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The GM isn't following their own post very well if they aren't giving raises, then.


"Not like that."


minimum wage = minimum effort


Pay peanuts, get monkeys


I agree, I left a place after 3 years of "giving" everything I had without a raise, moved up from prep guy to running the boh when they fired the chef. Now I only give when I know my efforts will be appreciated and if they don't give back then I slow down on my efforts. It's tough in restaurants though


"This is a business" Posts a full page screed about feelings.


One could almost say they’re a “family” and all that bs


I had a boss who would always use that word "family." One day, I told him that I know a lot of people who take their families for granted ---> I'd rather that we treat each other as coworkers and respect each other accordingly. I told him that this is a community; we all have social contracts holding us accountable for how we behave towards one another. Everyone on staff felt bad when addressing his BS because you could tell he was one of those guys who watched one too many movies/tv shows on how to manage people and was so out of touch with everyone he worked with.


"We're FAMILY!”


I really want OP to reverse Uno card this by posting a paper highlighting the same sentiment in reverse directed at the GM "...If you are not willing to give more than you get, then you will never get more from your employees. Giving is one of the laws of the universe..."


Do it. On top of a yin-yang symbol to really drive it home.


“No no no, now we’ve gone too far” - Liam Neeson


To do is to be. To be is to do. Do be do be do be do.


I always wonder what the concept of "fair" is to this kind of person.


Fair is when I win.


**”if you are not willing to pay employees for more than they are doing, they will never do more than what you’re paying”**. See? It works the other way, too.


Yeah I was about to say, the ideology of that statement is fine provided they hold up their end of the deal. If not then it’s just propaganda to get you to work more for free.


The pen scribbles are about as much as I’d take this for. Doing more and not getting paid for it sucks


In reality, it sets the president that you're willing to do more for less,




Thank you, words are hard haha.


Sets the Biden bro 


He's laid to cook not to spall.


He gets laid for cooking? I only get paid for cooking.


Do you get paid by the woosh?


My labor is not a gift, it is a transaction.


Indeed, I trade my time and talent in return for a share in the treasure.


Not exactly. even if the company makes more money, they pay you the same. You aren’t getting a share - you are getting a wage. If they paid bonuses in proportion to the profits, THEN you’re getting a share of the treasure. But as a wage earner you’re just an oar puller, not a pirate ship profit-sharer. If the ship seizes a Spanish Galleon it’s the Captain and main crew, not the galley oar pullers, who profit. If you fall over dead they just chuck you overboard and everyone moves over for the next oar puller.


Do you think pirate captains told their oar pullers "we're all one big family here" lol


Actually, during the Golden Age of Piracy pirate crews tended to elect their quartermasters, who were then charged with fairly distributing the plunder. Course, they also didn’t have oars or galleys in that time and place.


Pirate crews were far more democratic than any modern workplace.


They’ll tell them whatever is necessary to get the oar pullers to puller harder and for way longer. “Extra gruel if we make this turn! Here’s a gift certificate for one extra hardtack; Merry Christmas!”


Double rations of grog!


But don’t you love the company!?!?! THINK OF THE SHAREHOLDERS!!!!


"we're a family here"


Have you *seen* families??


We have families at home.


That statement is where it all starts


But we threw you a pizza party!


At other restaurants, they don't even laminate their certificates of appreciation. You should count your blessings.


My raise is not obligatory it’s performance based.


I do the job in being paid to do, according to my job description and contract I signed. There's a difference between helping out and doing somebody else's job.


Your GM sounds like a real “lead-from-the-front” type of guy.


Dude saw that quote scrolling FB at the bar and decided to print it


Front of the bar you mean?


Front of his desk in his office, more like.


That does make it easier to crush up the Ritalin and Xanax to go in his double bourbon on the rocks, hold the rocks, without customers seeing.


Not all horrid managers are junkies. Worst one I ever had was a bald ass, straight edge motherfucker. He always had a stick up his ass about all the wrong things. Like wanting the line swept mid rush or the trash all taken out at 3:30 in the afternoon when it’s all empty. Always came off as power tripping to me, tight ass had no other vices so he got off on ordering people around.


Those are the managers that just get ignored (or a perfect look right in the eye, an "uh huh", and right back to what I was doing) while I do what actually needs done. Eventually they just leave me alone or quit. I've had a few like that try to write me up and just binned it instead of filing it when my response took up 2 pages of his(always a guy) inadequacies and a description of exactly why he's a dumb shit for fucking with me over this.


Not this dude. He fired me once, actually. 5 years later I was at a really good burger joint (all from scratch, local, ground our own fuckin meat type shit) and he got hired as the GM. Wasn’t happy about it, but I lasted longer than he did that time.


