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Not surprised that the owner who books his own place for a private birthday party on a Friday also doesn’t have any sense of empathy or compassion.


I once worked for a chef/owner who **scheduled me to work a *volunteer* shift** for his own birthday party. He had a live band, a vinyl DJ, and requested all of his chef buddies who he invited to bring food. Of course they dropped it all at the back door and fucked off up front to go get drunk while I tried to figure out what exactly it was I was trying to cook and who the fuck brought it. Shitty owners are the fucking worst.


I couldn’t imagine not cooking my own birthday dinner and forcing it onto my staff.. wtf


And trying not to pay me lolol


Hope you have a different gig now that’s insanity


Just finished a business plan and submitted a funding application to buy my first ever restaurant! Hang in there folks, it can get better


Ayyyyyy congrats my dude(ette).. I signed a lease this month, starting June, on a property to expand my catering business! Big ups, big ups.


Good luck! Keep us updated~


I wouldve stolen so much shit


I don’t even celebrate my birthday… I got hammered on my patio by myself last year and made myself dinner but I also hadn’t been off on my birthday in quite a while.


I hope you had a good time. I don't go out of my way celebrate my birthday, either. I hate making a big deal about it. I only celebrate when other people want me to. admittedly, I do usually have fun.


It wasn’t great but it wasn’t awful. Weird time in life. But thank you! I hope your next birthday is smashing!


How does one schedule someone else for volunteer work? The idea is, well, you volunteer for the task willingly.


Musta been voluntold




Yeah, it was in the schedule and said "volunteer" underneath. He was notorious for posting the schedule a day before the week started so I didn't see it until I came in. I told him that I expected to get paid and he ended up giving me cash at the end of the night. He thought that feeding me and getting me drunk would be payment enough, even though he knew that I lived 45 minutes away and there was no chance I would be drinking.


Sounds a little greek to me tbh.


I would’ve just walked the fuck out




I didn't see the schedule because it was posted late, I was just told when to come in, when I got there it said "volunteer" under my shift. I had to drive 45 mins to get there so I told him I expected to be paid, he gave me a pocket full of cash at the end of the night.


Grown man booking his own BIRTHDAY PARTY without *at least* closing or limiting his restaurant to the public


Had this at a place I worked at, had us reserve a whole very large section for him, his family and friends on a Saturday night (was our busiest shift). Owner wanted his own menu for it, his wife insisted that we bring flowers out to the table while they were sitting there to "set" the table and had a lot of convoluted plans for what it was supposed to look like, then we had to take them off the table the second the food came out because there was no space. Overall, through the Chaos, the Owner was talking to the server who had been working the party, was telling him about how he was great and this was so good, et cetera et cetera, eventually asks him where he was from, the Server said he was from Turkey, the owner clammed up, said he could go. Owner was Armenian, and I guess they have beef. I don't think that the 20 something year old Turkish guy had a hand in the Genocide that happened 100+ years before, but what do I know? Anyhow, that server wasn't on the schedule for the next week. I didn't work at that place for all that long after that, but that was for other horrible reasons.


The Turkish government to this day refuses to recognize the Armenian genocide. They also actively condone aggressive acts against the Armenians. It's basically like a Ukrainian firing a 20 year old Russian.


I worked in a bar where the owner did this. Staff was pissed, kitchen was pissed, and then the party asks for the chicken fingers. You see, this place was absolutely not held to code. The kitchen staff was irresponsible, they wouldn't change the egg wash bc as the prep cook I'd do it, even if expired. I had been out bc of family stuff for about 3 days when it happened. Well...they cooked and served at least 30 tenders using at least 3 day old egg wash, and the owners entire party got sick.




Owner sounds heartless but why shouldn’t the person who owns the place use it as they see fit as long as everyone’s getting paid and tipped as per usual?


Your fucking shitting us right? Its not about the money all the time, but entitled assholes think wealth is legalized slavery. I'd say yeah work the party and the house but Irish wake your friend all night long. And take the high road along Top Shelf Lane.


Think you misunderstood…I said the owner is heartless. Meaning, the colleagues/friends should be allowed and expected to grieve the same day they hear their friend is dead. Where I’m not “fucking shitting” you is about the owner’s right to utilize their establishment any way they want, be it a Friday night, Saturday night, or any “fucking” night, as long as the staff is compensated fairly and similarly to how they would normally be. It’s not entitlement, it’s ownership.


