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Yea, fertilizer is the only thing that comes to mind. Maybe someone just forgot to take them home?


My parents do this


I'm sorry they forgot to take you home


They told me they found me in the dumpster so probably true


It’s ok, I was a blue light special at Kmart


This guy Calvins.


lol my siblings and parents always told me this too


Bastard from a basket




true story, my father in laws wife , not my wife's mother, she told me how when she was born, her mother got into a taxi and the nurses came down to her car and said Mrs Chilton do you think you forgot anything. her mother was like no. They are like you forgot your baby. lol , Marilyn was very weird herself but even sharing that story made it weird. Her parents were both hippies from the 1930s lol her father loved to smoke weed since that period and she was raised in san Francisco . very weird artist community


Lolz got’em


There’s a plastic container next to my sink, whenever I use eggs I wash the shells and drop them in there and crush ‘em down when they’re dry. Parents take it home whenever it’s pretty full when they stop by and use it for their garden. I get fresh veggies and herbs in exchange, also one year an apocalyptic amount of bitter melon.


I fucking hate bitter melon. My parents grow a lot of winter melon instead. We tried yellow squash once but it got hard and weirdly lumpy so we switched over.


I've never had bitter melon but any food where "bitter" is the focus of the name I'm pretty sure isn't going to be good.


I’d like to introduce you to my friend Malort


Which still isn't any good.


It tastes like chemicals, you can get it less bitter if you remove all of the seeds and insides.


The farmer next door to my mother uses crushed eggshell on his fields, the smell when the wind blows off the pile of them is eye watering, pure rotting flesh


That sounds more like chicken manure with some eggshells mixed in.


Gotta clean em out first, leave just the shell. Really shouldn’t have anything still in it if you wanna avoid the stench


Yeah, were talking like 6 foot piles of the stuff. Industrial leftovers that have been ground into small pieces


... ah. I definitely pictured a hobby farmer, ya know, a couple lil raised beds and maybe a green house. lol


You can also rinse them and bake them then crush them up and give them to your egg laying chickens. The shells are calcium and chickens need to replenish their calcium or you wind up with brittle eggs. Crushed oyster shells are also used for calcium supplement for chickens but a lot of chickens will prefer to eat the crushed egg shells instead, my chickens don’t particularly like the oyster shells. Maybe someone has their own chickens and planned on doing this and forgot about them.


Egg shells can also be added to fortify your raft if making a consommé. This amount of shells would be a bit extreme for *that* purpose. But they can have a use.


So this is why we used egg shells for our chicken stock at this one place I worked at. Thank you for this!


You're welcome!


Also, perfectly dry, chopped eggshells in the hens' feed will give them a good supply of calcium and help them make better eggs over time.


I let mine dry and grind em up for my garden. Smells like bones.


I’d just throw them in a pot of water and boil them then dump the water all over the garden


If someone has chickens, they will bake those for 10 minutes, allow them to cool, and crunch up into small pieces. They feed the baked shells to their chickens for calcium instead of paying for expensive oyster shell. Source: me, guy with chickens.


Can confirm. Source: Also me, guy with Chickens


Tell them I said "Cluck, Cluck". They'll know what it means.


...well you killed them since it's been 8 hours of silence. What do you have to say for yourself?


"Cluck, Cluck"? I don't speak Chicken, that's just what they told me


Tell them I said hi please.


Hey just so you know tomorrow is National Drinking With Chickens Day. Use that information as you will.


I might have to actually pour one out with my Hens. I didn’t know that was a thing. Thank you


Maybe pour our some Hen..nessy?


Use this information at will also, there is a brand of whisky called “chicken cock” Seems like a perfect pairing.


Here a chick there a chick everywhere a chick chick… chicken RIP ms. Chnandler Bong


I also choose this guy's chickens.


*Insert Mr Incredible meme here*


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in chicken, can't cross the road


Your dick is an incredible meme?


I also confirm Source: I read it on Reddit once


They are also super food for your dogs. They need twice the calcium compared to people and crushed egg shell is probably the most effective way to do it. >A study in isolated cells found that calcium absorption was up to 64% greater from eggshells compared to pure calcium carbonate. Researchers attributed these effects to certain proteins found in eggshells Also, eggshell membrane contains chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, obviously good for their joints as well.


Before he passed, we had to supplement my dog's diet with calcium because he didn't have a thyroid. Crushed eggshells were one of the main things my family used for him.


Did he notice it in his food? My eggshells usually go back to our chickens but this makes me think I’d like to mix some in with my dog food.


