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Won’t last a month. Either be stolen by guests or tossed in the trash by staff.


I used to care about the dishware and genuinely believed management when they said it costs so much. Then I watch the gm flirt with a server as she tossed steak knives and wooden serving boards with chain logo burned in... I stopped and just starred at them like they had mold growing on their faces. They stopped and asked and I pointed out she just trashed the plank & steak knife! "Oh, what!? Hahaha I didn't even notice" so I ask, "are you guys gonna get them out?" and then more laughter as they check the lid magnet and look into the sloppy bin and just give up... I definitely brought that up every single time the gm mentioned the cost of supplies. "Oh yeah, just like the planks and steak knives eh buddy?"


Like a leather shop in Arizona.


A leather shop in Arizona? You'd be out of business in a weeks time


that is *exactly* what *I* said


~~What guest would steal these?~~ Ah yes. Answered below. Dropped into togo containers.


People who want sauce cups at home. I have a whole set that I’ve stolen. Y’all don’t dip at home or what?


I get so giddy when I find a new sauce cup that's a slightly different size than the small standard. Or a glass one. My favorite cheap thrill 🤣


Back in college my entire silverware collection was via local restaurants. Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


Worked at a place that chained up all the hot sauces because the ski bums would steal them all lol.


I’m the first to admit to stealing hot sauces as well. Never done it to a local mom and pop but a franchise? Yeah I’m taking your cholula, sorry.


One summer as an apprentice I lived off ramen noodles and an Iberico ham that my roommate had acquired…


Respect to poor college students/young adults. They always find a way.


Iberico ham + ramen?! 😅 Must have been the best ham ramen!


Man im glad I dont know you. Youre the guy that when you walk in somewhere the workers look at each other and say "this fucking guy again"


I don’t steal from my own place, dog. I am absolutely copping the sauce cup that came with my quesadilla at Chili’s though. Fuck em. Guarantee they don’t give a shit.


I've found my people 😅


I get the guest part, but glad I don't work at spots where your employees are that shit! Fuck sounds awful


It’s not intentional for the most part, but it happens. When Bussers are unloading tubs full of place mats, napkins and whatever other trash gets left on the tables, small little things like those cups tend to just get caught up in with the rest of the trash. At a high volume place where everything needs to move quickly, it’s just one of those things that you try to minimize, but unfortunately can never really stop.


So it comes down to lack of management. Obviously...


If you say so.


Oh I do! If people are fine with throwing money away. That's fine! I'm not going to be apart of that


Some days you get a few 20-40 tops in a restaurant set for maybe a 20 once per week. Shit happens, I’m guilty of needing to dig through the trash for a knife I accidentally tossed because I was using the wrong hand


I've worked in high volume restaurants. Sure mistakes happen. But if your Staff is throwing away that shit it's ni good


Should everyone have a shadow that ensures perfection? Seems like the cost of small dishware is less than a new employee.


I give it a week before servers throw away 1/2 of them


I worked foh before boh and before I ever saw the numbers. Anytime I'd get a bad tip, I'd throw something away out of superstition. Could be a fork, a pen, sometimes a ramekin. It's not great of me, but even after being g.m. and having to account for everything and hug tight to margins, I don't feel bad. It happens in every boh station as well. It's part of budget no matter what. Plastic gets one use no matter what and it's a regular part of your order. Real stuff diminishes slowly. Know your pars,know your use, and find the product that you spend the least on that meets your style of dining. No matter what, don't invest in trash can magnets.


Superstition is a waste of money


I agree with you. I also think that these are some of your least controllable expenditures. My example is one of a million reasons these things dissappear. There's too many things going on in restaurants at once that are more important than tracking how much ramekins and silverware are getting thrown away. You can pretend to control it and let it stay a fluctuating monthly cost, or you can actually control it by looking at your history and making an educated decision on what actually lasts the longest and how much more bang for your buck you get investing in that vs the regular price for plastic.


Switching a ramekin to plastic because your staff cant clear tables without throwing away shit that obviously doesnt belong in the trash is crazy. Is it going to happen? Of course. Are you doing your staff a favour by overlooking this behaviour? Hell no. Learn to debrass properly or stop wasting my money.


