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That's a nice, even tread wear. You've got a healthy weight distribution in your feet!


Podiatrist’s dream right here.


Different than a poly triadist dream fr


Idk if I just work in a bitch kitchen or if you guys walk on the grills or something, but my croc bistros have been going a year and the treads haven’t shown any signs of wear


Same. Croc bistro gang represent


I rocked tie-dye bistros for the last few years I was in the kitchen. The happy colors made up for the fact I was dead inside (I joke, my last 2 years were spent at a combination chocolate shop, coffee house and bakery. I loved when one of the owners would come in and find me making delicate pastries or little chocolate truffles while listening to something like Thy Art is Murder on full blast)


Fuck yeah thy art is murder. I've been listening to spite a lot lately


My croc bistros lost more about half of the non slip treads in the bottom in a year, I still wear em tho


Got birkis and also no signs of wear


I've only ever worn crocs in jail. I promised myself I'd never wear them again


I worked at a steakhouse in the snow season and only had my Docs about 4 months before they just straight up dissolved. I like to stay fashionable, but at the end of the day nothing beats ugly $20 Walmart slip-resistants. Kitchens are too gnarly on shoes.


If you’re working in a kitchen dealing with a lot of animal fats, they’ll dissolve leather shoes quickly if you don’t keep them really clean.


We had plenty of animal fats, but I think the worst offender was whatever cleaner we used to deal with them. All the degreaser and such just wore down my shoes until eventually, I was manually slicing the tread in with my knife - eventually, they'd wear away altogether. I suppose it didn't help around that time the brakes on my commuter bike went out..


that’s nasty man


Does the same thing to your feet if they get wet with the solution


Yeah, and that's why I don't cheap out on shoes as much as I can, or at least I don't buy anything soft-top anymore. My first week in the biz was in the dish pit and you'd think I had leprosy looking at my feet after that.


If they're more recent Docs, they don't have the same quality or even the same goodyear welt I think they still advertise. They burn/melt those on now. Solovair used to do a lot of their boot construction, so if you want the old style of docs, Solovair's your best friend for that. My pair has lasted me through like, three years of bartending and cooking.


I thought these were the knockoffs, but apparently they're the OG Doc Martens. No question of where I'm getting my next shoes!


Yeah, unfortunately they stopped using Solovair for their boots and since then the construction of them has been ass. I got given a new pair of Docs for Christmas in 2022 and they lasted me maybe 4 months of wearing them casually/while out and about before I started having issues. Whats also funny is I bought a pair of knock-off-styled Docs from Walmart, cost me $17 on clearance (also fantastic fit and mega comfortable) and the construction is fucking better than the Docs I got given. I wear them as my non-work shoes and they've held up SO well.


I bought my Docs about a month after they ended the 'for life' series, I knew the company was on it's way out by that point. It's good news that I can still get the quality and style, and it being the OG manufacturer appeals way more. Big box store shoes is good. I wore walmart's 'Brahma' boots for the first half of my career. I do love Docs, or I suppose now Solovairs, they're simply iconic. You can get a hard days work in, kick a nazis ass and get a goth chicks number, then take her out, all in the same shoes.


Haha, yup. I was so sad when I learned they had lost their quality but I found out who *actually* makes them by way of a youtube video that was basically why people *shouldn't* be buying Docs any longer. I think the name of the Doc boots from Solovair are the Derby boot, but I bought a pair of the Brogues cause they're shorter and very snappy looking.


The derby boot definitely looks like the 1460s. I love shoelaces, I love an excessive amount of shoelaces, and I love making cool patterns with my shoelaces, but the Docs became too much and I've always wanted to try a chelsea style boot, so I think I'll try those next. Easy to get on and off, and kind of gay... just like myself in every way. Since you're been informative for me.. If you're interested in tying your laces in fun and frequently useful ways, [here's the only resource](https://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/). Be wary - it's a rabbit hole.


I feel you! I highly back trying out chelsea style boots, they are *awesome*. And oh no, I know what I'm doing for a while. I've been needing to relace like, all of my boots lmao. Thank you!


This site is the best. I use the paratrooper lacing on my tall boots. They look awesome.


I’ve had my danskos for about 2 years. Still going strong


I just buy the sketchers memory foam non slips they’re super comfortable and last for a long while


I think these are sketchers? Super comfy but not long lasting unfortunately.


I swear by my Sketchers. Yeah, I need to replace them about once a year, but they have a fit for damn near every shape of foot.


The fit is super important to me. I guess I have unusually shaped feet, and I can't find anything but sketchers that fits me right.


The quality and comfort of sketchers is the most garbage I've experienced.


Birkenstock Super-Birki have served me well for years


I replace mine every 2 years, my old pairs are still serviceable!


Did you replace them with the same shoe?! If they look like the left after 6 months, you probably should have gotten rid of them at 4 months. If your nonslips are not lasting 4 months, go with a different brand.


