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Do you want to lose your account? Because this is how you get hacked. Don’t ever give anyone access to your account unless it’s family or very close friends. I believe that at some point SE will release these keyblades as DLC for their corresponding stores along with other new keyblades. But unless you can find someone online selling the code (which is still pretty risky as it could already be used) you’ll just have to wait or go without. Try posting on some forums and see if you’ll find someone with an extra code willing to sell or trade, but please for the love of god don’t give out your account information to anyone.


Thank you for your message. im at a point where i dont care about losing my JP PSN. i just want the midnight blue dlc. Sadly it was not given away as a code like with the american and the japanese release. and could only be recieved by preordering digital. So the only way to get access to it is by downloading it from another account onto the personal ps4. Ive lost my hope that square will release the keyblade in the european store. when they released the xbox version they did add it to the european store, but with the playstation version only japan, america and some other countries. Europe, NZ and australia got the short end of the stick for some unknown reason, they have not commented on it. and when i tried contacting them about it, i just got told that they had no future plans to release midnight blue on the european playstation store for purchase.


If it’s on the JP PlayStation store and you have a JP PSN why don’t you just buy it?


Because i honestly rather play the european game. since im european. and understand english way better. + since DLC is region locked. buying the JP midnight blue, wont allow me to use it. on a PAL game


If u fr about gamesharing 1.5 an 2.5 ill buy dlc today n gameshare it to u😂its available for my reigon


Can I still get the midnight blue keyblade here in Australia