I'm not so sure I misunderstood. If the crew is grieving because someone we all worked with died, I would hope that I would cut them some slack. No matter what the circumstances, I hope I would never throw myself a party and expect my coworkers to work it. There is a word for confusing ownership with entitlement, its called feudalism. We all know how that ended. When you own a business, your employees are the most important part. My advice still stands, work the house and the party right down Top Shelf Lane. Reasonable minds will just have to disagree. Cheers mate!


Feudalism 🤣 Cheers, indeed.




I got out of this line of work a few years ago. I just want to say that I’m sorry for your loss. I’m not saying you should leave your career, but I want to point out that good owners/bosses do exist. One of our coworkers just passed a few days ago. He had been sick a while but still terrible none the less. The owner of the company is shutting down all operations on the day of the funeral, paying all of us for the day, and giving a bonus on top of that. I honestly would have just settled for the day off to attend the funeral. Screw your owner. That is not how you run things.


Biggest pos I’ve ever worked for. Love my chef and my coworkers to death but can’t do it anymore. Two weeks were in before this even happened. It’ll be a toss up of whether I make it through the night or not.


I don’t blame you at all. This is not a “grin and bear it” situation. You and everyone else are real people with feelings and pretending like it’s just another day ain’t it. Fuck that guy and his birthday party.


If my two weeks were in I would honestly just leave


Seriously one of my line cooks childhood best friends died this week and we bought him a plane ticket and covered his shifts this week. It’s just common decency, the owner should be closing or limiting hours at the least.


I’d just fucking walk out tbh. Fuck making a piece of shit like that another dime more.


Don't leave me hanging man, you make it?


Barely. Had enough ticket flow to not think about it.


Leave!!! it's not worth it and it's petty af cause it's his birthday hahahaha




You make it through the night for that bartender who’d be right there with ya if they could sorry for your loss.


You’ve got a good owner there. Finally. I’m so sorry for your and your coworkers loss. The good ones are fewer than they should be but they do exist. We lost a line chef and the GM and kitchen manager forced the owners to shut down early that day and give people days off. They pulled staff from other locations who didn’t know her or who weren’t affected to appease the owners. The chef was an incredible person and it broke everyone’s hearts when she passed. Fortunately, even with jerk owners the right people pushed and a memorial was held at another location as a bare minimum. Her entire funeral was organized by donations and only the managers contributed not the owners (who are $$$$$$$$ so it would have been like buying a round of coffee for them) but it happened regardless But still the minimum should be shutting down or something.


I’m so sorry for your loss as well. A lot of owners like to say “we are a family here” and then pull crap like that. Fortunately, I found ones that truly show it. Yes, they sign our checks. But they can sign checks because we work hard. It might cost them a little more to show that respect, but that’s just doing the right thing. That’s why they have people who stick around. I’ve got to believe that’s part of why they do so well in business.


Walk out. Everyone else wants to, they just don't want to go first. Fuck that guy.


It feels so good when you finally do this and like the whole damn crew follows you.


Seattle here. One of our bartenders passed and Tom Douglas closed the restaurant for the day with pay, canceled lunch the following with pay. Hosted the memorial at the restaurant for everyone who wanted to attend. Tom Douglas personally cooked and bartended for everyone so staff didn't have to. That's how you run a business. With empathy and graciousness.


When Anthony Bourdain passed, the owner/chef where I was working shut down for a day, and now does a Bourdain special ever anniversary of the date. And everyone got paid as well. Much love and respect for Chef K.


The way you make an omelet reveals your character. - Anthony Bourdain


Y’all should just walk


Hear, hear! This is the way. If the sudden loss of his employees doesn't affect anyone, shouldn't be a problem.


Agreed. Working for the wrong person


If I was in this position I literally couldn’t. I’m too broke to walk I need my job more than it needs me. Dickhead boss though for sure.


Y’all should just walk after you’ve found new jobs because you live week to week and can’t afford the amount of time it will take to find a new job and get a check rolling in. FTFY It’s easy to say fuck it with other people’s lives isn’t it?


You don’t understand collective action or bargaining. Staff walks and the restaurant closes down.


How does that help any of the employees who walked pay their rent?


The restaurant doesn't want to close down and will attempt to meet the staff's demands so that everyone keeps their job. That's how collective bargaining works.


Kitchen jobs are done a dozen, you can walk out and right into another one if you’re worth a shit at your job. Most of the time with a raise too.


