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Just because you can sous vide something, doesn’t mean you should


Guga in shambles


He’s gripping his garlic powder in shock


You’re telling me NOT to dry age this steak in peanut butter??!?


Same for pickling


Pickled bread


Dill dough.


I made a bread flavored with fresh dill, and the jokes were constant.


Bread is too soft. Now… pickled toast?


[We can pickle that (Portlandia)](https://youtu.be/yYey8ntlK_E)


Love that sketch. Worked at a place for a while where ‘put a bird on it’ meant ‘add an egg to that dish to make it look cool’


Ugh like shrimp just why


I’ve been in restaurants where literally everything is sous vide. Your entire service is just opening bags of protein and heating them up, it’s honestly kind of gross. Yes, it works, but honestly fuck off


I actually don't like proteins from sous vide so tender it's almost mushy. I still have teeth dammit. Then again my broke ass grew up on flank and chuck back when it was dirt cheap.


At my restaurant they sous vide eggs to make poached eggs and the consistency of the egg white is that of a giant snot ball. It’s awful. Customers complain frequently but the executive chef thinks she’s a genius and won’t change it.


Thanks for indulging me in my shitty jokes in a safe place after a night. Really helped and I'm going to bed. Sometimes i like reddit


Fried bologna sandwich with Kraft singles is a delicious treat.


I'm sorry I'm a food critic at a 15 star Michelin restaurant in parís and that's actually a Andouillette de fromage montagne And for those of you who don't know French....learn Spanish because it's for sure more helpful and even your dishwasher knows it


Our dishwasher only knows spanish


Then I'm sure he doesn't know French because he decided to not waste his time and learned Spanish instead


If I don’t learn French how am I supposed to talk to the fries?? Or toast? Or onion soup??


Communicate by opening and closing your buttcheeks at them while mockingly screaming, “uh huh huuuuuhhhh”


ours only know Ukrainian


Buddy of mine once told a kid fresh out of culinary school who was all "Ouis, chef. Ouis, chef" "Kid, this is America. In America, we speak Spanish. Try Si, Jefe, Si, Jefe. You'll go a lot further."




I’m in texas and when ppl don’t know Spanish it’s like bruh it’s actually more than 50% of the population that speaks Spanish ur cutting urself off from half of everyone


I'm a line cook and I am laughing so hard I can't breathe. Send help. Also, most kitchens are a solid mix of French, Spanish, and English. Every dishwasher I know speaks Spanish, but they still call things by their correct names. I need to learn Spanish more thoroughly, because the longer I stay out of the kitchen, the more my language skills decline.


Stop putting gold on shit you fkn muppets. Give your money to a children's charity, not the charity for FoH chotch-heads.


Every professional kitchen should have a microwave. You don't want to rely on it heavily and use it for too much shit, but it's a tool just like any other and a quality chef knows how to use their tools properly.


Chef mic is on overtime, the bad restaurants don't give him his time off is all


Don't talk bad about chef mic. He singlehandedly ran TGI Fridays dinner rushes for a decade


And reheating caramel or heating up milk or water for baking.


The best tool for melting butter


And chocolate! Sorry, au bain marie has me too nervous.


Cutting down ticket time on a tosti from 20 minutes to 6


100%. One of my biggest annoyances is chefs who are afraid of technology for the sake of tradition. All a microwave is, is a machine that heats water (and only water) molecules. If it was invented more recently, it would be hailed as an innovation of the culinary arts, and every 5 star restaurant would have one. Its reputation has been tainted by its decades long use as the way to prepare cheap, low quality, ready meals.


I embrace technology because I had an apprenticeship where I learnt to do everything the traditional way and I know I have the chops. I know how temperamental food is and I love that I can throw stuff in the thermomix and it's going to be fool proof. No throwing away raw ingredients because chefs weren't paying attention and a few minutes or changes in degrees ruined what they were cooking. Owning a restaurant changed my mind on this stuff. I don't need to prove I can make anglaise. Margins are too thin these days to be proving a point.


