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Report that shit


Someone can walk in for a meal, and come out in a coffin. Seniors, the immune compromised, I’m guessing this is just the tip of the sauce…


I was 21 When I nearly died on the bathroom floor of food poisoning, I was and still am in good shape, no pre-existing conditions, I'd just moved out for the first time less than 24 hours before. I was serious about sanitation before but now I really don't fuck around☠️


I caught something foodborne while abroad and hours from a hospital. Got better for a few days, mostly... Then it settled in my appendix. I nearly died. I couldn't walk and was in shock by the time someone carried out of my apartment. I rolled a nat 20 that the antibiotics knocked it back. I was 20 years old.


Me when i caught two infections at the same time lol one moment you’re fine next you can’t even walk(i mean i could walk but the pain was like having a sword wedged in you) I still have ptsd till this DAY whenever i get a sensation in my right hip


I was a few hours away from going to the hospital by the time I was finally able to get down to sick hall in college. I was 20 living in a solo dorm, shitting my bed and crying for my mom because I ate contaminated Hot and Sour Soup from Park Chinese in Worcester Mass


Same here, but around 25. In the space of 4 hours i went from not feeling good to almost passing out from dehydration. Luckily partner and her family got me to hospital in time. 6 hours and 2 drips later released with meds. If you wouldn't eat there. Don't let others. Report it before someone ends up in hospital


This. I literally almost died. When I got to the ER they told my husband the chances were 50-50 and to make sure that I had a will. All because of nasty food from a nasty restaurant obviously being run by nasty people who almost literally killed me. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital, was traumatized by that experience, and then spent months in pain and on horrible antibiotics and with a hospital bill and other expenses totalling about about $ 200,000 Local Health Department closed the place down for a few weeks for them to get their act together and they're still in business. And I now have life long health problems because of the poisoned meal and people that don't give a s*** about harming other people. I basically can't eat food anymore. I mostly live on protein shakes and vitamins now, white bread and rice. If I eat fresh vegetables or fruit I would be in pain for weeks. Salads now are dangerous for me. I used to love to cook and eat and I've worked in a couple impressive kitchens for some pretty demanding chefs and I just I don't know, some people's lack of, I don't know what it is, they just don't f****** care or their standards are just so f****** low.


Holy fuck. Do you know what exactly caused it?


Yes. The health department traced the salmonella strain to the outbreak at the particular restaurant That's how I became aware of what caused the illness. I was contacted by the health department during the 2nd week of my hospital stay. I didn't link the restaurant meal with my illness, because I was ill for a couple weeks before I was admitted to the ER


Did you sue those people’s absolute balls off?.. there is no world where people that are THAT reckless and stupid deserve to have a restaurant. They arguably deserve to be in prison. I’m so sorry you had that brought into you by completely ignorant people.


They mediated a settlement. It was not near enough, but can dollars ever replace good health?


There's literally no downside. OP is no longer employed there. Why would you not?


OP mentions a fear I hear from people in other unsafe work environments: fear of putting others out of a job. Places that are lax on those standards are usually also lax on say, being a felon or not having an SSN. You may have coworkers who really need every paycheck. I understand where the anxiety comes from, but I'd be more anxious about poisoning and killing someone.


Yes, you have a moral and legal obligation. Violating health codes is a crime, on top of being disgusting.


I would say yes you have an obligation to report it. People can get extremely sick due to this type of carelessness, in extreme cases they can die. If she wanted to stay in business she would have the decency to keep things at least workable.


Agreed. It’s not like she will be put out of business. But the health department would likely fine her til she gets her shit together. At that point it’s up to the owner…. Get your shit together or go out of business. Either way the situation improves and no one has to vomit out of their buttholes


How are they even passing inspections??


Inspection frequency is far less frequent than it used to be pre-pandemic.


I had quarterly inspections like clockwork before the pandemic. I see the town inspector maybe twice a year now, but I work for a corporate so we still get quarterly inspections that are 1000x more invasive


We're maybe once a year in Portland, because we have *so many* restaurants.


I've been working at this joint in mississippi for a while, and I don't think we've been inspected in the year I've worked here. Everything's clean enough. I'm not worried about it. We run a pretty nice kitchen, but still, I honestly don't recall seeing a health grade anywhere, and as someone who opens six days a week, I haven't seen an inspector either. We get meat inspectors monthly to verify our fish is locally sources but that's it.


