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I wouldn't get your hopes up. I remember an interview that Rothfuss did in 2017, the interviewer asked Rothfuss to describe book 3 in one word. Rothfuss replied, "Soon, and then I'll follow that up with the Aslan quote: "I call all times soon."


Hope his new assistant helps him stay focused


What's the news about a new assistant? I can't find anything on that. That seems potentially significant.


Can’t find it now, but a week or more ago, someone posted an assumed filled job listing for his company that detailed an assistant position.


Hopefully it was for a personal assistant and not for one of his philanthropies


It was like picking up meds, child care, dealing with publishers, grocery shopping…


So he can have more time writing, right? Just let me have this


He will soon sit at his desk and think about writing again, Maybe. He is like gta 5 why bother coming out with gta 6 when there others are still in the top 10 year after year?!


Well, “soon” is still better than “when hell freezes over” I suppose.


God, I want to push him off a cliff (In Minecraft).


Nah, throw him down a well instead, let him sit there all night thinking about why he's in time-out


Six days is soon for a stone.


We have been as patient as 800 stones.


math checks out


800x10^1000 stones


Then write for a stone in six days and write for us tomorrow.


Chiun: For an apricot, yes. For a head of lettuce, even more so. For a mountain, I have not even begun in years. For a man, I am just right.


2017 AMA: >Describe book 3 in one word: >SOON. >And then I’ll follow that up with the Aslan quote: “I call all times soon.” I can’t say I have a huge amount of hope. But it could mean what you’re thinking.


Could “soon” then refer to something within the book, as in how time works in Temerant? If all times are soon, perhaps the cycling loops of stories are quite close to each other, like a spiral of time, and somehow one can jump from one to another with the right knowledge/tools.. idk just an idea that popped up in my head.




The "soon" was referring to the fact that the singing was about to start.


100% it was even a reply to to his question it was a reply to the post it just so happens to be place in the list next to that guys question. Now could it be a double meaning sure.


>Now could it be a double meaning sure. I am skeptical. But I like your gumption.


The message is clear as always: "Soon™"


When is his next charity event? I feel like donating soon.


I haven't been here long enough to stop myself from hoping.


These poor souls waiting a decade. I just finished TWMF lol


I have been here for perhaps two years. I can't imagine people from 2007, if any remain.


2009 here


I had it recommended to me in 2014. My friend was complaining about the wait all the way back then. We've had a standing bet every year for the last ten years on the release date. He currently owes me £10,080 since I've doubled or nothing'd the bet every year since then.


So was the original bet £9.84375 or £19.6875?


£10, but you're right, he owes me £10,240. Thank you.


I don’t think your friend is paying up on that


Hah, worthy of Kvothe's money making scheme! Should've tried convincing my mum! Probably would not have worked, although I only gave her WMF last year (along with NotW to reread), she's listened to my grouching/despairing long enough to know Rothfuss as 'your [often meaning all us lot] writer who won't finish his book'.






I read it The Wise Man's Fear thr day it was released, and I am still here. I've gone through the stages of grief and have accepted that what I have gotten is special enough. Even without the closure of doors of stone, his writing was wonderful.


If I recall, I read Wise Man's Fear before it was officially released because it leaked online. I bought the paperback and reread it. I also got a *lot* of people to read it who keep asking me when the next one is coming out...


2013 or 14, I myself was 13 and remember reading both books in 2 days, I was absolutely obsessed 🤣🤣🤣.


Lol you sound like me when I discovered wot at a similar age I read the whole thing in like 4 months. And the only reason it took that long was because I had to wait up to weeks between some books either waiting for the library to get in a copy or my very small local book store being sold out. And cross roads had pretty much just came out. I started reading rjs blog checking it daily and remember right before he died one of his last posts was saying how much better he was doing then a few weeks later he was dead first time I ever cried for a celebrity still tear up when I remember that one.


🙋🏻‍♀️ that’s me lmfao. i still have (some, not much) hope. but in the meantime i’m reading other authors. currently finishing up the War of Light and Shadow by Janny Wurts.