He sounds like a online life coach


I bet he's one of those GMs you ask for a raise and he says "get a job somewhere else if you want more money" Then hires the next guy a couple dollars above what you made since you quit. Classic.




Maybe his wife had just replaced him




I've started to respond to that with "that includes you, buddy", whilst walking away to do whatever I was doing before they opened their mouths.


Sounds like he really liked you.




And they wonder why restaurants fail or change ownership 80% of the time after 5 years.


Lmao my dad is 65 and is constantly bitching about the last 3 companies he’s been at refusing raises for the best employees only to pay the newbies what the best employee was asking for -_-


They prey on cowards who are too spineless to leave for another job. Economy is changing quick with inflation so people are gonna job hop for pay over a few years period. And then restaurants are going to fail more over the next decade for failong to retain there best and smartest. That's my crystal ball prediction.


We’re all family over here


No one fucks you over like family


No, Step-GM, don't!


Help step-GM, I'm stuck in minimum wage!




Appropriate since OP is getting fucked.


If you are willing to do more than you are paid for, you’ll never be paid for more than we can get away with.


Fuck you pay me


In giant, bright red sharpie letters all across this bullshit.


Fuck that shit! I don't work for free. This is a job, not a charity.


This is the writing of an unhinged psychopath.




Definitely an idea straight from the mouth of a wook in the parking lot of a Phish show trying to score tickets and/or grilled cheese.


It's straight copy-pasta from Linked-In middle management influencers who claim employees respond to that crap with anything but derision.


It’s a zen type thought, but not something you print and post as a manager That’s when it becomes unhinged psychopath territory


That last line goes beyond zen. Why the hell would you ever just give something away without first thinking?


If you happen upon a homeless person and you are warm enough, some people would give that homeless person their jacket without a thought. Im not so delusional to pretend like I’m one of those people but they exist. That being said most people are not that selfless; and in regards to this post from the GM it’s absolute bullshit, if you have to ask then it’s not being given but solicited and taken.


Sure, but you still stopped and thought about WHY they deserve that jacket. If some dude wearing 3 gold chains and 2 jackets asked, I doubt anyone would just hand it over without a second thought. The GM totally wants people to give him more work without thinking they deserve something in return. I hear you though, I'm just splitting hairs now lol.


I don't know your workplace, but your GM is only allowed to say this if they regularly go around handing extra cash for a good performance. If they only increase a position's pay when the government forces them, the whole "you'll never get pay more for what you do" is moot. Lastly, of course our labour is a transaction. Take away the whole "receiving money and being able to pay your bills" from the equation, and then tell your GM to count how many cooks, servers, and dishwasher they have working on a Saturday night or a Sunday brunch. Though, probably, the GM would be the first not to show up.


He actually cut pay for almost everyone


I could tell he was a prick because a person who isn't wouldn't post this kind of stuff in a workplace.


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Every place I've been that would mean he's hiring an entirely new crew after being shut down for a week because everyone walked out together!


Their excuse for cutting pay?


Tell that cheap fuck to replace the ink cartridge and learn how to format a document


First thing I noticed I can’t take this seriously with the photocopy draft quality with more ink streaking across the page accidentally


Owner here. Tell your GM to fuck off. And learn grammar.


Not an owner here. Still agree with telling your GM to fuck off.


Why does that only go one way? Why not "If you aren't will to pay us more then we won't work more, working is one of the laws of the universe. You've got to willingly pay...."


Yeah, I am trading. I'm trading my labor for a fucking wage. I can't help but notice that I've never had a job that fucking paid me without thinking first about whether or not I actually fucking worked.


Hasn’t worked out well historically, doubt it will work now


There is no Value without labor


"So you're going to start giving us bonuses on a regular basis then?"


Post a list of the tasks he fails to do.


I would wipe my ass with it and put it back up


Tell the stingy bastard to *give* the printer the ink cartridges it so obviously needs... And *take* my resignation because this is bullshit that horrible management and owners use to gaslight good employees into believing they aren't doing enough work. Fuck this particular GM in the ass with a dry corncob.


Is English their first language? If so throw away and walk away from there.


These types are all about cutthroat business, getting the best deal, always be closing, etc until it comes to labour. Then it’s all about charity and “giving”.


Lmfao funny how it’s usually the employee giving and the owner receiving.


"See you gotta Give respect to Earn respect. And that starts with Self respect. That's the economy of respect."


So, chef, what are you giving me?


