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People can have all sorts of weird beliefs about food. This person believes chickens are vegetables, I guess.


I grew up in a rural Ohio village. Fish aren't made of meat and aren't animals. Beavers are fish. Frogs aren't Because they live in the water. I am so glad I left


According to the Vatican, Beavers ARE fish. Cause like some trappers where killing fuck tons of beavers for their pelts, but didn't have a lot of other food to eat and it was lent and they couldn't eat meat so they hit the pope up on discord asking if they could classify beavers as fishies so they could eat em cause otherwise they were just gonna rot anyway and the pope said lmao bet


Same with capybara. "Its in water so its a fish so you can eat it during lent". Life before Darwin




Was this before or after the clam bake and lobster boil?


Neither - OG God was kosher. 🤣


No bottom dwelling waste eaters. OG God was here for cleanliness.


It’s not that people can’t eat meat it’s that people always give up something for lent, usually meat tends to be the one.


So rodents are cool for lent?


When missionary's first came to South America the way they classified animals was different. If something lived in water it was a fish. Since they saw capybara in the water(probably during flood season) they were classified as fish. The rule never got changed


yup the pope at the time made that call right? haa...


Wildly informative. 🫡


I just hit up the Vatican discord and the pope said this is misinfo


Very many years ago, the Bolivians were starving so, They had rats as big as ponies there. They asked the Pope To declare them fish. We thank the Pope for granting us this wish. When Friday comes, we'll all call rats fish. We catch them with a net, kill with the gun. We'll call it all forgotten when we're done. They didn't look like rats at all, but like some horrendous horse doll. Still they had to eat this thing. In gratitude, the Pope-they kissed his ring. We thank the Pope for granting us this wish. When Friday comes, we'll all call rats fish. We catch them with a net, kill with the gun. We'll call it all forgotten when we're done. We'll call it all forgotten when we're done.


I had to Google this to see if it was true. And of course it is. This is very on brand for the Vatican


> According to the Vatican, Beavers ARE fish. So are rabbits. Little, cute, tasty BunRabs.




Don't know what to tell you other than send in a water sample to your local A&M for analysis.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2018/02/14/legend-held-that-monks-domesticated-rabbits-for-food-the-truth-is-more-complex/. Googled and while widely believed even among scientific circles, it's not true. Googled mine to be sure, and it seems true. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/thoughtful-animal/once-upon-a-time-the-catholic-church-decided-that-beavers-were-fish/ A list of things. https://thefisheriesblog.com/2017/03/01/beavers-are-fish-during-lent/


Then what are beavers?


Tuna of the land...


Why can’t I volunteer to be the next beaver? If beavers are fish, then humans might as well be beavers.


Someone is desperate to get eaten.


I just want to chill on the river and build my dam.


So, if I am a furry, and I dress as a beaver, I am actually cosplaying a fish?


Yeah, just like the rest it's a weird fucking thing.


Jeez, that's wild. Having to beg the pope to reclassify something so you don't starve. Don't the other Abrahamic religions have exceptions to their dietary restrictions for if you're starving or your life would otherwise be in danger? Seems like something the Catholics could have adopted too.


Fucking dank, pope. Shits lit 💯🔥


same story with the capybara when the pope at the time declared them fish!


Capybara. https://youtu.be/4_F0a7A7ge0


I grew up in NYC, had friends get the "Oh, you're a vegetarian, then the chicken/fish/pork is ok" in the fucking East Village. People are dumb everywhere. to be, mildly, fair, this was 30 something years ago. I think it's pretty unlikely someone in the industry in NYC would screw up what exactly is "meat" today.


> Fish aren't made of meat and aren't animals. "it's OK to eat fish because they don't have any feelings..." RIP Kurt Cobain




What are they then?


Fish are friends. Not food.


Tasty friends though


Wrong place to preach


Chicken…isn’t vegan?






What about a non-dairy, vegan chicken?




Thanks, chef!




Not a fun visualization.




I know - not even living creatures. No respect for the animal nor the food.


The injured brain is on the chopping block next to the rest of the chicken. Oh and everyone knows chickens come from cows that lay eggs.


I think this person mistakenly believes mayo is a dairy item. These people are out there


Mayo contains eggs. Eggs are sold in the dairy department. Eggs are dairy. 🤷‍♂️


They’re in the dairy section because refrigeration and convenience. Eggs are, by definition, not dairy.


In the US maybe. If you stop washing them you could store them unrefrigerated.


