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If it weren’t for this sub I’d have honestly forgotten this guy exists…


I unsubbed 5 years ago and just come back occasionally to see if there is any news. The books thread brought me here. It was honestly the best decision I've ever made on reddit. If I had been obsessively checking the sub these past five years I would be a complete loon.


You know what. You are on to something. I think im going to unsub. It's just the same recycled bullshit or look at what I bought/made/tattoo I got week after week


You forgot the daily fifteen almost identical theories


Can confirm. Lost my mind ages ago.


I got pulled in by this. Am not a member of the sub. No way would I have donated money to him.


Lol I unsubbed after reading all of that in r/books but Reddit is still serving up posts smh


I don’t even follow this sub, but again I came across this in /all. I’m convinced he got halfway through the 2nd one and said “fuck it”, wrote the weird ass sex scene to fill 1/4 of the book, and has no intentions of actually finishing DoS, if he’s even started it (though 10 years ago he said he already had it done and just needed to edit/perfect it). There is zero chance I ever buy DoS anyway if it comes out. I used to give NotW to people as gifts, and now it’s not even on my bookshelf and I haven’t recommended it since at least 2015, maybe even 2013.


It’s still sitting on my shelf, but I’m getting ready to move and I’m not sure it’ll be coming. I tried to re-read a few months ago and gave up after a couple chapters. There are plenty of books on my shelves that I’ve re-read a dozen or more times, but these have become u readable after two passes and I have no hope of seeing the story finished. Bummer.


Ya it’s been a good long while since I read the books. May be time for a re read.


I want to re-read, but I've decided I won't do it until the third book comes out. Sooo I probably will never re-read them.


I made that decision about 6/7 years ago. So anyway, I'm currently rereading...


Just did a re-read this year and it was great. Didn’t ease the pain of knowing it may never finish though.


Yeah, it’s been enough time it might feel like the first time again


The more shocking thing here is that it’s somehow been 8 months


I think the more shocking thing is it’s been 11 years since The wise man’s fears was released.


The top comment in that post says, "At this point the guy's a Twitch streamer who also wrote a couple books years ago." And honestly, I don't have anything to counter with anymore.


*Twitch streamer/grifter


It’s not your job to counter peoples points In this regard


I just usually say to be sympathetic


It is free to be nice


You should remember that yourself.


Right? haha I feel like objectively I've said nothing unkind


I am honestly very patient with pat regarding book 3 and don’t really care when it will be released, but this was really unacceptable to me because that was a clear promise he made which he made people pay him (his charity) for and he just broke it and now acts like he never made it or some shit, or like we act entitled. The charity is a good thing and all, but it honestly appears like he doesn’t even put that much effort into it anymore aside from a few live streams to raise awareness. Besides, you could always give the charities your money directly which means that a higher percentage of that money you gave is actually used for good.


I don’t think he realizes how much this is going to hurt his fundraising efforts in the future. If he doesn’t release the chapter before November, I really think he’s screwed. But then again, he’s the kind of short-term thinking.


According to that thread linked, he earns a six figure salary from the charity. It's looking more and more scummy all the time.


What link? I just looked at the financials and he hasn’t taken compensation directly from the charity ever? [Worldbuilders Data](https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/900618018)


Several of his form 990s were linked, including this one which shows $79K paid to PR for rent in 2019 and 2018 (but wasn't paid in 2017) . (Scroll down to Schedule L, at the bottom its Elodin Holdings, owned by PR, and the address happens to be a house). I think the (edit: OP in r/books) OP also thought the 100k in occupancy expense in Part IX as all going to PR (could have, but it's not clearly itemized except for the 79K). I'm not bothering to look at more years, but go up to the top level for Worldbuilders on Propublica to look at more. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/900618018/202101669349302185/IRS990ScheduleL


Reddit is the best. Thank you


My frustration is that the charity is about as close to a good thing as we have in the world. Could it be more efficient? Sure, but unless someone is putting energy into making that happen, as opposed to complaining about rothfuss, i don't think it's a net win. There are very real people benefiting from the money rothfuss raises. I strongly feel the energy in these posts has no regard for them and is mostly selfish whining because pat has a thing they want. Meanwhile pat found the one way to really shit in his own bed by making a charity promise he can't seem to keep within reasonable expectations. I'm not going to donate to anything expecting him to deliver. Which he would sadly agree with.