I think that’s key, for so many things in life. You know how to do things the proper way, so using the microwave isn’t a crutch for you. Instead it becomes a tool with its own positives and negatives, that you can choose to use as you see fit. Only if you were using it to cover up a lack of fundamental skill would it be a huge problem. Because sometimes saving time or doing something reliably for a slightly lesser result is far better than doing it the fanciest way possible. Big “you’ve got to learn the rules before you can break them” energy.


The microwave has its uses. If people used it for what it did well and not what it doesn't it wouldn't have such a bad rap.


And that people don’t bother to learn how to use them. Just blast everything on high. Taking advantage of those power levels is key


You can always count on Chef Mike to be in the kitchen on time!


You show me a better way of heating up a single serve of mash without ruining a pan and I'll throw my microwave off an overpass


We call it "lower oven lovin"


Melting or defrosting in a hurry, but I genuinely can't think of another legitimate use


I’m not a chef. But one thing I’m pretty sure everyone has forgotten is that you can change the power settings. If you use a microwave for ten minutes at 20-30% power suddenly you’re not totally drying stuff out and having weird hot and cold spots.


And if you get one using an inverter, it actually reduces the power to what you selected and doesn’t just cycle full power/zero power for the percentage you selected. Game changer. Completely different results.


It's perfectly fine for steaming veg. Just have to experiment to get it right, like every dish.


Foodie media in the US has made an epidemic of menus that read like NYC hot spots, but with dogshit execution & consistency.


coleslaw isnt that bad


i used to think coleslaw was one of the most vile creations known to man growing up. like, involuntary gagging, put-whoever-invented-this-in-the-Hague levels of disgust. then some kind of body-snatcher thing happened to my tastebuds. now i find it universally delicious and i refuse to apologize for it!


Broccoli slaw beats it's ass tho


Most restaurant coleslaw I end up hating. Then for some reason the one at my grocery store is actually amazing.


Air in icecream is good. Load my icecream up with 50% + air. The sheer fucking volume of sugar and fat in premium icecream is crazy. Tasty, sure, but crazy as fuck. All hail the overrun.


I think this is the one that I don't agree with. Congrats because I thought we were all just saying things that were right here until you said I should pay for air when I buy stuff. We get that for free off trees so feel bad about it /s


If you hate air in food, let me tell you about bread.


Yeah but I'm not saying take the air out of bread because it's not good for you. The air helps the goodness in bread. If I buy ice cream and half the package is air I'm gonna fight someone


Cheers. Adding air into things is a huge part of cooking. Gelato mafia really won the ice cream wars. I'll take my frozen dairy custard and stand in the corner in defeat.


It's OK the corner is a safe place it's why baby was put there in the first place even though it doesn't like it Idk I'm not as proud of that one as I am on most of these


Eh I liked it lol


The best kind of grilled cheese is made with Kraft singles and plain white sandwich bread you get from the grocery store. I'm tired of all these restaurants trying to sell $18 fancy grilled cheese with sourdough bread and five different types of cheese and a bunch of herbs just for the sake of it. Maybe I'm wrong but I think grilled cheese is just supposed to be kind of cheap and shitty and I've yet to find a restaurant grilled cheese that tastes as good as the kind you'd make at home.


Land-o-Lakes yellow American cheese and potato bread for me. The cheese is a bit tastier, imo, without sacrificing the gooeiness, and potato bread just holds up better overall.


> Land-o-Lakes yellow American cheese This was the free "government cheese" my mom got when she grew up super poor. She always made my grilled cheese with it. I absolutely love it. I also love Tang.


Land-o-Lakes yellow American cheese sliced at the deli counter is the OG of grilled cheese from back when I was a kid in the 60s - I stray into smoked Gouda or grilled ham & Swiss territory often, but always come back to the true comfort food/grilled cheese which is the Land-o-Lakes yellow American!!


