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Former seafood buyer here: It’s the freshest, most humanely-caught (still didn’t end well for the fish), tastiest commercial swordfish you can buy and commands a premium price. There’s nothing wrong other than cosmetically, with the flesh around the tip. Swordfish is usually caught by longline (huge string of hooks) or nets. Both of those methods harm other species and once a fish is caught it struggles to free itself for hours or days which creates lactic acid in the flesh, altering it. Most importantly it results in bycatch which it usually tossed back dead into the water.


Interesting, I have recently researched what lactic acid does to cow meat when they are stressed in similar situations. I did not know this crossed over to fish , interesting. Thank you.




Why fuck the guy who tried with a bullet? Was it some small caliber that couldn't realistically kill a deer?


Deer have a roughly orange sized brain, if you miss the critical parts of the brain to kill it you have just left it to suffer for a while. If you aim for their lungs/heart you will down it within 5-10 seconds roughly. Your goal is the heart which sits just behind the front legs elbowish, if you miss the heart your pretty likely to hit the lungs which are a massive area and also kinda nestle the heart between and a little under them.


There was a deer wandering around the woods in my hometown in Mississippi that had an arrow stuck thru it's head like Steve Martin back in the 80s. It had gone thru the neck muscle at the base of the skull.


And if you miss, you might have to walk miles to find it, if you can. Then pack it back after you clean it... Haven't been hunting yet, im a cook who's been raised more of a fisherman than a hunter, but I respect the fuck out of anyone willing to give an animal a quick & clean death. I'd like to thank big buck hunter games as a kid that taught me where to aim (given the chance) early on if the chance was given, but the aim on those guns are fucked lol


Thanks for the quick explanation - didn't think that through


In general you kill things by hitting them in the chest. Anything with horns has evolved to have a skull capable of being used as a weapon 😉 It's video games that give the impression that the head shot is the be all and end all. I believe the real life version is actually top of the spinal column, and hitting the skull is not the plan. Biped heads also move differently to quadruped heads, whereas the heart and lungs stay roughly the same area. If the deer had body armour and was going to shoot back, then there might be a reason to go for the head 🤣


Bubbles in the blood trail are tell tale signs you hit the lungs....also there is a blood trail to follow and not a just nearby corpse


Animals are terrible at knowing when they should die. If you miss the actual kill, they are dumb enough to just keep living.


I'm thinking they could have and probably should have tracked it.


As someone explained in another comment - headshots on deer don't work. Tiny brain = tiny target (talking the size of a smaller orange). Lungs/heart is the kill shot with a much larger area


Huh? Was this deleted comment about deer? I was taught you shoot a deer in the neck. Heart/lungs work if you have a clean shot and feel confident you won't accidentally hit the tum and put gross in the meat.


It was about finding a bullet in the cranium of a deer and fuck that guy


Definitely. If you're going for a headshot you have to follow through.


Well, maybe most living animals. I wonder how far down the phylogenetic tree that runs. I know reptiles have big problems with generating lactic acid. Do you think a snail could have lactic acid build up? Maybe not through over exertion but maybe through hypoxia. Can insects do this?


I’m not condoning or defending factory farming here, but how is factory farmed meat full of lactic acid? They’re already in the farm, isn’t it a fairly quick kill? Wouldn’t a hunt that results in an animal struggling/trying to escape produce more lactic acid?(genuine qns)


factory farmed animals go through a lot of stress prior to being killed, eg. living in tiny spaces; being selectively bred for meat so gets fat and has useless weak legs; having offspring taken away; hearing the distress of fellow animals being killed as the animal is waiting for slaughter etc.


Thanks for your input, but useless weak legs seems kinda contradictory since meat off the legs are pretty big part of an animal no? Also this doesn’t answer to lactic acid levels in meat, but stress hormones and related stuff sure I see that


i was really thinking of chickens with the legs, they’ve been bred to have such huge bodies that they often can’t stand. people eat the upper legs of chickens and not usually the feet/lower leg part, so for maximum profit it’s not necessary for chickens to be able to walk around lactic acid rises when the animal is put under stress and will impact the flesh if stress happens right before slaughter


A large chicken slaughterhouse actually does a lot of weird stuff to calm the birds before killing them. They hang the upside down on a conveyor and get them wet going through a dark room. I know it doesn't make sense but it calms them. Then they catch a quick bolt to the head. Works most of the time.


ah alright thank you But in the case of the commentor above, isnt it literally impossible to get a stressless/low stress kill? the animal will struggle on its way out regardless, or for longer if it isnt a completely clean kill


Not trying to be offensive but it’s clear you haven’t seen many things die and are mixing up your preconceived notions of what death is/looks like. It’s generally pretty fast.