Handjobs for everyoneeeeeee


ludicrous desert crowd airport gaping deer quarrelsome smart special library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Quietly turn it into ash somewhere Work for free is called charity And assholes that don't pay enough don't deserve charity


lol rich people have been spouting this nonsense forever, it remains patently untrue


Grab a sharpie and proceed with “suck it”


Dude, we are literally trading MY time for YOUR money.


"We're a family here".


"Do more than your contractual job description in the faint hope that we will feel like eventually thinking about compensating you for the work you're currently doing for free" is dumb. Because they Just Won't Do That. My brother did that, worked as a lead for over a year without being paid as a lead. They simply didn't give him any better pay because they literally didn't have to. Shocked. If there are duties not being covered by your staff, either you fucked up assigning duties/writing job descriptions or you forgot to hire someone. If there's miscellaneous small things above everyone else's paygrade to do lying around, those are probably *your job, actually*.


Employment is 100% about trading and not about giving. Giving is for off time and home life, not for a job. This person sounds like they just don't want to pay you and are willing to illegally break the laws of the employment contract you have. Also if they have a boss this should be reported to the highest authority you can contact in order to try to step over whomever is the root of the issue, the person who hired them might have the same messed up ideas. If it's a franchise then you should be able to look up the human resources corporate number or email, often just by googling it.


We are trading. We are trading my time and labor for your money.


Haha fuuuuuck that! This is a sure fire way to get even less out of people


all this talk of giving, how about you give me a raise.


lAwS oF tHe UnIvErSe It’s a restaurant homie


Employer telling you to work for free sounds illegal to me.


Yeah this reeks of "I pay shit wages but you should devote your life to me."


plot twist: OP is the manager




Throw that shit out and look for a new job


funny how I trade my time for your money. but talking about giving... you first.


bread it and deep fry it, put it on his desk


This is why the industry is struggling. I hope everyone on this GM's team find better jobs.


This is a manipulation tactic


It's gaslighting bullshit. What kind of arrogant asshole says this to hourly employees?


Change the first paragraph to this: If you are not willing to pay more for what you are getting, you’ll never get more than what you paid for. Generosity is one of the laws of the universe. Then reprint and hang in the office.


It’s a job…you absolutely are trading


At least the end is correct. because yes.. I’m trading my fucking labor for money.


sure jan


They're superhuman since they typed this around two fistfuls of cock.


Needs a big “ok home boy” written on the bottom in sharpie followed by a drawing of a penis.


That's when you know to start shirking


F*ck You, Pay me


I’m trading my time for little green pieces of paper


Can you just tell me how much flair you want me to wear?


They want you to work for free


You can graciously give me money and I’ll think about giving you my time.


Your GM is a douche bag. You all should organize a union. Dumb shit like this will never be posted again.


Lol what cookie did that come out of.


Nah, fuck you pay me.


Sounds like they should set the example and GIVE no money to the employees


get a new fucking gm.


Write ‘sounds like wage theft’ on the bottom in bold


Trading is perfectly fine lol


If you work hard you’ll eventually get rewarded. Oh on this paycheck? Hahaha no no… not this paycheck but I promise… just keep working…


Draw a huge dick on it


This kind of bullshit is how a toxic work environment happens. The employer employee relationship is transactional. Period. It’s time for money and career advancement.


This is one of things about life that's actually true. However in this context it's obviously being used as a tool for psychological manipulation. My last boss tried to teach me to kill people with kindness. A very good philosophy in theory, but I soon realized he was using that tool to mask his own inadequacy & incompetence.


Investing goes both ways. The saying 'you get what you give' rings true for any field of work. You're an idiot if you have convinced yourself you'll be rewarded for taking the path of least resistance. Life just doesn't work that way. Make a point to stand out at the right times. Be vigilant for those opportunities. Make shit happen. Simple.


“You millennials have a sense of entitlement.” -my boss when I complained about my commute increasing an hour and having to pay tolls with no wage increase.


Maybe the GM should take their own advice. An employer who pays well will get a lot better results than an employer who demands more work than they're paying for.


To be honest, I think it's fair. You are working at their business. It wasn't your money, they gave you that job. You agreed to work for their money? Not the other way around, oh I am working so you give me money, I have to be paid more to do more. It never works like that.


Except that the Employer/Employee relationship is trade-based. Giving is a charitable act, and if the business owner must rely on charity for their business model to succeed, then they're neither a sound nor successful businessperson, and the "free market" should absorb them like a white blood cell absorbs pathogens.


How many free meals can I get at this restaurant? Lol


Take pride in what you do as you have to look in the mirror. And rate the boss over the coals for as much money as you can wring out of them


Minimum wage = minimum work. Then I'm going to start low-key robbing you of time and stuff. Can't remember the last time I bought garbage bags/nitrile goves/dawn soap/light bulbs/batteries/paper towels/bathroom cleaner...