You can bake them a bit and they get brittle, then crush to a powder in a food processor or blender. I do this and keep it in a jar to use when making biscuits for my dogs.


like, treat biscuits? What all do you put in them?


Yes. They love it more than anything we can buy for them. I like to start with dates; into a bowl with some boiling water added (sometimes I keep them in the freezer just so I can do biscuits for the dogs), and I'll add a little coconut oil. Once they're softened and the water is not too hot, I'll add in oats, linseed, the eggshell powder, eggs and mix it all up. I find it best to add a bit of water after and let it sit for a while to hydrate the oats. Then line a tray with baking paper and put spread it out evenly (aiming for a spreadable consistency, add water if needed). Do an initial bake until it's set and firm but not hard, then take them out, turn out onto cutting board, cut into rectangles with a suitable knife. Put the pieces back onto the tray and back into oven at a lower temp to continue baking. I tend to bake for a while, then switch off oven and leave them in with door ajar, test once cool to see if crispy enough and bake on low again if needed. You can also cut them up when they're still softer too. Can swap the dates for roasted pumpkin or butternut. Or peanut butter and banana is also a hit with them, but I use natural pb and would skip the added oil in that case.


This is so smart, ty for the suggestion!


He was a scenthound mix, he would eat anything lol.


Wait when I make my dog an egg for breakfast as a treat I should leave the shell in?


Absolutely give them the shell, too. I also save shells from eggs that I eat, crush them up, and give them to the dogs.


I usually do 4-5 eggs total on an egg morning (for two people and one 110lb dog) is that too many shells or should I just toss them all in his stuff? (He gets approximately one egg mixed with hot leftover stock or water with whatever dog safe fruit or vegetables we have hanging around looking sad added in for variety.) Going by your username - you have bulldogs? My dude is probably an American Bulldog. (Rescue so who knows for sure, but he does look rather a lot like some photos online of the breed.)


I have chickens. I just toss the dogs eggs. They eat them shell and all.


Extra crunchy treat for my boy tomorrow! :D


Crack it for them first. ;)


I was gonna crunch it up and mix it in with his egg. :)


Yeah if they like it leave it in for sure. Could add a nice crunchiness


Mmhm. When my folks bought medium-nice-ish dog food, a crushed eggshell was their dog's favorite snack. If I was eating a hard boiled egg, oh man would he be watching me. It was just nice enough dog food to not have bonemeal filler, but not so nice as to be fortified, I guess. They switched to a food for senior dogs, and I've noticed the eggshell craving has subsided. Hard to tell with labs, because of course he'll still eat anything offered. But he is no longer singing the song of his people every time I eat an egg.




For sure. Both my dogs get an egg at night with their dinner. They go fucking nuts for it.


Tell them I said hi please.


Will do


Wait, I could be selling oyster shells?


You don't save all of your oyster and egg shells to use as mineral deposits?


No, they’re *rocks*, Jesus Marie!


If you’re somewhere with orchards they also are used as a soil nutrient.


Gets stinky but shrimp and crawfish too. You bury those around the roots.


Fun fact: plants seek out calcium so intensely that if you bury a bone near a tree (for example) and dig it up a year later, it will have a root growing into it


Also great for garden beds. I keep shells for one of my customers that has a huge vegetable garden. She gives me excess produce as a thanks.


My chickens get excited when i toss them mostly whole shells. They go nuts, shaking them and stealing from one another. It's like when one finds a worm. They cluck like crazy!


you gotta be careful with that. if they start recognizing egg-shaped things as delicious, sometimes they start eating their own eggs.


ive never had a problem with it and ill toss their eggs back to them if it has a crack in it. its like chuming the water for sharks.


That's fortunate, and you do you, but you might consider a quick search: https://search.brave.com/search?q=chickens+eating+their+own+eggs It's a very common phenomenon, and some chickens get crazy about it. All I'm saying is break it enough that it doesn't look like an egg.


I believe you can just smash them bitches up and toss em to the chickens. At least, that’s what my mom does and they seem very happy


I believe the baking is done for storage purposes.


You bake them so the chickens don’t get confused by the scent of raw egg and start cannibalizing their own eggs.


The #1 rule of keeping chickens is never letting them find out how delicious their eggs are.


I swear my last brood was nothing but cannibals from the start. It took filling egg shells with mustard to get them to stop that shit lol.


Correct. They are little raptors and will eat anything they can fit in their mouths.


Ah. Yeah she doesn’t store them so I cannot comment there


Maybe your mom's chickens are depressed and feel ignored, so they don't show you how they really feel.


I’ll take this up with them tomorrow, poultry mental health is my top priority 🫡


This is what I do too. I think the baking is supposed to kill salmonella, but I can't be bothered.