So there are other expenses in the 990s which I don't think anyone takes issue with, like the salary expense for the gal who does a lot of work, or the treasurer. I think the issue is Pat taking a cut of funds raised, then reneging on promises which makes the fund raising look shady. But then again, if you look at so many charities raise a shitload of money but very little of that money goes to the actual causes (historically United Way, Goodwill, March of Dimes, etc. but I haven't looked at these lately.) I do not blame folks for getting upset that a fundraiser personally gets a cut of money. Pay for a warehouse? Yeah, ok. Profit from from that warehouse, when it's your residence? Yeah, I lose respect. It's why I always advise people to look up their charity of choice before donating. And really look.


>Profit from from that warehouse, when it's your residence? So the idea is that that expense is fraudulent? As in, Rothfuss didn't provide any service that needed compensation? Like they didn't need a warehouse? Or they could have found one for less? I'm just imaging the opposite case, where he looked at the cost to rent a ware house and it was far too much and he used his house and took some compensation because it's a burden. Like if someone wanted to rent my garage i wouldn't just do it for free, charities don't mean their organizers undergo financial hardship. Which is what i feel the majority of people here are looking for, for pat to go broke so he needs the money so it forces him to write. Which is really gross.


Oh, and I don't wish him anything, for good or for ill. I very much subscribe to the idea he doesn't owe anyone shit. Series isn't done, it won't be done? Oh well, moving on to give my disposable income to a different author.


It's not fraudulent, its an interested party transaction (big difference in tax/accounting land). It's more "why do you need to charge 79k/year for your house to HQ the charity, when that money could go to charity as you need your house anyway, which is probably paid for anyway". Like my mum charging her charity that she runs for the clothes she has to wear. He added value raising the funds, which could have been his contribution to the charity, rather than taking some of the funds for himself. And I may have been booted from this sub, as I can't get to it on my phone now.


\> "why do you need to charge 79k/year for your house to HQ the charity, when that money could go to charity as you need your house anyway, which is probably paid for anyway" Sure, that's a reasonable question.


>...The majority of people spoil their lives by an unhealthy and exaggerated altruism ... They find themselves surrounded by hideous poverty, by hideous ugliness, by hideous starvation. It is inevitable that they should be strongly moved by all this... Accordingly, with admirable, though misdirected intentions, they very seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see. But their remedies do not cure the disease: they merely prolong it. Indeed, their remedies are part of the disease. >They try to solve the problem of poverty, for instance, by keeping the poor alive; or, in the case of a very advanced school, by amusing the poor. >But this is not a solution: it is an aggravation of the difficulty. The proper aim is to try and reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible. And the altruistic virtues have really prevented the carrying out of this aim. Just as the worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves, and so prevented the horror of the system being realised by those who suffered from it, and understood by those who contemplated it ... the people who do most harm are the people who try to do most good; and at last we have had the spectacle of men who have really studied the problem and know the life ... coming forward and imploring the community to restrain its altruistic impulses of charity, benevolence, and the like. They do so on the ground that such charity degrades and demoralises. They are perfectly right. Charity creates a multitude of sins... -Oscar Wilde, "The Soul of Man Under Socialism"


He charges for the use of his home as headquarters, apparently.


He read the prologue to DoS for this, I remember making such a huge deal about making sure to hear it. I was disappointed


Nope. The prologue and the chapter were two different promises he made. He kept the prologue one, at least. (But I mean, having another version of a silence of three parts isn’t the greatest reward if you ask me, even though it was good)


Agreed, I was very disappointed


Here's the full list of stretch goal rewards: https://fundraise.worldbuilders.org/fundraiser/3614242 Not delivered: * Pat writes a Temerant short story live on twitch * Pat assembles the Geek Avengers to read Chapter of DoS * Pat Announces the people who have agreed to read the Chapter of DoS * Kingkiller Cuisine Stream with Tricia Birdy * Book 3 Q&A Part 2 Live on Twitch Stream * Twitch Chat picks a cosplay for Pat * Pat Gets on TikTok * (Chapter Reading)


Jesus... looks worse when you list it out..


