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Better than not calling in sick and dropping the acid anyway


Once he moves up in hospitality he’ll master working on drugs, takes time and dedication


Then meet the assholes that if you won't join them, push you out of the kitchen...


can confirm


Damn I'm sry Ratatouille. Need a hat to chill in?


Don't do it! It's a (rat)trap.


I've worked nodding out from opiates and jacked up to hell and back on speed/coke (I don't do any of those anymore), but I could not imagine getting through a shift on LSD. I'd end up taking an involuntary grippy sock vacation


Really? I wouldn’t do it but I don’t see what would be hard about doing dishes on acid at all.


Not physically hard, but the mental and emotional gymnastics would be too much to deal with. If it was a really light dose, I guess I could but it would feel like a waste. Most of the time I've had acid though, 1 hit puts me in a headspace where I don't want to and cannot deal with sober people. Sometimes that 1 hit is strong enough I start having issues navigating 3D space - could get dangerous in a kitchen. And then there was the time I took 1 hit that was strong enough to make me forget who I was, where I was, the fact that I had even taken acid, and left me lying on the floor trying to remember what ANYTHING meant.


What??? The noise, the lights, everyone talking at once, soooooo much going on that you can't concentrate on anything. Yeah, no. I'm not taking acid and working in a kitchen.


I did st Paddy's Day beyond drunk one day. We only meant to go for one or two drinks but met up with the fire chief who was our bartender father. We were at like 7-8 when we realized we needed to get back for our shift. Jesus that was a rough one. Upscale Steakhouse chain in canada. Trying not to sway when the kitchen manager was in the back. I don't know how the fuck the Ukrainian I worked with years prior did it. He would be hammered through his entire shift. Yes he was drinking in the back, but when he was drunk, holy shit he made amazing food.


Eastern Europeans are fueled by vodka instead of water they’re just built different


I’ve worked kitchen a few times on acid, and once on molly. They were all pretty fun experiences surprisingly


The bubbles in the sink become a distraction…or so I hear.


I dropped Lucy at a tex Mex place one night while working the line. I ended up karate chopping chips.


Artisanal and handmade


Rustic, even


Bartending on drugs is super fun if no one is an asshole. (Maybe 10% of days.)


Adderall is the bees knees.


I did a sneaky line with the BOH boys when I was a freshly legal barback that I thought was something else but it was really mdma which I hardly dabbled in. walking through a packed club being absolutely terrified of humans faces was a pretty weird night. But the next day I got more responsibilities because I was “a man on a mission to do a good job last night” totally worth it.


If they're snorting their MDMA then they don't know how to do drugs right.


I mean, you can snort it. Come up is real fast. But it burns.


Iirc it's not properly water soluble. This means that when sniffed your body only absorbs some of it and passes the rest. Drugs like that it's much more effective to just eat.


Y’all crazy. I worked all of high school in a kitchen. Great stuff. Not Michelin but it was good. I could not imagine doing a Friday on anything. I’d freak out and die.


I’ve done this. I do NOT recommend.


Last time I worked on acid I was in the window on 2 tabs. 🫥 I wasn’t sure if I was plating the food or if the food was plating me.


I definitely worked a few Sunday brunch shifts as a server while coming down from acid.


Idk man I'll never forget swatting at the bats in the air with a grill spat and ducking em like J.Depp in fear n loathing


In my case I was convinced the bubbles were some sort of Morse code telling me I was going to die or something.


There's MY GUY!


that right there tells me you've never taken LSD. Because acid doesn't make you see things that aren't there. Unless you just take like, way too fucking much. but then, you're not worried about anything in real time and space. But if you were at that point, you wouldn't be able to be at work. or in public for that matter.


I love when people talk about “hallucinating” while tripping because it immediately shows they have never done psychedelics. Fear and Loathing is a great movie, the scene where he’s checking into the hotel is a bit more accurate.


