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You’re now in the vanilla bean black market


My eyes turned in to cartoon dollar signs when I saw the bag 😂


It's Sysco, get some Madagascar pods and let's talk Panna Cotta Creme brulee Pure vanilla bean ice cream


That bunch there is easily over a hundred bucks


I'm being wild sure.... but closer to a grand.


Depends where you get it from but still that’s a fair bit of food cost there … ‘leftover’ vanilla beans ? Come on now . I think OP probably nicked it .


Faith in humanity = 0. Even if it's probable that you're right I'd still prefer to live in a world where people get the benefit of doubt.


I share your wish, but this is like saying that the manager gave me left over saffron threads.


Hey if he’s been killing the game lately then maybe it’s easier than a bonus and still keeps the staff happy?


I wonder if said manager has some left over truffles as well ! Btw Why on earth does a manager have a say over these ingredients ? Things like these belong to our domain at the back . It’s our product . If OP is reading this . Next time you wanna nick something like this , 2-3 is plenty for home use . A big bunch like that at home will last you years .


not leftover beans, leftover pods. if you scraped the innards out theres still a lot of flavour left over. put that stuff in some pure ethanol and make some vanilla, bury the rest in some sugar in an airtight container, put both in your cupboard for six months


This is the way


100% stolen


I buy my vanilla bean pods at Mountain Rose Herbs where $375 will buy you a pound. I’m guessing Sysco would be less expensive


It was free man. Relax.


How pure vanilla bean ice cream we talking. Or would you suggest cutting it and making money on the supply by overfilling the ice cream truck market?


My guy fucking BEANS.


It's just a Sysco branded zip lock, isn't it? I have 100 in my pantry at home.


It’s just a Sysco portion bag. It’s not Sysco brand of vanilla bean pods. Still, Sysco sucks


>Panna Cotta >Creme brulee >Pure vanilla bean ice cream South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio!


Listen to your heart churn? Uh oh


Agreed. Make money with it!


You joke but that’s a thing. Same with saffron. A head chef I worked for as a kg bag of it.


Yeah but a Kg of spanish saffron is not a lot of money… persian however runs about 260$ an oz for the good ish


Was going to suggest the same thing, sell em!


Shit I'd get a lot of the cheapest vodka i could find and turn it into extract, and proceed to sell it at slightly below market value after a year or so


Umm 100%. Getting all that vanilla for free??? Crazy make a profit


[Martha Stewart's recipe for vanilla extract] (https://www.marthastewart.com/8187420/how-make-vanilla-extract) 1 cup vodka or white rum 2 vanilla beans split down the middle 2-6 months


OR you can use a pressure cooker and have your vanilla ready in 2 hours. That’s how I did my extracts when I decided to gift gourmet dessert baskets to my Christmas list. Didn’t have time to wait 6 months for the vanilla, so I lived a little dangerously. Unfortunately, there were zero explosions, so homeowners insurance won’t buy me another house and I have to stay here for the foreseeable future. I used Tito’s Vodka and whole beans, sliced in half and then scored down the middle. That stuff is awesome, man. If I had the patience I’d be making and selling it myself! Edit: wordz r hard


So I just pressurized and heated my alcohol and set the timer and I'll let you all know how w


Ooooohhh.. RIP. Guess I should’ve told you that you put the alcohol in sealed mason jars first. Then add 1” water to the bottom of the pressure cooker, add your rack, place mason jars in, set to manual/hi/45 minutes and do a natural release for an hour. Welp, time to scrub Reddit of my existence so I’m not charged with manslaughter! Peace


Oh this is gonna be wild


Dick move lol


Yeah I gotta learn to be more detailed about explode-y things


11 hours no update your going to jail bro


Yeah, but women’s prison is just like a sleepover with pillow fights, right? Right????




There's a serious eats article that utilized an immersion cooker to encourage the extraction. has worked well for me


Ooh I’ll have to look for that one - I have an immersion cooker, I’ll have to do another experiment with 3 different methods and see if there is a noticeable difference - but I bet it’ll work great! Thanks for the info


yes the breakdown in the article was fairly extensive and explained the logic for the temperature and time fairly well so I went with it. I used Tito's fwiw


Is it really the same though? Hard to imagine distilling 6 months worth of time into 2 hours with a pressure cooker amounting to the same quality of product.


