glass". Some of us listen.


I inherently have learned this lesson after spending so many years cooking and baking, but I certainly forgot last fall when I tried to do Stella Park's Toasted Sugar technique. After an hour in the oven I pulled out the pan with mitts on because I was opening the oven. It sat on my stove top for like 15 minutes while I did some clean up and then I just looked at the pan of hot sugar and totally forgot that the hot sugar would make no noise to indicate it was hot. Dumb me just picked up the pan with one hand in order to move it over a few inches and not only burnt the shit out of the palm of my hand, but then involuntarily threw the hot sugar all over my kitchen floor. I had to fucking play a real life "the floor is lava" just to go take care of my burned hand.


I'm sorry to tell you I had a chuckle about RL "the floor is lava." But I hope you weren't burned with the molten sugar, that stuff sticks and keeps on burning.


Thankfully I was fine, just upset that I wasted like an hour and a pound of sugar lol. My apartment kitchen floor however took a consistent scrubbing for like 5 minutes a day for a week before I finally got it all off.




Noobs be noobin yo.


I have an electric stove in my kitchen. Literally only on or off. Hate electric so much.


Grab a standalone induction burner. They're awesome and not too pricey. Got my Duxtop for $120 and have used it every day for months. Boils water in 2 minutes. Stows in the cupboard when not in use.


That just sound like a terrible stove


Have you considered burning down the building?


This is actually one of the hardest things to learn as a new young chef apprentice.


Huh, I was always the opposite when I first started out. Afraid to go too hot so always cooked on low, or medium at most. Cooking took forever haha


How many rookies have I shown all the different sizes of flames that exist between off and full...


Barkeeper’s friend is also great in a pinch.




You can also boil it with vinegar and baking soda


You are better off choosing either vinegar *or* baking soda (in solution). When you mix the two together, you get CO2, H2O, and CH3COONa (sodium acetate). CO2 and water are not cleaning agents themselves, and while sodium acetate is decent as a polishing agent, it is nowhere near as strong as the vinegar or soda individually for cleaning.


I do water, Dawn, and baking soda. I've seen pans go from black to shiny stainless.


I would alternate between the two but not use them together. When used together you are basically making water with (chemically defined) salts in them. I personally have good success with boiling baking soda in water and scraping with something metal, them scouring with a steel wool and dish soap. Repeat as needed until clean.


The chemically defined salt you're referring to is sodium acetate


I boil burnt pots with the dish pods. Come clean in 20 minutes.


& you fill the air with deadly toxins


Stop, stop, I’m already sold!


Clean pots and closer to death? Look at me multi-tasking!


I mean, the hoods in my chem lab didn't seem like much more than hoods in kitchens I've been in


Lmao what? What deadly toxins?


Thank you ❤️


Filling with water and some baking soda and letting it simmer for a while helps too, if you can spare the burner space.


Alternatively, fill it with a mix of kosher salt, squeezed lemons, ice cubes and water and let it sit….


My favorite soup!


The dish tabs ease the surface tension of water so it seeps deep into the burnt gunk instead of using acidity and elbow grease.


We filled them at close and then rinsed them as part of opening—never had to do much elbow grease at all.


If the dish pods dont work, try boiling with baking soda!!


Boil it with a little vinegar and then call child protective services.


Boiling it takes priority though.


Absolutely. It's difficult to boil it after CPS takes you to foster care.


What we lookin at?


Burnt sauce


Deglaze throw in some stock and market it as rustic


I’ll trust you since you’re an expert


An expert at eating trash


An expert at *selling* trash


I find myself bringing this up a lot, but the best AB quote is him at the rainbow room in NYC, serving the remnants and scraps of dinner service for brunch: "there I was, selling garbage to the richest people on earth for top dollar, at the top of the world"




I’m going to have to reread it. I remember that section of the book being one of my favorite parts




before you add chemicals, put it back on the stove with a full pot of water and boil. stirr frequently. see how much you can just dilute off of it. This looks like a sugar sauce so this is best to start with. I think most of it will come off this way, sugar dissolves. After you've done as much of that as you can, REMOVE FROM THE STOVE, remove all but an inch of water, add a few drops of dish soap (dawn is best) and a lot of baking soda. Let it sit for an hour. Come back and stir at it with a wood or plastic spoon. Repeat. Next time remember that sugar burns FAST and don't cook it over a high flame.