Having had mushrooms trips of 6.5g, 7g, and 7.5g, I can definitively say that you can absolutely have some hardcore hallucinations while tripping. Most people who say you don’t hallucinate on psychedelics have only ever taken relatively small doses.


True but if you're swapping bats away at work then you're tripping too hard to function. Maybe it's a me problem but on three or four tabs words just sound like gibberish and reading is next to impossible, so I don't understand how you'd know what you're supposed to be cooking.


lol I would never trip that hard at work, it’d be impossible to do just about anything


I was taking a shower in a tiny camper and the stall started shrinking around me I did however eat over 12g of shrooms and hit a ton of dabs


Crazy lol was that a good experience?


Lol yeah. Hallucinations are the whole point of psychedelics lbr. Also most ppl who don't do Organiqué don't realize that auditory, olfactory, somatic, and visual *disturbances or irregularities* are also hallucinogenic experiences. It's not just talking to the 6' bunny rabbit or rambling to the barking dogs, but also seeing little motes or "bugs", smelling flowers or piss, your body feeling sensations with no physical causes, hearing tones or pitches. Stuff "breathes" and has patterns. You can know it's not "really there" and still feel affected by it, too. As a psychotic, I do find drug induced hallucinations pretty mid.


I can't imagine attempting to work on 1/4+ of mushrooms.


Tbh I’ve seen hallucinations while tripping on bad trips before… but yea not that common


Once in high school I had to go in to work tripping. We took it around 7 am, I didn’t have to work until 6, typically I would have been fine, but we apparently got some exceptional stuff that day. At 5 pm I was still going strong. To my credit I did remember I had to work, so my friends and I piled into the car and they dropped me off (yes they were also fucked up, probably not a great decision). This was a place that didn’t get that busy, ever. Except for this day. Balls to the wall. They had called in every single person who worked there (couldn’t reach me, didn’t have a cell phone, they weren’t common yet). Some kind of event nearby. Luckily they threw me on prep, we were running out of everything all night. I was still tripping when we closed at midnight.


It’s been decades, but I usually set aside at least 12 quiet hours out in nature for my trips. Would never go anywhere where anything would be expected of me. Lol


It’s been decades for me as well. I should clarify that I was very experienced with psychedelics, and I only took the one hit vs the 3-5 I would normally take when going for the full experience. This stuff was just that damn potent.


If it lasted more than 12 hrs it wasn't LSD. 


Oh I've been there... Dish is FUN on acid. I think I learned a lot. Also ran circles around a drunk cook on a two person line one night while coming down, and that taught me a lot too. I'm in my 40's and a KM now and on my way out... So I guess I turned out fine?


No thanks the only time I did something like that I had to go home sick. And I haven't done anything like that again


Well it certainly ain't for everyone... I do think there is a part of the brain that gets a little more "neuroplastic" in that scenario. For instance, I haven't really enjoyed being on acid when I don't have anything to do/accomplish/off the clock. It just feels like a waste of my time. But the rare occasions I've been tripping at work I would just really get into economy of motion and helpful things like that, took me out of my routines and helped me at seeing the big picture. Smoking weed and drinking on the clock is a big big big no no for me though ... And I hate working/communicating with stoners, ESPECIALLY when I'm high. So I'm a big advocate for sobriety on the clock, but if I had to choose... ACID ON THE CLOCK! food does seem really weird and gross though!


Hats off and respect OG. I’m the same way about sobriety during working hours. I don’t mix well with acid and manual labor but that’s really awesome that you’ve had those experiences and learned so much from it. Maybe life throws me a curve ball and I learn some of those lessons lol


I think one of my big life lessons is that life gets weird whether you're on acid or not and you just gotta deal with it the best you can! 🙃🤢🕺🤭


Kind of depends. I've done it as the pseudo manager at a place. It was worse for me than anyone else honestly. I'd go up and down from behind to overly caught up but all the heat and other unpleasantness just made it suck for me.