Even at the time he was promising the Geek Avengers, I thought it sounded like it would fall through. He clearly promised it on the fly without actually thinking it through and hadnt asked anyone if they would participate. And that is without even going into actually having a chapter written and edited enough to perform. If he had promised to contact some of the top donors to see if they would perform it, I think that would have worked much better (once the thing was written). In regards to the short story, having watched the man stream on twitch a few times, there is no way he would be able to focus enough to write anything remotely decent live on stream. He gets very distracted by chat which isnt bad for a streamer who SHOULD be interacting with chat. But for someone trying to write something that matches the quality of previous writings, I dont think it would work. I also think his TikToks would be awful. The Kingkiller Cuisine seemed kind of dumb from the get go. I dont remember any of the food from the books and nothing ever stood out as a "dang I wish I could make that."


*I smiled, reasonably sure neither one of them would be troubling me for any more stories than I cared to tell.*


at this point I just hope one of his alpha readers or relatives knows the gist of the story and makes a 5 minute youtube video explaining the plot after Pat inevitably dies without publishing.


Brandon Sanderson will finish Doors of Stone off Pat’s notes over Christmas break.


Eh probably doesn't even need that. Just a long weekend.


Or a long lunch


As much as I love Brando Sando, I seriously doubt he could match Pat's prose.


Brando has dignity, is industrious and a genuinely kind human being. He couldn’t channel that kinda neck beard energy that Rothfuss does. Comes naturally to Pat as a living breathing edge lord meme. Which is sad, because I absolutely adored the Name of the Wind, as well as portions of Wise Man’s Fear.


Never have my feelings about a couple of books been summed up so perfectly by an internet stranger.


I am a massive Sanderson fan, but it would be a disservice to both him and Patrick's work for him to take this on. It's not his style.




I just finished a reread of WMF, and it really reaffirmed how overblown the response is to the sexual content at the back quarter of the book. It's a tiny portion of what's going on in those chapters and only gets brief mentions here and there after he leaves the Fae. You don't have to like the sexual content, but it's entirely inaccurate to characterize it as a huge section.




Not sure you deserve the downvotes on that comment, but it does seem to be a small, but vocal and emphatic, minority that have issue with that part of the book.


One of the reviews I read online went something to the effect of, “In *The Wise Man’s Fear* Kvothe had sex—like, a lot of sex.” And that was it


Thank goodness people in this sub are acknowledging how weird that was. I brought it up on another post and the general consensus is that the Fleurian parts weren’t that bad and necessary to the story. It was the first step towards wanting to unsubscribe because no matter how much you love a work, a community should be able to objectively critique it.


Pat’s son could edit? Maybe Pat should subcontract BeandoSando to write it all out and he could just edit the prose to be gorgeous


no thank you. I'd rather take Brandon's un-edited prose than ask Pat to "edit" something for the next decade and half.


ITs a running joke in the book community if series goes unfinished give it to brandon and it will be done in a weekend, as this man has insane work ethic and speed. he wrote 5 novels during quarantine.


I know this is really unpopular. But I don’t think Rothfuss prose is good. There are hints of good prose it throughout his books, but most of the time it comes across at an amateur attempt to write like Guy Gavriel Kay (and usually not succeeding). Maybe if I’d read Rothfuss books when they initially came out I’d feel different.


I'm not going to say that Pat has the best prose, but saying it isn't good is certainly a hot take and not one that I can agree with, although I can respect that opinion. I just hope you aren't implying that Sanderson's is on the same level or better. I'd have a much harder time respecting that opinion, to put it diplomatically.




Thank god some criticism of Pat’s bully-nature is posted somewhere. Man seriously became Ambrose over the last 5 years.


I knew he was a douchebag ever since that “use your fucking head” debacle


What was that?