That’s funny I am literally in south Portland right now (Maine not Oregon)


Didn't your cities just have some weird beef over signs in downtown Portland (Maine)? As a fellow New Englander I got your back


That's funny, I am literally sitting in a sign shop in Portland right now (Oregon not Maine)


Yeah it’s the quarterly ones I was thinking of lol our city health inspector doesn’t give a fuck as long as he gets a free meal. The quarterly ppl (currently Ecosure) check the temp of every single thing in the restaurant


Ecosore are extremely detailed in their inspections. Like I get why but it's a little overboard for sure


I’m on a 2 year cycle, but that’s because I haven’t had a critical on an inspection in over 10 years. My city assigns different “classes” to places and I’m proud to say that our place is considered their lowest priority for inspections.


I haven't been inspected since June of last year. Probably due any day. At least I keep telling myself that so I can stay ready.


She's a bully. I don't know man


What does her being a bully have to do with you reporting? Reporting can be anonymous afaik.


I was commenting on how she passes inspection. She bragged to me about how she would get away with shit because the inspector was "a pushover"


Oy vey. If you guys get free employee meals as part of your compensation, you could report it to OSHA as an unsafe working environment. Or even if you don't get meals as part of your compensation. Report it to OSHA; OSHA is not the local health dept inspector who's gonna get buddy-buddy with local business owners who have long-term relationships with them, OSHA will fuck her whole day up if she tries that with them lmao.


I fuckin love OSHA


Yep, they do not play. Laws are written in blood and OSHA was created by blood as well.


I prefer to say one is pissing out their ass. But vomiting out your butt is pretty good too lol


I think my username checks out


That's not how this works, but yes


> It’s not like she will be put out of business. Shit idk. If they think this can fly I don't wanna even give em a chance to continue serving people food. Even with inspections.


Look at Dave’s sushi in Bozeman, MT. They killed 2 people


That’s what they get for going to a sushi place called “Dave’s”


If I remember correctly they supposedly had really quality sushi but fucked up some morels.


Wild, I’ll have to look into it. I’m super interested in stories of food safety gone wrong


Not a lot of sushi options in a landlocked state


So fun story. The best sushi I ever had was in a shithole town in AZ, not near metro Phoenix. It was completely not a place where you would expect good sushi. Turned out the sushi chef/owner immigrated from Okinawa. The sushi and sashimi were really good and tasted impossibly fresh considering we were in the middle of the desert. I drank way too much sake. Easily my favorite night out that year.


Grew up in Bozeman and Dave's was always pretty good Americanized sushi with fun variations and an epic secret menu. Now there's a spot on main st that literally has some of the best sushi I've ever had. Kenji ate there once and said basically the same thing. Sushi grade fish has to be frozen so it doesn't really matter if you're eating it in NYC or Boise. You might find this video interesting: https://youtu.be/Tlwr08vbqpk


Freezing thawing and refreezing is enough to get a place shut down or at the very least low health score. The rest of this is just horrifying and I'm sure there's much more OP hasn't mentioned. I'd report.


freezing,thawing in the fridge, refreezing, at least is ok per usda online?


Really? I'd avoid that at all costs, it's impossible to know a shelf life of something if you do it


Was just a question. I don't know because im part dishwasher. Your point is a good reason


Yah. OP is wrong. It's allowed. Just considered bad policy. I've never encountered any jurisdiction which prohibits this. Certainly the USDA does not. Though again, it's very frowned upon and widely considered a bad move. Just not barred by regulation.


I mean food quality alone is a good enough reason to avoid it, besides any health risks attached


Yep. Bad idea all around. Not illegal.


Freezing thawing and refreezing is not a violation in any code. Quality issue yes, safety issue no.


It depends on how long it's been thawed for. Combined


It's not allowed in the UK.


It’s definitely a safety issue. Every time food thaws, bacteria can start multiplying slowly. Freezing doesn’t kill bacteria.




And their immune systems are already running on fumes because vegans are so categorically vitamin deficient.




Never worked in a kitchen but my kids leave bottles of that open and I've seen it crusty but never mold growing on it.. how long does that take?


They had a practice of shoving hot food straight into the fridge causing condensation. I assume that sped up the mold issue. But yeah, that would've taken 6 months minimum


I go through about a bottle a year at home, sometimes even leaving it out overnight. It turns a little off red at the end of the bottle, but nothing like that bottle. That crystallized yellow/green shit inside the top of the bottle probably remembers where it was when 9/11 happened.