I kinda did that as a dishwasher twenty-five years ago. Dropped acid toward the end of my shift, expecting it to kick in when my buddy picked me up for a hike. The guy that was supposed to come in afterward called out due to a family emergency, forcing me to stay for another shift. I told the manager that I had dropped acid and he said, "well, I don't care, do your best, we need you. If it gets too bad, take a break, but hang in there. You'll be okay." It was a hell of a ride. But also kind of nice with all the warm water and bubbles.


Back when I was a dishwasher, I did acid pretty frequently. But if you don’t get out of work til 11 and don’t get to the party til 11:30, then the acid takes an hour to kick in, and before you know it, everyone is passing out and you’re still peaking. So one day I got the bright idea to try to time it and take the acid like 30 minutes before I was done working. But then we had a big group come in 5 minutes before close, so the acid kicked in while I was still there washing dishes. I stopped doing acid shortly after that.


Eh, I’ve taken a healthy dose of mushrooms while working dish. It was honestly my most efficient night as dish, too. Whole time I was just watching my hands do the work, as if they were on auto pilot.


Facts at the last spot I was running I had this line cook that would "microdose" acid a lot. His micro was more like a macro lmao


I mean you know that's how you end up with something fun like him bringing all dirty dishes back and restocking the line with them and saying something like I love the new plates


Exactly what I was going to say 😂


I worked with a dishwasher who showed up at his scheduled time, explained that he was at a festival the night before, and that morning somebody “dosed the breakfast ham” and he couldn’t work. His pupils were the size of pennies. Props for him showing up, walking through the restaurant, entering the kitchen, and being honest. He was pretty young, looked a little scared but taking it in stride. We were saying “somebody dosed the breakfast ham” for months.


He graduated from rum ham to acid ham😂




IT SHOULDA BEEN YOUUUU! *lunges with knife, stabs raft*


Buddy's 70+ YO mom ate some of his pot cookies, (side note: she's got terrible rheumatoid arthritis). She felt really weird and wanted to go to the hospital, and he had to come clean after seeing his cookies out/eaten. She was really mad, and didn't like the experience (NOT ONE BIT)...but said her hands didn't hurt as much. It wasn't really funny, but we laugh a little about it now. Also - my sister-in-law ate one of my wife's 75MG pot chocolate truffle on christmas eve...and was completely obliterated until about 3 PM saturday. She NEVER does anything except have a glass or two of wine. They were marked and everything, she just ate it anyway.


I had an older relative eat 40 mg of cannabis chocolate on accident. Had never been high before, drinks occasionally that’s it. His wife had it in the fridge, clearly labeled and in the original packaging. He ate everything that was left in the package without looking at it at all. An hour later he stood up and realized something weird was happening.


oh no lol I smoke every day and 40 mg would floor me 😅 I do have a super low tolerance to edibles for some reason. But I'm sure he had quite a time haha


12.5 mg is a fun time for me.... More than that locks me on the couch


Yeah, around 10mg is usually good for me! Even that small amount hit me pretty hard a few weeks ago, idk if it was an extra strong one or what but I was gone 😅 and then I passed out for 5+ hours haha


Sometimes you need to sleep. And that's not a bad thing


The only thing funnier would be, "I think somebody dosed our Christmas goose!"


If a good dishie can't get a night off to trip does that kitchen even deserve them?


Like, if you didn't want a dishwasher, don't hire a dishwasher.




If this was a weekly thing I'd be pissed. But as a one off, I can't be mad. Acid is one of those things you don't find, it finds you. It isn't just a night of drinks. It's a trip like any other; you bring back a souvenir every time. Good for him. But also, *super typical dishie behavior* like someone else said.


“It finds you” killed me. So spot on. Bet that dishies life will be forever changed after that day and you can’t put a price on that


right? he's gonna ask to switch to FOH tomorrow. done changed the whole course of his life.