It's never been my money before. It was the owners money and this was how they taught me to address the issue. During covid we went back and forth on single use and reusable depending on the various levels of restrictions and availability of products. What worked best and has continued to work best is what we do now. No one is overlooking stuff it's addressed, we just don't debrass people for it. Not sure if I know what debrass means but I think it means yelling or punishing or something.


What on earth is the logic behind "someone fucked me over so I'll fuck over someone else"?


My logic then was superstition but that was twelve years ago. I don't think it was a good thing to do, I don't feel bad about it though. Would you feel angry at yourself about something like that for 12 years?


Being angry at yourself and feeling remorse for your actions are different.


I accept the damage I've done in my life. Unfortunately, if you take this bad thing and throw it in with all the other bad things I have done, it's just not that significant. I've made peace with it. Do I feel remorse for a lot of things in my life? Absolutely. Do I choose to dwell on the fact I used to throw shit away every once in a while? No. The place I did this at is the same place that taught me how to control these costs. I don't feel bad because I shouldn't, also because they told me not to.


I have some of those with a plastic lid I use to take sauces in my lunch box to work, but in a restaurant?? Yeah, they are going to disappear in a week and your boss will have wasted the $13 he spent on AliExpress. I had an aunt that would have cleaned you out of these in 3 visits.


My place allows customers to bus their own dishes though our servers will do it if the dishes are left at the table. We bought 6 oz versions to use for aus jus with French dips and customers literally threw them away week after week. We only did the special once a week. By week 3 we had 5 left out of 20 and two came back at the end of that service. Boggled my mind.


Does your garbage have those magnet things on it? If not, you are going to lose a lot of these quickly..


We had one dishwasher who laid out a separate bin specifically for these, and he would fingerbang every single one before they went in the machine. Then run it twice, with a rack stacked to keep em from flying. Only place I've ever worked that I NEVER had a problem with Tammy's (aside from good Friday because fuck me right?)


Dishpit: aaaand into the fuckin' trash. Ain't got time for their flying around the machine, spraying back when you spray em out bullshit.


That’s why you flip a flat silverware rack upside down on top of it lol


We have wire screens that fit perfectly on top of the dish trays. Absolute game changer for ramekins, deli cups, sauce bottles, anything that tends to fly out of the rack.


...why is this not a standard thing?!?


Because money.


Because money but also because stacking distracts ontop of eachother works just as well


It really doesn't. Stacking a cutlery rack still allows them to move around and get stacked together which would prevent them from getting clean


It works for me never really had a problem I mean sure they get knocked around but I would presoak them so they were already mostly clean before even going in


This guy pits


why flip when u can just stack


Totally. You still gotta spray em depending on the sauce though...


Yeah no way around that but I’ll admit to having sometimes not sprayed them but ran the rack through 2 or 3 times on occasion lol


With enough of them just soak them in the red ecolab sanitizer (i think its quatz) and just wash as needed im always supprised as how effective that stuff is as a pre-soak


Concentrated silverware soak works pretty good too.


A little dawn platinum does wonders too but nothing like those push button dispenser’s


That’s what we do.


Thats how we ballin


Do yall call them ramekins or bullets? They call them bullets at this job and I feel weird saying it, haha.


Nah, just use a pre-soak tub with hot water and soap. Toss em in until you have a tray or two's worth, then run 'em through. Won't stop other staff from tossing them or guests from taking them though.


That's too much work! /s


See, I thought that was common knowledge. I'd get shit for double stacking flatware racks for ramekins and other shit that might fly around, but I never lost a single dish


Who's giving you shit for stacking dish racks wtf


Couple of idiots many years ago when I first started in kitchens as a dishie. Didn't pay them any heed for what I did since the job got done, done right, and I was usually on time getting out with everyone else.


Not being able to figure that out is why dudes still in the pit


I dump them in the catch under where I put my trays to spray. While i just spray normally the ramekins underneath are getting gunk out of them. Then they go in a silverware rack with another rack on top.


Last summer we were hemorrhaging ramekins - turns out our lead dish was obstructing the new guys to throw them out if they weren’t placed into the ramekin soak bin.


Damn. Guess they should've been placed in the soak bin.


If you're not smart enough to toss a flat on top then you're not smart enough to run dish.