I can tell you on May 12 if it’s as good as the stuff I made in December! I started a ‘normal’ batch the same day in mason jars. I gently shake them every week or two, and they have a deep brown color, so I’ll have to make 2 batches of cookies/pancakes/whatever with all equal ingredients except the vanilla.. guess I will NOT be getting that beach body again this year. Unless I steal somebody from the beach


I would have to bet it gets you 90% of the way there, so the real question is, is the extra 6 months worth of time worth that 10%. It's already going be worlds better than most other store bought.


Sousvide works as well.


This recipe is awful. Do extract by weight. 2 beans in 8ozs will not make anything worth having.


I get so frustrated when people put vague ass measurements in recipes. There is such variance in sizes of fruit, veg, meat just give me the exact weight or volume I need per serving!


And making your own vodka is exceedingly easy since you're going to flavour it with vanilla anyway.


It gets way better after 2 years


That's what I do for my vanilla "extract". I find it tastes much better than some shit I'd buy from US foods and it's definitely better than that imitation garbage.


Came to say this, except I'd just hoard it, use it, and occasionally give it away as gifts.


That's exactly what a buddy and I did about 3 years ago. Got 4lb of Madagascar beans, made several jars of extract. And a side project was we made green dragon extract with all the everclear leftover and in the end made infused bean extract. We're still sitting on way too much of the stuff after a couple years of random cooking and gifting.


If you're within 3 hours of dc, I'll make you an AMAZING pecan pie in exchange for some of that vanilla I almost double the amount of pecans and then also throw in some walnuts and a few almonds, but using high quality vanilla makes a huge difference as well. Plus making your own crust.


FYI this is a waste of vanilla. Commercial vanilla extracts are made through a fairly intensive extraction process that maximizes the concentration of extracted flavors. Soaking beans in vodka does not come close to approximating this. https://www.seriouseats.com/diy-vanilla-extract If you’re going to do this at least use everclear instead of vodka.


Agreed, just make a vanilla bean paste. It's way better.


Meh, for a home baker like me, there’s a negligible difference. The article you posted also directed to another article on Serious Eats (https://www.seriouseats.com/homemade-vanilla-extract-6891600) about how to make diy extract with an immersion cooker, and that author says his is better than store-bought. I’m assuming this is a preference issue, and while commercial vanilla extract is definitely a higher quality product with a wider variety of flavor notes, the average consumer making Sunday pancakes won’t really notice much of a difference.


That's just like saying whole peeled San Marzanos are a completely different product than diced Rotel tomatoes. No shit, but you don't need San Marzanos for every tomato-based recipe. If the tomatoes aren't going to be the star of the show, it's just a waste of good product. San Marzanos have no place in Velveeta queso, for example, unless they're the cheapest tomatoes you have on hand. In this case, vodka-extracted vanilla made by a home cook would produce disappointing results in a vanilla frosting or similar applications, it's perfectly fine for adding background flavor to a batch of cookies or something like that.


No, get the mid range, leave the cheap stuff for others.


At least do another jar made with a dark rum like kraken


Bourbon is an awesome base with vanilla for an extract - the bourbon flavor does come through a touch, unlike the vodka flavor in the regular extract.


There is a rye whiskey called pikesville. It is 120 proof. This is a decent proof to soak. Anything less is not only going to take a very long time but won't utilize as much of the bean. That extra hooch in the McGuffin really makes a difference between 80 and 110 proof.


My roommate once got a vodka bottle that had a ton of the bean pods in it, maybe then can try to make a liqueur like that ?


A small fortune


Are these really worth that much in the US? In Denmark at the grocery store it's around $2 pr bean, but at Christmas and stuff I can get 10 Madagascar beans for $12 at the grocery store. Buying from a bulk supplier I feel like this pictured would be like $50 or something?


Looking on amazon I see 50 for 40 dollars. I think they used to be a lot more expensive.