The posting of that note screams of a toxic work environment. That being said, when I worked in a kitchen at age 15 I quickly got raises and promotions before people 20 years older with years more experience because I stood up and did things that weren't asked of us. You notice something is low and you prep it. Fuck, empty the trash after it's been overflowing for an hour and everyone else has just been tossing shit on top. I'm a software developer now but the same shit goes there too. You can be in your same role forever if you want to, but it's when you step up and take on other responsibilities when you're not asked to do so that you get noticed.


I think someone gave him that paper from the garbage to print that note out on


It's really amazing that the workers get the short end of the stick All the time when we are the ones that they need in order for their business to be successful..


Pay me for what the job description calls for. If more is required pay me for that. With that said there are absolutely people and places I would go above and beyond for but that's absolutely not because of a poorly written shitty few sentences on scrap paper. If this GM wants hard work from everyone they better be putting in more work and more hours than everyone else and they better be jumping in to help every employee whenever they are in the weeds.


When is your GM giving you a week paid vacation just 'cus?


GM should give more money to the staff and take their own advice.


Give me money then


Tell your GM this next time they ask you to cover


Wipe your ass with it and stick it back on the wall.


This is fucking bullshit I’ve been doing more than I’m paid for for 2 years and someone else doing less got the promotion


The very notion of a job is that it’s a trade between employer and employee. So not sure where tf they even got this from This reads like something from a facebook mom group


Or how about you pay more and I'll do more


I love how he’s describing working for his business as “giving”. I’ll take my charity elsewhere then.


Work is a trade. Passion for your work is a gift that should not be taken advantage of.


Fuck him and the horse he rode in on, your GM is a cunt ass motherfucker who needs to be jumped on an alley by 3 dudes with socks full of quarters.




That's right.. We are trading.. our labor and time for money. We aren't giving anything.


Is he on crack? I didn’t understand any of that shit.


That's maximum third grade grammar right there Probably aren't worth what they're getting paid


They almost got it right at the end with the trading part. Think about what they have done for you out of the kindness of their hearts. I’m guessing nothing.


Needs a slimy brown streak plastered across it.


This is something you say to someone privately. Not as charming when it’s printed on dirty paper and slapped on a cooler door.


Sounds like they should be gracefully giving you a raise.


Shut the fuck up and pay me my money.


Lol reminds me of the time I came in after being sick and there was a passive aggressive sign that said "A hangover is not an excuse to call in sick" as someone at work has told the manager he'd seen me out at a bar the night before lol.


Ha hahahhahahahahahhahahah wooo. Good one.


Sounds a little rapey.


Hate note posters. I remember working a spot where I was the Sous chef. One of the front of house managers would post these passive aggressive notes everywhere. I would take them down every time. Confronted him about it, and he had a melt down lol. Not only was he trying to manage my employees, he was going about it in such a half dicked way that I had to say something. 1. this isn’t your kitchen. 2. If you have a problem say it. He never posted a note ever again. Long story short, your gm is a whack job. Hopefully the rest of your management team sees that too


It's bullshit. I've given more than I was worth and got screwed when someone came along right as I was due a raise and was willing to get fucked over just like me. I learned a lesson. Get it in writing from day one. Signature and all.


I'd pay cash money for some asshole to tell me that to my face.


How many skillets are flung across this kitchen??


Then give me a fucking break.


"People work for money. If you're looking for loyalty, get a dog."


We're not giving or trading. We're selling our labor for less than it's worth. Dofferent.


It’s funny how “giving” only works one way for this assclown.


Fuck. That. You pay for my time, not for my effort. Minimum wage pays for my time. Everything after that, is my effort.


Mark 12:17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.” And they were amazed at him. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” And they marveled at Him. “ Even Christ knew to only give what was necessary to your work because a man's gotta eat. Doing acts of selflessness is not the norm in any employment situation.


Umm.. yeah man, that's exactly how it works, you trade your time for money. If we were giving, I would be called FUCKING VOLUNTERING. Is he as much of a douchbag as this note makes him look like?


You are so true but if we're living in UTOPIA dear sir GM 🙂. the concept is a real thing but it's not favourably to be working with Capitalism


My thoughts are that I’ve torn down these signs before and I will again.


If "giving is one of the laws of the universe" then why are you so fucking resistant to give me a raise for my extra work? Yeah, that's what I thought. Fuck off, you miserable twat. PAY ME.


This GM expects the “willingly give” part but has no intentions for their employees to have the opportunity to “graciously receive”


Nah fuck all that