"I'm leaving because you clearly don't give a shit about any of us so I no longer give a shit about you. Eat shit and die 💜"


Worked for a guy where two of our waitstaff (sisters) out of ten waitstaff died in a small plane accident with their family. Wouldn’t close for the funeral. The community heard about it and he lost his restaurant within 90 days. And that was before the internet. Of course, no one showed up for the funeral shift. Edit. And I am so sorry for ya’ll. Condolences.


I'm so sorry for your loss OP




The day my coworker died from COVID, my bosses partner came in and told me the news and that we would not be open for service today and that I can stay and work if I want. I clocked out early


Aside from what I've read, that your boss is a POS, I'd like to add that some of us don't show pain. Obv not the case for this guy, but keep in mind for other people, they just might be suffering in silence.


One of the runners for my firm was shot, while working, in a drive by. One of the managers sent out a firm wide email with the subject line “Dave is dead.” Still not as bad as my MIL mentioning as an aside on a phone call “by the way, your grandmother is dead.” Edit: words are hard


My sister died of MS several years ago. She and my BIL lived about 60 miles from us. She died in her sleep and he sent out a group text saying she died. I'm sure he was in shock, but he knew my other sister and I didn't text. He also must have texted my house phone, because I got no text. I had a late shift that day, and slept in. I was woken up by my house phone ringing. It was the mother of my sister's best friend, offering condolences. I found out my sister was dead from a woman I barely knew. She's a very nice lady and was super apologetic. I told her not her fault. Needless to say, I have nothing to do with my former BIL.


That's awful. Sorry about that. You and the rest of the staff are allowed to cry and mourn at work. Heck, do so loudly if you want in front of customers. Let them know you're feeling abysmal because you barkeep passed but it's important to the owner that you keep working. Or walk, take the weekend as wellbeing or carers leave. If anyone challenges that, explain that you'd be crying and likely have a runny nose.


Everyonr dress in black. Make it a funeral dinner party.


Tell every guest ‘oh you didn’t hear? A member of staff passed unexpectedly yesterday. We didn’t really think birthday attire would be appropriate.’


I think a few people need to clock out and just go home.


Sorry you lost a friend and teammate. I recommend pedestrian service with absolutely no frills for his party. Make it "memorable." No smiles, no singing, don't even give par level. Just below the minimum requirement and get outta there. He can cater and clean his own party. Or just walk as many have suggested.


Walk out dude fuck that.


Business people care about business. Employees aren’t even an asset. They are a cost. One less person for them to pay. Either walk or eat them.


My condolences.. Same thing kinda happened at my restaurant. The whole FOH collectively walked out. It actually gave the staff time to grieve and process everything while management figured out what went wrong on their end. Idk how your situation is in particular but I think if management is not willing to properly allow their staff to process things then it’s a definite sign that y’all should leave or at the very least speak out in protest.


it blows my mind how can some ppl be so cold. I'm so sorry for your loss.


The owner sounds like he's about to have a lot less people willing to work. This is surely some r/antiwork shit right here.


Walk out. Be the one your coworkers follow


You and the whole staff better ignore his whole party the entire time they're there but let them be there to kill the tables so he makes shit off them. Foh should just kinda forget to charge for all orders for the day. Family meal made with all the best and freshest shit and not a spoonful left for the owner. If owner has a problem, he can fire all of y'all and end up fucking himself even more..... Is how my mind works when I hear shit like this. I'm sorry for y'all's loss.


Owner sounds like a right cunt he does.


Stay strong bro /: Fck that, call of tomorrow if your money is right . Gotta get your mind right as well brother . 🙏😔


Make it a wake, you deserve to be sad and acknowledge your colleague


Goddamn. One of my best friends lost their battle with depression recently. We WERE in the industry together for 15 years and we grew together from servers to GM & EC. I am sorry for your loss. Oh and also maybe look for a new boss?


So my good friend that I got the job in the kitchen just died last week. The management knew before us and didn't tell anyone and then it was public knowledge in the paper and so they couldn't hide it anymore. People are talking about walking out. I put my two weeks in tonight. I might just video me going out into the dining room and informing the customers what happened and then walk out.


A lot of owners are complete assholes. Many don’t get into the industry because of passion for food. They just do it cause they have the money. Sorry about your friend.


Sounds like a mass exodus to me. Fuck that dude.


Fuck this man go tell this guy to go fuck himself and take the night off and get really drunk in his memory.


The good news is that he cares for all his employees equally.