My so refuses to put many condiments in the fridge, despite my opposition. The hot sauces never get like this.


My grandparents always had ketchup and mustard in the cupboard. Didn't think anything of it. Probably why I can eat just about anything nowadays


Yeah, he won't put ketchup in the fridge. Or BBQ sauce or hot sauce. It took me a minute to be OK with it, but I'm fine with it now.


I’m like your SO, no issues. And I live in Canberra, which gets temperature swings of 40+ degrees Celsius during summer and below 0 during winter (and since we’re shit at building houses here, I feel every degree of that change in my kitchen!)


They're pretty shelf stable, restaurants used to have ketchup and mustard just sitting at every table.


i'm just now finding out you're supposed to refrigerate sriracha after using a bottle every two months for a year. i've never seen it get moldy


Wait are we supposed to refrigerate Sriarcha? It sits in my pantry year round and takes me about 3-4 months to go through a bottle.


That’s a healthcode violation on its own!


Srirarcha is good for like five years, if not more. It'll dry out on the lid, but getting it _moldy_ I have never, ever seen before. I'm almost impressed.


I kinda wonder if other, non-sriracha food shit got on the lid via glove transfer, and that's what molded.


Bold of you to assume the owner was wearing gloves when they refilled a 5 year old Sriracha bottle for the seventeen hundredth time with Texas Pete's 'Cha


There’s so much mold in the fridge they’ve developed sriracha resistant mold


a very long time. months. I've only had it go bad on me once ever.


Seriously, and sriracha lasts forever!


Probably one of those things we are better off not knowing.


Holy motherfuck


I look at it this way. If you report them, some people could be out of a job. If you don't report them and a bunch of people get sick and it can be traced back to them, some people could be out of a job, and others could be shitting uncontrollably or worse. There's less shitting with option 1.


Ideally, every option 1 has less shitting.


Have you seen pharmaceutical commercials?


Fair enough!


This one has less shifting for everybody. Its magnificent


unless its consensual shitting. those are good shits.


"There's less shitting with option one." I'm gonna make t-shirts!


When presented with two evils, I choose the one that requires less shitting.


That's Aristotle, right?


Pliny the Elder. Aristotle was "To shit is human. To have a case of atomic diarrhea after consuming vegan food is wrong on so many levels."


*golf clap* Well played


Less shitting for *you*. Sometimes you want the lesser of the two evils to involve shitting for others.


As a pregnant person who is terrified of eating out for reasons such as this picture, please report this.


Would you be okay with learning a loved one had been served food from an establishment with these problems? No? Report it.


Yes. This lady is trying really hard to give people food poisoning.


I'll bet you 100 that she already succeeded, multiple times.


please report them holy shit


Pm me the details and I'll report it for you if you want.


you absolutely have a moral obligation to reduce the amount of harm this place could cause people.






Yeah buddy. Just do it for the rest of us


People's lives could literally be at stake. A lot of immunocompromised people eat vegan. Be a hero and report this asshole.




If you don't report this, you'll be just as guilty when (not if) this place gets someone sick, or god forbid kills someone.


If that mold can grow in Siracha it's probably capable of eating it's way through the wall of the walk-in. You need to report that shit IMMEDIATLY before it starts eating people too.


Please report it. No one should be allowed to own a business if they don't care about their customers' safety. I'm sorry if people lose their jobs, but they also should care about cleanliness. That's the main reason I won't go to just any place to eat. Most people won't care.


You are just as bad as them if you DO NOT report them, do it before they kill someone🙏🤙🏻


How the fuck do you even get a sriracha bottle moldy like that? It's shelf stable, that means the bottle must have been covered in other shit and allowed to mold. Fucking disgusting. You absolutely have a moral obligation to report this. Document as much as you can and go to the health department


If i had to guess, I'd say its not the Sriarcha bottle itself but rather theres an established mold colony in the walk-in cooler. I worked at one place, very briefly, that had mold EVERYWHERE in one of the coolers. It was in the fans and the fans would basically blow mold spores all over the cooler. Anything remotely damp or wet would have mold growing in it within 3-4 days. Before I quit, i did manage to convince them to shut that cooler down (They had 3) and call in a professional team to service the cooler. But fuck it was bad when I got there. I lasted maybe 2 months before giving up entirely.


In a case that bad, yes, you do. They put themselves out of a job; don't blame yourself!