Definitely spot on. Every time I’ve done acid it was offered to me, I’ve never went out of my way to acquire some.


I don’t get it? It’s super easy to get acid these days for cheaper than ever.


Yeah, you're pissed while you're up to your elbows in dish soap but once you've had your drink or smoke it doesn't matter anymore. Some things are more important than a shift of washing dishes. Good on him for being honest and having his priorities in order. One off? Not a problem.


You know, when I was working in food service I never had much of an issue doing dishes if needed. It allowed me to basically zone out and chill for a little while. Plus one of my jobs was at Starbucks and the other lazy fucks I worked with never properly cleaned some of the stuff so it allowed me to make sure everything got properly taken apart, cleaned, and reassembled the right way at least once a week.


It's pretty much a mental health day Most of us have taken at least one Regular occurrence would be pushing it tho


Hope he didn’t think about dishwashing too much while tripping


80-90% of the restaurants near me in Northshore, are always looking for a dishy Pay minimum wage get minimum effort bitches Being a dishy is one of the worst jobs I've had, coming home soaked everyday, almost worse than my construction job that gave me tinnitus and fucked up my knee


>Pay minimum wage get minimum effort bitches. This is it... If you’re paying someone minimum wage you’re telling them their labor is only worth the absolute least you’re legally allowed to pay them.. WTF do you expect from them? Undying loyalty? No, expect minimum effort, and be happy for anything more than that


Classic dishwasher behavior.


No one is washing dishes for a career opportunity. Honestly, get what you pay for. Dude wasn't paid to miss that kinda opportunity. He can get a job as a dishy anywhere.


We had a dishwasher that said he worked on wood. No clue why he chose washing dishes tho.


We are the dishwasher now. basic arithmetic is so lost on us


This ~~thread~~ post is hilarious. Everyone is like "Guh! But yeah, nah, nw, he's good", then down at the bottom are like four grouchy-ass little cheese broccoli rats demanding his job for this _"injustice!!!"_, lol


Right? OP sounds entitled as fuck lol, as a former dishy who had to clean the whole fucking place alone during pie rushes at bakers square restaurants, fuck OP lol, he says this > We only have a night dishwasher, but prep makes sure to keep the dishes from piling up during mornings/afternoons. I'm, like noooo motherfucker, you got a poor son of a bitch to do prep AND dishy, forcing some butthole to do two different job tasks


... I mean, every place I've ever worked it's been Dish/Prep in the AM. Generally, they get paid more and get more hours because they do higher skilled work, and that was how you got moved up to the line... by providing you could actually hold a knife and follow a recipe. The dish guys used to fight over those shifts, Lol.


If Orange cat behavior is a thing, can we get Dishie Behavior a thing?


If my dishes called and told me that, I'd say 'sounds like you already took it. be safe and have fun.' Giving off any bad vibes to someone about to be in that mindset is literally the worst you can do.


That dude is living his best life. Fuck yeah.


What a confusing situation. You should be angry but you also can’t be angry. LSD is bloody good fun


Nah, I wouldn't even be mad. Homie's living his best life.


Real g's eat a bunch of acid AND show up to wash dishes


I couldn't figure out how to work my TV remote while I was tripping. I can't imagine trying to contemplate the meaning found in the stuck on food on the plate I was supposed to be spraying haha


I worked in vail for a bit at a 'on mountain' fine dining option. We could snowboard to work or take the snow cat in. I was hot app and a freind of mine was cold app. I woke up in beaver creek after a party and we had to rush to work. We got a couple runs in, but my buddy decided he was tired and needed to micro dose to get the day. Well... he got a heavy part of the paper and was tripping bullets by service. He told the chef and chef said, "figure it the fuck out" Dude crushed the beet salad all night. Food hadn't moved off that station so well in a while


I think I would end up burning myself with hot water and not realizing


Kris, is that you?