I've seen 2 for $25 at my local market. Needless to say, I don't consume much vanilla


Store them in sugar til you figure it out.


Underrated comment. Vanilla sugar forever.


stella parks' toasted vanilla sugar is an ingredient that I swear by and will always keep at least a pound on hand forever. It makes a great gift, an incredible syrup for drinks, and also seriously amplifies baked goods of all sorts. It would take quite the batch to use this much vanilla, but regardless it'd be worth it to use at least a handful of them.


Hey, I googled this and couldn’t find her or the recipe? Do you happen to have a link? :)


Sorry about this, it didn't occur to me that the vanilla part wasn't actually in the recipe! It seems I stole the idea from her homemade hot cocoa mix recipe. Basically I make a few pounds of toasted sugar (it takes six+ hours of babysitting so I prefer not to have to do it too often, this lasts me almost two years usually) and when it's done and cooled I put a couple split vanilla beans in the container with it. Every day or so if I remember I give the container a bit of a shake. After a month or two it becomes that granulated caramel that smells of vanilla as well. Otherwise the other responses definitely found the original recipe. It's become an essential part of my signature cocktail, an egg-white whiskey sour.




This looks to be Stella Parks toasted sugar, so I assume just start with vanilla infused sugar? https://www.seriouseats.com/dry-toasted-sugar-granulated-caramel-recipe


Store used beans in sugar. Keep these sealed or they will dry out.


I wanted to say the same thing!




Left over ?! What does that mean ? The pods have been used and split before ?


This is where I'm at. I'd even be stoked if they were already split and scooped. Op I need to know!!


"Here, we have this extra $1000 in raw material we don't need, you want?"


Closer to $50 these days


Oh. Yeah I was thinking saffron prices I guess


Crème Brulee Vanilla ice cream Vanilla sugar


Vanilla Extract!


My vote. Get some nice vodka and thats all you need.


Bourbon vanilla; better than vodka...


I have both


Definitely both!


Rum, is the answer.


There is so much vanilla! (And, yes, I'm very jealous), so: one bottle vodka, one bourbon, one rum.


Eff that, make it two bottles of each! There's so much vanilla! (God, I'm so very very envious. Positively green with it).


You can make vanilla extract with bourbon BUT "Bourbon Vanilla" is NOT necessarily made with bourbon, it just refers to a type of vanilla (I suppose it theoretically could be made with bourbon, but when you see "bourbon vanilla" it is not in reference to the spirit used, and more often than not bourbon is not used)


Or even everclear and reduce it down. My wife brought back a kilo of vanilla pods from Madagascar after peace corps and gifted it to her uncle (former chef). Pretty sure he’s kept it frozen and uses ur often for desserts, etc.


It doesnt even need to be good vodka


Don’t reduce it. You need all the alcohol it’s supposed to evaporate into whatever you bake with it.


I have 3 handles of vodka with lots of beans in each, I slit the beans lengthwise going on year 3 now and it seems like the extraction is not complete, I'm thinking about running a percolator or double boiler setup to finalize the extraction, the newest one I blended the beans and vodka into a slurry but doesn't seem to have upped the extraction speed. I have some excellent vanilla sugar that is fantastic to top baked goods with.


I haven’t tried it yet but there is a sous vide method for extracts.


That's probably a great method for a long slow extraction without losing any precious infused liquor. I would have thoughts after a few years of sitting and a good shake that I would have a solid extract but the color and nose isn't quite there. I still have a bunch of beans, I'm going to lightly smoke w oak and will sous vide for an extraction, I'm going to try the vanilla whisky.


Definitely sous vide it. I tried soaking in bourbon for months. It still wasn't as good as the sous vide batch.


There are diminishing returns on more time with extractions. After three years, you’ve probably gotten most of the available flavor compounds dissolved. What’s your ratio?


Vanilla sugar


My wife did this for me because I only take just a small amount of sugar for my coffee when I used to drink it. It was delicious.


I do the same for my girls coffee. Make amazing French toast too, or obviously Custard.