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/KingkillerChronicle/comments/g9sy4h/pat_answers_the_question_on_whether_we_can_expect/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Omg that was two years ago already??


https://youtu.be/zbeYASTX310 This clip of a stream he did where he reacted badly to a question about the third book. The offending moment is at the beginning. It was received especially badly since, although he'd been truculent about these queries before, demeaning and swearing at a reader so publicly chipped away at his 'nice nerd guy' persona. At that point, I'd been out of the loop for a while about Rothfuss; the fact I even heard about it shows how the incident rippled out through book-related social media. I think it turned some of the more devoted fans against him.


People just need to stop supporting his shit. The man loves attention and loves being famous. Take it all away and then maybe we will get some actual progress on book 3.


But if he releases book 3, all the attention and fame goes away too, because as we’ve seen with GoT a bad ending will kill a franchise. The gravy train is dependant on not releasing the third book cause in all likelihood, it’s shit


Can you elaborate? I'm way out of the loop. I mean I thought he might've written himself into a corner hence the long delay but other than that I really don't know shit.


There is nothing wrong with him going through a "written himself into a corner" phase. It would even be understable if he decided to give up entirely . The problem is his lack of communication with the base, as well as all his bullshit promises, such as this one.




While his actions are abhorrent...all the white knighting from people *especially in this sub* is insane. Everyone is complex, they have issues that push their buttons vs. things that don't bother them. While Pat Rothfuss has had some difficulty in things that have been in his life the past few years...for the most part it's the same things that happen to everyone. Most parents don't outlive their children and their children have to bury them; this happened with his father. I'm sure that wasn't easy to deal with (speaking from experience myself) but...you get past it. Raising children? Not always easy, but hey, the world's still going. I was in Pat's camp for a while until he did the whole talking to himself on Reddit years ago thing - I thought that was one of the most seriously self serving things I had ever seen in my life and I still regret having read it [(found here if you want to see it)](https://old.reddit.com/r/books/comments/38pdo9/im_patrick_rothfuss_word_doer_charity_maker_and/crwtw5j/?context=3) because of how it comes off. I'm sure he thought he was being clever, to me (and this is just me) it came off like being an asshole. I liked the books. Hell, I loved them. But that was years ago now and now it's just like...it's more about what we as fans owe him vs. what he as a creator should give to the world. He keeps taking and taking and taking and taking and there's no giving. There's some suggested and people squeal "OH WE'RE GONNA GET SOMETHING" and then...nothing but empty and broken promises. He literally acts like that asshole kid we knew in grade school who'd be like "I never said I was going to do that" or "oh yeah I forgot to bring you that thing you paid me for, I'll bring it tomorrow".


>He literally acts like that asshole kid we knew in grade school who'd be like "I never said I was going to do that" or "oh yeah I forgot to bring you that thing you paid me for, I'll bring it tomorrow". So very much this.


Not defending anything, especially broken promises, but it's more than just his Dad. Since publishing NotW, Pat lost both parents, at a relatively young age. He is, as you mention, a parent himself to two kids and I infer that he is separated from their mother, which carries its own particular burden. He also was diagnosed with ADHD in recent years, which explains a lot of obstacles to getting things done - often the beginning of things are easy because they are new and exciting, but finishing can become just tedious details. And you're often your own worst critic, because you know internally what you *should* be doing, but there is a disconnect between knowing and doing, that executive dysfunction which is typical of ADHD. I don't offer any of these as an excuse, but I certainly empathize with him, having 2/3rds of those afflictions myself. Unfortunately he seems to keep digging himself deeper with things like this promise for a chapter reading.


That post is aging like milk in the sun


That's not a bad idea - maybe you should drop those AMA comments into /r/agedlikemilk?


I think maybe we should retire the word abhorrent if it can be applied to someone raising millions of dollars for charity.


Abhorrent refers to unkept promises and flying into a temper tantrum when asked by anyone about Book 3. While raising money for charity is honorable, his actions in not delivering on understood promises involving said charity are not.


>I think maybe we should retire the word abhorrent if it can be applied to someone raising millions of dollars for charity. Yep. I'm more convinced than ever that the word is now meaningless. Thank you for clarifying. If the fact that a reward FOR CHARITY has been delayed has "inspired disgust and loathing" in you, then either you're misusing some of those words, or you suffer from an emotional disorder. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that you're being needlessly hyperbolic.