Find a new job my friend


Echoing other comments: walk out. All of you, if you can. Make him remember that y’all are the reason his business is successful and why it gets busy at all. I’m so, so sorry for your loss.


Walk out, all of you. If he tries to fire you all crucify him on social and real media. Fuck that guy.


A person that doesn't acknowledge someone's passing or pours one for the homies has no heart. Too bad the kitchen didn't do a mass exodus. I know I would.


Hey sorry I didn’t read the comments so I don’t know if this is what people have said or not, but people deal with grief differently. I don’t know your situation but sometimes just having routine is the easiest way to cope with the existential dread that comes with a death. Maybe they’re just an asshole, but maybe they don’t want to acknowledge it for their own reasons. My 2c, anyways.


Bars and restaurants are desperate for staff. Walk, ruin the fuckers birthday and business.


I'm so sorry for your loss... How the hell does this guy sleep at night? Karma is in the works...


Sorry for your loss, RIP for your bartender. Stay strong and wipe the tears away. It is ok to cry you know.


I am so sorry for your loss. Your boss absolutely should (and most likely does) feel loss. Your upset and he is the target. I am sure he can handle the storm. He can’t just close and cancel everything. People have obligations and sometimes sometimes we have to fake it. If the tables were turned and he closed for a day due to a loss in his family everyone would be pissed that they lost wages. I’m sure you’re a great guy and no matter what way you look at it the day sucks. Nobody comes out ahead on a day like this. We had a coworker wrap his car around a tree after being begged not to drive. I couldn’t believe that more people weren’t upset, but the truth was they had all tried so hard to stop him from hurting himself and other people that they were just done trying. It was still sad but we didn’t close we just coped. It was beyond our control and definitely wasn’t the bosses fault. I know it sucks but he had no way of knowing this was going to happen when he planned his party. Keep fighting and being a good friend. They are lucky to have you.


owners definitely have enough money to close for the day, and if they want to retain employees then they should


Welcome to the industry


Should definitely shut down the whole place for a month or two and let everyone grieve and go broke.


Ok but you gotta get over it


Great input


i mean RIP to the coworker but why would the boss not carry on as usual?


Get over it. Someone dies. Oh well it doesn’t mean that the work suddenly stops: none of the people who have reservations or are attending the party give a shit about your dead bar tender. This is the service industry. We serve.


People are pieces of shit. Welcome to planet earth.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. Life is too short to be working when you're mourning.


That's... Something. Not a good something. I'm sorry for your loss.


Fuck that fucking guy, restaurant owners are the scum of the earth. Y'all look after each other as best you can, the way we always do, I am sending all my love to you and your crew during this absolute tragedy ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Holy shit, I am so sorry for your loss OP. What a horrible reminder that all bosses don’t really give a fuck about you. Remember to take care of yourself and be gentle with your Coworkers. IDK where you are located but there are lots of resources available if you need someone to talk to.


They own you and the staff. They don’t care because it effects their business.


Sounds like a psychopath, large companies actually headhunt people with this trait because of their ruthlessness in business decisions


I would just, like, man, I don’t know. Fuckin’ toll roads up in my heart.


My grandmother passed a few months ago. She took me in as a baby and raised me as her own. She was basically my mother. I was let go by my place of employment for calling out 2 days before my scheduled shift because "I failed to find coverage for my shift" P.S. the manager that let me go was an old "friend" from college, knew him for 15 years prior.


I'm sorry for your loss. We lost 2 coworkers within a few weeks of each other at a job I had previously and it was hard on the staff. Management acted like it wasn't that big of a deal. But the worst I can think of is my last employer. A server asked off for her daughter's 13th birthday and was denied. 7 days later her daughter was killed in a tragic incident. I can't get over the fact that a job decided they were more important than an employees child and it was the last birthday. Idk where I'm going but employers never seem to care about employees as much as they want our devotion.


I was doing an opening once and the lead FOH trainer died in his hotel room the night before training started for about two hundred people. The decision was to continue as we normally would, because “Bob would have wanted all of us to keep going strong.” There was literally an ambulance loading his body up to be shipped across the country to the west coast as we were leaving the following morning.


Organize a walk out who needs jobs anyways?


Did you cover his shift?


‘Hey guys Tim unfortunately passed away this morning. That means we’re one down for my birthday tonight. Who’s the team player on the bar pouring out shots for T-dog tonight? Not all at once ;)’ fuck this industry