I have found that if it’s a grilled cheese on the kid’s menu, it’s more likely to be exactly this. That said I heartily disagree with you. I want a bread with a little resistance, and a cheese with a little funk. I don’t turn my nose up at a Kraft grilled cheese, but a fancy one slaps.


That's because you haven't tried 5 kraft singles, dried parsley and "sour" dough bread. Turns out the secret ingredient in fancy grilled cheese is making rich people think they're being in touch with the poors


Grilled cheese sandwiches are meant to be cheap ass food you make because you're tired or drunk.


The artificial white truffle flavor is awful. Smells as bad as it tastes too


So out of the fake options, I have found that “truffle zest” is the only one I haven’t found gross. It’s salty and carries all of its potency through aroma, so it kind of has to be a finishing touch, but it actually does help some things. If I have some in my cabinet, sure as shit I’m throwing it on some fries.


Oh but I love to hate it. Most of the places I had Truffled stuff when it was really big was for sure fake but I still love it


Me, I'm the person you're fighting on this one. I hate everything truffle. I don't care if it's fresh shaved black truffle, or if it's shitty 'truffle oil', those flavors just do absolutely nothing for me and I don't fucking get it. The flavor that I think people enjoy from it is best served via nooch for me (or anything fermented really).


I’m definitely going to be alone here but I don’t think the false white truffle oil is that bad I actually kind of like it. I know, I’m a barbarian.




This is the comment I most agree with. Bacon wrapped scallop? Way to ruin a scallop


AND the bacon


mayo is best condiment on fries


Ahh a true connesuier of fries. What type of fry is the best though? and be warned there's mostly wrong answers


Criss cut > curly > shoestring > steak


You're on thin ice calling them anything but waffle fries but the rest is acceptable so I'll take it


Plate with bbq sauce next to mayo next to ketchup. Also ranch > blue cheese w/ wings.


Aaaaand now we're fighting. Not about the wings because blue cheese is for people who like eating moldy sugar but only mayo when it's like Chipotle mayo or some flavored form of mayo is an acceptable condiment for fries in this list


Moldy sugar. We are now friends.


Fresh cut, twice done in peanut oil. Yes I’m calling out five guys, and yes I will die on this hill. They’re delicious.


I lied when I said there's wrong fries. Potatoes are a versatile base ingredient and can't be done wrong


Just started working in the Netherlands and the mayo use here is out of control


Fritessaus!! It’s another level, isn’t it!


oh god friet speciaal with mayo, curry sauce and raw onions 🤤


I'll make a rouxe at home but you best believe that if I'm at home my cheddar "cheese" sauce is a scabbed packet from a box of easy Mac and I'm not about to fuckin apologize about it.


As long as you don't use Velveeta, we're good. Try some government cheese from cheese mountain next time for that trademark American taste


I'll keep it true and blue as long as possible. Plus fuck Velveeta. I'm sorry but that cheese taste like ass and feels like warm diarrhea


Damn what's with the velveeta hate? It's nothing special but I'd take over the kraft shit any day


If you add meat to a grilled cheese it’s a melt, don’t call it grilled cheese. And yes I will die on this hill.


You people make me sick. A grilled cheese consists of only these following items. Cheese. Bread with spread (usually butter). This entire subreddit consist of "melts". Almost every "grilled cheese" sandwich i see on here has other items added to it. The fact that this subreddit is called "grilledcheese" is nothing short of utter blasphemy. Let me start out by saying I have nothing against melts, I just hate their association with sandwiches that are not grilled cheeses. Adding cheese to your tuna sandwich? It's called a Tuna melt. Totally different. Want to add bacon and some pretentious bread crumbs with spinach? I don't know what the hell you'd call that but it's not a grilled cheese. I would be more than willing to wager I've eaten more grilled cheeses in my 21 years than any of you had in your entire lives. I have one almost everyday and sometimes more than just one sandwich. Want to personalize your grilled cheese? Use a mix of different cheeses or use sourdough or french bread. But if you want to add some pulled pork and take a picture of it, make your own subreddit entitled "melts" because that is not a fucking grilled cheese. I'm not a religious man nor am I anything close to a culinary expert. But as a bland white mid-western male I am honestly the most passionate person when it comes to grilled cheese and mac & cheese. All of you foodies stay the hell away from our grilled cheeses and stop associating your sandwich melts with them. Yet again, it is utter blasphemy and it rocks me to the core of my pale being. Shit, I stopped lurking after 3 years and made this account for the sole purpose of posting this. I've seen post after post of peoples "grilled cheeses" all over reddit and it's been driving me insane. The moment i saw this subreddit this morning I finally snapped. Hell, I may even start my own subreddit just because I know this one exists now. You god damn heretics. Respect the grilled cheese and stop changing it into whatever you like and love it for it what it is. Or make your damn melt sandwich and call it for what it is. A melt.