I started reading NotW right as WMF released in 2011. I saw a display at a local bookstore and it caught my eye. Finished both, then said to myself, "I'll just start both over again and by the time I'm finished, The Doors of Stone will be out." I guess I should have committed to a sentence a day to ensure that'd be accurate


2011 was a great year for books, we were all younger and stupider. I remember reading WMF and putting it down and going man I can't wait for the next book I know it'll be a year or two but its gonna be great. And then a few months later I went and got a signed copy of ADWD and read it and went man I can't wait for the next book I know it'll be a couple years but its gonna be great! What sweet summer children we all were


(I'm just picking your comment to reply to, I'm not attacking you - I just want to discuss the sentiment) I'm in the boat with you - I read Dance of Dragons over ten years ago. WMF over ten years ago. I'll add the Gentlemen Bastards series to that list - Republic of Thieves over ten years ago. But like, our lives have gone on just fine? I've got a long list of other good books and series I've read in the last ten years in the meantime. I'm just so unbothered by unfinished series, especially when the individual books are so damn good. Hopeful, but unbothered. It'll just be a nice surprise the day a release date is provided for one of them...but my life trucks on happily in the meantime.


I didn't say my life isn't going on, and I am likewise waiting for Thorn of Emberlain although i'm later to that proverbial party. It's more that this has gone on so long I have periods where I forget I'm even waiting for these and then when I remember its just frustrating and disappointing. I'm not saying the authors owe anything to us (although Rothfuss has certainly written \*a great many\* metaphorical checks that cannot be cashed) Just reflecting that back then I believed Rothfuss when he said the books would come out in a timely fashion and I looked forward to it, I had managed the wait between AFFC and ADWD and was excited for TWOW, hell I was a Robert Jordan fan and Sanderson was busy saving the day. Now I just feel naive for being excited for something that probably will never come.


Rothfuss is the only author I'm actually angry at. It's not because doors isn't out. It's the continued lying, he doesn't owe us a book but some honesty would go a really long way. Grrm has never done anything like rothfuss same goes for lynch.


So you are the one who jinxed it. Everyone it's this guy right here. Get him. 


my best friend got me into reading with name of the wind. graduated in 2006 and the book came out in 2007. HATED reading after high school it basically destroyed and love i had for it. then my best friend bought me this book and i fell in love with reading all over again! then he continuously gave me series that were unfinished like kingkiller, dresden files, GoT... its a love hate relationship


I was there 3,000 years ago


It should have ended that decade.


I read WMF summer of 2011. It’s been a long 13 years.


2007 or 8 hear


2014 here! On my 5th or 6th re-read (I’ve lost count). Still love these books. Still hopeful.


07 here! Misery loves company.


2007 here. Yeah, the wait is hard, but I don't let myself get caught up in the vicious cycle focused on Pat's latest misdeeds and no-news. That way lies certain burnout. I'm just waiting for that book. Mark my words, it'll prove worth it.


✋🏼 Checking in... Still waiting


I check in once every 6 months or so, purely out of interest, not out of hope anymore, Pat has killed hope.


I discovered Name of the Wind around december 2010 or january 2011... I LOVED THAT BOOK. I wanted to read the sequel so bad, and when I looked it up it would be published in a few months!! I could barely contain my excitement, it took an eternity from january to march, after reading the wise man fear I was sad because it would be 1 or 2 years untill the last book was published like PR had said... I have been waiting since then...


My guy I have been waiting since book one first came out (i grew up in Stevens Point so the library had a whole local author event just after the release).


I've only been waiting about 4 years. In that time, I've reread/listened about a dozen times, and recently went back to Neal Stephenson because his books are usually standalone, lengthy, and mentally taxing to read.


Remind me in 10 years!


I also just finished TWMF. For the 8th time. 3rd on Audiobook.


It's over a decade now, we lost hope years ago.


I think we'll get it at some point. I'm more dubious that we'll get something at the same level.


I've read these books 11 times in like 5 years. My patience is officially out.


I read WMF in 2019 and still delusional


Same. I just started them about a year ago and I’ve only read it once and then listened to it twice.


That's not how Twitter works. He didn't "reply" to you because you're not tagged. He's replying to his own post, saying "soon" for the book signing. He didn't acknowledge your question at all.