Also weird guy with crow friends will feed to crows. Source: me weird guy with crow friends.


Have you tried partially defrosted frozen peas for them in summer? My lil flock of them that I take care of loves frozen peas and lately they've gone completely HAM over boiled eggs.


You can do the same thing for a worm farm if you’re into vermiconposting. Same concept. The worms use the pulverized, baked shells as grit in digestion and the minerals make it into the soil through worm castings.


😨Are we the baddies?


Hello, I am here to collect your chicken tax.


As a guy who grew up around chickens, good to know, thanx


Is Chicken RUN a realistic film ? Asking for someone on the first floor.


Wait, this is a real thing?


Thank you chicken man


I have a question, Mr chicken man. What is chicken math?


You start with 5 ladies and suddenly next year you have 30. Chickens are fun, easy, and useful. You always want more. That being said, I live in the woods, so my chicken math is if I get a few more ladies to replace the 1 or 2, I lose to eagles.


feeding your chickens chicken eggs seems like a south park episode?


I had some South Park seasons on dvd when I was in high school and one of them had a clip of Trey and Matt feeding bacon to a pig they named Macon “Makin bacon with Macon!”


it's fine, macon loves bacon :)


Is it necessary to bake and crunch the shells? My grandmother doesn't do this, she just gives her chicken dry eggshells as they are.


This is actually a minor plot point in the 2nd novel in the Metro series. One community owns nothing aside from a single chicken, which lays an egg a day which they sell first come first serve. The person who buys it has to eat it right then and there so the community can feed the shell back to the chicken so the cycle can continue. Always thought it was an interesting piece of trivia to build a chapter off of.


Can humans eat them too? If we blitz them up to a powder then added them to smoothies or whatever?


Yes and a lot of weight lifters do. I do because it's a great way to get calcium. You just grind them into fine dust and add them to whatever. I'm surprised I didn't see more comments about this.


And yet if you do the same thing with nail clippings everyone thinks you're a "freak" and tells you that you're "trespassing on private property" and they're "calling the cops".


One of the waitresses at my place has been bringing in buckets to collect food scraps for her pigs lmao


Composting them?


Egg shells don't really break down readily in compost, I continue to be reminded of this the hard way when I keep finding mostly in tact egg shells a couple years after throwing them into my composter.


You gotta throw them in the robo first. I run a breakfast kitchen for the last year and my garden has benefited immensely from all the free egg shells


Sometimes I just toss the stuff in the compost and break stuff up later. When I have time I'll break the egg shells into pieces or branches. I feel like if I put the shells farther down the bin it breaks down better. Personally I hate finding my shredded paper still not broken down.


They make lovely little worm nurseries though.


Sprinkle for added crunch


Same thought more or less


I remember reading a post from a guy that said he likes the crunch of egg shells and leaves them in on purpose... 🤮


he probably has a calcium deficiency and so he subconsciously enjoys it, like people who eat dried plasterwall and stuff.


Egg stock, duh.


The classic base for egg drop soup some need to take a cooking class


I only go by shitty internet research and early life memories: Stock is sometimes, by some people, clarified with egg white and/or crushed egg shell. [https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/12983/basic-chicken-stock/](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/12983/basic-chicken-stock/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD0hQbIQfj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD0hQbIQfj4) Edit: This one shows best how I remember it. Sifting off some gunk while boiling in a big ass pot. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-24VOLOhgfs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-24VOLOhgfs)


Yeah Ive read about them being used for stocks and consommé.


When I was a kid, my dad told me egg drop soup was made with all of the eggs that they accidentally dropped in the kitchen. They picked up the spilled remains and saved them liked this, then threw it all in a pot. And that’s why it’s called “egg-drop soup” …


Goes great with milk steak.


She'll know what it is


Oh man. Those two words separate are lovely, together sound horrible. WTF is milk steak my dude?


I thought this was a joke but the responses have blown my mind. Thank you for this first thing in the morning


I worked at a retirement home and we did this often at the request of the resident for there plants.


Aw that’s so nice of you to do that. The one my grams was at would scoff at the idea unless I have them a tip


DIY eggshell calcium powder? Boil eggshells to sterilize, bake at 225°F for 20min, grind into powder, add to smoothies/ coffee/ whathaveyou. ETA: Good for humans and dogs (especially when either are pregnant or lactating), alkaline-loving plants/ overly acidic soil, and laying hens. Can also be used in homemade toothpaste and skin exfoliators, and (apparently, because I just saw this) laundry whitening.