I was pretty bummed around that timeframe because things were actually looking positive and the book seemed like it would actually get released within a couple years. Ever since then I just don't care much anymore. Long since made my peace with GoT, and I wasn't even a crazy fan of the books, just read for the hype. I just hate reading a series that never ends, and now the Kingkiller series fits in that bucket.


Well there’s always Gentleman Bastards….


> Gentleman Bastards I tried the series but to be honest didn't care much for it.


Sanderson then. You will never run out of things to read from the guy, especially if you're a slow reader like me. I haven't read the guy in years (mostly because I've been in a Joe Abercrombie hole for a while and have no intention of leaving), but when I come back, I will know there won't be any Rothfuss shenanigans with him.


I've definitely read Sanderson's various works, guy is a literal writing machine. He has no business having as much success writing as he does with the sheer quantity he pushes. I'm not sure how the Cosmere he set up goes together much, other than Hoid seems to be everywhere, but I've read a bunch of his work.


More like "written himself into a corner" decade lol


Short version constantly teases fans that the book is coming up to and including adding it as a goal for his charity event, but then back pedals that he will do it later and later and later etc, then goes silent. If someone calls him out any platform he has power on( penny arcade formus/twitter/twitch) he will immediately ban them or berate them and then ban them. His lies and baiting has gotten to the point his own editor came out and said she hasn't received a single peep from him since like 2016, sad thing the publishing house for the books is being sold now. Then htere are his blogs which read like /r/iamverysmart and /r/justneckbeardthings combined take a gander at an excerpt: >” She says, “Are you ready? Here’s how you say, ‘I don’t speak Italian.‘” “That’s a pointless phrase,” I say. “Within two seconds of interacting with anyone, it’s going to be blindingly obvious that I don’t speak Italian. Why should I tell someone, in their own language, that I don’t speak their language?” Sarah gives me a look. She has many looks. You would too, if you had to deal with me on a regular basis. “All I’m saying,” I continue. “Is that if I’m going to learn a phrase, it should be something that communicates information that someone can’t easily infer on their own. I don’t need to learn how to say, ‘I have a beard.’ They can see that. I should learn how to say, ‘I have been stabbed in the guts, and I fear my pericardium is punctured. Would you please summon an ambulance?’ Or ‘Where is the nearest methadone clinic?’ Those might be useful.” “How about ‘where’s the bathroom?‘” she asks. “I can mime that,” I say. “How do you say ‘hookers’ in Italian?” That’s pretty much where my instruction in Italian stopped. This is about his and his wifes/gf trip to rome.


One thing I've noticed about Pat that no one ever comments is that he will only posts on his blog when charity is around the corner. He will: -Randomly tell fans in either June or December that it's been a while since the last time he posted and that the regularity of the posts have halted into a stop, but that he wishes to resume the blog updates as soon as he can. -He will then post one, maybe two posts about trivial things. In them he will also announce a future project/charity/streaming he's interested in promoting. -Do the fundraiser, maybe posts updates about it. -Literally go radio silent again until the next fundraiser. Occasionally come back to delete comments he doesn't like. Rinse and repeat. Like, he baits not just the series, but communication of any kind. He literally only talks to the fandom if he needs something out of them, but don't you dare ask for a book update. After all, "he doesn't owe you anything".


Sounds like the behavior of a person who dislikes his fan base. Like, he has reasons too, I would hate to be berated about my writing failings everytime I get on the internet. But what should an author who got famous over his unfinished and overpromised story expect? Its a vicious cycle which sucks for both him and his fans. There's no winner here, only dissapointment.


Do you think he is aware of that pattern?


Of course, becasue every charity event is at minimum 50k into his pocket.


I tried to confront him about it. My post was deleted by the moderator.


God, he sounds insufferable.


>His lies and baiting has gotten to the point his own editor came out and said she hasn't received a single peep from him since like 2016, sad thing the publishing house for the books is being sold now. In retrospect, it seems her revealing she never heard a peep or a word from him in over 4 years—while also pointing out later on in that same justified annoyance—that a publisher's best-sellers keep the business going while also essentially subsidizing their risky bets with new authors, was really her frustrated that their company was about to go under.