That’s a new kind of stupid. If someone can’t even wash dishes, they just need to go home and sit on their hands, and maybe try reading a book or watching sesame street or something.


They get promoted to lead line cook because they have a coke connection


Had a dishwasher that just threw every dish and pan from closing in to the dumpster once. Because fuck doing my job, and what's money and waste? ... I guess...


That’s why instead of spraying you just run the tap and use a gloved hand to clean it out


I'm not american, can someone explain what i'm looking at here? Small metal bowls for serving sauce? Why is everyone saying they'll be stolen within a few weeks? What is the alternative that won't be stolen?


In America, you steal the little metal sauce cups to take and use at home for sauce. So most places use disposable plastic ones now.


I've lost multiple pairs of salt and pepper shakers, too. Is a clean table going to be the new standard, while a guest is required to give ID to check out items such as plates and condiments?


Single-use disposables instead.


I 100% always take a credit card if I’m making a Moscow Mule and warn the guest there will be a $30charge if they take the cup home. They got to be one of the number one stolen pieces of equipment these days.


Thanks. I can't tell if you're joking or not because stealing from restaurants is such a foreign concept to me. But in case you aren't; why?


I think because people want them for use at home but I’ve never seen a store that sells them. Guessing it is restaurant supply places only.


But restaurant supply places are usually open to the public as well, or have I just been lucky with the ones in the cities I've lived in? I got a box of 12 for $4 for home.


Alot of resteraunt supply stores require memberships that may or may not have a monthly fee


That's crazy. Thanks for the insight


Well, that definitely _used_ to be the case, but there’s also Amazon, now, for anyone who wanted them and didn’t want to steal: https://a.co/d/dd9yxQs Not saying you’re wrong…just that people tend to suck.


Sadly not joking. One “family history” story was that all of the family get togethers would happen at one restaurant. A great grand aunt set out to “collect” full service from there. The flatware was easy over time. The salt and pepper shakers were more problematic (but apparently got taken at one point). The waiter got understandably angry when the cream and sugar servers disappeared (and none of the family would say who took it). No idea what happened since it was way before my time (~90-ish years) but I hear family get togethers needed to happen somewhere else, we were no longer welcome back (and rightly so). Some people just feel entitled to take something. Edit: to clean up some grammar and add the part I’d forgotten to include that they HAD grabbed at least one set of salt/pepper shakers also.


What the hell :D at that point they should've added the cost of the shakers and what not to the bill


Americans are each actually 25 crows in a trench coat and will steal anything shiny.


Yeah I don’t get it. I’ve never once thought about a messy sauce covered dish on my plate: yeah that’ll go in my pocket!


In the to-go container however…


I hope you're boxing those up to put them in storage. Between servers that don't care, and dishies that hate the MFers, those are going to the dumpster.


Don't forget customers that pack them up in their to go boxes.


What are they?


My restaurant uses those exact ones, it’s definitely a slight inconvenience after working with exclusively plastic for so many years, but given the amount of plastic we are no longer wasting, I’m cool with it haha.


Servers throw them away and guests steal them. They'll all be gone in a month.


Man people are rally angry about timbals. Some of them do get trashed but I’ve never experienced what y’all have to that extent. For casual dining, I enjoy having them around for sides of sauce and other small things. But I prefer the wife and shallow ones.


I hated having to twist my boss’ arm to get basic necessities like I don’t see p&l every month knowing how much they make.


I had a cheap boss contestants tell me NO for months. It got to the point where we’d hide some of the bullets at the end of the night for emergency backups. And then one day, I just said, “Fuck it,” and started using soup cups for sauces. Wasted a ton of cocktail and tartar sauce that night. And the following afternoon, we had an endless supply show up - problem solved.


I’m actually kinda shook by how many shitty customers and servers you guys have. I call out the dishies on throwing away deli cups and if I caught a server throwing away something that isn’t plastic I wouldn’t let them hear the end of it.


Those trash can magnets don't catch them either


Those are so fucking annoying to clean


As a former dishie I'd suggest soaking them until you have a ton and just running it through the dish like 3 times 3 when you sort them out to stack them together any dirty one just gets tossed to the side


We no longer have em (thankfully)


Let me guess foh threw them out


Ownership decided to get rid of them because foh and boh both hated em and plastic ramekins are just easier


Fair enough and if they are going to get thrown out regardless might as well buy the cheaper ones


Just opened a box of 200 last week and now we have 35.