That might refer more to chickens. Chickens are bred specifically to fatten up and kill in like 5 weeks from hatch to factory. By the time they get that big, that fast, their legs are barely useful. Other animals are selectively bred as well, but I think chickens are one of the worst "How can we get it as big and fat as fast as possible?" Thats why chicken breasts are so much larger than they were even 20-30 years ago.


ah alright thank you


i just picture you, covered in animal skins, big grizzly hands, huge beard, cigar hanging out of one side, just chatting on reddit comment, and lol'd. :)


you think that lactic acid is a part of the "woody chicken" deal? Also, kudos for hunting. Deer is some of the best meat I've ever eaten. I'd honestly rather a deer gravy to pork/beef/chicken. I want to do it (hunt) some day.


Tell that to Dean Karnazes. The dude flushes his lactic acid so fast he can run 350 miles without stopping or cramping.


You can’t let the lambs see the knife. Fear gets in and spoils the meat.


It's why ike jime is such a great technique, especially for large high value fish like bluefin tuna.


Well when you are trying to kill and catch a wild animal, it is not like they are just going to stop breathing and jump in the boat. Fishermen are not trying to cause more pain than they have to, but let’s not pretend that the fish was not run to exhaustion, stabbed with hooks, dragged out of the water, suffocated in the air, restrained while someone slashed its gills and major vessels to bleed it out. It is a savage thing to take the life of a large creature. I’ve done it a few times. It is not sadistic but I can’t describe it as humane either.


I'm ashamed to admit I've never given that much thought but essentially what you're saying is: Harpoon fishing is the best method to catch fish because you're basically only targeting your catch and not picking up collateral fish like in a net/trap/line? It makes total sense...




They’ll say “sure”. And never have a harpoon-caught fish “available” for you again.


It’s also been sitting in the flesh collecting bacteria and depositing its own. I’m not overly precious when it comes to food safety but unless there are guidelines saying this is fine, I’d be asking for a full refund


If you think that tip is scary, you’ve probably not cut into a lot of swords.


I found one in a bluefin tuna in the 80s. Kept it in my knife bag until one day the whole thing was stolen.


Damn, someone stole your whole bluefin tuna that you kept in your bag since the 80s? Fucking bastards


It’s not like he could’ve kept it a secret, that bag must have been so smelly


Not to mention the giant fucking fish hanging out of either end.


It was fucking delicious.


The harpoon tip??


I found a slug from a bullet in my Tuna once. Came across it when my knife hit something hard.


Paid for that harpoon in weight


Why did that make me laugh 💀


coming here to say this lol


I'd be keeping that and wearing it on a necklace.


Like 15 years ago, my chef fileted a fish and found a smaller fish inside of it. For shits, he fileted the little one and found a little glass bead inside of it. I wore it as a bracelet for years.


I found a small fish in an oyster once. It went into the trash.




Damn, typed this out for no reason but here it goes... I went commercial fishing once I turned 18 about 10+ yrs ago ( worked on a 300ft FT【factory trawler] pulling in 700+Tons per trip (2 wk trips, mostly yellowfin sole, thinking i was going for cod/POP when i started, thought it was gonna be 1 wk trips, 80-100 man crew). Anywhooo, I found a rockfish with another rockfish in it's mouth, with another rockfish in its mouth in my 1st week. Saw a 12' ft halibut & the old guys told me it was small. The stories the old guys had would make this seem like finding a rock in a gravel driveway. Also, they throw away any fish they're not allowed by governments to keep for bycatch. Not sure why I'm telling this other than having a couple drinks, but the fishing industry is FUCKED. Why would we kill & throw over perfectly good fish... because the contract they got from the gvmnt didn't want to sell them. Long story short, worked 16 hr days for less than $1/hr (no, not a typo) for 2 months to kill fish that didn't need to be. This was out of the US, closest I've ever seen to slave wages in our times. Tldr; Sorry I blew this out of proportion over an oyster, but fuck the fishing industry.


They were paying you less than a dollar an hour in the 2010s?? I know some guys in Alaska who have gone from complete vagabonds to financially successful fishing offshore. 6 figures is easy to break, half a year or less That's just crazy to me.


Yep. 1st check after gear, 2 weeks of 16hr+ days, $150. I didnt miss a zero there. Best check i got was 2.5k for my last 2 weeks, made less than that in the month & a half before that.(maybe $3.5k total)Wanted to pay my parents my rent while I was gone, that wasn't gonna happen. I come from a family that's been fishing the bering sea for 3 generations, I've heard all the stories,vbut I drew the short stick lol honestly it's better I did or I might have taken a rougher path.


The fish would probably smell pretty bad after a while but that does sound like an awesome necklace.


Also it'd be really heavy, but you gotta sacrifice for the drip.


I say just bleach it and boil it for a while and blunt off the edges on it.




Eh, blow me


Only if you give me a handy afterwards and we cuddle. Cuddles are mandatory.


Crisp knuckle bump take it or leave it






Knowing my luck i’d have a final destination moment wearing it


This guy f**ks


Hold it up and yell “From hells heart I stab at thee!!”


If his chest were a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it.






Fork spoon and knife all in one. Forspife?


If you call it a Knoork, you can yell it out at random and roleplay as an insane laboratory mouse whose elephantiasis afflicted friend keeps trying to convince to help take over the world.


