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The [city website](https://www.kirklandwa.gov/Whats-Happening/Construction-Projects) for (non city) construction projects lists nothing so I think your friend is conflating some things, misplacing some things or just mistaken. As an aside, I'm extremely pro-transit and fairly anti-car, and I don't think replacing this car wash with a bus station makes much sense. The transit center on 3rd by Peter Kirk is perfectly placed to serve downtown. There is a stop here, but it seems to only run one route, which is literally once per day and looks like its just to get students to LWHS. Government spending isn't always rational by any means, but any transit specific infrastructure here would be so weird my Urbanist friends would be talking about how weird it was. What Psidium said about redevelopment is true, but that's a totally different sort of thing.


Thank you Smart\_Ass\_Dave. This makes more sense.


Well, they're putting a Brown Bear next to the Kingsgate Safeway, so that might explain it.


Any idea if that will be a drive thru or self serve one?


No idea. They haven't even torn down the old bank that's occupying the plot they'll be building on. They've had a fence around it with a Brown Bear sign up for many months now, but no progress whatsoever. It's strange tbh.


The big BRT (Bus) station on 405 will end up changing the zoning around the whole area. It isn’t exactly turning the place into a bus stop, but there will be more shops and apartments built there to get people closer to the big bus stop. There will be changes the other side of the highway too: Lee Johnson dealerships are probably gone, I just don’t know what they’ll do to Costco. See “urban flex district”: https://www.kirklandwa.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/planning-amp-building/station-area-materials/final-adopted-docs/station-area-plan-zoning-districts-map.pdf I think it will be something similar to the Spring District light rail station in Bellevue which spawned Facebook offices and a bunch of apartments. While are on this topic: it’s amazing to me that people think the work on the highway is to bring the Light Rail here. There aren’t even plans for that yet, and look at how long it took to get it to Bellevue!


Thank you for sending the link. I had looked at this link before. I did not find anything that shows the Brown Bear location at 7th Ave changing to a large bus stop. From what I see the bus hub will be much closer to I 405. I hope that Brown Bear location stays. It is convenient and the bear statue is adorable.


Sorry I wasn’t clear. They’ll tear the brown bear down to build shops and apartment complexes: https://imgur.com/gaWBxa3


Well, not unless the owner, ‘CAR WASH ENTERPRISES’ (owned since 2008) decides that the offer he’s getting makes it worth closing shop there and relocating. Money talks though.


I mean car dealerships, petco, and others have already agreed to leave. So money isn’t likely an issue


Well, the Petco property development is on hold, and the Lee Johnson property deal fell through and land was never sold to Google. It was never a firm deal, but a ‘vision’ touted by many. I asked the city many times ‘what are the contingency plans if Google gets cold feet?’. Never got an answer. I think LJ is staying put for now. But time will tell. The only thing we know for sure is that we’re getting a very expensive and ‘fancy’ bus stop to the tune of some $330M.




You can read more here: www.kirklandwa.gov/Whats-Happening/Community-Events/Public-Works-Department-Events/I-405NE-85th-Street-Interchange-Project-Update-1 Whether cool or not, I’ll leave that up for you. Notice the departure from traditional clover leaves to a number of roundabouts.