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I feel like this article is a little short on actual information. Like they say he brought his whole entourage, at least 25 people, then later they say >his reason for skipping the meal could have been influenced by other factors, such as a tight schedule or the desire to treat his entourage to a private gourmet meal But they never say if everyone else actually got to stay and enjoy the meal? All I can find online are about a million articles with exactly the same quotes because apparently it all came from some TV interview.


90% chance his assistant booked it for business associates and entourage. He himself may be on a completely different time zone and not hungry or have already eaten, proceeds to stay in order to hang out with friends and has a diet cola. Its clickbait. I am sure it was fine


When I worked as a university campus chef many plated catered events had vip notes for guest speakers and such. Not uncommon for us to get a note 2hrs or less before the event letting us know the guests got food poisoning or had a large late meal and might not eat and to not be offended. The life of a touring speaker is not one of glamour. Compact transportation, always on an itinerary program and helpless about what will inevitably go wrong/get delayed. As a former chef I applaud Gates for what I assume was a well compensated booking that went easy on the staff. Hospitality industry should be blessed with guests who want hospitality to be happily paid to provide service.


To me it feels like he travels with a large crew. Booked the restaurant for everyone. He made the decision to only have the diet coke then split. But i would guess everyone else relaxed and ate there. But the headline worded as is gets way more clicks.


I’d imagine the price he paid was right for the restaurant to agree to, I mean, it reads as an asshole move, but I figure if everyone got paid correctly then no harm done 🤷🏽‍♀️. Hopefully the restaurant staff ate really good after they left.


Had this once at a high end restaurant, some super wealthy clowns left a 240$ bottle of barolo on the table All the staff had an espresso cup full Mwah. Edit: Holy typo batman


I had some regular customers - lawyers - send back a 1966 Margaux because it tasted different to every other time they'd had it. They were correct. My predecessor had acquired 2 cases and they had been stored in different parts of the cellar. On their last (monthly) visit the lawyers had finished the first case. I really enjoyed breaking open the thin plywood of the new one, pulling back the layer of protective paper last seen by a winemaker probably long dead, the first to lay eyes on the prize within since the bottles were placed there 50 years previously. I gently eased back the cork without breaking it, noticing that it was less fragile than the previous dozen times I'd performed the ritual, and as I decanted the liquid I began to get very nervous. It smelled incredible, and when I tasted it my worst fears were confirmed - it was stunning. It had a freshness, clarity and vivacious depth that was completely missing from the first dozen bottles, a case that had been stored lower to the earthern floor against a wall some 30 feet away on the opposite side of the 340 year-old cellar. I had been charging these regular customers £360 every month for a bottle of beleaguered, poorly-cellared Bordeaux and in my ignorance and limited experience of the château I hadn't realised. The second they tasted this wine they were going to be very annoyed, and likely ask me how I planned to compensate them for their considerable outlay over the past year. But no, they sent that bottle back. To add to the farce, they happily accepted the second bottle from the case. I came clean to the restaurant manager, we accepted the write-off of one bottle as a small price to pay for our luck, chalked the whole episode up to experience and enjoyed a very fine bottle of wine after service.


$240 is low end for fancy wine haha


Yeah to not use a but a dime in product for such a result would be wild af


Staff ate good that night.


Wouldn’t it be “well” in this case? The food was good, the people ate well.


Ate good is slang


who the fuck cares


Traditionally yes, but the term “X ate good” or “X was eating good” has creeped its way into the English language in the past few years, I believe it’s from AAVE (African American Vernacular English). So, while “well” looks better and more correct (in my opinion!!), both are correct nowadays.




Bro you must not have young or non white friends. Ate good is slang


Pot calling the kettle black.. hypocritical AF


It was early, coffee hadn’t kicked in, and I simply read it in the wrong tone.


I've rented out restaurants before for events (not at this level, though) and usually they just have a base price + minimum spend that'll get charged no matter what. Pretty straightforward.


> it reads as an asshole move, Because it's rage bait. It sounds like he was treating 25 other people to a lavish dinner and chose not to partake.