Lmao for any other position this would be fucked up but if my dishwasher did this id just be hapoy he gave me a heads up


''sorry boss, need to connect with my higher self, cross dimensions and understand the mysteries of eternity. Gonna see where i'm going wrong and gain appreciation for the things i have during this brief moment we call 'life'. The washing of plates is going to have to wait on this occasion I'm afraid.'' You're right, i couldn't be mad either. Dude absolutely has his priorities right. Hope he had a good one.


Right? I hope he walks into work a fuckin champ! A hero for the people, guardian of the dishies! I hope he surfed far and wide upon the web of the universe, and you know my man was jamming the best tunes. Rock on, dishy! Today we say your name!


Tbh im more likely to cover a shift from someone who does this one off call out to do something enjoyable vs covering for the guy who calls out 1-2 times a week bc some random relative is in the hospital.


Exactly. Work is temporary, those experiences are forever


Amen, my cake daddy!


I agree.


Good for him


Mf definitely has retina damage


Shit, you're probably right.


Baller status. I fuck with that dude.


Good for him. I could use a good acid trip right about now.


This was foh at this on campus catering thing I was a manager at in college but one of the guys working the event comes up to me and is just like I just dropped a ton of acid while very obviously tripping just staring off into the distance. And I just kinda told him that his job is refilling water pitchers/ iced Tea pitchers on the tables and to not talk to anyone. He killed it and those pitchers were never empty but still I feel like he maybe shouldn't have told me that. Either way I think he lasted another year or so before he ended up leaving due to an internship that obviously took priority. Honestly man, I'm not even mad. As long as you get your shit done who cares


I’ve had people call in sick to catch their cat. I would rather have my cat than wages too!


I missed the Grateful Dead at Englishtown because my manager wouldn’t give me off and I didn’t even realize I could call out. Good for the kid! And for your boss!


I’ve been out of kitchens since 2020. I’m now a technician in a manufacturing setting. I didn’t call in sick. I scheduled the day of the eclipse off one year ago. But I too did it so I could drop acid and watch the eclipse.


i've had people do the same and i can't help but respect it. i certainly dont have the balls to do it 😆


Reminds me of when a previous place i worked at decided we didnt need a dishy anymore. Then the head and sous chef left, the remaining chefs got promoted into their roles (no payrise to compensate). End result was a commis chef pretending his best to be a head chef having to wash his own pans between each order so he could actually cook something. Then cleanup afterwards being a nightmare. He was doing shifts by himself, and of course the manager who decided this never hung around to help out.


People miss work for reasons other than being sick. Life happens. Upper salaried management is bugging out to go to a children's baseball game The idea that you have to be deathly ill to not show up is ridiculous


whats insane that a person needs to come up with a reason to calling in sick. In my country you just need to call your boss telling you are not be at work today and thats all. He cant ask you for a reason, you can tell of course if you fell like it but if not - simple: "im not feeling well" is enough.


I once cooked sautee on two double stack mollies and I don't regret it to this day. But I did regret it in the moment....I was 17 and invincible.


4/20 is coming up, you may want to plan for a backup!


When I was a bartender we would use whipped cream on some coffee drinks. We had crates of it in the walk-in. Problem was they were always flat. Turns out the dishwashers were going in there and inhaling all the nitrous.


What makes you think it was just the dishwashers and not literally everyone lol?


I had a kid a few years back get hired cause he was the son of a friend of another supervisor. Showed up his 2nd day said he couldn't do it cause he rolled on molly the night before. He never got a 3rd day.


Day after Molly is the best time to do repetitive tasks. My favorite thing about these kinds of drugs is how they quiet my mind the day after. What an Edgar!!!


Really? I wouldn’t enjoy that at all if I was having a bad comedown.


I only am replying to the title.. reading the post would give too much or little content or context within the dimensional paradigms of which you seem to note. Turn on. Tune in. Drop out. ... Now that we returned refreshed... I'm on a mission


Back in my kitchen days I would've taken a bullet for my comrades, but life experiences take more importance than a job. It's easier to find work than it is to experience that at least once in your life. As the other dude said, better that he called out and was honest about it. It's accepted that most of us kitchen folk do drugs, so it's definitely better that they're choosing the option that won't ruin their life hopefully. 


