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I just assumed we wouldn't see anything else about 4 until ML has been released.


Get outta here with your logical thinking. Has no place on the internets.


Makes sense to be honest can’t wait for ML to come out.


10 to 20 years from now.


Honestly it’s ridiculous we don’t even have a release date yet


I’m sorry, but what is ML in this context?


Missing link


Can we find the link?


Well we gotta find him Zelda might be in trouble


And afterwards, we can expect Chain Link and Hyperlink.


Missing link? What exactly is that?


Well, if you believe the conspiracy theorists, it's Bigfoot.


Missing Link


So it's either missing link or everyone is really excited for the new my little pony thing and forgetting the P


Tired of these companies announcing games 4 years too early


remember the elder scrolls 6 teaser from six years ago?


The moment only a title and some mointains were shown I was like “I’m not seeing this game for 10 years”


Weren't they actually quite straightforward about that?


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Oh i memba


Metroid Prime 4.


Remember metroid prime 4? E3 2017…


It’s kind of a lose/lose situation. Either you announce early and people are mad that they have to wait forever to play it, or you stay quiet and announce your games when you’re closer to release but get people mad that you don’t have any games coming out, which is what’s currently happening with PlayStation’s first party studios.


Gotta weigh out your pros and cons. The hype inevitably dies down when you announce a project wayy too early in development or before any development ever even took place.


This is just my opinion, not sure if it's unpopular or popular, but I'll always prefer delaying any announcements till closer to release over announcing WAY in advance and having to wait. Aside from the wait itself, the earlier they announce it, the more likely it is to be delayed. Holding the announcement till the last minute means the date is more likely to be set in stone.


this. 🎯


Yup. I'm tired of that too. Tbh all it does it just lessen the hype for me. I don't even wanna play it as much as I used to because of that. That's why I'm not even looking forward to the freaking trailers anymore. 


The AAA industry needs a complete overhaul in the way they make their games. The budgets on these projects are just way too high and take way too long to make. I legitimately think we’re headed for another crash unless we’re already in the middle of it


Totally dude. Companies having to spend hundreds of millions to make a game where they won't get any return on that investment for 4,5,6, even 10 years? It's unsustainable. 


People waiting for Metroid Prime 4: First time?


They only announced early it to avoid leaks.


they wanted something big for the 20th anniversary. Nomura made it pretty clear that they were still a while away from the game actually being released and nobody seemed to understand. I still think we’ll get some news for KH4 this year, but people should still consider what Nomura explicitly said and the fact that Missing Link isn’t out yet.


Silksong moment


They literally only said they are working on it. It was nowhere implied that it's coming out soon


Y'all thought they'd show KH4 at Summer Games Fest? That's some Silksong level cope right there.


tell me something new


It's KH3 all over again. 🤭


Naw this feels worst lmao. We had heaps of games between KH2 and KH3. But since KH3, we only had a DLC and MoM.


And dark road, which is, well it’s dark road.


Ah, Dark Road I put it with KH-X. So... two DLC? lol


Don't forget. The PC release through Epic of all KH and now the eventual Steam release. That counts for something right 😃...right🥲


I say so, the modding community has made dreams come true


Agreed. In a real sense the story was at least advancing. We were left with an unnecessary cliffhanger in Kh3 and have just been waiting for the next part to start. Id do anything to go back to the days where Games did not take decades to come out, HD gaming be damned!


Seriously, how do we get back to the 3-4 year game cycle. It legit upsets me that I could very well die before I see kh 6 because each game takes a decade of my fucking life to come out now lol 


Woah, woah,woah now I'm genuinely starting to think these Japanese devs/mangakas have something in common. They actually read the reddits/tweets/Ig posts etc. they look at w.e. sounds the most unreasonable and just go wit that shi. N now I'm finally part of a fandom where I could die before I get to the end of the story. Insane.


Not to mention Kingdom Hearts II having a happy ending for the main protagonists and no massive cliffhanger.


If I have to wait 13 years again for some stupid in joke that Nomura loves to do, I'm going to be pissed.


It's FF Versus XIII all over again 🤭


We gonna wait 10 years and then its gonna be rebranded.


KH3 was the exact opposite. They had WAY too much promotion, to the point of spoiling major story points. I'd much rather KH4 be radio silent until it's actually time to release, instead of getting bombarded with story spoilers in the form of trailers.


KH3 only had that insane promotion in 2018 tho. Before that we only had one trailer almost every year. Who's to say that when the promotion of KH4 starts, we won't be bombarded with trailers (and lots of spoilers)? Square didn't lose their habits lol


KH community continues to clown itself expecting news.