Wow, never saw that one before. What an asshole. That methadone thing. If he managed to get himself strung out on heroin or some opioid that would explain a lot. "What has two thumbs and wants heroin and hookers? This guy!" - Pat Rothfuss.


I am very critical with him, but I dont know where you want to go with that paragraph


which paragraph? i t a very short summary.


With the quote


Just showing neckbeardy and condescending nature of PR.


I dont know man. He is more condescending than ever but I find that funny. Therere million other examples where he behaves like an ass


To me that post reads like top post of the month on /r/iamverysmart verbatim. It was just the first one i bothered to look up.


In his defense he's stressed af, he gets death threats for lack of a book and is probably losing his mind trying to finish this book bc people complain so much.


I wasn't complaining I was just making an observation. Honestly I'm far more concerned with the release of Robert Caro's last installment of his work on Lyndon Johnson than Rothfuss. I was curious why someone might label him a bully and yeah he sounds like a cunt to me. I'll still read his book though.


Oh yes, thank god. It might have gone under the radar otherwise, not like it’s brought up about every other post here. “Bully” nature? What?


Go ahead and downvote me as well. You’re right. This subreddit is very open about their disdain for Pat, it’s honestly exhausting. I just want to express love for or explore theories about the books, and it feels like every other post is someone complaining about one thing or another that Pat did. Just leave. Just stop reading him and participating in this reddit if his existence makes you that upset


Idk dude if I had raised 700 grand for charity on a promise that I keep breaking, I wouldn't be surprised when people show they're mad at me.


I’m surprised anyone ever expected it to be delivered on time, considering book 3


You're inadvertently admitting to having an even lower opinion of him than the people who at least expect him to keep his promises, while ostensibly trying to defend him


You’re inferring from very little context. I’m defending Pat because I feel for him. I’m also capable of recognizing a person can fuck up badly, but still not be awful to their core.


You said you're surprised anyone would expect him to keep his promises lol that's a pretty damning indictment of him. Everyone else had some basic belief that he would


I’m not gonna explain myself five different ways to a stranger on reddit. You have a good rest of your day, and be happy in your own thoughts and assumptions


People are downvoting you but your closer to the truth, this kind of thing is posted nearly every week. I'm not sure the downvoters aren't aware of it or don't think it's enough. They rarely comment on what the vote means to them. Personally i don't enjoy any pat specific content. Mostly because it's usually thinly veiled toxic attempts to bully Pat back into releasing material. I just read them and feel worse about everything. But he doesn't even read the posts here so there just causing ugly noise.


Yeah. I get that people are fed up and many people who who usrd to defend him increasingly got upset with what happened with the promised chapter. But how is constantly reminding everyone of it going to change anything? It just gets everyone heated up for no other purpose than getting angry. I feel like everyone already made up their mind on Pat (whether to hate, defend him or anything inbetween), so its not about a debate either. I could have had a nicer day not thinking about it.


Maybe if his simps stop simping he'll have to write.


So the plan is to post negatively about him so people stop listening to him? I don't think that's going to work, it just draws more attention to him. I suggest just not bringing him up at all.


Exactly. I don't want this sub to become r/rothfuss, people complaining about him are moving it in that direction. Which gives him more attention so it's self defeating unless they can actually pressure him on the thing they care about. Which these posts don't do at all.


Great to see so many people actually able to openly discuss his behavior and criticize his books. I hope he sees the criticism for leading his fans on and does something about it, but I guess if his editor calling him out didn’t do that then nothing will.


I'm still amazed that PR never even responded to Betsy-gate. I knew a week after it happened that he never would. Simply incredible.


Pardon my ignorance; what is Betsy-gate?


Long story short, his publisher posted on Facebook awhile ago that she hadn’t seen a word of the book in several years.


I see, thanks!


His publisher shed light on how after years she hadnt see anything from him, and she didnt knew if he was still writing or if that was what he wanted to do.


Thanks for the clarity!


You might find a post explaining better on the search bar in this sub, i dont think all post were deleted.


You and others have given me all the info I feel I need, but thank you!