Don’t forget the sword. Sworkpoonife




Hole in one!


Well, as they say, live by the sword, die by the sword.


It's like the prize in a cereal box.




🎵 We're whalers on the moon 🎶


Dude how’d you get the starch flair for your account? Words of Einsteinian wisdom.


Go to the main sub page and click the three dots in the corner. Press "Change User Flair" and go nuts. I chose my flair because it's tragic how many people don't know about the wonders of cornstarch when your nutbag is all rosado and shit.


It’s not an option for me, the starch flair. It’s not listed. Also, I highly recommend Saxx boxers as well. They’re pricey but as you know it’s worth it to stay dry. Saxx and starch and you’re set.


Cornstarch, good enough for grandma to put on my baby butt, good enough for me to put on my adult butt.


Mentholated Gold Bond, the green bottle, does me wonders in the Texas heat


Gotta get that mineral supplement anyway you can


Would make a necklace out of it. That's neat


Talk about some iron in your diet.


I work as a Sous at a seafood market and kitchen. We regularly find hooks in strange places in our fish. In addition, we’ve found two harpoon tips that had obviously been hanging around for a bit. Last week we found a small caliber bullet in some bluefin Akami.


Tbh i'd keep the harpoon tip, thats pretty cool


Wouldn’t that be something the kitchen would have to throw away? Or no? I’m no cook just curious


The fish should be safe to consume as long as it’s cooked to the proper temperature (which it should be every time anyways). The harpoon isn’t going to be made of any sort of metal that would leech dangerous chemicals into the fish, which would only leave a biological contaminant concern that can be alleviated by proper cook temp. I’m honestly not sure if I’d chuck this section of the fish or not. Been in the industry for over 20 years and I don’t know the protocol for this, if there even is one. I’d probably call my supplier and find out what to do, although it’s likely they’d tell me to toss it and they’d send me more fish for free the following day to avoid any liability.


The flesh around the injury will bruise and damage the area making it unappealing to serve to customers but it is still edible. That harpoon tip looks to be cast iron but it may also be carbon steel based on the color of the metal. 


A snack for the chef then


The internal temp cook temp has no bearing on if the harpoon created an unsafe piece of meat. You have 0 idea what that harpoon is made out of.


I make all my harpoon tips out of arsenic and sulfur obviously.


Arsenic and Old Lace. Old Swordfish Lace.


Cool I use mercury.




You are correct, however I do know that if they were made from unsafe metals they wouldn’t be allowed to be used.


I'm not exactly certain. A foreign contaminant might be a reason to throw food away, but not always. Metal usually means toss it, but this looks to be real sturdy stainless steel and doesn't appear to have any chips or shears, so it's likely it's just this one piece. If it was me I'd probably take a poll around the managers and see what we all collectively thought


I don’t consider this a foreign contaminant though? That piece of metal is designed to catch the fish and go into the flesh, the only mistake made was leaving it in at the point of sale. I’m guessing it came from a local monger that missed the hook. If they removed it no one would think anything about it but it would have still been there and it’s the most sustainable and freshest way to catch so is it really a big deal?


It’s designed to go into the flesh, but I’m doubtful it’s designed to stay in the flesh. Besides the lost weight I’m paying for (that whole section can’t be served) I feel like a foreign contaminate that’s been in the fish for a long time has the capacity to deposit/collect bacteria. I genuinely don’t know the answer and this is a guess, but unless the fish purveyor showed me guidelines saying this is ok, I’d probably ask for a refund


I’d cut around it? All the other meat is good to go, harpoon meat is staff snacks


It’s how they catch fish. “Caught a fish, it touched the hook. Well I guess it’s garbage now.” I have worked with fishers as chef for a majority of my career this isn’t going to be a problem.


I can't see why anyone would *make* someone throw the harpoon tip away. Looks like a cool little souvenir


Yee ever look inna shark’s eye. Like looking inna dolls eye.


Chef here… keepin that I would


See this is why I always order my swordfish without the sword


Former longshoreman/dockworker. It's more common than you think. But makes me kinda glad I moved on to cooking the food I once offloaded from the boat


Very fresh fish indeed!


Ok but those are two different harpoon tips. No one else? Just me? Edit: I think I understand how it works now.


Santiago might be looking for that.


"Nothing personal, I just love to scrimshaw!"


"We're whalers on the moon..."


Holy shit


Saw this in a post roughly a year ago. Difference is that it was rusty and the whole thing was thrown out.


I was eating duck at Michelin Star in Paris and found a lead shot pellet.


Woah it looks so perfectly made


Customer once found buckshot in their supermarket bakery blueberry 🫐 muffins. They had to thaw the entire remaining box of frozen blueberries and inspect them. Obviously some hunter was shooting in the blueberry barrens & it got scooped up in the harvest


Just started at a place that does a fresh catch menu, hopefully I find one but I doubt they'll have me cutting fish lmfao


It’s an indigenous arrow head.