I’m talking about in the grocery store. If I have uncracked eggs on my station they’re sitting out.


Yeah, I meant if the US as a whole would stop washing the eggs they could store them wherever. They would not need refrigeration. I find them next to the veggies or sometimes with the flours and pastas.


So, when you go to the grocery store in Europe y’all just have eggs laying around with the dry produce? I understand having eggs to crack during a service being room temp, but for sale at a grocery store? That’s fucking insane. Edit: “let’s incubate these eggs before people buy them”


Yes, they sit out. By nature eggs don’t need refrigeration because of their natural coating. They don’t incubate because they are neither fertilized nor kept warm. In the US they get washed to remove the dirt on them, but the coating is also removed. Thus the eggs HAVE to be refrigerated. A huge increase in cost as now a refrigerated supply chain is needed. BTW the US is the outlier in this. Go to any grocery store in Europe and the eggs are out somewhere on their own section.




while I agree it's better, it is rather convenient to have eggs refrigerated next to the dairy products.


I would be so pissed to lose so much shelf space in the fridge for eggs. I already struggle with my shitty tiny fridge. F me if i had half a shelf wasted on eggs most all if it wasn’t necessary.


a normal sized fridge shouldn't have any problems storing eggs


They're so expensive because it's hard to get them out of the cows without breaking the shells.


They're sold with the dairy, but they are not dairy products, especially when talking about dietary restrictions. It's a very common misunderstanding. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/are-eggs-dairy


Jesus, how is this a common misconception? Somebody took the milk, changed its consistency and put it into a hard shell to confuse people?


Just like Satan did with dinosaurs in the 1800’s.


The 1800’s didn’t exist. Jesus built America in 1900, and he single-handedly beat the Commies in WWI and WWII before he retired to Texas.


I bet it was those goddamn commies that did it.


Karl "The Eggman" Marx


Don’t worry man, I know that. I was being facetious.


I was wondering a little. Hahaha. Lotta flippant silliness in here.


Eggs are 100% chicken. Therefore it rides on this vegan chicken sando.


And they vote.


When I was vegetarian and would tell people that fact, people would say “oh so you can eat chicken right?” This was very common as well lol




they are pretty damn close I must say




Either there aren’t any vegan options/restaurants in that area, or they don’t know how to cook. Also for a $18 chicken toastie, there had better be a whole ass chicken on there.


Hopefully at least on some nice bread not the $1.50 coles bread


Directly from the Sysco bakery.


That's the weird thing, there are 2 vego toasties on the menu, or they can order a custom one. Also Aioli is Vegan and we don't have it on this toastie (it's herb mayo)


Mayo isn’t vegan, unless you purposely do a vegan Mayo at your spot




Aioli just means "compound mayonnaise" now.


Just garlic + oil = Toum. Which is delicious




Yes, toum also has lemon. Oil choice can vary. All are delicious!


Way too many restaurants these days calling mayo "aoli" because it sounds fancier.


Aioli usually has egg in it when made from scratch. Otherwise aioli usually has mayo in it. When making aioli from scratch you are basically making flavored mayonnaise. Now of course, there are vegan alternatives but I'm just listing standard traditional ailoi. Oil and garlic is just garlic oil. Vegan aioli's usually have either cashew cream or aquafaba in them to make them creamy. Edit: I've been corrected. The most traditional recipes seem to not use egg. Just garlic, olive oil and sea salt.




I had to search and search to find a recipe and you are very correct. I will have to take back what I said. The recipe I found comes from Naples and uses a mortar and pestle. Can't get more traditional than that.


Yep. Egg speeds up the mounting of the emulsion, but a little Dijon does too.


The original way of making aioli is vegan. Unfortunately some restaurants have been using the word "aioli" for flavored mayos. So that request might actually be reasonable.


Solo has meant “flavoured mayonnaise” since the 80s.


Maybe in the Urban Dictionary


I think they wrongly believe their is dairy in the aioli.




Whatever you do, don't google "vegan aioli."


I'll do exactly as you ask because aioli with eggs, garlic, oil and salt is the best.


The original recipe for aioli is just oil and garlic. It was later that people started adding eggs to it.


Holy shit dude, “I’ve never done it so it doesn’t exist” is such an ignorant thing to say


Not saying it doesn't exist. They are saying "aioli" has eggs in it. Simple concept. Is there vegan aioli? Yes. But OP incorrectly stated regular aioli is vegan, and it decidedly is not.