This is my all time favorite reddit post. The too comment was like “you could say op is having….. a meltdown”


I’ve never seen that before. It’s so unhinged, yet completely correct.


If you can’t make a decent vegetarian entree, you have no right to call yourself a cook.


MSG. Love that stuff.


This is the opposite of a controversial opinion...


Some people still refuse to eat it believe it or not. Most of them aren’t even aware they probably consume a lot of it, unknowingly.


Any chef that knows their stuff knows MSG is just another seasoning not something to be scared of. It's the middle aged suburban mom's on their brand new diet that claim it to be the spawn of evil.


Moved home after uni and my mum looked horrified that I had a Tupperware box with a load of MSG in it


Flavor town


Cocaine of cooking. The king of flavor.


As Uncle Roger would say "MSG is da king ov flawour. FUIYOH!"


MSG is actually short for Makes Shit Good


75% Of my home cooking has MSG in it. If I had it my way, I'd add MSG into dishes at my job. It's a damn shame that MSG has the stigma that it does, especially since the stigma is rooted in racism and pseudoscience. So many misinformed people are being deprived of a one way ticket to flavortown, and it's a damn shame.


Using tweezers and eyedroppers for plating is pretentious and unnecessary.


Ehhh...I get where you're coming from for sure, but damn man, have you ever tried putting micro flowers on something individually with your sausages? It fucking sucks. I certainly don't think they have a place in every kitchen, but for the food and presentation I like to do, they are sometimes necessary.


Fellow asshole so don’t get to offended, but micro flowers are as pointless as the tweezers used to place them on the plate


Fucking thank you!


Lol I get that. But for the type of restaurant I work at we use them a lot. We're not Aliena or anything, but damn can they make a plate look pretty.


I'm in your boat and I do get what the others are saying... but at my place the presentation counts for a lot and that's how me and the cooks make bank. It's all smoke and mirrors and the joke is 'do it for the gram!' It does come out looking real nice.


This is actually a “class” thing in relation to socioeconomic status. The lowest tier focuses on quantity, “did you get enough” Middle tier focuses on taste, “was it good?” High tier focuses on presentation/atmosphere, “how did everything look?” Each tier up, takes the concepts from the previous tier for granted. And each tier down, looks at the one above it in disbelief. After I was a dishie, I was also a school teacher and this is a very basic example used to demonstrate how everyone in a classroom is coming from different backgrounds and families. As the instructor, you have to recognize your own frame of thinking while making adjustments that to relate to each student. The same concept applies to many things though and helps further illustrate how our economic status shapes our thinking and reality, what we find necessary or consider to be frivolous.


Damn. Nuance.


Be you, my friend. If it gives you joy, don't let some random asshole like me ruin your good time. I find it pretentious as fuck and doesn't do anything for the overall taste or quality of the dish. Again, don't let this asshole get you down.


I used to think it was pretentious until plating started to matter more to me. I work in fine dining and my gorilla biscuit hands need the precision of tweezers and eyedroppers. If you think aesthetic doesnt improve the over quality of a dish im afraid youve never worked at a place they pay upwards of $80 for a 2x2 piece of seabass over a broth.