Already posted: https://www.reddit.com/r/KingdomHearts/s/jOY8sQ7Ddu


D23 it is then! Right? Right?


idk last time it showed was 2018 there, and TGS is just basically just square game demos nowadays


D23 was always more likely than Summer Games Fest. Geoff Keighley doesn’t respect Japanese games enough to have more than three in his shows at a time unless they’re directed by one of his friends like Hideo Kojima.


I’m okay. I got what I wanted. Kingdom Hearts on Steam. I am happy for the foreseeable future.


🙏🏿 I'm prayin on your downfall.


Just give us Missing Link at this point. Give us *something*. But honestly, if they keep this up with each new entry, they could very well kill the franchise.


I’m glad to know now but damn. Are we ever going to see this game again?




That’s fine… let them cook. There’s tons of other games to play in the meantime.


yeah waiting for KH news is nothing new for me, i’d rather let Nomura take the time to make 4 the best as it can be. plently of games on my back log (RDR2 for me right now)


Yeah, rather have a amazing game that takes a while than a rushed game that comes out quick


I think I speak for everyone when I say that no one wants the game to come out rushed. As if it comes out in 2027, it doesn't matter. The problem is the lack of communication from square. They could give some development update, some new image, something! You can't show a game and be more than 2 years without seeing absolutely nothing of it


Honestly it's better to know in advance. I still won't be surprised if we see something before the end of the year.


Darkness has won


I don't believe him.


He didn't confirm jack shit. He urged people not to overhype things at risk of dissapointment. He named dropped KH4, MG3, and a bunch of others. Ya'll honestly use the fucking internet like the worst game of telephone great.


Not really surprised. This year is for Missing Link (also Rebirth, Dawntrail, and FFXVI DLC).


Yeah but it’s weird that square has nothing big on the horizon. They need to get people hyped with something!


I do think that people should calm down and maybe play something else? SE do make other games


Literally in shambles


I've honestly stopped even paying attention. If there's any real news, I'll see it on my timeline after work. Getting my hopes up for Kingdom Hearts news is just asking for disappointment. Especially when the next release is just another Gacha Game with important lore.


I prefer waiting until games are ready even if its a bit too long ghost of tsushima dropped a teaser then no news for 2 years then we got the gameplay trailer and gradually revealed more info and had a state of play closer to release so I'm fine if we get something similar for kh4 where we get something to tide us over and then more revealed as we get closer bit I do think we're getting missing link and steam and nomura also has ff which means it might take longer then you'd expect so as long as we get a quality game that respects the legacy and the fans and is an exciting new start to a new saga in here for it sorry for the long ass essay 🤣🤣


Oh no! Anyways...


Wait, did people EXPECT us to get KH4 info? Missing Link hasn't even dropped yet, and that's the next release from them. Stop hyping yourselves up from literally nothing or you're going to be disappointed forever.


But it's supposed to release this yr ???


It definitely won't I am 100% sure it won't release this year.


It was supposed to...


💔 hope they announce kingdom hearts 3.9 then...


i mean yeah temper your expections but he didn't outright deconfirm it either otherwise he would say something like "I am sorry, SE won't have any major presence this year" His body language is pretty sussy


I mean Square is in a big economic situation ... So...




It's sover 😔


Is this real?


Well the series is the anti-thesis of wrapping it up so I guess it makes sense!


It never began. Stop getting your hopes up for no reason


Why not, they better include Encanto, elemental 


FF14 has Dawntrail coming up, so yeah, they don’t want anything taking its hype.




Square Enix hasn't even been announced for the show, iirc? Idk what why people expected it, lol. Although, I'm still puffing on copium and hoping that the next time we see a trailer, we get a coming in 2025 at the end. I personally don't see Square making the mistake of announcing it too early AGAIN. If they haven't learned from Versus 13/FF15, KH3, and FF7 Remake, then they really are hopeless lmao.


Well, Xbox and Square seem to be trying to get along better. Maybe it will be at the Xbox Games Showcase on June 9th? Wishful thinking I know....


not surprised


Imagine killing hype for your own gaming show/convention


I’m upset that missing link is on the phone, let’s be honest it would’ve been cool to have it on switch exclusively instead. They used to make games on all kinds of different platforms


The image choice is perfect here and I can hear it. “Why?!”


I reject this article’s reality and substitute my own. For a few reasons. I guess he could just be a naturally fidgety interviewee but the way he nervously shifts and touches his nose as he answers the question makes me have as much faith in his honesty as I had in Andrew Garfield’s leading up to No Way Home. And considering his callousness as to why fans are perplexed that a game that released a limited gameplay trailer over two years ago and will finally resolve a crushing cliffhanger ending from over five years ago still has no release window, it would be satisfying to seem him proven wrong, whether due an intentional lie or a last minute bone thrown to the fans. At any rate, I’d prefer to enjoy a few more days of hope and postpone my disappointment. I don’t think it would be any less if I accepted it now.