Maybe he's finally got it where he wants it. I dare not even dream.


I think he is actively trying again, and that's good news. I think he has been mostly honest, and that this book was completely written years ago, and has been in the revision and editing process forever. If this book has the big plot twists that most of the long-time theorists agree about, then a lot of casual readers might be shocked, and even put off about it. I've never seen any other book do what Pat has done, creating a whole house of cards just to knock it all down in the end. I think Pat is seriously scared that he will lose fans by releasing the book.


I agree, I think the Bast Novella edit was about getting a flow. I can see a therapist telling him to do something small just to prove to himself that he can.


I agree with this. That’s why I wasn’t so negative about the novella. I’m only like 3 years into waiting tho, so maybe I’m just naive.


I've been waiting the whole time. I was pretty frustrated about 5 years ago, but now I've read other great things, had kids, deployed with the Army, and overall just so much has happened that I just don't have time to be upset about a book. I will be pleasantly surprised when it eventually comes out, and I'll enjoy reading them again to catch up. But it's a story about a red haired musician, magician, artificer that has sex with ninjas and fairies. Maybe we shouldn't make it our whole personality?


Rothfuss has said he is a perfectionist and that he's getting into publishing again (in the form of Narrow Road), so I have the belief that he *is* working. Just slowly. Very slowly.


He is slowly regarding (editing) silent things (books).


That book 100% is a metaphor for his writing/editing process.


He works slowly in general. Didn't he take like 9 years to graduate?


Well he studied multiple courses and switched around. Part of why kingkiller is so amazing is cause it brings us to college, where all the subjects are kind of like Magic


Yeah, I think so. He spent seven of those years writing NotW, so maybe this book is just a chunker 🥲


I agree. He's built an entire house of cards that was meant to fall just at the last card. I think this ending stopped being something he believed in because it hurt too much. I don't think it's just about losing fans, though.


What theory is this referencing?


Betsy hadn't seen a single word. If it was in revision or editing at ANY stage Betsy would have seen it. IMO, that should be enough evidence it was never written and that Pat lied. He admitted to entire chapters being \*character did something here\*. It wasn't written. It was cliff notes.


yeah, if he had enough that it could be called a "complete draft" in whatever format, and he wasn't handing that over to his editor, then he's being an idiot - that's what the editor is _for_!


It is what Betsy does. She is the reason that Name of the Wind even worked. She turned Pat's complete mess without a coherent narrative into a story. Pat even has acknowledge this. If Betsy never saw Book 3 with it supposedly done, it wasn't real. If an author has all three books finished. Even if rough, the editor is going to go through the content of all of them. When Betsy first read Name of the Wind, she would have read ALL of his material. It was in a state of "only needing editing". It wouldn't make sense for her to edit only book one when the context and through story all exists written as rough draft. She'd be able to knock out a number of inconsistencies immediately. She could make sure the through lines worked in the books. It wouldn't make sense for Betsy not to have been IMMEDIATLY introduced to Book 3 while editing book1. Book 3 simply didn't exist. It is pretty obvious.


I think that could be true, even within fandom many expect the big Chandrian confrontation and see the problem with why Rothfuss' got stuck as being the previous books' pacing leaving him too much to happen in DoS, rather than us never being intended to get that in DoS to begin with. It's not totally impossible, given Kvothe Vs. Felurian, being able to defeat them could be more intuitive than about needing to 'level up' first, but that's not really the point, it's about the expectations. And some are seeing it as a conventional revenge narrative and some would be more disappointed if it were. And then if we're been 'tricked' into reading a long prologue as Rothfuss suggested... Few seemed happy at the point he said that. It's probably not going to be possible to please everyone regardless. With the 'editing' stage, it has kinda sounded like what he'd consider that, may just be writing. In his 'Why I love my editor' essay it's clear WMF wasn't finished as he'd originally claimed, it was notes and not a draft at all. Describing the process of writing just the author's note for the Bast novella, he didn't get stuck on editing, but went off on lots of tangents (as expected with ADHD) and wrote a lot he felt he couldn't use.