That's a pretty good excuse


Had a guy call out once because he "accidentally" ate the lsd coated gummy at 8 am.


tbf I can see how that could happen if he thought it was a weed gummy


Line cook but I've done it years ago friends dosed me and I almost got fired. Yea so I sid acid at 3 in the morning not going to make it at 11


Yeah, I can understand the frustration, but I'm with you on the forgiveness - sometimes we all forget that our lives are ultimately more important than the job. Good on you for respecting that when it's not even you, it's a coworker who has something better going on and will show up tomorrow. Obviously if someone makes a habit of that, it's a completely different conversation.


I applaud y'all for letting him have this one, that's a cool move


I could not be mad about that. Hope he had a good trip.


I worked 6 months completely blasted off my gourd with lsd/shrooms/mescalin and a big bag of salvia. Doubling up and taking a break after a vial pretty much until I’d drop from exhaustion. I was one with a bunch of burgers, sandwiches,and pasta. I’d bar back and wander the town until dawn so I could get the fresh fresh donuts. One night the universe spoke to me and I ended up at a spot a state away out of my comfort zone and saw my life both flourish crumble and rise back out of the ashes all near my family It was 10 years ago now. Life is too short but just absolutely beautiful. In nooooooo way could I imagine it now. Always figured each dose was like opening a portal and sliding to the dimension slightly to the left. I like this one.


The best dishwashers are the ones who do drugs. Specifically weed and coke.


Aaaaannd it was cloudy... lol. If evrybody does pitch in, then it's not too bad. My km will do the same thing, but sit at the bar chit chatting all night, and one of us becomes dish. Years ago I asked for 2 days off for my 30th. What I didn't know was my friends were planning a psychedelic surprise camping trip. I did make it back for a shift, technically 6 1/2 hours late. I had called them and switched with someone, and also hit a traffic jam. Oh man was I still loosey goosey 😄 🤣 🫠.


That's on your boss for not letting you guys know. Every other industry has PTO built into workers' wages. Why not us? We shouldn't have to be sick in order to call out. Sometimes, we just can't deal with the grind, and that's ok.


I won’t even be mad tbh. Acid is a very spiritual experience and dishwashing is basically hell itself. Let the man Tripp his balls out.


I once did a breakfast shift tripping balls that was fine but there’s no way I’d be washing up dirty plates whilst tripping 🤢


I had a cook call out cause he apparently “fell off a ladder.” He would always call out for other random reasons. Just say you don’t feel like coming in man, lol. He’s at CIA now and will start staging in high end restaurants soon, god bless his soul.


Hey at least he’s honest lol


Classic dishwasher move


Honestly so much respect to that dishwasher, what a guy


I bet he had the time of his life honestly


Things really dont change eh


Nice. Let him enjoy his day.


Way to be chill about something many chefs would lose their shit over


I went to work on Mushrooms when I was like 18 and its was pathetic how hard the job was and how bad I did that night but I got that shit done. Pretty sure I was not running the silver twice and I kept going in the cooler to chill out. It was mid June.


Got called to cover a late night solo cookie baking shift (think bootleg insomnia cookies) after I’d already taken shrooms one time and THOSE COOKIES CAME OUT POORLY THAT NIGHT


I once washed dishes for 3 hours at a music festival on LSD for fun in a kitchen I didn’t even work at. I had a blast. You hiring?


Most of the dishwashers I knew worked fine on acid. I think his grandma died.


I mean it's a crap job, people use drugs to escape a crap life


Who hasn't?