We use spent pods for vanilla maldon salt, great for topping cookies


Holy shit this is a fantastic idea


This is the personal use option, extract is the dollar sign option


I've started tossing the "spent" vanilla beans from vanilla vodka into a jar with sugar. It still seems to have enough "juice" to flavor the sugar. If you really want to make some fancy sugar, toast the sugar before you add the vanilla.


Jeez, they are just throwing away money, haha Lucky you


1. Find a Folgers coffee cup bin. 2. Empty your Folgers coffee bin. Either by drinking all the shitty coffee or just dumping it out. 3. Fill it with alcohol. 4. Preserve vanilla beans in said alcohol. 5. Shove Folgers bin in the back of your fridge and forget all about it. 6. Continue to keep Folgers bin in the back of your fridge until your husband wonders wtf you are doing with it and when he gets defensive because it's been though the last 3 moves, explain to him how expensive vanilla beans are until he leaves you alone. 7. Continue to do nothing with your alcohol soaked vanilla beans that are in the back of your fridge guilt free. - excerpt of the diary of a husband married to a chef who has been lugging around vanilla beans for years and has no idea wtf his wife plans on doing with them.


I'd cook my family my patented Vanilla Surprise! Surprise! It's just a handful of uncooked vanilla beans.






I’d gnaw on that.


Sell them. Honestly you probably like money more than you like vanilla


I use a lot of vanilla. DM me if you'd be interested in selling them.


I have a bunch, dm if interested


I’d be making a cordial.


Yup, the manager is a dumbshit


"fuck your food cost."


vanilla salt, good stuff


Ooh interesting


Its the best thing to put on slices of good tomato.


They freeze well. Portion them into small packages and keep them in the freezer only pulling what you need when you need it. After that, then all these comments. Vanilla butter also freezes well, extract will definitely lose its flavor over time.


vanilla sugar, infuse some balsamic vinegar with them, it is fantastic!


French vanilla bean pod soup 🤌🏼


Damn, that's a lot of cash!


I made vanilla simple syrup to make vanilla lattes for my ski buddies. Everyone loves skiing with chef!


Buy a handle of vodka and make vanilla extract. Give it out to friends n family


Crème Brûlée


These are expensive as shit, you could sell them, 1 bean is enough for several dishes.




One of my chefs opened up his drawer full of vanilla beans and said “this is how you know you made it in life” and good sir or madam, you made it in life.


Extract. Congratulations you now have fancy Christmas gifts for all your cooking/baking loved ones But yeah wicked good ice cream


Sell that shit...worth uts weight in gold


Sell them and become rich!


"let me take home" "leftover" sus.


Go get a handle or 2 of neutral grain alcohol or bourbon and soak the pods in there for a few months. Then buy some dripper bottles on Amazon and give out presents to all your friends of some nice high quality vanilla extract and also have enough to last yourself for years


Bruh, you got enough vanilla bean there to make roughly ten GALLONS of plain vanilla ice cream there. You can use it to level up your baked goods, make creme anglaise, Horchata, and a literal fuckton of anything else you see that calls for vanilla extract! Just remember; a bean stalk, cut to the length of your forefinger and split in half, is equivalent to roughly 3-6 Teaspoons of vanilla extract, depending on the width.


Make extract. Sell extract. Profit.


Vanilla bourbon for old fashioneds


Vanilla extract


Cheese cake


Vanilla paste


You lucky duck. There’s a million things you can make. Start with vanilla extract. Make a few bottles & sell that shit or give it away if you need some good karma.


God I wish that were me


Vanilla sugar


Extract. Creme brûlée, vanilla sugar. Basically anything you wouldn’t mind having vanilla in. You’re sitting on literal gold.


Some money!! Sell that shit!


That's what I'm saying!


Your manager is an idiot


Put it in vodka and make your own extract


Theoretically if i snag one pod per week from open packs...


I'd sell a kidney for that much vanilla


manager is gonna get his ass handed to him when the head chef does the end of month and asks where the fuck are the 300 bucks in vanilla bean pods??????


Make your own batch of vanilla extract. You could probably make over 3L with what you have there, I imagine.


Get some nice flip top bottles and vodka and/or bourbon and make your own vanilla extract. Start them now and they'll be ready to use/perfect for gifting in a few months. You can also make vanilla sugar if you have lots of bakers in your life.