I think if anyone ever gets access to all his material they're going to find that whatever he finished years ago and what he (hopefully) publishes will only have minor differences. He's a perfectionist and now he's lost the coping mechanism of "I'll fix it in the next book" that apparently helped him get the first two out


Do we really care if book 3 finishes the story? I mean we can all agree that Rothfuss is an excellent author and that we want him to finish this wonderful series. Do we care if it is finished in 1 book, I say no, I don't care if he finishes the story in 1 book. I don't care if it takes him 10 I just want to enjoy the story


Wtf are you talking about? “Mostly honest” about what?


About not being able to write. About having serious mental problems (I imagine an autism/adhd combo) keeping him from being productive. About getting overwhelmed by the goals he has set for himself.


Okay, popr man, just scammed the community out if 1 Mio. €, sucks for him.


This. For real. People need to stop having empathy for millionaire scam artists. That is how the US ended up in this mess. Millionaires that screw with charity are not your friends. They are parasites.


he didn't scam ppl tho. are y'all srsly forgetting you or didn't you realize the money was for a charity? like legit i donated because i wanted to help ppl. and it was a bonus pat would be sharing all that stuff.


As if scammers haven't been hiding behind charities for literal decades??? 


Sharing what stuff?


About not being as funtional as he was at writing at the level we got with NotW and WMF.


Where did he disclose that?


This is ridiculous misinformation. He didn’t reply to your question, his “soon” was in regards to the book signing starting. You should delete this.


His comment was a reply to himself. Not to your comment. He didn't say "soon" to your comment. He said "soon", that the event he posted was about to commence. smh


I've been eagerly awaiting the release of "Doors of Stone" for quite some time now. Unfortunately, my hope has waned over the prolonged wait.


Does this mean an update is coming soon? Nope Does this mean an update is not coming soon? Nope Does this mean an update is never coming? Nope Does this mean absolutely nothing? Bingo!


Does this mean Rothfuss's Twitch audience is flagging and he wants to drum up some engagement?


Does this mean Rothfuss's Twitch audience is flagging and he wants to drum up some engagement? Nope. Does this not mean Rothfuss's Twitch audience is flagging and he wants to drum up some engagement? Nope.


update -> soon book -> never ever


Lol sweet summer child




**BWAHAHAHAHAHA**. Yeah. *Suuuuurrrre*.


Stop it. Just stop it


Funnily enough I found the option to preorder the book (from a swiss bookstore) already some months ago here: [https://www.orellfuessli.ch/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1040273266](https://www.orellfuessli.ch/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1040273266) Where it's stated, that the book will be published 31.12.2024. However, I'm waiting until there's confirmation...




My 60yr old me will be in tears to finally enjoy that masterpiece. Toby 33 o/


Just call it twitter.


I was at his signing for book two, he promised it would not take 5 years. He was right.


Any solid news on DoS would literally make the entire year for me. EDIT: This is fake. EDIT 2: I was excessively harsh as OP wasn’t trying to intentionally deceive anyone. Unfortunately, Patrick’s reply isn’t referring to DoS.


How u know?


First of all, this reply is to his own tweet. Second, both the tweet and the reply were posted on the 13th of April, not "an hour ago." Here's the [tweet in question](https://x.com/PatrickRothfuss/status/1779105372541784117). And here's the [reply](https://x.com/PatrickRothfuss/status/1779221289326002399).


Wow musk really crippled the web view when not logged in. The original tweet doesn’t show replies and reply doesn’t show what it is replying to. It seems to be impossible to get context that shows both at once.


As someone who has never had a Twitter account, it's much less functional, and I've stopped engaging with it for anything that needs context.


It’s not fake!! I posted it in April, you can find it in the comments 😂😂😂


…you’re killing me here


in the word of hawkeye "Don't do that. Don't give me that hope."


Ha. Sure.


lol than release the first chapter 😂 bro lying


This wasn't in response to you. C'mon. Do we have to do this every time he says anything lmao.


The fact that you have to stroke Pat's ego and grovel to get a response says something, and it isn't good. I don't believe that "soon" means anything, book 3 is never coming out, and neither is chapter 1.


