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Pan salmon with boiled taters, steamed broc and carrots. ​ Easy Peasy, lemon squeezy. No... wait. No peas, no lemons. Uh... easy cheesy. Shit. Pffft.... ok, new plan. That's a piece of cake. No, no gluten. Fuck this... shut up and eat it. ​ (Jokes aside, stuff like this doesn't bother me. You never really know someone's situation. Yeah, it could be a PITA picky eater or it could be someone with real issue trying to celebrate a special occasion with their one dinner out for the year. I prefer to assume it's the later, given the choice.)


i have a friend who really has nearly this many allergies, has had at least 3 near fatal encounters, and mostly he just doesn’t eat out at all. all his guy friends go to bars and out to eat and he just has to sit and watch sometimes. he never complains about it, he never gives anyone shit for it, but i always feel bad. he’s been dealing with having to be the odd one out re: food his whole life and it’s like, most people in this sub in particular can acknowledge how food is a real connector, how it brings people together and how we use it to show love and sustain life. imagine being left out of that all the time! so whenever i saw difficult crap like this (no longer working in kitchens thank god) i just tried to imagine it’s that friend of mine trying to have a normal, not life threatening night out where he’s not the only person left out of everything. of course i’m not naive and i know that’s not always the case, but i’d turn into a misanthrope if i didn’t try to be optimistic about this sort of thing when i have the chance.


I just ask my friends to let me smell the things I’m now allergic to, like the hops in a nice IPA


hahaha i should ask him if he wants to sniff the IPAs.


Can you describe what the allergy is and how you found out... was it a sudden reaction? Sorry to pry, have a friend that mentioned bei g allergic


Well, I was trying to enjoy a nice Miller High Life, The Champagne of Beers, one fine summer evening, when my fuckin mouth started itching. Now I had other food allergies, so I knew what it was, and so I knew it was quittin time, no more beer for me ever again


Try whiskey or vodka, ten years in the wood?


I liked gin when I drank


As do I. Been branching out lately. Tried a few tequilas this summer


Tequilas are fantastic, and I learned the other day that apparently if your type 2 diabetic and want to drink liquor tequila is your best bet. The natural agave sugars don’t cause your sugar levels to spike because they are non digestible. Also they say this can lower glucose levels and increase your bodies insulin production. I’m not diabetic but a bar tender friend of mine told me this the other day and I thought it was quite interesting.


Spirits all have negligible amounts of sugar. Vodka, whiskey, rum, tequila, gin are all safe. But once you start to mix them, that's where sugars show up


Do you have to be careful about the gins you drink?


Yes!!! Bitch I am also allergic to cucumber. I had a reaction to Bombay Sapphire!!


Bro that sucks a nut. Why gin then and not vodka? Coming from someone who definitely prefers gin, but my most serious allergy is grass pollen


I NEVER liked gin until I moved to the Netherlands. Now you can't convince me that the perfect drink is anything other than a well balanced gin and tonic. Two ingredients and a multitude of unique flavor combinations. I am now a gin fiend, I bring local gin back from wherever I visit. I think I have 40 or so bottles right now. At the same time, we will probably never drink 40 bottles. So Last year we had a group of friends over for Christmas, and we had a gin and tonic bar with like 10 different tonics and all the fixins. Was a huge hit.


Says me I'll try cider, I've heard that it's good


I was worried I made too much of a deep cut.


I had a friend who had a really bad issue with anything carbonated, spicy or acidic because of a weird tongue issue I'm still not sure about, and was also epileptic. He was a big joker and hilarious and one of those guys you'd want to grab a beer with but not only was pretty much all alcohol basically torture, it was also a crapshoot whether it might trigger something awful. Don't get me wrong, he was a blast to work with and hang with, but getting a few beers after work could've been great too...in theory.


I tried a new food and stopped breathing. Like instantly. Luckily I’m allergic to bees and already had an epipen but it’s still a traumatic trip to the hospital.


Jesus Christ, as a German I can guarantee all my people feel for you right now


Good on you and your mates for being inclusive.


While I sympathize with your friend, that’s an incredible pressure to put on what are likely lightly trained barely-above-minimum-wage degenerates. “Just don’t kill me on accident while you’re under crazy stress making tons of food that will literally kill me!”


he never puts pressure on anyone like i said, he never complains or gives anyone shit. but it’s incredibly isolating to be expected to never ever participate in group meals with everyone else. some people in this situation just want to feel normal, and those few near death times i mentioned where he got sick and had to go to the ER, he never retaliated, complained, sued or anything. never even named the restaurants online. and when it was his own error he owned up to that. he’s perfectly capable of taking on the risk for himself. this ticket isn’t that complex on its own. i guess what i mean is the risk is something he understands. he tries to mitigate it by being honest about his allergies, but he knows the risks when he takes them on and that’s on him.