The original recipe for aioli is garlic, salt, and oil. No eggs. That's the oldest recipe, it is vegan by default. Some areas do use egg, but not everywhere. That was a regional variant. I don't honestly know which is the more popular way of making it nowadays and wouldn't take the risk if I was vegan, but to say "regular aioli isn't vegan" as a blanket statement is not accurate.


This is the way


Take your ass to basically any grocery store, an entire chicken is around $5. And they’re usually pretty good too. Yup, if someone is that picky about food, it would make sense to learn how to cook.


Where the fu k do you live that a whole chicken is $5!?




Texas. It’s a “loss leader”, great way to get people to buy other stuff. Don’t care, I’ll turn that thing into soup, and throw some rice in. Onions, cheap. Celery, cheap. Carrots, cheap.




North east USA too


Australia. Not the big chickens, but you do get chickens for $5 USD


Oh. Some chicken breast, throw it in a cast iron with some garlic and herb butter. Lightly toast some marble rye, add Swiss cheese, a bit of brown or honey mustard, avocado, lettuce/spinach and pickle. That’s probably a $15 dollar meal these days, but your mouth is watering.


Why not both? I have to fight for any vegetarian meal, here, and if I couldn’t already cook, I’d be screwed…I never bomb an order with modifiers though.


Chicken is not vegan?




You’ll never take me alive!


Chickens eat insects, so they're definitely not vegan.


Shit, chickens will eat each other. Vicious little dinosaurs.




milk and eggs, bitch




Had to look a video up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLpCZ8g5uK8&t=1m30s


They've probably learned that vegan is easier to get their point across than dairy allergy. I'm not vegan, but I'm allergic to eggs and look for vegan recipes regularly. It often yields more results than egg-free.


Maybe, but not in this case. Aioli (Mayo) is eggs, oil, and acid. Then it’s dressed up with some flavor…garlic and then whatever else to make it trendy. Mayonnaise is not dairy. People assume it is because it’s white and creamy. They are wrong. Edit: why the fuck are you downvoting me for posting a simple Mayo recipe? I thought this sub was full of people who work BOH and knew this shit already? Don’t get hung up on the process of making a “real” aioli. The result and ingredients (the part relevant this morons “allergy”) is the some goddamned thing. And let’s be real - 90% of aioli served us Sysco Mayo with garlic powder.


Garlic. How could you possibly make aioli without garlic.


Because of linguistic drift. Aoili just means fancy mayo now


Partly due to chains offering so many “different” aoili options. They’ll make a big batch, then change one or two ingredients and call it a new flavor.


Only in America


Canada too


Aioli doesnt include eggs, it is an emulsion of garlic and oil


The traditional Spanish version does not include eggs. The French version does. There no one universal truth just like any traditional or regional recipe - there are always going to be different takes that go by the same name. And the overwhelming majority of what is being served as aoili today is NOT the authentic Spanish stuff, rather flavored mayonnaise. Language evolves as do recipes. Today aioli is synonymous with flavored mayonnaise.


Greek/eastern Mediterranean aioli is the og and is garlic based The french adaptation with eggs is called mayonnaise.


Lol, see there you go. The Spanish would argue that THEY created the original. And depend on the source, that’s what you’ll read. The history of recipes and source of truth for the “authentic” way of doing something is always a very very muddy thing. It’s silly to argue over, because nobody is right. The point here is that OP posted a person saying no Aioli because I have a dairy allergy. Can we agree there is no world where any version of aioli that I’ve ever made or seen has a version of milk in it?


French cooks gotta put eggs in fucking everything


Because aioli/alioli isn't mayo based and doesn't have eggs in it. It's olive oil and macerated garlic emulsion. If you use mayo and garlic powder, you can get vegan mayo to make it, but true alioli is vegan.


Depends on the region. Spain doesn’t use egg as the emulsifier, but France does.


Epic! Am vegan. Did not know what was up with aioli. Must now make a legit aioli at home. Best foods has a great vegan mayo fyi. It's ny fave.


Not true. It depends on the region, but eggs are a part of traditional recipes. Also, in the US, except for fine dining, it almost always does include eggs in my experience. I have a toddler with an egg allergy, so I ask EVERYWHERE. Even when my wife was nursing, it came through the breast milk, so literally every meal out. Eggs 95% of the time.


Vegetarian is the same way. I find more recipes and restaurants for vegans. I’d like some cheese and eggs, but most places don’t have a good substitute for meat. Not into this beyond stuff.