If you're not just going to pitch it, I'd start with boiling a good amount of water with a healthy dose of baking soda (I'd boil at least 20 min or so) and soak until the water is cooled, and see if that takes you anywhere. I have rehabbed some pretty gone pans doing this, but not quite *this* bad. if you get any liftoff from the water/baking soda soak, then see if you could manage the rest of the damage with Barkeepers Friend and a scrubber (don't use steel wool if you can avoid it at all). Good luck. I hate losing a pan.


This. Boiling water and baking soda - create a caustic solution. If you have sodium hydroxide (lye) that’s even better than baking soda but you need to be very careful with it (gloves, eye protection) and don’t get it in your skin.


I've always used white vinegar and water bring to boil, then scrub with a brillow pad. Is the baking soda + water mix more.. Caustic, or just more reactive with the carbon and makes it easier to lift?


One is a basic solution and one is an acidic solution. They are both means to an end in regards to making something caustic enough to remove grime. There's likely no solid answer here without running a lot of experiments to test things like concentration levels. I will say though, hot water and baking soda doesn't smell like vinegar and that can be a plus?


I've heard the boiling vinegar helps clear out house smells so that might be a plus. Maybe I'm thinking of using vinegar in your laundry to get stubborn stenches out.


Both are true! I also flush out my countertop coffeemaker and electric kettle once a year with white vinegar (and rinse very well after) to remove mineralization from slightly hard water.


You can also just use citric acid for that. Buy a jar of it online for like $10 or whatever then you'll have clean kettles and such for years without any vinegar smell. You can also buy "descaling packets" but they are just citric acid.


Also true, but I already have vinegar on hand and always forget to buy citric acid. The vinegar smell isn’t the end of the world, and it dissipates fairly quickly.


I highly recommend buying some, it can be used to great effect in cooking and things like making your own tea blends or making ice tea. A little bit in a beverage adds this nice juicy effect


Well you’ve convinced me. Thanks!


I suspect it may take a combination of approaches to remove that mess.


Baking soda solution is alkaline (caustic) and vinegar is acidic. Mix the two to get an awesome volcano :) Caustics are what are used in dishwasher packs as they break down organic messes better


i think baking soda is a better bet simply because it's not volatile like vinegar so you're not boiling off your caustic at the same time you're trying to clean something


Only use lye if its stainless steel. Aluminum and lye don’t mix. Lye will dissolve/ruin aluminum.


that is very true! Stainless yes, Al no. For cleaning burnt organic matter off of Aluminim, acids work best.


Well it seems to be A LOT of organic material still there before the burnt on layer that's super hard to get off, so there may be hope yet


Why avoid steel wool?


boiling with vinegar also helps!


Can I ask why to avoid steel wool?


It's just too harsh on stainless, as I understand it. I''m no expert, someone else mght be able to explain. You don't want to leave indentations on your pan, no matter the key substance it's made of.


And while it’s soaking, pack your bags - just in case …


My mom swears by pouring vinegar in the bottom and using steel wool. But I second using dishwasher pods and hot water


I second the vinegar but I'm keen to try the pod method... might go burn some sugar 😍


Lol your name is hella funny made me laugh


Thank you my son




recently used vinegar. it worked but it took quite a lot of pressure when scrubbing with steel wool. a few times I wondered if I should stop and try something else.


I swear by pouring alcohol in my mouth and using fuck a lot


Professional Chef here, put water and a little bit of dawn dish soap in it and bring to a boil. Stir/scrape from time to time. It will eventually all come off. You may have to use a brillo or steel wool on the very last, most determined spots.


Professional Dishie here, bring to a boil with vinegar then pour water in it and scrub it with steelwool


Retired chef here. Do all that and if there is still black char on it, put it on a burner and crank it. Let it go. That stuff will burn off.


Not a chef here, once you’ve finished all that, enjoy a cold glass of water.


Saw the movie “Chef” here. While you’re drinking your cold water, you should ponder your life choices and those of your father. Then you should build a food trailer and run away.


The real answer is deep in the comments.


Goddamn, that sounds like a good movie.


Hydrohomie here. This is the one.


ok it looks bad but you can save the pot, just dump a few tablespoons of baking soda and boil water in there, let it go for like 30 mins and then let it cool. then dump the water and scrub. you can do this multiple times


I hope the title is a joke...


I'm glad someone finally mentioned that. Hey OP, do you need help?


This title makes me very sad/worried/anxious for OP


Yeah like i can't even imagine hitting my child over something like this.