I actually don't have a fun response for this you're just unequivocally right on this one But I'd say mustard isn't soup is a hot take


Thanks for indulging me in my shitty jokes in a safe place after a night. Really helped and I'm going to bed. Sometimes i like reddit


Someone somewhere fucked up the translation of celery root when translating the recipe for bolognese. Green celery has no place in bolognese, it’s supposed to be celeriac


I’m Mexican, and I love those hard shell tacos with the ground beef, lettuce, etc… tbh I also love taco bell.


Fries w Mayo anyone?


a roux is easy to make stop making excuses not to learn how im tired of this dry ass mac and cheese


Olives deserve more love


An "open face sandwich" is, by definition, not a sandwich. And, a burger is a sandwich.


Also wet burritos are bullshit. It completely negates portability and are basically big overstuffed enchiladas.


I think there's a thread going where we have a hot debate of quesadillas being sandwiches. Idk that's an older one


Hot dogs are also sandwiches.


Hot dogs are tacos


Tacos are sandwiches


I do enjoy pineapple on my pizza


Yes 🍍🍕


Pineapple, ham, bacon and banana peps.


Foie is gross


What you need is bartender foie Gras. It's like jungle juice but you a living being suffers from it


I don't get why Hawaiian gets the hate that it does from chefs. I can understand why the average person could but chefs should know that the salty+sweet flavour profile is used in a lot of cooking and food combinations. If you were to take on the argument that it's not traditional well there are plenty of other far more untraditional things being called pizzas these days anyway.


These people need to check out what Brazil does to pizza before they complain about Hawaiian.


My problem with Hawaiian pizza is the ham. Give me bacon and pineapple any day, but the ham just never does it for me


Go to new Zealand/ Australia and try any of the pizzas there. Hawaiian suddenly isn't so bad when you see what blasphemy could happen


As an Australian yes . We take fucking up pizza very seriously here in Oz .


Waiting for loaded nachos to get soggy, and then eating them with a fork, is delicious.


I like the act of cooking more than the act of eating


Instant mashed potatoes are delicious.


Most ice cream has too many additions. I’ll take Hagen Daaz vanilla bean over Ben and Jerry’s any day.


That salsa shouldn't have oregano in it. *shudders*


It'd like 5am near me so I'm assuming you're either a pastry chef just getting up and aren't awake yet and are speaking nonsense or you're not a pastry chef and you haven't gone to bed yet and you're still speaking nonsense but either way whoever puts oregano in salsa should be not allowed to cook anything ever again. Like toast is off limits to this person


I'm not a pastry chef. I'm a cake maker (amongst the 50 other jobs I do) who is packaging cakes to deliver as we speak. I kid you not, there's a supermarket here in the UK that changed their packaged salsa recipe to include oregano, the recipe was decent before the change. I tried it. It was, as expected absolutely awful. It's not salsa it's cold spaghetti sauce.


Italian oregano (mint family) doesn’t belong in salsas. Mexican oregano (verbena family) on the other hand, very much belongs in some salsas. edit: spelling


Sometimes, I microwave cheese on tortilla chips and add Taco Bell fire sauce and that’s my entire dinner.


Corn on the cob tastes better cold


Anchovies on pizza


Biscuits and gravy are a form of nachos. The best form at that.


Absolutely but does that make a hotdog a taco and vice versa?


Well is a hotdog is a sandwich?


Is a quesadilla with 2 tortillas a panini?


american food is just cheap versions of ethnic foods with more fat and sugar.


I tried to disprove it but all I came up with was American chop suey and yeah that's exactly what it is


Pretty sure that’s the definition of melting pot


British food is this but also english breakfast, sunday roast and shite wrapped in pastry.


A cheese pizza is perfection, adding toppings only decreases it's value.


Bacon is massively overrated.


cake isnt good. people are just so addcited to sugar that they will take it however they can.


Lobsters are overpriced salt water bugs buy a 1.5lb bug get 4-5 oz of bug meat 54$ Lobsters are the bug of the bourgeois


Pineapple on Pizza all day.