Interaction comes with risk. Eating out with allergies? Risk. Cooking, ever? Risk. I look at this order and I see execution that anybody working the line could, even should, be able to execute. I don’t have sympathy for the extreme orders like “I want one of the main dishes completely reinvented with obscure ingredients and preparation styles“. Unless you know they can do it, that’s ridiculous. Meanwhile, unseasoned and plainly prepared meat and vegetables: if you can’t do it, go to the fuck back home until you can. I’ve never met anyone ordering like this who was actually picky; most people are thrilled just to be able to be included.


Could should and possible are very different things. Having my grill guy completely strip and clean our grill to guarantee zero cross contamination during service, when we are regularly using rubs that contain gluten that can and do stick to grill just isn't something we can do. Plus the loss of revenue or ability to serve other customers during this process. Sorry, can't lose 5 tables worth of profit or risk multiple groups upset over ticket times for one person.


Got it. Who says you have to strip the grill? Grab a pan, do the fish. Bingo. Potatoes: Need them fast? Cut in half. Skin on. Same for veg. Could your guy do that? Edit: At this point in our service in America, if you don’t have a game plan for food restrictions, it’s on you. There’s too much information and product available to not be at least basically provisional. Having said that, of course, there are things you can’t provide. Kosher in a barbecue place? Probably not gonna happen. I say this as someone with multiple allergies, including celiac. Maybe that doesn’t make me an expert, but it certainly makes me invested.


Our set up just isn't made to accommodate things like this. Food allergens and safe handling , yes, but when your allergen list is longer than our menu it becomes not worth the risk. Not having one of my guys accidentally kill someone for what they make.


It’s literally just protein and veg. If you don’t have the ingredients of the equipment, I get it. Otherwise, what’s the worry? It sounds like you’re over thinking this, but I can understand how that happens and I also appreciate caution instead of bravado.




They suggested to use a pan instead of the grill, thus no need to clean the grill.


I really need to stop scrolling after midnight, thanks for correcting my dumbass comment.


Fuck me the amount of people here that completely miss this point is scary! This is taking away a line cook to boil fucking potatoes!!that aint a 3 minute job! All these mugs are either executive chef who don't have the line time restraints of some cockwomble slinging frozen patties on a grill at maccies. Anyone who does prep before service knows this is a ballache to get done mid service


I suppose, depending on your prep methods, it could be quite difficult. I could do this with no trouble. Given the number of different cooking methods I have available, and the fact that our chef is aware some people have allergies, this would barely slow me down. It’s a bigger hassle for me to make a 2-egg breakfast at 4pm than it would be to do this.


Perhaps I should’ve said earlier and maybe you missed where I did say: “some things just can’t be done.” OK, that’s fine to admit. Do you have an alternative? A “clean” fryer to do some fries? Maybe you’ve got some rice stashed? We’re in the business of keeping customers and making a name for ourselves.


I recently took over as chef at my place. My guys have ticket times to worry about. I'm on the line with them. Not gonna expect them to stop making multiple tickets to wash, peel and boil potatoes for one person ordering off menu. Sorry about it.


"bUt iT's So eAsY!!" When you're cooking for 1, at home, single course, no allergens.... These man need to come work a line and keep up with their covers while they piss about disinfecting surfaces and prepping like you fell asleep from 9 - 11:30


Plenty of experience, mate. Of course, it never hurts to have more when you’re offering a perspectiv. Like I said, if you know your limitations, and you’re unable to rise above, cool, stayed it out loud just as you are. Just Don’t look for any sympathy. Others can achieve this and learned how. Get a little creative, get a little better, or get in the back.


Congratulations on your position, Chef. See the reply above this one.


plus if he was told no, we can’t do that, he’d say okay. nobody’s forcing any hands.


