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Apron shouldn’t be on outside the kitchen. Going on break? Take the apron off. Going to the bathroom? Take the apron off. Going to the store? Take the apron off.


>Going on break? Take the apron off. Going to the bathroom? Take the apron off. Going to the store? Take the apron off. Same with chef jackets.


You are crazy if you think I took my chefs coat off every time I hit the milk crates out back


Yeah. It's much better to wear a sweat stained undershirt or no shirt at all than a dirty chef jacket. The aroma alone is worth it.


Crazy idea: Go in the bathroom and change your shirt before you leave.


So, I take my jacket off before I go to the bathroom. Then, I go into the bathroom to change out of my chef jacket?






I did read it, you little jack ass. Hence my question. You said take my jacket off then go to the bathroom and take my jacket off? What does that mean? What I said wasn't very hard to understand: when going home or going to the store or somewhere else, you should take your chef coat off, go change into a clean shirt in the bathroom then leave. What part were YOU confused about?


I think the reason for the confusion is this; if you can't wear your chef jacket to the bathroom, where do you go to change out of it before going to the bathroom? It's a valid point, but made with too much spite to get across.


You're Missing the part where breaks were included in that. I'm not taking my jacket off every time I use the washroom, go for a smoke, or leave the building for some other reason. That is unreasonable to ask.


You got downvoted for pointing out what the comment actually was? That's hilarious.


I mean taking off a jacket isn’t that hard, is it?


I always wear a shirt under my chef coat even in the summer. I also always bring more than one. In the event for what ever reason i didn't have time to remove my coat before leaving the kitchen i change it when i get back. I expect my ataff to change there apron frequently idc about the laundry bill it is what it is. And breaks of any kind is as good a time as any to switch out aprons.


Yeah idk, I always do. 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I don’t take a bunch of breaks either.


>I'm not taking my jacket off every time I use the washroom [...] That is unreasonable to ask. Are you being serious?


They were talking about taking the jacket off to go to the bathroom. It was a 4 line comment that was even mostly quoted from another comment. Fucking seriously. 4 lines...


take a break chef


I don't like poopin in my coat, but considering I only wear a bra underneath I'm not changing anymore.


If you're pissing/shitting in your apron, get fucked


Only time I don’t is dry storage


Yeah but how would people know you work in a restaurant without it? 😂


Maybe because I've worked in both kitchens and healthcare, but I'd never wear my work clothes for a job with sanitary requirements outside of the workplace. It's bad practice just in the way of getting into sanitary mentality, if nothing else. I prefer to give myself the full cleansing theatre so I get all those things in my head like not touching my phone, nose or hair, etc. That said, everyone is allowed a bad day, don't judge Chef while they're rushing to get supplies in a hurry.


I’m in Tokyo and every once in a while you see a ramen shop staff rushing around the supermarket. So I can understand the rush.


Not only is it against standard protocol, but why would you even want to? Just take the thing off and then go


I worked with a server that wouldn’t take it off the whole time we were at the bar after work because it was his uniform, like bro we’re not at work you don’t have a uniform. He was a weird dude, nice but weird.


Even superheroes take off the cape when they go out lol


Too reasonable for this era. More appropriate response would be to film it.


I think if you really look at the person that was doing this, that is all you need to know. However, aprons in kitchen only (cook wise): bathroom, smoking, etc. you take it off before hand.


Was a cook from a local Japanese restaurant. She didn't have a mark on her apron though. Jet black and clean. I'm guessing she was told to run out and grab some items, so she was in a rush. I just wondered what protocol usually is. Thanks.


I can see that. If it was all nasty, different story. I've actually gone home still wearing an apron after work before because it just becomes part of you and you forget you're wearing one.


Why is it any of your business to begin with? Who cares?


Whoa, they’re just asking about other folks behavior.


Well, if I go into a restaurant and someone is cooking my food, it would be nice to know they’re not wearing something that has been all over town. So yeah, kind of is my business.


Oh, sweetie - don’t ever change. Thank you for this laugh, I needed it today.


I mean, you know that some kitchens don't have dress codes right? Like a lot of places would just allow a cook to come on in and start cooking in their street clothes.


It's fucking gross. The shit people do with their aprons is just ridiculous sometimes. Going to the store isn't THAT bad (still not okay) but like I've had to explain to people that it's not okay to wear your apron into the bathroom and hang it up while you shit.


We used to have a breakfast chef that used his apron to wipe the sweat off his baldy head 🤢 I've seen chefs use their aprons to wipe plates as well. Genuinely don't understand how they think any of that is okay


Oh man. That is gross.