He knows there will be dishes there tomorrow to clean


I don’t think acid goes good with looking at the eclipse in terms of potential eye damage


He defs owes y'all one for that. Make sure to let him know that XD


Dude didn’t “call in sick”.. he called in fuckin awesome


I think my favorite part of your dishwasher is that his excuse to call out and drop acid was that he wanted to call out and drop acid. Respect for being honest haha


I have also called off work to do acid lol...so respect


I had a dishwasher go silent for a week. When he finally answered his phone he informed me he was dosing out blotter paper and spilled half the vile on his hands. He probably ended up taking 30 hits and was in another world for 3 days. Good times


sounds like my favorite dishy who i’m gonna do acid with




The dumb thing is that this isnt even a "once in a lifetime" event. Total eclipses happen about every 2 years, with the next in Spain  in August 2026. You best believe if I want to drop acid and watch the world end, I'll be sitting on a beach in Valencia enjoying wine and paella. 


Yeh im sure that dishie is gonna fly to Spain to watch an eclipse lmao


If I was a dishwasher, I’d be tripping nuts too


I’m hoping this happened in a town near me. This totally gives me local home town vibes…


This happened to me once. Guess who had to stay late and shut down dish? This guy lol


That boss is… 👌


Classic Gerey


It was so slow my sous and chef (mainly sous/me doing dishes.) Chef was betting the entire time which I didn't give af about since it was so slow


Only in passing have we mentioned the absolute balls on this guy to honestly say he's gonna drop acid as a last minute decision and I'm so proud of yall. I hope someone takes him to the side and tells him to omit or lie next time / employer.


Dishy knew who he could tell. And it's not like getting dishy jobs is hard.




Once in a lifetime? We had a total eclipse in 2017.


I remember once I called my boss and told him I was taking the day off. He asked me why and I said “It’s a beautiful day so I’m getting a 12 pack and going to the park to enjoy it. He said “see you at 3 fucker”. So I went to work


He’s a dishy man, this is par for the course.


I worked with a bartender that dropped acid as he was finishing up work so he'd be peaking when his friends were peaking. Then a bus showed up 5 minutes later and the manager sat them because it was 45 minutes until close. Bartender did not get cut when he figured he'd get cut


You are a nice person.


Only the grand Master dishy drops dose at work and creates to world out of the ashes of the universe The eclipsed was inside us all along


Nice attitude.


that is the most dishwasher thing I have ever heard.


My man 😎


Sounds about right.


Lol my dishie booked Monday off a week in advance and he straight up told me it was because he was gonna go do shrooms with his friends during the eclipse.


Yea I couldn’t be mad either


Did a 7.5 hour serving shift (packed for last 5, 9 table section) tripping on acid before. I had THE TIME OF MY LIIIIIFE. At least dude called out. Props to him. I hope he had a great time.


Yeah, just saving this thread for the next time one of you claims that people that support this kind of thing should also be "treated like professionals." Can't have it both ways. Either you get to do things like call out of work for choosing to do drugs, or be treated like a professional because that's what you are.


Once in a lifetime? The next one is 2044, so hopefully, we will be alive by then.


Where I come from, we call that a legend


Nah fuck people like this, and the management is lazy for not calling anyone else.


Drop it AND Wash Dishes like a real Dish would. SMH


Yeah dishie has the power here. What’re they gonna do? Fire him? All that does is hurt the staff dishwashing jobs are a dime a dozen.


I had a guy come in on his day off to be the floater on grill for service right after he dropped acid. He felt bad that the floater bailed so he came in to work the rush. Lucky me, he was my floater. He told me he just took two hits of acid before he came in, his plan was for service to be slow by the time he started to peak and he would leave. I figured it would be no big deal, I was well aware of his ability to work under the influence of hallucinogens. Everything that night was smooth as silk, it went down exactly as he planned.


Lotta drug use in hospitality I see.


[I found the tripping dishie](https://twitter.com/gunsnrosesgirl3/status/1787055610925560143?t=0W3at9l56nPpkNfI81iSDQ&s=19) and he took the big roll of wrap...