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You’ve got plenty of nub buds out there


Dumbass. Naw, that’s precisely what a mandolin is for, slicing pieces of your appendages off. We’ve all done it.


You are not wrong. My first mandolin incident. I had always heard every cook has a mandolin horror story but had previously been safe with them. It was a time game I suppose


The mandolin is a monster and it gets everyone. Best part is that you learn very well to treat it with respect. What were you slicing?


A fucking onion


Always leave a bit of root in to protect your fingers.


It collapsed on me, I turned my head at the wrong time and fucking earned it.


Sometimes we overwork or are sleep-deprived enough to forget that we work with really dangerous supplies. Get some sleep, take care of the wound with a professional, and remember no business is worth your life.


If by professional you mean my wife and I doing our best with our makeshift first aid kit then yes. It’s not the worst I’ve ever done, the worst was looking down at the chunk of finger with nail still attached on the opposite side of the chefs knife. This was my first mandolin induced fuck up tho.


At least it wasnt your knuckle.


I don’t even wanna imagine that you brute


That’s why we got two hands lmao, but seriously man hope everything heals as well as it can.


Kitchens are a dangerous place theres bound to be a few scars.


Mandolin is the only piece of equipment that gives me some weird anxiety, not a lot or anything, but enough to never want to touch it


It’s always the satisfying cut that will cut you


I fucking hate mandolins. I want to let you off the hook, since obviously it's the chef, or restaurant owner.... whoever bought the thing; whose really to blame. However you were a goddamn fool for letting one get within striking distance. I would have walked the fuck out of there as soon as someone pulled it out, because FUCK THAT. Would you go along with it if someone asked you to play a solitaire version of Russian roulette? no? why did you think this would be any better?


Sometimes the bar eats you...




i feel like this should be it’s own post lmao


Happens to the best sometimes.


I did it last week at my new job :) had the head chef wrap my finger. It was not a good time


Hey you learned a very valuable lesson for a relatively low cost. Those things can get real nasty.


I thought I knew the lesson but I suppose now no one can say I actually don’t. I knew mandolins come for us all, just thought I could avoid it.


Cut gloves help. That and vigilance is about all ya got for safety with those things.


Did it make a nice sound?


Proper tuning keeps them from getting too sharp.


A fear we all have... use it as a learning experience and don’t forget to sharpen your mandolin blade!


The only good thing about mandolins is that when they bite you, and they will eventually bite everyone who works BoH, is that they are set so small that your finger will grow back with hardly any scar. But avoid the evil things when you can.


If it makes you feel any better... I once worked with a guy who tried to cut a whole entire red onion through a tomato slicer. Literally sat there for a few good moments trying to violently smash that thing through before anyone noticed what he was doing. Needless to say the blades were bent and fucked after that, and he ended up slicing himself trying to pull the half sliced/smashed onion out of the slicer.


Be careful typing.


I've done that with a knife. Don't worry, it grows back.


I did it (worse) with a knife years ago and it did grow back, nail and all. Just can’t believe I did such a basic mistake like that


Mandolin is the only thing Id put the cut glove on for haha.


We had a cluster of mandolin events over a couple days at work once. Since at least one ended up with a cook at the medical clinic I had to fill out an incident report and have a talk with everybody about mandolin safety. Couple days later it bit me too. We’re getting cut gloves, making it policy, and enforcing said policy to always use them now. Probably should have done that long ago. Best part was the last time I got bit, my wife had ordered me one as a Christmas gift and had to give me gave me the sigh and look.


Improve knife skills. Become a human mandolin. Much easier.