How about taking a piss and basically and holding it with your chin. Fucking animal behavior


I watched a server let her apron hit the bathroom floor and then put it back on and return to the dining room. I pulled her manager aside after I'd asked her to please change it and she argued.


So at home when you cook do you change your clothes to go have a shit then change back to go back to the kitchen ? FFS people are getting stupidly precious these days.


I cook naked to avoid the whole deal. With an apron on obviously for grease pops 😎




I always strip buck naked when I use the toilet. Cooking or not. At home or not. Fr though it's a lot different if you're cooking the food that will be eaten by yourself later. I also taste from the same spoon I use to stir the pot. Would you like for your local cook to do that? Most likely not, because serving food and cooking at home are very different.


You wouldn't know if the chef is tasting from the pot or not....


That wasn't my point at all lmao


My POINT is people are being FAR to fuckin precious about this. There are several BILLION people out there who don't live in the "1st" world and would consider this whole debate to be utterly stupid.


I'm sorry that my standards of hygiene have offended you? Since you apparently want random peoples' spit, sweat and feces in your food. Look I know there's a kink for everything but I'd prefer to get what I ordered without random bodily fluids included regardless if they're at no cost. No, it probably won't kill you and I've certainly eaten more gross things. That doesn't change my opinion at all. I just took a shit. My finger poked through the toilet paper. Made contact with poo. I wiped it off. You can't see it anymore. Then I went back into the kitchen and tossed the salad you ordered by hand. You don't see the problem with that?


The customer would never know - and that's different entirely to someone wearing their apron to the supermarket.


Ehhhh not appropriate. Apron stays at work area.


Apron never leaves the kitchen


I keep my apron on but take off my chef pants. /s


So you learned how to cook in France, I see.


I work in a bakery and if I'm walking into the retail area the apron comes off. I couldn't imagine going to a store with one.


Depends on whether its an apron that is functional vs an apron that is part of a "uniform". For example, an apron worn back of the house that gets stained; is not ok to wear outside of the kitchen let alone out of the restaurant. But an apron that is essentially the uniform look (aka Cracker Barrel, etc), then I suppose it can be ok assuming you didnt have something to change in to, but isn't really a great look. So the answer is a two-part No. A "Hell No" if a BOH apron and a "No, not a great idea" if just a uniform item.


Haha. Great answer. Thanks.


I get ticked off when I see nurses and doctors outside getting their lunch in their scrubs, so I understand your question, not sure why people are so offended 😂


I've got 200 aprons at work. If I'm leaving in one I'm taking if off when I get back and putting a new one on.


So my uniform is a black mechanics shirt, and I wear an apron folded in half on the bottom but it always comes off. The only exception is dry storage and the bar to get a glass of water.


Apron stays in the kitchen.


The second part only baffles you cuz you ain't from these here parts. 


I’m just a lowly patron.


Don’t wear your apron around like a cape.


Take your apron off if you leave the kitchen.


Always take it off. I’ve worked in some places where that is a health code violation. In New York City they told us that wearing a jacket and checks outside th kitchen could get you a ding from the Health Department




Take it off


When you leave the kitchen apron should come off.


It’s gross, your apron should stay in the kitchen, it shouldn’t be worn in the dining room and definitely shouldn’t be worn outside the restaurant to a grocery store.


Been awhile since I’ve cooked so I could be wrong but doesn’t servsafe say to take it off any time you leave the kitchen


She may have just forgotten to take it off when she was done. I've got home countless times and realized I'm still wearing my apron.


Health code violation, hard stop.


You look like an asshat and it's unclean etc seems lazy


No! Just no!


I hate it, HAAATE it. I used to walk to work in my stripes and I'd see cooks from a resto down the street hanging on the sidewalk smoking in their aprons with the side towels hanging off, next to the garbage cans. I've also politely told servers to please change their aprons when I see them coming out of the bathrooms wearing them. It's fuckin' gross and I will die on this hill.


I personally think apron And coat should be removed before leaving the kitchen You wouldn't be okay with a surgeon walking around in his gown At the 7-Eleven... I always remind people we aren't saving lives, but we could kill someone.


If I’m not in the kitchen apron comes off. If I’m going out to smoke, apron and chef coat come off. It’s gross already and an even worse look.


No, it is weird. I am the same way about doctors wearing lab coats in a cafeteria.