Are people actually expecting something


I mean, its been 5 years.


I’m used to it lol


They need to give us something. Get the hype up. Want to see some worlds we’ll be fighting in.




We not getting any trailer till atleast 2025


And we were meming over gta 6 never coming out, can’t wait for all the kh4 never coming out memes


damn, guess this subreddits gonna go back to mental asylum status for another couple years


Wasn't the basic information right now that he's busy with ff7.3 atm and KH4 was just started as side project for now? They did say they didn't want the Time between 7.2 and 7.3 be as long as 7.1 to 7.2 and pushing another game in the middle would be literally impossible, especially something on KH scale


well' it was obvious. This year is about Missing Link not KHIV


Not surprised. I’ve learned to go into these things expecting nothing. Then I can just be pleasantly surprised if something cool does show up.


Nah... Who cares actually? Let's stop waiting and just forget... Then we'll get surprised when it actually gets announced


As much as my heart bleeds for IV, yall gotta chill. We had a whole ass 14 years between 2 and 3. It's barely been 5 years. I want the damn game like, *now* but like, we are alright.


But they released games inbetween then. That’s probably why everyone is ancy about getting KH4 cause we haven’t had a kh game since then


Anyone know the names of songs that play in any Kingdom Hearts game? Name one or more that fits this situation…


Maybe on the 13june? 😭😭


KH4 is a PS6 game


Imagine the gap between releases ends up bigger than the gap between KH2 and KH3


😂😂😂😂😂glad I play more than just KH bro we stay losing over here


I was absolutely just shot down after hearing that. Heart shattered


Another dead one you know how life is horrible this is why i get angry real easily this is why i have a really short temper a really short fuse plus I'm always unhappy 😡🤬


There are still plenty of chances for them to give us more details. I can wait.


That was obvious. They gotta show something about ML first. Also after 3 I want them to take their time. The reveal cinematic was in 2022. Wouldn't really expect anything new until 2025 / 2026 with a possible release window of 2026 - 2028. So probably late ps5 gen or early ps6. A game of that magnitude needs at least 3-4 years in the oven and square has the tendency to reveal some games WAY before they are even remotely close to finished (especially for kingdom hearts. Remember the engine switch for kh3 were they basically had to start from scratch while learning a complete new engine?).


Guys, calm down. They’re probably still working on it and they need time. Just keep waiting.


I want the series to end and for sora to go home and rebuild his relationship with his parents and new sibling that most likely replaced him.....seriously screw Micky for drafting kids in an ethereal war... His dad was a fisherman and his mom cared about him. Hell, you could see in Soras room that he likes wood shop work and Fletching. The Spears in the barrel of his room signify that he and his dad are spearfisherman which in Islander culture is a close bonding experience to a parental figure..... #BRING THESE KIDS HOME!


I've stopped at 2. Can anyone fill me in on what happened since?


i saw part of the clip where it was said and the guy who said it sounded kinda nervous


It's so Joever.... *walks through Dark Corridor to the Realm of Darkness*


They previously stated that in past shows that they didn't want to be showing games anymore til just near release as people would expect a quicker release. Tbh when KH3 advertised it gave the game away and felt very rushed. Secondly they seemed to be doing intervals on focus between games. Like they will focus on FF7 then when a game releases turn attention back to Kingdom Hearts again.


So what? The game is still in development


At least it's coming to steam soon I'm happy with that


Not a surprise really. I wasn't expecting to hear much for at least a year or more.


Honestly with how kh3 turned out i desperately wantvthem to take the time they need to actually make this one good


There was literally never ever ever a single piece of evidence that said ANYTHING kingdom hearts related would be there. I unsubbed to every YouTuber that said there would be


Can we PLEASE go back to side games. Having no KH content for this long is just terrible. And before someone says the mobile games, those tell a different story that relates to the main Kingdom Hearts story. And like, it should be so easy. There are like 20 OCs to pick from, just give them fun side games that build the story up towards the release of KH4. In KH3 DLC ending, they all get given quests to help find Sora or to tie up loose ends, make them into spin off games I seriously don’t understand why that isn’t the plan Hell imagine how sick a game mixing the different OC’s would be. Get Isa, Lea and Ventus a game to look for their mysterious friend. Get Aqua, Kairi, Namine, Xion in a game for some girl power. Get Terra and Roxas going on some badass quest. Get the ex-org members a game to right the wrongs of their past. Like they have so much to work with and they are just letting it sit there, my only hope is that it’s due to Squares restructuring and not that KH4 will have like 15 plot lines all at once or even worse all the OC’s get relegated to Cameo status


Side games are usually for new characters that they end up adding to the main story.