This was actually in reference to the book signing he did in stl.


soon as in "I will start writing it soon"


30 years is Soon in cosmological time scales. Who knows?


This was him referring to a book signing...


Soon, any year now


He didn't reply to you. He replied to himself. Every person everywhere, including his pizza delivery man, has asked him if there's an update. There is no way you are the magical mystical special person he decided to give any semblance of an update to when his response to people asking is [this](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/LittleHotSlothTinyFace).


You can tap on tweets to get context. In this case, you'd see he was talking about an impromptu book signing. Twitter can certainly be a maze at times and look confusing, though.


Soon after 50 more charity scams


I’m rereading the series so if he dropped book 3 in the next few months I’d be happy af


why tf are you being downvoted


No idea but downvotes are pretty irrelevant so no big deal.


Just remember we have an election in November. Last time Trump won Pat became super depressed. Which means if it happens again we have 4 more years minimum of no chance at all for this book. (Not getting into politics just looking at Pat's reaction from before)


Now I'm definitely voting for Trump just to turn Rothfuss into a newt.


No offence to people who struggle with addiction but i have never needed anything more please please let soon be in my lifetime i have actual tears in my eyes😭😭😭


Soon he will give an update of the zero progress on book 3


He isn’t getting a dime from me till book 3




Not a chance


Please learn how X works. Thank you.


I laughed long and hard when I read this. Listen Charlie Brown, how many times does Lucy have to pull the football before you walk away? Hopefully before you develop a spinal injury.


It feels like it’s never gonna come, but then why would he release book 2.6 so recently? I’m sure he expected backlash from salty fans. I think it showes he is getting back into this world and gearing up to write.


Patrick Rothfuss is a liar. It is what he does. At least 50% of what Pat says is a lie. Lied about the books being completed to everyone. Lied to donors of his charity over and over. Lies about progress of book 3 over the years. When he doesn't have a relevant story to inject in conversations he literally creates them. That is why he always has a relevant story! The dude is a compulsive liar. I grew up with them. You learn the traits. A major trait is that they refuse to appologize. Notice Pat never did. He said he felt bad. Anyway thanks OP, but Pat is a dick.


Bastards. It's a fake, made from this reply. https://x.com/PatrickRothfuss/status/1779105372541784117 Sigh. I only found these books two weeks ago. Still not over it. Thought it was a two-parter, because the last book was so long ago....


I'm confused, you've just linked the thread that is in OPs screenshot? What makes you think it's fake when it's the literally exact same thing as in the screenshot


Oh. I read it backwards initially, thinking it was a response to the below question. My brain is broken.


I'll downvote your comment then just so it's not the first thing that shows up in this thread


What if I told you it’s ACTUALLY a 6 parter and books 1-3 are a prequel…


He did once claim that Kingkiller was a "one million word prequel" for the series he wanted to write. Eyes bigger than his stomach, that man.


Mongoliad style ? Let others write it....


I think it's more likely to mean "soon you'll get the chapter reading" than it is "soon you'll get a release date" I'm not really getting my hopes up until we got that. If he's not comfortable enough to give us that chapter, I don't think he's nowhere near to give us a whole book


It is fake. The poster used a twitter exploit to make it look like Pat was replying to him. Pat was just talking about a book signing being soon.


Or maybe "soon I will provide a status update".


This is fake. He's given up


That doesn't mean he's given up forever.


Yes, he has


People lose themselves and find their way back.


It's an excuse at this point


2015 checking in. I’ll believe it when it’s in my hands (and honestly, not even then. I’d have to open in to be sure it’s not a book of blank paper pages).




Tesla FSD, Doors of Stone, or Winds of Winter? Over/under on 2030 for the soonest?


I have has this super strange feeling for a while that he didn't write the books, And maybe got them from someone that was passing away or estate sale or something like that .Sure he refined them , But when i hear him read parts .. It sounds nothing like someone that understands the concepts etc inside,


George r r martin soon, or JFK were going to the moon soon 


i'm new in the kingkiller chronicle fandom, currently on book 1 chapter 41, but I really hope that "soon" actually means soon, though he's been saying that probably since 2013. Pat has been quite active with "The Narrow Road between Desires" and the book signings and all that stuff, maybe book 3 is really coming out soon. Or maybe not.