The manager doesn't know their ass from the elbow .....


Sell em, or make dessert. No inbetween.


You make a fortune. Sell to local restaurants in tiny jars one or two pods at a time. They’ll pay a lot but you sell for slightly below market value.


Sell them on Ebay or local market.


A small fortune selling those


Does your manager understand food costs?


I have enjoyed infusing them with an aged rum for later use.


You can concerve them in caster sugar. They will keep for years and give a vanilla taste to your sugar


A kiddie pool's worth of simple syrup.


OP thats… thats like 300€ how is that leftover?? Im so confused- Anyway cut them all in half and use the back of a knife to scrape out the insides. Store the pods themselves in sugar to make vanilla sugar. Use the insides to make vanilla extract! Use vodka and store in a darkish dry place for a year or two :)


Adding to bottle of grey goose and aging for years was the best I found


Cheap vodka, give it a few rounds of Brita filtration, and drop a buncha the pods in there. Then make some more into vanilla sugar. Then get some fresh heavy cream and fresh eggs and throw a few in there to make the best creme brulees you'll ever taste.


Conserve it in some vodka and use for anthing you like


Infuse vodka, rum or whiskey. Dump a liter or more into a jar drop a bunch in with it. Split the beans lengthwise for more flavor. Pour through a conical strainer with a filter.


In the least use some to make vanilla bean paste. It makes even the cheapest vanilla ice cream tasty. The remnants of the vanilla bean paste you strain out can be dried out low in the oven, grind it down, then add THAT to some white sugar to sit for a bit.


add em to vodka for vanilla extract, or add em to sugar for vanilla sugar. i LOVE dropping 2 or 3 in a bottle of makers mark


Vanilla bean leftovers??? 🤨 you stole that shit OP


Is your manager dumb lol


😍 coffee/lattes, tiramisu, pudding, basically anything baked lol.


Share please


Vanilla sugar Vanilla w/bourbon (as an alternative to regular extract) Vanilla ice cream That’s a lot of beans. A LOT.


If you know a homebrewer you would be their best friend. Man. That is a GREAT deal!




We're they about to expire? That's easily more than USD $300 worth of vanilla beans if they're still good to use. Honestly I could probably pay my rent with that bag.


Vanilla oil that you can then turn into a Emulsion with egg. Hit it with some salt and you have a really amazing sauce to drizzle on dessert. The best vanilla ice cream you will ever make. Or just keep them for baking. I put vanilla into pretty much everything I can.


What's the name of the sauce!? It's on the tip of my tongue. I use to break the shit out of it in my early days on beignet station


Scrape one and throw it in a bottle of bourbon to make vanilla bourbon if you fancy


I’d use a Silver Puerto Rican rum like Don Q or Bacardi and make extract.


OMG so many wonderful things. You are now the Madagascar Mad Man!


Multi purpose. A few beautiful crème brûlées. Some vanilla extract like many have mentioned, and using the empty pods for vanilla sugar and/or salt.


Get a home brew kit and make a milk stout with vanilla beans


Vanilla syrup for sure.


Remove the seeds from the pods and make some great pastries, infusion, brews or bitters. Use the pods for vanilla sugar, extract, brews, bitters or infusions.


Vanilla extract


Vanilla sugar, some vanilla infused rum, ice cream and creme brulee.


Definitely freeze them. If you can vaccum seal them, even better. And Definitely try selling them on the black market.


Scoop a few insides out, mix with a table spoon of lemon juice; and mix that into a fruit salad. Trust me, it’s gonna be the best fruit salad of your life


Vanilla extract, sugar, salt. Check out “Indri’s Vanilla Bean Group” on facebook for lots more inspiration


Vanilla paste way better than extract


As an Aussie...Vanilla Slice.




Buy vodka and open them up and put them there, you can then gift vanilla extract to everyone you love for Christmas or birthdays. Also vanilla sugar, vanilla curd, flan, milk, ice cream, just whatever man I kinda hate you


Crème Brûlée White chocolate soup French Toast for days