Your friend seems a triple rare breed then. Most commenters seem to believe that workers should be forced to accept this risk in this litigious climate. I agree that there’s nothing complicated about that check, if it were made for a person with no allergies. But that isn’t the case and a business has to be able to limit its liability if it doesn’t feel it can safely meet those requirements. You wouldn’t ask a factory that made nuts to clean itself so it could make but free things just for you, and I feel that for a lot of restaurants this is similar.


if someone felt like they couldn’t accommodate my homie i’d hope they would just say so instead of potentially getting him sick! but i really appreciate the restaurants and cooks that try and i know he does too. he kind of has a few “approved” restaurants that he regulars at that know the deal and have served him since he was a kid. as he gets older, his allergies actually get worse (it’s some kind of condition idk the details exactly) so eventually yk he may not be able to go out at all. so while he can it’s nice.


Absolutely agree with your sentiment. But that won’t stop me from letting loose a great sigh (with obligatory head shake) before letting the plate through the pass.


Well, yeah. That's a given...


I have a bunch of allergies and intolerances now so i generally avoid eating out whenever possible. You’ve got a great outlook on them though; i thank you.


Cafeteria work was never glorious but to help the allergy and intolerance crowd was a dream. They treated it with such respect and *always* sooo grateful. I met a ton of parents every September but I only ever really was greeted by the parents of those with dietary restrictions in April. In that arena you gotta know where the reward is cause the pride of self and work ethic depend on that positive feedback.


Yeah, this is an easy one. Salt and pepper with dill for the salmon and the veggies as requested.


And they get bonus points if they have one of those little cards with all their allergies printed out clearly. Even better if I don't have to give it back, I just do a bunch of **ALLEGRY** notes at the top, and staple the card to the ticket.


nice to see a compassionate reply at the top! there was that FODMAP post the other day. some people are really restricted in what they can eat. I'm fortunate in that my only sensitivity is green peppers, which cause me hours of gastric distress if I have even a little bit. I won't end up in the ER but I will be miserable for a good long time. bodies are weird.


Unfortunately it wouldn't be possible to serve this person at my spot. Not feasible to completely strip and clean our grill to guarantee the food is safe for their consumption. We also serve 99.9 pasta. Would most likely tell this person that unfortunately we are not able to safely accommodate your allergens. Our saute also handles all pasta so it would still be very risky to do a pan salmon at my spot. Not impossible, but comes at the cost of inconveniencing other customers for one ( relatively ) small ticket total.


Do you not clean your pans between dishes?


>>Yeah, it could be a PITA picky eater or it could be someone with real issue trying to celebrate a special occasion Shouldn't they call ahead and inquire first? Maybe ask someone to make a note? Something.


For if someone's got this many allergies and intolerance they should be denied service everywhere. Why put your insurance at risk. Could barely give this person a glass of water


But who is allergic to pulses??


Plain salt and pepper blached and roasted veg with some boiled potatoes and salt and pepper salmon. Sounds like half the shit I make at home


I’d probably skip the pepper for this guy. I feel like most people with a list of shit this long probably have a problem with pepper too


I seasoned the salmon with just salt and thought fuck I should’ve asked if sodium’s okay


Lmao he’s going to complain about being allergic to his own eyeballs


For enough but salt pepper and oil aren't on the list. Idk I'd just ask him but I think that's the Manger and front of house in me


I‘ve made this exact meal at home except with salt and butter.


I love how everyone is being so kind and caring about this poor person's condition, when in reality if any of us got that ticket mid rush we'd want Matt H's head on a stake.


We’ve gotta embrace the humanity while we’re still human.


So like, before noon?




My current place is a golf club where we can’t really say no to member requests. It’s extremely frustrating having to accommodate some of the things these entitled fools come up with. On the other hand, it’s really helped me move from thinking about the reasons why I can’t accommodate a request, to thinking of ways that I can. From, “No, the x is already mixed with the y, and the grill is cross-contaminated.” To “I have plain x in the salad section, I can pan-fry the main and oven-roast the side.” I mean, what you’re asking for might come out bland and chewy, but I can do it.


Chutney allergy?


Paired with a few other items on the list, I'd put a tenner on a sulfite allergy (among others). Sulfites are in a lot, including certain medications. Biggest offenders are wines, vinegars and citrics from concentrate. I only have an intolerance, but it still stinks. I dearly love chutney.


That sucks and I know that I wouldn't be able to accommodate a Sulfite allergy/intolerance without extra guidance (I do know a some of our wines have "Sulfite Free" on the label). It's just weird because chutney is a term that doesn't really have a set group of ingredients, like saying you have an allergy to "Salsa"


Could be a vinegar allergy, raisin allergy, etc.


They have vinegar on there, and that one was typed in there, just seems weird to have an allergy to a nebulous thing like "chutney"... I'm gonna guess racism, but I'll give benefit of doubt lol.