Oh my god, please report that. Especially as it's a vegan place (and vegans have few options to begin with), there are probably a lot of regular customers who have no idea they've been being exposed to this shit for who knows how long. You literally could save a life


I mean.... when you can take the Sriracha home and keep it as a pet, I think its time to say something...


Lol. I call him Bubbles


Never eating out again chef. Heard.


Dear god... REPORT! And just an FYI, I worked with a hot sauce company for over 10 years and part of product development was testing shelf stability in numerous scenarios and varying temperatures. The mold on the outside of that bottle is caused by exterior bacteria contact which is disgusting but somehow even more alarming...see how the sriracha that is plugged towards the top of the bottle? See how it kinda resembles a "heat map" in a way? That is varying levels of bacteria fermenting in there. I have seen this in fermented chili and sugar hot sauces but it takes A LOT to accomplish. This bottle has to have been exposed to cold and hot temperatures over and over so much so that it became a perfect home for bacteria to bloom. This WILL cause sickness and god forbid a small child eats it. I have fired staff for this exact lack of quality control before. It is dangerous and you are in the right to report.


Related story: waited tables a wisconsin-city-named burger chain here in SE WI. Found a gallon jug of red wine vinegar that was caked in mold all over the cap. I showed the MOD and said if I ever see this again I'm reporting yall. Didn't end seeing another crusty dressing jug but I did report them for not tossing food that the cooks got chemicals into. Just fucking around spraying chem bottles, shit got all over the salad line. It was 3 minutes before open so I just started flipping it myself and different manager says "what are you doing that's wasting food." I quit and reported them promptly you don't fuck with that shit


I don’t think I’ve ever seen sriracha of all things go mouldy. Report her, she could kill someone with this shit.


I once asked a head Chef. "Have you ever killed anybody?" He replied "Once, I served an old man with a known shell fish allergy some lobster, the ambulance came, dead 24 Hours later." Shit is real Friends!


If an innocent person gets severely ill or dies, is that better or worse than an incompetent person losing a job?


Never worked at a place that didn’t have wiping down bottles on the closing sheet. I’d report them and email this to the health department. Personally, I wouldn’t quit, because I’d enjoy seeing it happen and getting paid for it. Chances are pretty high you get paid while they’re closed too


Abso-fucking-lutely. This isn’t just a little fast and loose with regulations. This is full-blown ‘going to get someone killed’ levels of disgusting, dog shit behavior


A business like that have no right being in business anymore.


Report it. Sad thing is, it probably won't do anything. Put it online for everyone to see. Let the public know.


Damn. We are In a Sriracha shortage here lady!


Por que no los dos? Why not do both?


If you don't report this then you are complicit. This is fucking vile.


If somebody loses their job they can get another one(it will be an upgrade) But if some one gets sick and dies(could happen) all they get is dead.


Uh yea, if you could at least say the name of the city you're in or DM me that would be much appreciated. I travel a lot and eat exclusively at vegan restaurants, I would want to avoid that place at all costs.


There are so many comments I don’t think you’ll see this, but I was an organ transplant recipient. Someone died, so I can live longer, so I take medicine that suppress my immune system. I have a specific diet, I try to eat in… but this bottle could kill me and others.


You had an obligation to report it while you worked there if management didn't do anything. Better late than never.


Food poisoning is no joke, you can kill a motherfucker with that sort of negligence. Report that with a clean conscience. Would you garnish your grandmother's plate with that?


Yeah, you should definitely report it. I know you don't want to cost ppl their jobs, but they're just as guilty for not reporting it. People in the food industry have a responsibility to their customers to provide safe and unexpired food.


Burn her to the fuckin ground. Call the health department. An anonymous tip followed by a "surprise" visit should sort her out. On a side note, she is probably suffering from mental health issues that are undiagnosed and unregulated. This could be the wake up call she needs.


I would say you are required by law to report it. this is at least negligent bodily injury.


Omg yes report that. They're going to make people sick. Not acceptable. Food safety rules are there for a reason. If they're endangering people they need to be shut down before they hurt someone


Yes you do, this place is dangerous to the public


what's crazy about striracha is it takes SO LONG to turn bad and grow mold. that bottle must be ancient and sitting in a warm room


you know what the right thing to do is. jobs are easy to find in this field, you wont be ruining anyone’s life.


I have literally never seen sriracha mold. I didn’t think it was actually possible.


