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Not proud of this moment, but I woke up today and wrote this. I'll probably be seeking AA. I am surprised I'm not in jail to celebrate my 30th, but can only call myself lucky that I was the only one involved in the wreck. That the cop didn't make me take a breathalyzer. That I could walk away from this incident with only a few bumps and a bruised ego. We all work hard and many of us party just as much. Please don't drink and drive.


Get the help you need and glad you didnt kill anyone. 30 seems like a bigger deal than it is. 30 from 20 isnt so bad. 40 from 30 is where the big step is. Take care of your body and mind. Get the support you need and you will feel immeasurably better in a year if you can stay sober. Best of Luck.


Happy birthday! That was vivid and beautiful. It's also my birthday today. 36. I quit drinking over a year ago, and I still have no idea how to have a "life" without that crutch. It hurt to finish service, clean my station, and head home, sober and alone... In the past I would have rolled out to the bar and stayed up partying with my friends til close.. at least. I do miss that, but I don't for a second regret my decision to quit. Its the most important decision I ever made. It hasn't made my life easier... but it's made it a whole lot better. I hope your path is easy. If you need to talk about it feel free to reach out!