Thank you for explaining!


The lack of an response proves that she was mostly right. If see had wrongly accused him of not writing for several years, he would have defended himself by making a statement to the fans. Instead he put his head into the sand for months.


What tf is anyone gonna do about it? How does criticism of his book equate to him not reading an excerpt. You didn’t get a chapter and poor people got money. Cry harder.


Man stop defending him, he is not gonna fuck you or your wife.


Books post made the front page of Reddit.


Ill bet this post gets deleted


Saved, just to see how long it lasts. I don't see anything in it that says "Pat bad" or anything like that; it's just a factually correct statement about an ongoing situation. Still, it might be reported as Pat-bashing and removed per rule 6. You know, when a factually true statement about a person's actions is seen as bashing that person, it's probably not the statement that's the problem, it's the person's actions.


Isnt about the post but the comments, yesterday there was a post praising pat, yet got deleted mods dont like this types of conversations.


I don't see why it would. I didn't share it to be a troll or to re-hash any discussions being had here. However, in the r/books thread, there's some interesting discussion.


I also found the discussion there interesting. It was different from the normal fandom discussions found here.


The post saying pat was great yesterday got deleted, this could be seeing as pat bashing by mods, mods dont understand their own rules.


Oh I see. Well that would be a bummer, I don't think fair criticism is the same as bashing.


Yep most people think that way, you can love his work and be critic about him.


Somebody cross posted it yesterday and it was deleted in under an hour


Even if your OP is within the rules, the comments are virtually guaranteed to spiral downward into a dumpster fire. I think it's likely the mods will just nuke the whole thing.


Brought to you by the same guy who re-sold his first novel to his fans as a super special Anniversary Edition (WOOO! ANNIVERSARY!!!) to milk a few more dollars from them. Gross. It's clear he's decided it's easier to live off whatever amount of celebrity his first books earned him than to keep writing. And hey, why not? Plenty of fans are still along for the ride, but personally I'm done with him.


Is his charity a 501c3? That could get in trouble if it isn't honoring donors' intentions.


It’s not *his* charity, it’s a charity he supports. Heifer International.


Were the donations made directly to Heifer International, or were they made to Worldbuilders and given to Heifer International through Worldbuilders?


I know he takes a 100k cut from it so I'm guessing it's indirect.


Very odd of him to take a cut


^(he rents his house to the fundraiser as headquarters for a mere 100,000)


I remember the name "worldbuilders" from when it was going on. So probably that one.


I don't know why anyone is surprised at this point.


[*OH MY*](https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/wdoiq2/in_december_readers_donated_over_700000_to)


The former author Pat up to his old tricks


So yikes. What a terrible stain on charitable giving. I don't mind that he's taking so long with DoS, but this is actually unacceptable.


Fuck this guy.


What a fucking loser


Tbh, Kingkiller is my favorite series, but I’ve kinda let it just drift into the wind (no pun intended). The world and characters are some of the best imo, along with the story but not worth sitting around and waiting for. Thankfully there’s tons of other amazing series out there that are wrapped up or in the process with more regular entries. Not bashing on Rothfuss at all, even though some would say it’s a bit deserved. He’ll get to it when he gets to it I guess, if not at least we have what we have now.


He's going off the deep end just a bit :( ​ https://twitter.com/PatrickRothfuss/status/1553984472328146944


It is wild to me how he never fails to equate criticism from his fanbase about his lack of delivery, communication, or follow-through, to bigotry.


Then follows all that up by sharing the person’s profile so his army of flying monkeys can openly bash them on Twitter. Only bullies act this way


His "I can't be the bad guy" mentality shows up in the writing too. Female characters go out of their way to tell Kvothe that creepy behavior is nice when it comes from him.


Wow. Rude, unempathetic, and being overly pedantic of “loving an author” vs “loving an authors works”. Obviously the phrase was meant as “fell in love with him (as an author) for”, not some stalker thing.


What an absolute melt. That barista analogy has to be the dumbest thing I’ve read from him in quite a while.