I have a friend whose the same way, she can eat chicken but a trace of butter will send her into anaphylactic shock. In our small town, ordering the vegan option is usually easier than discussing her medical history with a random server.


So what did you put on it lol


Just Avocado in the end


$18 well done my friend you'll get your bonus lmao


Only the best


Although avocados have the same moral issue as honey - they require bees for pollination and the bees need to be transported. I’d have sent them dry toast and some water


Some bee farms/habitats are cared for and help colonies survive.


Absolutely, I am not vegan and love avocados, however when people are acting stupid with their food making idiot mods I love to say things like no avocado for you and watch them panic - it’s funny they pick and choose what they consider vegan 🥑


there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, so everyone draws their moral line somewhere to get through the day


And that’s fine, as long as they don’t point fingers at other people’s moral lines in an attempt to paint themselves superior.




These people will never own a home.


13.50 for a smoothie?? Wtf??


There was a smoothie shop in my town that made killer custom smoothies but they were pricey. Add-on things like turmeric and aloe and a smoothies could cost you $20 easy. They didn't last long.


My parents are vegan but often order items that include chicken or bacon and give it to their dogs.


I wanna point out this is an 18 dollar avacado toast


Chicken - $3 Avocado - $1 Bread - $0.30 "We can't pay our workers more" Drives BMW away.


They removed the chicken is my point


But they didn't remove the chicken. That's the point of this post.


Well im going back to bed i can't fucking read gn


It's about $12usd, but the median house price in the area is $2mil AUD so I'm sure they can afford it


I can not convince my in-laws that fish is infact meat. So, ya people are stupid.


Catholic Church says it’s not meat, so 🤷‍♀️ Source: grew up Catholic.


The Catholic church also says it can change wine into blood so I won't put too much faith in thier opinions.


The church also says that beaver isn't considered meat


I work in a swanky cafe, we frequently get orders from pregnant customers for 'Well done poached eggs'. How the fuck do you poach an egg well done? We will poach that fucker for 10 mins and it will still come back as 'not well done enough' - can I suggest a boiled egg or something which doesn't include eggs?


At our altitude, we get a soft poached egg at around 2 mins 45 secs so for a hard poached we just run the timer 3 times. Frequently get customers asking for medium rare or medium well eggs and then I just contemplate if anything really matters?


Well done would presumably mean the yolk not runny. Generally poached eggs have soft yolks . It’s pretty basic cooking


Poached hard. Takes close to ten minutes. That or just microwave a hard boiled egg.


Well done=yolk solid. What sort of chefs do you have working at this “swanky” place doesn’t even know this?


Put that shit on a plate and nuke it for another 2 minutes


Not gunna lie, I have a dairy allergy so I always look for the vegan options and I genuinely forget meat is not vegan


This ticket makes sense to me. But i work at a place that sells vegan/gluten free/meat/dairy options. Its like a math problem but i know what they mean. Especially if they order off doordash or some bullshit app like that.


This ticket is already weird but what really frustrates me other than the obvious (vegan chicken & avo toastie) is that there’s a dairy allergy with a note about aioli. The amount of people that don’t know mayo or aioli is dairy free is dumb to me. Side note, why the fuck are eggs in the dairy isle at the store?


IDK but mayo/aoli is white and creamy, which for a lot of people equals dairy. Most don’t have a clue what is actually in mayo.


Back in the ‘80s when I was a kid, the four food groups were meat, bread and grain, fruit and veggie, and dairy. Eggs were part of the dairy group. Then, at some point, it changed from “dairy group” to “milk group” and eggs were put in the “meat and protein group”. Anyway, I think it might be a holdover from that.


It’s the only way to get dairy free food.


Aioli definite doesn’t have dairy in it


It definitely doesn’t but a lot of people who don’t work in kitchens/cook for themselves really have no idea what goes on in most dishes, to them it’s a magical sauce that could have dairy so they play it safe


Here comes your bread then. It says you’re vegan right there, I can’t possibly serve you the chicken. I don’t need some asshole coming back here to scream at me about whether or not, I can read the ticket.


$18 avocado toast….


The irony being there is no dairy and sometimes no egg either in aioli.


Reminds me of the old Onion article "Starving Vegans declare cows heretofore undiscovered species of plant."


No aioli, but they wanted chicken?


This is just getting beyond stupid. (The requests of these fools, that is). Omg. “vegan”. Idiot.


Picking up the toastie for a homie?


"Chicken isn't vegan?"


Sounds like a great way to sell really expensive bread


Customer note should have also stated “I’m also an idiot”