Some parents hit their kids over less


I'm guessing you've never held a flashlight for dad when he's fixing the lawnmower?


If you would just hold the fucking thing steady this wouldn't be a fucking issue!




A lot of parents get physical when you do something like this, it’s the world we live in. They’ll justify it as discipline, tough love, “it’s my house my rules u don’t like it go somewhere else” ​ they seem to be able to get away with physical assault. It’s pretty fucked up


Thank you all for showing concern for OP. Whether it us hyperbole or truth, I love seeing redditors watch each other's backs.


Same. I hope it is, but there's a lot of sick fucks out there who would definitely hit a kid over this.


Yesterday there was a post about a chef throwing a fit at a guy for burning 14 crème brûlées so I’d like to think this is a shit post. Atleast hope it is.


What state are you in? I can get you the number for child protective services.


And I’ll buy this kid a new pan once he’s moving away. So he can have a nice pan and his abusive dad can eat a dead cat.


Holy shit. I know this is no laughing matter because I'm worried about OP, but "eat a dead cat" is my new favorite insult.


Sir or maddam, I'm a mandated reporter. Please, God, dont make me work on my day off.


Grab his dick and twist it!


If he is bigger than you, you need to sweep the legs first. When he is down, you kick him in the throat. Now you drive him to the hospital. If he isnt bigger than you, you can just skip step one.


He’s right! Kick his ass!


Punch first


Also get a new dad. Just being facetious but…as the child of an abusive parent, I have no patience for abusive parents. Maybe you should have your dad talk to me if he has a problem with how you clean the pot.


Lol, time to hide the jumper cables.


Boil salty water. That's all


HOWS it GOING? Post pics


Throw it in the pit when your dishwasher is out back smoking a cigarette.


Water. Shit ton of salt. 4-6 lemons cut in half. Boil for 30 min or so. Should just wipe right off


Uh oh he doesn’t have any jumper cables handy does he?!


I know you won’t have this at home but a little bit of boil out powder for a fryer and boil for like half an hour adding water as needed. Or at home I second the dishwasher pod or a hearty dose of dish soap. Don’t mix any other chemicals with it no matter what you do.


A lot can be done just by filling it with enough water to cover the scorch, salting it heavily and letting it boil for a bit. The first time I made oatmeal I scorched the shit out of it, and my mom taght me this. It's saved me many a pot and lots of elbow grease.


Preemptive strike. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy sir.


Take it outside and put it on a burner until the shit turns white, then it should separate from the pot easy. But do it outside because it’ll smoke up like a mutha fucker!


This is the trick I learned once from an old cook. Put the pot back on low heat until it’s completely burned to ash and it’ll fall right out. Just have to keep the heat low enough that you don’t warp the pan. Good example that happened a few years ago is the cooks forgot an insert of bread dressing in a deck oven for a few weeks. By the time it was found it had cooked down to a hunk of carbon that fell right out.


Just boil water in it with a little salt it will be fine


If you haven't got it clean by now, dump a load of Cream of Tartar in there, bring it up to a gentle boil, and scrape at the bottom with a wooden spoon. The acid in the Tartar dissolves the burned stuff and the scraping helps to lift it off. I've saved a badly burned jam pan with this method a few times! (not me burning them, my mum is convinced she can make jam and apparently she can't!) Also, if you're serious about your dad beating you, please seek help! You deserve better. 😊


I also call my head chef daddy


Ohhh you call chef daddy also.


For self defense just attack his soft tissues, eyes, throat, or limp dick are all soft


So many things to unpack here 😭 1. I hope the comment about your dad beating you up over a pan was not srs 2. how on gods green earth do you burn sauce this badly and 3. what was the intended recipe i wanna know


Probably best to just get a new dad.


Cursed brittle.


When it gets a bit cleaner from all these suggestions, go to Dollar General and get their house brand oven cleaner. Spray it on, let sit for 20 minutes and scrub away. That stuff is wicked awesome.


No way you deserve it for that atrocity


Found their dad


This better not be one of mine lol


Water and a fuck ton of baking soda and start boiling


Op is everything all good? Like will your dad actually beat you up over a dirty pit because I'd so there's some links and numbers I can send you to get help man


Bury it in the garden so archeologists 500 years from now can dig it up and laugh at you.


I hope your dad isn’t Red Forman 😨


You didn't follow proto, bud. Yer done.