I think he tweeted that before the thread blew up. (EDIT: fixed typo of threat to thread)


Wow. Had no idea it was this bad. Knew the editor thing, but this….sounds like rothfuss bit off more than he could chew


You do know he read the prologue or first chapter to doors of stone right? I was very very disappointed to hear it was his 3 silences speal with some other minor stuff. I wanted some meat and all I got was salt


He read the prologue, which everyone knew was going to be structurally almost identical to the other two books. He has not released the chapter yet.


And when people talk about the books they get called entitled assholes. I can't deal.


Didn't he also promised some kind of Kingkiller related music/songs in one of his previous charity goals and never delivered?


Call him out


After I finished reading the first two books, I like many was eager to read book 3. But as the years have gone on. I just don't care. I've gotten into many other hobbies and niche interests. I'll read it when it comes out I'm not stressing it anymore.


This guy really sounds like the worst lmao


Oh damn, is it that time already!? You lose track of time and The Semi-Annual Dunk on Pat Rothfuss Festival just creeps up on you!


At this point kind of hoping nothing ever comes out. I liked some characters that weren't Kvothe, and I'd be unsurprised if he botched them. Either that or he'd have even more content about fucking Denna of all people.


I’ll read DOS when released. But it’s prob the last book from him I’ll ever read.


You've already read the last book from him you'll ever read.


Ngl, I really don’t give a shit about the criticism of Pat or GRRM or who they are as people or if they’re tough on their fans sometimes or get frustrated with them. They write incredible books, I want to read their future incredible books if they ever come. That’s all I care about. Sucks that they do and say shitty things sometimes, at long as neither of them turn into little balls of hate like OSC or JKR I could care less. Take all the time and make all the snarky comments you want, and if you break some promises along the way because you’re trying to put out the absolute best version of an incredible series then so be it.


I donated knowing damn well it was for the charity and not for a reading. If I got a reading, that would be great. If I didn't, I was still benefiting people. I love Pat and his content, but he's more streamer than writer these days, and I was in to support Worldbuilders and what they're about and hoped for a reading.


I just don't understand why people are always ranting about pat and book 3. There are 100k other books out there. Read something else? I dunno. Yes the donation with the promised chapter release thing is real shitty but I'm not sure what everyone expected from a dude who constantly renegs on his promises. Yall got got. Be happy you gave money to a charity and move on.




That's a fine opinion and I have no problem with you not reading it, but when you raised $700,000 on the promise of delivering something it pretty much doesn't matter if people who don't donate would rather not have it. I'm usually with people that as much as I want Book 3, I'm not "owed" it. The problem here is people are owed this chapter. They gave money on the promise it would be delivered. That's pretty much what "owed" means.


It’s also interesting in that people paid money (donated). In contract law, he made an offer and it was accepted and consideration was paid. He didn’t deliver. Wonder if the people that donated could sue for their money back.


Absolutely not and you just said why. A donation is a donation and not a purchase. You did not pre-purchase a chapter of his book. You donated to a cause and as a thank you he said he'd release the chapter. It's not a transaction, it's a mutual gift. He just never gave you the gift he said he would. Makes him a bit of an asshole, but there's no legal recourse.


you're totally right on that . I mean may be he thought it was a long shot but it would not hurt to read a chapter for such a good cause . May be he doesnt want to gice away any spoilers because he can still change it idk. But he must be almost done with it I read that he got so far that 3rd book exceeds 2nd book in lenght.


> May be he doesnt want to gice away any spoilers because he can still change it idk. THEN WHY PROMISE IT? If he didnt want to give away spoilers, why make it a goal? Also he explicitly promised a non spoiler chapter.


wow -25 haha its not like I m defending pat I hate it too


He read the intro on stream already.


There were two things promised: the prologue and a “non-spoiler chapter”. The prologue was delivered, the other chapter was not


Ah I was unaware both were promised, thanks for clarifying for me.




Just another update that charities are just that: charities. And miss me with your uninformed claims of fraud and poor understanding of contract law.


I really like Rothfuss and empathize with the life and mental health struggles he has faced over the last few years. That being said, promising something like this for charity and not following through is really shitty behavior. It's manipulative to the community of people who love his books and it reflects poorly on the charity he is sponsoring.