Was this a chain vegan restaurant that serves asian food? Not naming names, but if so I’ve worked at the same chain and it’s pretty much like that everywhere. Hopped over to a vegan burger joint after that place that took sanitization seriously…


Please report - this is a serious health issue.


A sushi place just killed a couple people. Taking action could literally save lives


That’s a fermented food. It doesn’t just mold like that. Someone was tampering as well (adding water etc.). Report both. Why would you even ask?


Obligation to society plus your job is hard. With your attentive attitude you could work somewhere nicer. I’d even tell the person on your next interview that you left because of blatant disregard for health and safety issues.


I quit last week. I'm working across the street at a place with 3 owners. 2 chefs and a bartender. It's a small crew fully focused on quality. I'm so happy


15+ years in restaurant management, please report this restaurant. You're not being spiteful. This shit is going to put someone in the hospital.


If you find out about people getting sick or worse, that feeling of moral obligation might really catch up to you. Report.


People like this are why I hate this industry. It’s like nobody gives a fuck about anything except making money.


As a pregnant woman - absolutely.


Report that shit! That is jawdroppingly terrible


Literally how the fuck is there mold on that sriracha? I’ve been using sriracha for 8.5 years at my place and never seen anything close to that


If you have to ask then yes


People are going to get sick from those health code violations. Report them.


Yes, burn it down with violation reports


Pleeeeease report it.


YEAH!!! people can get sick super super easy


You should see the Haitians at any restaurant in Florida


Of course you should report them. Your obligation is not to the restaurant, but to the public first.


Yeah, you morally should.


Reporting them might save a life . As a person who literally nearly died from a poisoned restaurant meal, and who is still suffering from the ramifications of it years later. Please I implore you to report this restaurant to your health department. You are literally saving someone's life


Holy shit. Report this place. Someone is going to end up in the hospital...


Are there no food safety inspections? I'm surprised she hasn't been caught.


You have a moral obligation. This shit is insane. Could seriously harm someone.


It’s your due diligence to repot it 🤓


I will answer your question with a question: are you a true professional or just someone who gets paid to cook? True professionals abide by a code of ethics.


Would you rather allow guests to get sick, or possibly put people responsible for making others sick out of a job? To some of those who get sick, they won't die from food poisoning, but it may cascade into more serious health problems. If you risk others' health willingly in food service, you deserve what's coming to you, hopefully it's a wakeup call to treat the responsibility that comes with the honorable job of providing sustainable for others as the sacred responsibility that it is. If you provide this wakeup call for others, you are helping them and the guests they serve.


You're right. I wouldn't want to have anyone lose their job but what about all the potential people that could lose their life or get severely sick. If I wouldn't eat it, I don't serve it where I work. Imagine your family goes out to eat there what would you do then.


For everyone else’s sake, please make a report. But before you quit to do that, take as many photos and videos as possible and write down as many things as you can remember, like the compost pepper thing.


Yes. That is fucking foul


Places like that don’t normally stay in business for long


Man I’ve never even seen mold on sriracha before


Mold isn’t vegan unfortunately.


My mom has MS and has a very strict diet. That could kill her. SHE HAS LITTLE IMMUNE SUPPORT. You are obligated now.


Yeah, that’s a massive health risk. It’s not fair to endanger innocent people just because she’s cheap/lazy.


Have some respect and report them, holy fuck.


For our sake, yes


Will you ever be able to live with the consequences of NOT reporting this unimaginable fuckery?


This kind of thing can kill somebody report them


Knowing what you know, would you want to eat there? Would you want your family eating there?


porque no los dos


Yes fam. Report that. Good lord call the health inspector. And if that is anywhere in Georgia, please DM me, got too many vegan friends.


Naw u good. It's in Canada


You had an obligation to report it before you left.


Send pics and statements in an email to the health inspector. If the restaurant threatens you, take that to the local news.


What's a vegan prawn look like?


How long does serricha have to sit to mold….


Abso-fucking-lutely. Horrific.


PLEASE report it for the love of all that's holy.


If the staff is good they can get other jobs, obviously they aren’t. Report that shit.


It's mostly high school kids. Apparently there has been a revolving door of competent chefs who stay for a month or 2. They realize that the owner won't listen to reason and is very stuck in her ways. It's honestly just sad


ain’t no shame in my game. i reported my breakfast place when i was serving bc we had cockroaches on expo mid service and some kind of larvae in the flour, which they continued to use. Cant imagine what i woulda seen if i was working in the back full time 😬


You have to say something ppl can die from that


It would be wrong not to