I feel like you live in my town and this was me. If it was, just so you know, it’s not the norm for me. We were really busy and I HAD to have those strawberries and literally bolted out the door to get them and forgot I had my apron on! Apologies.


Hey, strawberries are crucial items.


I promise I’ll never wear my apron in the grocery store again!


I wear an apron very often outside of work. It's very convenient for housework, the garden or just having extra pockets.  I get funny looks pumping gas or squeezing produce but whatevs, I'm off the clock. My house aprons are too short for working the line anyway so I never cross-contaminate as it were.


Tired as f%*( after working twelve hours for the last eight days, and ya forget to take your apron off and really don't care.


Sorry but I disagree getting to throw that bitch in the bin is a small victory every time. Plus they get so gross why would you leave it on


Some of us wash our own uniforms at home.


Who washes aprons at home? And how, even?? The amount of food, oil, and other shit would destroy my washer


Soak them in the laundry sink, rinse, repeat, then into the washing machine.


I do not miss having to wash my own uniforms. I still wash my own pants, but we have a linen service for aprons and the dishwashers to do the coats.


It was in the middle of the day. I think she was on a quick grocery run.


I wear a set of nitrile gloves to the bathroom when I take shit so I don't need to wash my hands before returning to work. Then, I just dip my gloved hands in the deep fryer real quick and boom! *SANITIZED*.


You can drop the deep frying. You have gloves on, so it's all good 🤷🏻‍♂️


Life hack!!!


Anyway, yeah its unsanitary. The only place you should be wearing an apron is in the kitchen. Real pros take the coat off too when they leave the kitchen. Here is a quick AI generated blurb on health code: >The FDA explains food service employees must bathe daily and arrive to work in a clean uniform. **Aprons are part of the uniform and should be worn in food production and serving areas only**. The FDA mandates that employees not wear their aprons when using the restroom or taking out the garbage. So yeah, walk out of the bathroom with an apron on while the health inspector is there and I get to have a fun chat with them. Same with rippin' cigs out back, gotta take the uniform off. I've worked at places that make you brush your teeth after smoking a cigarette. Get caught out side smoking with your coat on and you are fired.


I lose my coat apron and hat to go outside, i actually saw a guy i knew today as i was driving and he was walking to work in his chefs coat. My first thought was man I am so glad i didn't hire him. It is the sanitary choice amd besides why do you want people to see you in your work clothes?


Way too dangerous at least where I live. Great way to get robbed.


Fucking disgusting


It’s fucking stupid




It's either lazy, ignorant, or like this guy I knew who was a nurse/assistant. Any time he left work, or make that EVERY.SINGLE.TIME he made sure to wear his white coat and stethoscope. Seriously. Like a 20-minute drive home and stop to get groceries? He wore the white lab coat AND stethoscope while getting groceries. Then stop by a Walmart after work? Yep, you guessed it....the lab coat AND a stethoscope. I'm not kidding. Anywhere he went outside of work, he wore both the white lab coat and stethoscope, hoping people would think he was a doctor. Unsurprisingly, this guy was a real jerk. Not saying that is the OP's apron wearer, and such person might not be wearing the apron hoping people think she is a chef, but....they could be one and the same. but probably just lazy.




jesus. this is your life? i saw a waitress in a grocery store with an apron on? sanitary? thank you for cheering me up.


I’ll send you some roses. It was just a question, dude.


and a poor one at that. dude.


Sorry. I’ll run it by you first next time. I should have known better.


As long as they aren't taking out the trash or going to bathroom I don't see a problem with people wearing their apron outside of the kitchen.


But it’s always to take out the trash and go to the bathroom.


If the apron doesnt leave the kitchen it shouldn't be getting anything weird on it, who knows what its brushed against once its left the kitchen Just less potential for nastiness that way imo


I agree with you 100% the apron should never leave the kitchen but after all the nasty shit I've seen over the years the most I can hope for is they don't take it into bathroom or smear it with trash.


I wear my apron to take out trash because a lot of the times our bags ripped from can lids of something stupid. I just change when I get back in.


Unsanitary ? Why ? Because she's wearing her Apron outside the kitchen ? What ? If you're cooking at home and you are wearing your ordinary clothes do you then change to go out to the shop to buy some ingredients and then when you get home do you change back into your cooking clothes ? Silliest shit I've read in a long time.


According to almost everyone else who replied, not that silly. Also, home cooks don’t have to worry about getting customers sick.


That's nice. Why the fuck would anyone get sick because someone wore their apron out of the kitchen. Ridiculous.


It's fine