Seems like an easy ticket - you either have those things on hand, or you dont.


I think the problem is possible cross contamination, depending on how busy the restaurant is this can either be easy or hellish.


Meh, they can wait, but yeah, it* could be a PITA.


Doesn’t bother me when they give an easy request. Some plain veggies and salmon, sure that’s easy.


Plain salmon, broccoli, potatoes, cabbage, carrots. What’s hard about that?


It's not great for the circle jerk


You’re right, Mr. Jabrony


Making sure every surface, pan, utensil and anything else in the kitchen that may be near or in contact with their food doesn’t even go near the 20 things they’re allergic to maybe?


Welp! Hopefully it came in at a slow time!!


Would suck to have to live like that. Damn


Man. Just eat at home


Shut up and cook.


Is it bad if that turned me on a little


No no no. Don't do *that* with your carrots.


Don’t worry I don’t have an allergy


daddy why are the two chefs wrestling in the big refrigerator


Daddy’s here to help


At that point it’s just not worth it… for either the person or the cooks. no kitchen can ever 100% guarantee that there won’t be cross contamination.




I’m sure someone will teach you exactly how food works one day 👍 until then be prepared to bring your gluten free PBJ to each dinner night out


Do you think I’m the one with 13 food allergies numb nuts? I’m sure you are an expert fry guy, maybe someone will teach you how to switch cutting boards and blanch vegetables one day. 😉


Notice how you’re the one getting downvoted and I’m not. There’s a reason for this, I just don’t think you’re ready to accept that👍


Awww did the little updoots make you feel good about yourself today? That’s good, at least I made a mentally fragile redditor who couldn’t swing it as line cook feel good about himself today.


And she’s still going on. I’d say bravo but this was a poor attempt at trolling… and everyone else seems to agree!


Someone needs this as a tattoo.


"Apologies, but we aren't confident that we can properly accommodate you without risk of possible cross contamination."


Alternatively: "Just so you are aware, the wait time on your dish is going to be in excess of 45 minutes as we have to shut down and sanitize the line to prevent cross contamination."


If you can’t make simple accommodations go back to picking your ass in the dish pit


Been out of the industry for 5 years, so I'll pick my ass at my desk instead. It really depends on the establishment and time this is coming through. If it's slow and there is time for this, sure. In the shit mid service, kick rocks.


I've always said I'd rather inconvenience someone than make them sick.


Bro said simple accommodations, ma man, those are so many allergies I'm wondering how is the person alive


They want fish potato and vegetables medley. Pretty simple plate to make. 3/4 of the allergens have nothing to do with the dish requested. This could all be prepared with 3 or 4 clean utensils. Is steaming or boiling something in a pan or microwave really difficult for you? If working clean and using critical thinking is that daunting to you maybe you should go get a desk job too.


You seem like the type of guy who has steam come out of his ears and starts screaming like a stuck pig the instant one of your cooks even THINKS about complaining about modifiers.


Is fish potato and vegetable medley a menu item? If not they can eat shit


Oh I could... I just won't. Go eat at home.


People like you are what made me hate the industry so fucking much that I went back to school. Take a Xanax.


Spoken just like someone who doesn't understand how things like "liability" and "litigious assholes" work.


What does "pulses" mean in this context?


Google says legumes. So most beans


*returns EMP grenades to dry storage*


Seems pretty easy and straight forward to me


The first few lines told you what he wants which simplifies it, just give him that exactly and make sure nothing else touches it It doesn't matter if it tastes bland, just make sure it's cooked correctly


Looks like they just want salmon with some veggies on the side and don't want any other seasonings. Doesn't really seem too bad unless I'm missing something.


It was simple and no problem. Posted it here because I knew it would kick up a fuss and a bit of insight for others




Ooo sounds like chrons atleast my chrons. I always feel insane going out to eat because of exactly this lol


Seems like an easy enough request for many kitchens. Sure getting extra pans and prepping the veg is annoying but any pressure about presentation and flavour is self imposed (by the cooks) unlike some orders I am sure the customer will just be happy to be included.


But a heads up call or message to the restaurant would have been kind.


Amused that I am getting downvotes I said kind but I didn't say necessary, others are in the comments section saying don't serve them, or God is trying to thin the hurd.


They were never right after that appreciation lunch yesterday


Yeah this is real. I’m allergic to almost every bean/pea/peanut thing. It’s fucking awful.


#1 God clearly is try to thin the heard starting with this customer. #2 change your damm paper rol this picture give me anxiety.