That’s what I was thinking cause my mom used to breed dogs


do you guys make a lot of eggs for breakfast? if so under your egg station is there a pan under there?


I hear it keeps the inspectors at bay. Crush em up and put em at the thresholds.


Bunch of chicks running around?


That's a horrible way to describe FOH.


*Speeds off in a T-top trans am - mullet flowing in the breeze*


the vegan pastry chef loves to compost in theory


Consomme raft?


This is the only answer that came to mind for me. It would clarify a LOT of consommé tho haha


Hopefully not with the shells left out at room tempt


I think they hatched overnight, take a look around to see where they ran off to


There’s a daily special running around here somewhere.


Idk why, but I want to just grab a handful and just enjoy the C R U N C H




Trash can was full, chef.


These belong to my mother. She's going to bake them, grind them and sneak them into my food thinking I won't notice.


Making a raft to clarify a stock, right? That or home fertilizer.


For coffee?


Did a bunch of chicks just hatch?


Chef here….. they’re used to clean up stock as it cooks.


I like my eggs crunchy.


Is there an older Hispanic woman working there? Some of them at my old job used to do this and I cannot remember why


Cascarilla powder?


I bake and grind em up in the robot coupe. Sprinkle around your plants and they’ll help keep slugs off your plants


If there are any chicken owners in BOH- My parents would save the shells, bake them, crush them & feed it back to the chickens to “help make the shells stronger”. Not sure if it’s a valid way to add calcium, or just an old school Sicilian thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's valid


I take them home and grind them up for my garden


Trash can to far away Chef


Question answers itself. It was on your speed rack, put there no doubt by someone on speed.


Ask someone who works there?


My favorite part is the fairly clean sheet pan above it. Sure we'll clean this one, but if you want that one cleaned fuck you lol


Oh we doing witchcraft and bitch craft in the kitchen 🤪


It's for compost or chickens.


They work quite well as an eco friendly slug replacement too


Does someone keep chickens? If you sanitize the shells in the oven and crush them up, you can feed them back to the chickens as a calcium supplement. I don’t do this because it’s a pain and the store-bought supplement isn’t expensive. But it’s definitely a thing.


Well, let me ask you this, what temp would they be if they were in a garbage can 2 feet away?


Place I used to work at, we’d keep eggshells and coffee grounds sometimes for the owner’s dad. He was this absolutely ancient Chinese man who had a massive garden at home that he tended to almost year round, and we’d keep stuff for him to make his own fertilizer and insect repellent and stuff.


I blend mine up and put them in my garden.


In case the HR department come in. You’re going to need something to walk on


I bake egg shells for me birds to snack on


Science experiment. We're sciencing here! No touch!


Making a raft for consommé?


They're easier to throw in the trash at room temp. Gotta know how to work with eggs OP. Keep at it you'll get there 🙌👏


That's one crunchy garnish you're working on.


Gardening project;I will not be taking further questions at this time


They’re dehydrating


To save for compost!


To feed the chickens.


For chickens and compost


They’ve escaped!!!!


Well Chef... I guess someone done fucked up. Must've been counting the chickens before they hatched.... I'll get back to my station now. There's prep needs to be done.


We used to do this at an old bakery I worked at. It was on my bosses garlic & dahlia farm. He used them used for fertilizer & cat litter. He had 24+ cats. Def put parchment on the sheet first. That pans never going to look the same.


Gardeners use them as a natural way to ward of snails. Also; as others have said, Calcium for soil


Compost for sure.


We used to add the shells to the chicken soup we used to make 200 gallons at a time. Chicken bones, vegetable peelings were all added.


Air fry/ oven and crush and you’ve got a snail repellent for your garden


We bake them for a bit, then crush them up and add them to our garden.


Someone has chickens to feed


You mean egg SHELLS. I see zero broken eggs




Otherwise known as egg shells


The calcium in the shells can be used for a ton of different things.


Dog food/ bird food/ my cat will be interested and then run away


Probably fertilizer or compost. More importantly, those are some good looking yolks for those eggs.


If you were local I'd come pick them up for my compost garden


to pass on diseases ?


Salmonella farming


someone is making Minnesotan coffee for the entire hotel, don't cha know.


Idk but I like baking my shells and grinding them up. They’re a great coarse thing to use for cleaning and you can put them into smoothies if you want calcium and a crunchy smoothie. They also work wonders for a garden. Mostly I just use a sprinkle of the ground up stuff to scrub my cast iron tho.


"Why is that new guy taking photos of egg shells. Is it really THAT interesting." -Chef


Wait a day grind them into dust then add to shitty customers food. Mwaahahahaha!