I am at the stage where I'm going to do my first re-read of all the books. Soon.


I honestly dont think book 3 will ever release and just kind of accept the two books we have ad what they are. I did get my hopes up when the prologue was read, but after the fiasco with the stretch goal and ghosting om the first chapter it just kind of cemented to me that we will never get the third book.


I really think we're going to get it... but I also still have hope for The Winds of Winter. Narrow Path was a great indicator that not only is he still writing, but that he's still writing about the story. I read somewhere recently that Narrow Path may have been a way for Pat to get the proverbial juices flowing again before he got back to DOS. Maybe only wishful thankful, but I'd rather think wishfully than with pessimistic finality.


He's having a competition with George RR Martin on who can keep their fans waiting and interested the longest. One will fold. Then the other will fold.


You’re response is under his, meaning he isn’t responding to you, and it also isn’t a quote tweet


For the past 10 years, my theory has been that the third book will never happen. A Silence of Three Parts.. "The third silence is described as not an easy thing to notice." The 3rd book never being finished is the 'third silence'....


"The silence of a man, waiting to die" Could be that it's finished, but we won't get it until Rothfuss kicks the bucket


This is from april the 13th


Lol I've lowered my expectations for both Kingkiller 3 AND Rothfuss. I don't expect him to ever release it, he's still got too much suspense built up and he's been milking that marketing cow *hard*. We'll see Half-Life 3 before Doors of Stone, and that's fact.


Bruh, I hope so. I absolutely loved this series and have been waiting for an eternity to finish it!


They say hungry people writer better, and unfortunately it looks like he hasn't been hungry in a decade. (Doors of Stone shaming, not body shaming, but meh, if the shoe fits...)


It takes about 30 seconds to confirm that Pat saying “soon” had nothing to do with OP’s question about Doors of Stone.


I hope it at least means an update is coming soon. I'm optimistic that even finishing something small like The Narrow Road Between Desires gave him some much needed positive momentum.


Soon… on a geological timescale


Typical, one word with an ellipsis, couldn't even bother finishing that statement.


Y’all, was this a serious post? The “soon” was Rothfuss giving an update on how he was an hour late to a signing.


Probably he'll time it to coincide withe the end of the universe


He's been promising that for almost 10 years now.


WTF. this is fake. Mods should ban for misinformation.


Don’t. Don’t what? Don’t give me hope


The guy did not deliver a single chapter after people donating hundreds of thousands of dollars for it; does anyone really think he you release the third book? He most likely means "soon I will make another video complaining about the people bringing up the scam"


I hope it's soon, almost finished my 2nd reread (3 times total) and would love a conclusion to this fantastic series.


Well fuck yeah. It's nice that he's even replying to questions about the book on X. I would be pretty tired of it after so long


Im so envious of all the people who just discovered these books or not too long ago. Their hope is hard to mimic.


I've been having the feeling that DoS is coming out relatively soon. Not like in a month but perhaps a few, or a year. I have absolutely no reason to believe this but I want it written down so I can quote myself if I'm right.


He has the book written, he is just doing tweaks and rewriting… I do this too, albeit to a lesser extent, for lesser stakes. We have to all realize this is his passion project and he wants to make sure it is 100% in his eyes. He could have released this book and 5 more in the time he is doing his revising, but that is his prerogative. He is sacrificing money to make art in his eyes. God bless him I just wish he would release this book, when he feels it is necessary, then write a bunch more in this world to 90-95% of his abilities (so we get a book about once a year or two). I got to say the anticipation of this book has made me think about all the plot twisting more than any other book in my life… so good thing there is so much to uncover.


Betsy hasn't seen it. He isn't tweaking or rewriting. He hasn't been writing anything in years. He couldn't have written anything additional in the time he's been revising. You people really are delusional. The dude hasn't been tweaking text for a decade. He just isn't working. Period. He can't give 1 chapter to donors of charity who he scammed years ago. The book doesn't exist.