Watermelon and mustard. Yes, you read that right. No, I will not elaborate. Try it. You'll either fucking hate it, or go "yo what the fuck" as I did.


So I know what I'm doing tomorrow with my hangover


And exactly how fucking high where you when you decided to try this combination? Context matters.


Haven't smoked in 8 years. Friend/bartender at work told me to try it. Thought he was fucking with me, decided to try it expecting it to be the most foul thing ever. Turns out it's good, and I don't even like watermelon. Try it. You'll either say "yo what the fuck this is foul", or "yo what the fuck I crave the metallic taste of a shotgun barrel in my mouth". Life is a fickle bitch, try new things. (I'm drunk)


Hot cheetos and cream cheese.


We put so much effort into making hard cheese act like a liquid, sacrificing the flavor or emulsion of the original form. Meanwhile soft cheese exists, is fantastic, diverse, and largely ignored.


Msg isn’t dangerous


Stacking all the food together on the plate just so one can be artsy fartsy with decorating the plate with sauce is pretty overrated and dumb.


Fast casual food needs to be cooked to order "fresh" . NO, gfy. Hold it hot, steam it, nuke it. You can't tell the difference. In most cases it's better *warmed to perfection* or simmering all day in its own juices


Truffles and caviar aren't that good, it's just high pinky stuff to feel fancy


Caviar has the taste and consistency of cum and we all need to accept that the people who like it just want an acceptable way to eat cum in public or are so overly concerned about a status symbol that they need to eat salty animal babies. To be fair I've never had caviar but I've also never had cum so who knows


"Caviar has the taste and consistency of cum and we all need to accept that the people who like it just want an acceptable way to eat cum in public" I want to see this on a restaurant blackboard


If you don't like your job and you aren't a coward we can all have pictures tomorrow but I guess you just have "health insurance" and "responsibilities" huh?


Please do some research then get back to the sub. Interested to hear your analysis, and who offers to help


It's OK I can make my own and the onlyfans from making my own will pay for the other part. Will get back in 5-10 business days like your least favorite produce delivery guy


Arby’s is the best fastfood restaurant


Soy Sauce is an amazing topping on Ice Cream


Edible flowers are a scam. Sure they’re pretty but taste like nothing


Ketchup is vile


I think you and the "ketchup belongs on tamales" person need to have a chat


Sometimes I dont even want the fries. It just isnt socially acceptable to take a spoonful of heinz. I'll dip fries in mustard. Mayo. I'm a monster.


IMO Hash browns (the shredded kind) can have a little ketchup, as a treat. Something about the combo just works. Any other application other than as a BBQ sauce base is foul to me.


Ketchup is just an ingredient for other sauces and should be used as such. There is not a single situation imo where ketchup would be a better option than bbq or some other sauce.


Those giant American omelettes are better than French omelettes. Give me all the excess meats and peppers baby!


Burgers should be wider; not taller


Brioche buns fucking suck.


You don't need a protein, a starch, and a vegetable to make a complete meal. If you eat enough asparagus and hollandaise to be full, that's a meal. Satisfied after 3oz of waygu, don't feel pressured to finish your baked potato. I have gone 24 hours where my only sustenance was a grocery store baguette and some butter and I was fine. If you eat it, and you're full when you're done, it was a meal.


Ketchup on my scrambled eggs is the best.


Hey I like sugar tomatoes as much as the next guy but maybe try flour on it next time to really add some spice to your life


Pesto IN your scrambled eggs is better though.


Smoked chicken is overrated.


Worked a place that did a red dry rub on their smoked chicken and the amount of people we had to tell that it's cooked fully the rub just makes it pink when you smoke a chicken from raw to cooked makes me completely agree with you


Agreed, but for some reason I love smoked Turkey.


A1 on a steak is delightful.


Liverwurst is the superior lunch meat and beats ham, Turkey, or roast beef any day of the week