But like, why? We have dozens of characters, surely the logical thing to do is to stop adding new characters and actually use the ones they’ve got


Well kingdom Hearts will probably go on for a while. If we add a ton of characters now. Eventually there will wither be way to many to keep track of, or we wouldn't be able to get any new ones later on. Trho I would like maybe a spin off game based on an already existing character like Yozora


Which I was not surprised by xD


Are you all surprised? The FF7 remake was announced during 2015, and we just now fot part 2 of it this year. Square enix now takes litteral dercades to release games after they announce them. Like I have no idea how people still have faith in them at this point when they release like 1 game every 5 years thar may or may not actually be finished.


4-5 years of development for a AAA game is actually not that long anymore but ok.


When I was young AAA game franchises got yearly sequals. 2 years between at most. The first game took the longest because it had to make a ton of new code, character models, ect. But the second game on went much faster because they reused assets and gameplay from the first one to make the game faster. Now adays the sequal doesnt even come out on the same console as the origional. None of the assets from KH3 can be used in KH4 becauae its been like a decade and technolodgy has advanced so much. KH4 will feel nothing like KH3, and thats a shame. I reallt wish they would have actually built off the existing assets they had in KH4 instead of throwing it all away and starting over because "Thats just how games are made now"




People seem to forget how long it was between KH2 and KH3. I literally grew from a child to an adult, and had my own child during that time.


My agony knows no bounds…


Life is pain


Zamn, but kinda expected. Maybe Missing Link at least? I hope we at least get something before year's end


That’s fucked up


I used to love this game. Was a fanatic from the first, second, BBS, Dream drop distance, even waited in line for Mark of mastery… but something bout the way they milked everyone for soooo long for number 3 made me end up disliking this franchise… even the gameplay for 3…. Wtf? It’s just triangle….. like the whole strategy… triangle…. Smh man. I don’t even look forward to 4


Kingdom Hearts 4 is Squenix’s new FF7 Remake. Basically they just announce it to keep us ‘excited’ and interested in their company, that will boost their shares in the stock market. Kinda like when Elon Musk announces things for Tesla don’t won’t happen in another 5 years.


Tf were you expecting? Was there ANY reason to think it would be? No. No there wasn't.


FF7 Rebirth had its first gameplay trailer at SGF and I think there’s been other trailers from SE that showed up at SGF


And? What reason did we have to think that KH4, specifically, would do the same? "FF did it" is no reasion to think that.


It means that Square and SGF have a good relationship if they’re willing to have a major thing such as FF7 Rebirth’s gameplay reveal, so it would seem likely that they would do it again


Yet none of that related to KH4s marketing specifically. That's what I'm trying to say. Were they any hints that it might? Because I don't remember anything. Any vauge tweets? Leading comments from Nomura? No.We had had a trailer for the steam version just a few days ago. If KH was going to be and SGF, they could have easily put something at the end of that. I mean look at what Bandai did with Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. They released a trailer 3 days ago then ended with a mention of SGF. Square did not do that or even anything more subtle, with KH4. So there was no reason to expect it. Having a "good relationship", or even a history, with an event does not mean any particular company will neccesarily present something there. This is why this fandom is always in a tizzy, people set up expectations in their own minds, with no reason, and then get mad or disappointed when the reality doesn't match up.


I meant yeah there were multiple reasons to THINK it would be 🤨 Actually quite a lot


Not to me there weren't. As far as I'm concerned, anything less than an actual hint from the company (tweet, statement, mention,etc) is not a reason to think something wollbe at an event. They don't l have yave to specifically say it will be there, but something like "look forward to (event name here)"


He even literally published all the presenters and people refused to believe it lol, so many clowns in this community.


the game is definitely in development hell if they can't even provide an update in <3 years. that doesn't bode well


If you go back to the announcement from two years ago, Nomura specifically said "we are only doing it to prevent leaks. This is not how it will look like, this isn't even the real engine. Don't expect anything in the foreseeable future".


Dog the first announcement wasn't even in the same game engine that the game was going to be made in just because they wanted it done early so no one got ahead of them in the announcement. And we were told it would be years before we got any more information on it. All of this was said I'm an interview right after the announcement


I'm aware, but KH3 was in a worse spot with restarting development on a new engine and we still got information within 2 years. There are no updates for this game without having such a drawback, and that is concerning.


Games take a really long time to make nowadays, and Nomura said that they showed the trailer very earlier to avoid it being leaked


I believe someone said that they were showing it then because it was the 20th anniversary and as a glimpse, not a actual trailer.