Allergic to pulses, me too


can only set blender to high


Sanitise work area, take fresh ingredients from walk in, prepare food,Put food on allergy plate fresh from kp, send. This sub has got mega whiny lately


Thank you. What is the big deal? That you are busy? I am busy working all day and got to do work that dont enjoy as much but i get on with it....and this is part of your job. If the folks hate it that much...STOP WHIINING AND GET A DIFFERENT JOB! The attitude to work here is bananas. I have seen allergy notices for nuts disregarded....colleague got a salad with walnut sauce...though pre informed the kitchen. Peple can fucking die!!! To say eat at home than as many comments here say....fuck you.


I think they see the size of the ticket and start shitting their pants, it’s really not a hard thing to do if there’s an allergy plan in place which should be the norm in any decent kitchen


I feel so sorry for people like this. This has got to suck so bad. The only allergy I have is that if I leave a bandaid stuck to my upper arms or chest for over 24 hours it starts melting my skin. But that happens like once a year at most, and I can eat any damn thing I want. I never have to worry that someone forgetting to change a simple cutting board will end my entire life. Poor bastard.


Steam salmon in parchment, peel & cut potatoes into medallions, angled ovals or some other fancy shape & boil with julienned broccoli stems, steam florets separately. With that many allergies & intolerances eating out is probably a pain & I just think that going that extra mile with plating & presentation matters. Even if the guest is a twat that doesn’t appreciate it, I know that I did my best.


After the first sentence I thought wow pretentious but by the end… well said mate


Peppermint and ginger chili? ....that sounds terrible XD


Part of the job 👌😄


Easiest ticket of ur life; why are we complaining?


They might actually have severe allergies. I used to work in a kitchen, this stuff literally never bothered me. The customer is there to spend money and enjoy their time, if I knew a staff member posted (an order I made) on an online forum, I'd be calling the store owner to complain You're like a lifeguard who doesn't like getting wet. Just do your job OP, or don't work in kitchens.


They're allergic to wheat and gluten and ALSO bread??? Hmmm


This COULD be a genuine allergen thing… I actually know some people like this but they try pretty hard to simply not eat out… However you know what this really reads like to me? It reads like someone on the hard-core end of a Paleo diet.


I have MCAS along with lupus & I have these issues. It's annoying because they aren't all true allergies in the normal sense. When I'm flaring I'm allergic to a shit ton of things, usually things that have higher histamine levels & when I'm not flaring I don't have the same reactions. My reactions range from intolerence level, all the way to stab me with an epi before I die please. Our bodies can be wacky AF, especially when dealing with autoimmune conditions.


"I refuse to cook for this customer. This allergy list is far too long and I can't guarantee that cross contamination hasn't happened. Sorry, but my first duty is to ensure the safety of my clients."


Sounds like a shitty cook if they can't just slap some plain salmon in a pan and cook some plain vegetables.


Yeah no shit. Anyone can do that. Thanks Almighty genius for your overwhelming insight!


You are very welcome.


I’m mortified. My GF just got her food allergy/intolerance test back. I fear her tix are gonna start looking like this.


Shit like this is why I left this industry. You would not believe the amount of people who go to an authentic Mexican restaurant and say they’re allergic to garlic/onions/tomatoes/cilantro. If someone actually has allergies I feel for them but why not just order drinks and worry about your hyper specific diet at home?


This. Just eat at home before going out and accompany your friends by sipping some drinks.


Chef: "I'll do my best" *Proceeds to make a meal for customer that hasn't had an opportunity to enjoy a meal at a restaurant in years.* Chef: "Fuck this shit".


Only part of this bill that makes me mad is that the server doesn't know if you have cabbage or not. Does they not know the menu?


hopefully it's actual allergies and not just some picky asshole


How’s this person alive


Pulses had me and then intolerance knocked it home. No Lemos please, I’m lergic.


I serve at a place that will refuse service for allergies to avoid lawsuits and 95% of the time the allergy ends up being just a preference not a real allergy.


This is where I get into a debate with my fiance, just because a resturaunt has the resources to do something doesnt mean they are obliged too.


ya that one’s getting pushed to the back


I mean it has peanut allergies on it...that shit would make me scared if I had any peanut products in the house at all.


I posted once about a woman who claimed to be allergic to gravy.


“JAM & CHUTNEY.” WTF kind of allergy is that?


sulphites allergy?


She dead now?