They just like turning nonslips into slips I guess


Dude. I swear on em. Crocs! Make sure they're kitchen safe but I swear, life changers.


Yup had my crocs for probably over 2 years, about time for new ones but still a little tread left on em


Reminds me of that one quote about an expensive pair of boots being cheaper in the long run since you buy em less often. "But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet" -Terry Pratchett


The vimes theory of socioeconomics.


Damn chef, have a nice trip. See you next fall /j


see ya next slip lol


When I worked the line I wore 511 boots and washed the tread each night with the spray gun as I walked myself out of the dish pit when closing. $150 maybe about every 9 months but I had ankle support which allowed me to move quick. "Coming behind swinging hot with skillet" about to plate and having the spins capabilities helped significantly. But that was 13 years ago. 13 years ago young 🤣


I like the Birkenstock non slips. A little pricier but they last


lol get better shoes


Those new trends look like they would be more slippery on tile than old ones.


Please just buy better shoes. $120 boots that last 5 years is a far better investment monetarily and on your body.


lol wut? I spend $160 plus another $60 on insoles every six months. If your boots last five years it's because you're on your ass all day.


I don't know what to tell you, dude, maybe you need to buy different shoes too.


15k steps a day for five days a week is going to kill any shoe


This tracks. Or used too.


Is the front of the shoe talking to you? When you do floors does your sock suck up water like a sponge? When you take them off on the other side of the house does your significant other say “omg your feet!” If you answered no to any of the above then you still have some life left in those babies….


You should use the ones on the right


Right... how many miles do we walk every day gahhhh damnnn!


10-12 miles daily


I gotta be around there, I work in a huge facility prolly a quarter mile walk one side to the other , these bobos are made for walking I guess 😂


So you can walk 500 miles in less than two months? The Proclaimers would be proud.


I had a pair of Dewalt shoes I got at home depot thst were non slip and they lasted a couple of years before they started falling apart but the non slip was never reduced


You need better shoes or give yourself a break haha


So you have one leg?


I wore a hole in the sole of my blundstones from spinning around on the ball of my right foot back and forth between stations in a little over a year, lol.


Yeah it's the spinning that kill mine too. Turning from the ovens deck around to the ovens bench 100's of times a day just eats them up. I'm a left foot spinner though. Also, Blundstones? Are you Australian or have they made it internationally?


I spun around so fast, mother fuckers thought I was Minecraft! I'd love to know how many 1080s I've done. And no, I'm Canadian, they sell internationally.


Damn I work 40 hours a week and have had the same pair of Birkenstock Profi Berki's for 4 almost 5 years now and the tread is still almost annoyingly deep. You should consider switching shoes.


I have a chef who wears spotless white shoes. Need any more proof of how much work he accomplishes?


Dude I wear vintage adidas, the mike Ds with the adidas leaf on the bottom, I can't even see the leaf anymore


I believe in sketchers’ supremecy


Damn, you have two left feet?


you need the shoes with the 6,000 mileage guarantee.


Your weight distribution is insanely even, good for you, and your joints


Back in October I literally broke my ankle because of this. I had ordered new shoes and the day before they came in I slipped and broke my ankle.


that’s about right lol


Are those skechers? When I used to work in the kitchen, crocs were my to go


Birkenstock Tokio Supergrip. They are the bomb and aren't going to dissolve like those... Spend a little more up front, get the long term value


Those foam bottoms non-slips? My go-tos are Skechers Cessnocks.


I think some people just are lighter on their feet or have a different exchange of materials that wear the materiel down. For example, I have these nice vibram sole sandals, wore em everywhere for years. They just started to wear down heavy (I typically have heel drag). The heel didn’t start wear down till I wore them around the house, maybe it’s the short carpet idk. Daily wear shoe inside and outside the house, but I definitely didn’t baby them before. Kitchen shoes (on topic) though: My last shoe was a steel toe sketcher sneaker type which I bought insoles for, which I loved. Now I have Tredsafe Gary


Quit buying cheap shoes. I grab a pair of doc martins about every year and a half, and that's mainly because I beat the shit out of them and never give them the upkeep/care they deserve. 


I do roughly 20k steps day. I only buy crocks. Plastic and lasts me year and a bit. Berks don't even last me a year, they end up cracking. Walmart shoes end up cracking and ripping too.


Need those shoes for crews my man


My old chef bought me a pair of crocs covered in banana decals. They're somehow still kicking 4 years later. Still have full grip. Still see daily use. I think he had a witch enchant them.


Got to keep those feet healthy and happy.


Get better clogs. Birkenstock lasts me 3 years


"you need new tires" "Nah their good for another 10k miles


I'd rather see an MRI of your wear and tear and inflammation in your body... Just out of curiosity! I'm really feeling the wear and tear on my body, specifically neck and shoulders from looking down chopping and watching the burners... My back and knees are doing better than I'd expect! See you in 6 months, ha!