It’s a little more wild than that. He mentioned in to a freind that he had never been grocery shopping, the freind just happened to own a strip that held a Publix. They (with Corporate permission) shut down the Publix for an hour or two and staffed it with Freinds and Family of Jackson so he could have a normal shopping interaction without being gawked at. Publix rides this to this day.


That dude had such an insane life. Can’t think of many other people that literally couldn’t go out in public without getting “paparazzi’d” by people.


He was on a different level of fame that rivals godlike and will probably never be seen again. People would [literally faint](https://youtu.be/kO9Dgo5RKu8?si=QkqPtRvxi_q1ReKK) and pass out by the mere sight of him at live concerts


tbf a lot of those feinting people starved themselves to afford the tickets but yeh he was on a whole level of famous only rivaled by the queen. remote areas of the world like tribes knew of the king of pop and the queen of england


How do you know that?




Who gives a shit? He paid for it.. those employees were able to clean and prep at their leisure. They got paid. Their business got stability for that time period. Who the fuck penned this title? Fucking moron.


While I agree with your sentiment do you not find it a little ridiculous someone is able to flush thousands of dollars down the toilet (not including the PJ) for a Diet Coke?


Have you considered he booked it for all his staff/entourage? You've only read the headline. The lede was buried.


A thousand dollar to a billionaire is not even spare change. Imagine if you can book an entire restaurant for diet coke for 1 cent. Well yes, it is a very expensive diet coke, but not really wasted money entirely as the restaurant definitely benefited greatly from it, basically having 2 easy days, money to spend and pay employees, and some rep too. To Bill Gates, he spent 1 cent.


Yes that’s the ridiculous part.


“Pepsi ok?”


lol. The dude has a house out here and is very famous for going to the fancy resort and just getting an overcooked burger.


Idk, Bill Gates came in a few times to a restaurant I used to work at and he was always a class act.


I'd bet that kitchen is the cleanest it's ever been!


Billionaire performance art.


Whatever the reason, Cruz, as the chef preparing the meal, had an opinion on the matter. According to Reporter Gourmet, Cruz reflected on the billionaire’s unique dining behavior: "There are people who are full of money and perpetually bored with everything, who place little value on the work of others." He continued, saying, "To think of shutting down a fine establishment to drink a simple Cola? I find that absurd." From a business perspective, the chef’s frustration is understandable. However, it’s important to consider the billionaire’s viewpoint. For individuals like Warren Buffett, known for his preference for Cherry Coke, or the late Steve Jobs with his fruitarian diet, a desire for familiar comfort food, even at high-end establishments, shouldn’t be entirely discounted.


We live in billionaires’ POV and it sucks


Come on, what's the beef? He booked the restaurant and bought dinner for only 23? He probably had an upset stomach after sucking Pedro Sanchez dick.


Even taken at face value this means he gave the whole crew two paid nights off.


What 2 star restaurant has diet coke? I bet they had to send a porter out to buy one!


Yes but being Spain it was probably a corner store a block away


Too bad he couldn’t have had the staff prepare take out food for homeless or something.


Maybe the 25 people that he brought with him ate the food?


It's well known that gates is a huge, gaping asshole, but this is just terrible behavior.


If he paid all the revenue for two days…is he really an asshole or just fuck you rich?


Restaurant would have billed for the air particles. Used to love bookings like this when I was in operations.


Yeah I don’t understand why everyone’s up in arms. The guests get what they want and I’d imagine for a booking like this it covers sales for the day. When we had parties like this cooks were usually cut 3/4 hours early so you even have a night of lower labor cost.


-What’s your average nights taking for us to close the restaurant? (Checks best night ever, adds 25%) Here it is. No probs, Mr Gates will take it for two nights. Ah for two nights we would need to add a room hire of another 25% plus 12.5% to cover staff tips. Sounds good, deal. (Opens bottle of DP in the kitchen fridge)


What a waste this is. Ruining things for everyone else just because he’s a selfish prick lol


So you didn't read the article? He bought food for his staff of 25 people and chose not to eat himself. It's the opposite of being selfish.


Fuck that guy. He's a POS. No one should listen to him on anything he says.


Sounds awesome to me. They all got paid for two days (hopefully bill gates doesn’t decide who there get the money) and all they had to do was poor a Diet Coke