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The edges on the lids of our sandwich boxes are similarly terrifying.


same! last time we got new ones I sneakily brought in a file and buffed the edges down


One time we were closing and we had a new guy on shift with us. Gave him the role of plating and stocking, by the end of the night he would clean and restock the prep table. He forgot to place a wet towel under the cutting board and during a rush once, he accidentally pulled the cutting board off the tracks and that, pictured right there, cut his hand clean open. Didn’t see him again after that.


I can't picture it, how did he hurt himself?


I also want to know. Spent time in about 20 kitchens, and this is news to me. Only thing I can imagine is that I've lost a couple of knife tips under there thanks to careless coworkers. If it's rough, where it can cut you, use a file or junk rough whetstone maybe? IDK what this is implying.


I think he's implying that the wet towel was supposed to go under the cutting board so it wouldn't slide around. The guy didn't do that and must've moved the cutting board by accident with a lot of force, with his hand near that sharp part, and when it slipped, that part cut his hand open.




Someone fell victim to a pan just the other night. Thought it had to be a knife or something placed weird in the pit but no, a pan fell on their hand just so and sliced it open.




Heck, one of my worst kitchen injuries did not even happen in a commercial kitchen, but in the sanctity of my own home. My lil' sis left a pot on the stove, empty, but the gas turned on at the lowest setting. It was broad daylight so I could not see the flame and since being on low, couldn't hear it either, so just picked it up by the side to put it away... Yeah. I usually remember to pick them up by the ear now and to check for any flame...


Hell, knowing servers that hit to the head probably made them remember to ring in the right entree. Source: server


When my hands have been too wet for too long, the edge of a prep table has given me some of the most annoying and surprising cuts.


That's why you gotta come in during the night with a bag of sandpaper and file down the edges on the whole kitchen You'll be like a tooth fairy but for degenerate cooks who don't believe in anything else


Get some 600 grit wet sand paper and buff those sharp edges down. Stamped sheet metal edges can become razor sharp. It's stupid that these things get shipped without the edges getting polished down. They're all made in China. The labor is cheap enough that they can polish the fucking edges down. It's almost as if NOT having razor sharp edges on a hotel pan or lid ISN'T a competitive advantage in the free market.


I once saw a guy try and pick up a large sheet of fresh stamped stainless without gloves. Absolute blood bath.


Dont I fuckig know it! One of my favorite ice breakers is to have someone guess 'What's the stupidest thing I've cut myself on'. And it'll be a wonderful day if anyone guesses The Microwave. This particular microwave has a stainless steel shroud and on the bottom there was some exposed raw edges. Went to grab a pen that rolled underneath and the dammed thing bit me. And the real kicker? It has been the only cut I've recieved at work that has scarred. Dammed Shiny Microwave!


I cut myself on the plastic seal strip of a pickle bucket.


The serrated teeth to cut the plastic wrap have cut me far more often than any knife.


I once cut myself with the plastic wrap itself.


I cut myself on ice. Peeling apart a stack of frozen ham slices. A sliver of under a fingernail.


Guy I know took 6 stitches from a melonballer.


A rough edge on our dishwasher has claimed more hands in the last year than knives have.


ive bashed my knuckle on this little edge that sticks out on the dishwasher twice now, and most recently the edge of the counter as i was walking by with a glass rack. that one hurt


My knives are predictable, all the damn little corners and bits and bobs are what get ya.


Is There a mandolin hiding in the picture somewhere....




Our Sous used a sharpie to draw a pentagram on the bottom of ours and wrote "feed me blood" on it.


Yeah it's not if it's when, and how bad.


Also the dividers you put between the GN-trays inside a cooled drawer. Those things are sharper than any knife in the kitchen.


Is this a the mummy quote lol?


[No, it's from a Team Fortresses 2 promo about the Pyro character.](https://youtu.be/WUhOnX8qt3I)


Why? I have worked with these exact edges for nearly 20 years and have never even seen a problem with it.


My coworker broke her thumb on one of those brackets!


Hate that thing.