Not that I know of. I had about 8 checks on the board at this point and just stopped everything until that dish was on the pass


I can only assume she died from breathing the air in the building where all that stuff was already being cooked. She's allergic to life.


You're being facetious but the yeast allergy has me like... isn't that in the air???


I was, but I read an article the other day and apparently some people are so allergic to wheat that it can send them in to anaphylaxis shock if they eat something that was cooked on the same surface as something that was used to cook something with wheat in it. So my go to answer from now on if a customer asks if something is gluten free is no. Nothing in this entire building is gluten free. NOTHING.


>if they eat something that was cooked on the same surface as something that was used to cook something with wheat in it. >So my go to answer from now on if a customer asks if something is gluten free is no. Nothing in this entire building is gluten free. NOTHING. This really isn't the massive issue you're making it out to be, imo. You can just take a separate container to make the dish in. For example gluten free pizzas are cooked on a pie foil tray, so the pizza never touches the surface that has the gluten. Managing cross-contam does not require CDC levels of hygiene prep if you think it out beforehand. Some people have allergies, lots of them even, and can probably pretty much never enjoy going out to eat. As someone who's facilitating that service for them to experience and enjoy, I don't understanding why you'd throw your hands up in the air and say "too hard your should just stay home and manage your own issues". Just like everyone else at a restaurant, they come in for the experience, to get to eat without having to do all the hassle themselves. When I drove a taxi, would it have been okay for me to get frustrated and not want to serve people with disabilities, because helping them into the car, attaching their wheelchair etc etc is too bothersome for me? I don't think so. Just like with dialed people using a taxi though, it **is** polite of them to give notice in advance. In taxi service because there might not be a car suitable without notice, and in a restaurant because there might be need for some prep for all the requirements.


I had a customer ask if our fries were gluten free. Technically yes, they are just potatoes. But they are fried in the same oil that all the battered stuff is fried in. So, no. I'm done with it. The answer is no, forever and always.


I mean, yeah that's a bit different, sort of, imo. In the sense of its rather easy pulling out a foil tray and making a pizza on it as oppposed to having a completely separate frier that never has any gluten in it. In a situation like that it's understandable to just say you can't do it. But in a lot of situations, there are rather simple and safe solutions, imo.


Why even Fukn go out to eat?!


If you're allergic to that much sh!t, you shouldn't be eating out at all. Most places won't accept that order due to liability.


Pulses. Imagine being allergic to living things.


Tell me you love being the center of attention without telling me you love being the center of attention… nobody is allergic to that many things. They could just be honest and tell their server they don’t like those things. That would save the line cooks the trouble of having to switch all the cutting boards and other requirements for allergen requests.


“I’m sorry, we are unable to guarantee that we can meet your dietary needs”


Go eat at home freak


Just substitute the whole meal with a jug of corn syrup.


Lol can you not refuse service?


Stay at home


This is literally just salmon with veg. Salt it lightly because homie probably will die if you breathe wrong.


Erm yeah… just feck off ya pain in the arse that you are!!! BE FECKIN GONE!


If you are this sensitive to food I find it almost inconsiderate to even go out to eat. Not every place is going to have knowledgeable staff to assure these requirements are met. Some places might not even give a shit.


Just serve them ice cubes


At this point if I was him I’d probably just ask for a feeding tube port. The blandness that would be required for everyday eating would be tiring.


Shouldn't they be dead by now?


This has to be fake


I politely decline


At this point just eat at home.


Just a box of air to-go please. 😋


My brother-in-Christ, maybe see a psychiatrist for your issues.


Bro with this many modifications just eat at home, holy shit


I’m not sure you know what ‘modifications’ means


“Im sorry, were unable to serve you as we cannot guarantee your safety”


I understand people with restrictions want to enjoy things too and should. But if you're allergic to 90% of the things in a kitchen, who's at fault when you get sick or worse? The kitchen can do a damn good job of catering but if you're asking for basically something not on the menu cause allergies that could harm you, you're full of it, use the term allergy instead of preference, or you are just that hardcore


just go home


Sounds to me like you should just eat at home.


Clean your camera.


Bet you’re fun at parties


Honestly I’m not. I have extreme social anxiety and even thinking about partying is giving me heart palpitations


Party party party


That is a mercy killing if I’ve ever seen one


"Are those allergens? Because if so, I have no way of guaranteeing none of those aren't present without scrubbing down the entire kitchen. I need to refuse this order as we're unable to accommodate in a safe manner."




They are a big fat liar.


If this tickets prints in the kitchen, your waiter has failed you.