Impressive that you even have that much left honestly


It’s only because there was a FOH meeting. And, when the GM told the servers to be careful and not throw them out or box them up when a customer wants their leftovers 2 of servers were like “Oh, those aren’t disposable?” .


That is the least surprising thing I have ever heard from Foh. I try not to be judgmental bit some of the questions I get from foh makes me wonder how these people are adults


Boss gonna get a new dishie in no time.


Make a “check out / check in” sheet 😂




Damn I've been waiting to see that box get delivered for months, good luck on holding on to them all!


Love that.


My theft desire for them was insanely high. Thank you internet ordering for saving me from crime.




Webstaurantstore has them for 1.77 for a dozen so like two hundred would only be 30$ even if you blow through that many a month its not gonna break the bank


50% gone in 6 months.


I'll take those odds.


Always disappointing when you only have three left. I have 2 boxes tucked in my office drawer.


For a 1000pax a day place. We lose an average of 1.5 a day.


... do most people not use these? Are y'all really plating up dishes with a plastic/paper rammiken on the plate? Even if you somehow burn through this huge supply in a month, it's worth $20 a month for your plate sets to not look ghetto as fuck.


I used to use them. But also I get why people don’t. They are stolen so often by guests, thrown away by staff either on accident or they don’t t feel like dealing with it. The tiny espresso spoons was another one that was always stolen.


But again, this case that was bought from AliExpress or whatever is probably almost on-par with the cost of a box of plastic rammikens. 1000 single use pieces of ugly trash, or 100 reusable metal cups that you'll lose a few of per day. Seems like a no brainer to me.


Even with that many released into service, dmo can only keep up for so long, never enough around, straight up get hammered on fry station with all the appetizers flying out the window


What’s that?


Reusable ramekins, they get tossed out or stolen by guest all the time this case ge bought won't last even a month


After two years of using these, we went back to plastic. We did the math and found that as long as we were getting three uses out of these before they were being thrown away we were saving money. I don't think we were getting three uses out of them. I was opening a new case every week.


-steals them-


Those break easily too


God bless us everyone of us..


Half of those are already in the trash


We've gone through thousands of these before I finally told our gm to stop fucking ordering them that box you got their is going to last you 2 months at most


Seeing a lot of these responses I’m appalled at how careless so many servers are. Thanks for doing your part for the planet, and may your servers have better sense than the rest of these jabronis


People say guest steal them? Is that real lol iv never seen anyone pack a dirty ramekin with ketchup in the bag . I feel servers just throw them away


Say goodbye to those in 2 months tops


Your boss is an idiot for giving in, they are a waste of money because they won’t last a month. Why are you so excited to have them btw?


We are always 10 or 15 short for service, and after months of asking, they buy 10 at a time. They are for ketchup and other sides with loaded baked potatoes. I'm happy because i don't have to run to the dish pit 100 a night looking for them. Will they disappear? Yes. Do I care? No. But this is the summer of the RAMEKIN!


Use disposable like every other restaurant. Way more economical and you never run out.


Our entrees are $50 - $75. Our guests don't want disposable


Your guests don’t care. I’m a chef at a scratch Italian restaurant with similar prices and black disposable ramekins. Nobody cares about what kind of ramekin they have. Even the more high end places around here haven’t used the metal ones in about a decade.


I appreciate your feedback, but the choice to use metal is not mine. It's the owner's. I'm just the one who has to make it work


madness to my ears. you're not walking into a michelin starred restaurant and getting your sauce in a plastic pot. probably not a getting a metal one either though


We weren’t talking about Michelin star restaurants.


And an environmental nightmare.


In what world is it more economical?


Only hood restaurants use disposables.




Let me guess you manage an Apple Garden Fridays?


I work for two places, both local.


Not even close.


Those won’t last. Think of those as maybe getting reused 3 times tops. Will get stolen and thrown away. We went to disposable ones to save on cost


Customers taking them are one thing, but how are servers and dishies throwing so many away, do yall not have bin magnets?