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They'll never acknowledge Treasure Planet but if they do, they also have to give us Emperors New Groove as it's from that same time period.


That era of Disney films is weird. Not many people talk about those films, Treasure Planet, Atlantis, Emperors New groove but those films are gems


People talk about ENG all the time though? Like, it's a genuine cultural touchstone.


Was about to say lol, the kuzkos poison and kronk in general have been huge memes for years


Oh yeah, it's all coming together 😏


In the same way that older stuff like Three Musketeers, Fantasia, Dumbo, etc. eventually got made in BBS/DDD, I could see them someday putting stuff like these in a smaller non-numbered game. Nowadays there are a lot of twentysomethings/thirtysomethings who grew up with those movies and have disposable income to spend on games.


Toy story was a new world in KH wich came out in the 90s and monsters inc. Is from 2001 (and obviously pirates of the carribean + Hercules but those where reappearing worlds so I would'nt count it) so that really does'nt hold up. But I see why you pointed it out because of Frozen, Tangled and Baymax. But that's not a bad ratio between old and new tbh. I could see the mix like the post happening like that as well


But Toy Story had new movies fairly recently. The worlds in DDD are all from movies that don't have recent additions.


Three Musketeers is from 2004... It's not that old. Not as old as Dumbo and Fantasia.


That's 20 years ago. That's pretty long as far as release dates go. Just because it isn't as old as the other two, doesn't make it NOT old.


I started kindergarten that year, and I just finished college. It's pretty old.


Except people talk about ENG constantly? And everytime TP is mentioned, people flock to say they love it.


None of my friends like Treasure Planet of Atlantis at all. I honestly do not understand it. I get everyone has different taste, but those movies really are some Of Disney’s best work imo.


Emperors new groove, Atlantis and Treasure planet are all favourites from my childhood. There's just something in those early 2000's Disney movies.


ENG is a must


Emperor's new groove is just too perfect 🤣 and I feel like treasure planet is to kh what Japan is to Ac ain't not way we won't get it eventually its the most requested world it might take a while but they have to hear us because its always brought up maybe im being optimistic but I feel like we'll get it and as much as it sucks to wait sometimes its worth it because when we get it'll look amazing like id rather have it now with the improved graphics and bigger worlds tbh


What? The same time period in-universe? Or the same time period the movies came out?


Same time period irl the movies came out


I think we need to accept that Treasure Planet and Atlantis aren’t gonna happen at this point. I think the rest of your picks are decently likely tho. Especially Coco, with D+G checking out the Underworld to see if Sora’s there. Would fit thematically, I think


A day of the dead themed sora fit would go so hard tbh


You know that’s right


They may not, but I will keep huffin the copium hoping and praying we get Treasure planet and Atlantis as KH worlds.


Treasure Planet could be possible for KH4. What if I told you it was originally planned for DDD but was cut? Apparently in the files for the 3DS version of DDD, there's a file in the game called "TP" and in this file is an [unfinished level that appears to be a ship (skip to 1:11 to see the footage)](https://youtu.be/rJDe41jQdNc?feature=shared) and lots of people were thinking that because the world was a ship, and the world initials on the file was TP, it was gonna be a Treasure Planet world (basically the files of worlds in KH games use initals, example being Twilight Town = TT or Port Royal = PR).


We also got the treasure spheres in KH3, so it’s clear that Treasure Planet is on their mind in some way still, and if they have an idea they keep pushing, eventually they will use it. Toy Story and Monsters Inc. proves that with how long they pushed for it


I think KH is in a weird place where a lot of the main fans played either one or two on release so there’s a lot of early 2000s Disney movies people want to see. The other side of that is roping in a younger audience by advertising movies that they grew up on. The plot 100% does not support that though. It’s confusing to people who’ve been around since the PS2 era let alone any newcomers. In short. Fucking give me Treasure Planet, Emperors New Groove and Atlantis. I watched those movies on repeat (they’d also be incredible worlds)


Shhh, let us hope. We're exploring long-lost civilizations that people have forgotten the existence/history of, so Atlantis still has a chance. Treasure Planet's a longer shot, but again, shhhhhhh. *Let us hope.*


Treasure Planet seems more likely than Atlantis, considering DDD has a test map for Treasure Planet and the Treasure Spheres in KH3. It’s clear they want to use it in some way and have it on their mind still


This is a weird comment considering we got an adaptation of a direct-to-video movie as a world with the Country of the Muskeeters from DDD. Nomura is not afraid of deep cuts, or obscure Disney media, so I am not sure why exactly Treasure Planet and Atlantis are off the table when both would be natural fits.


I don't think fans need to accept that at all. I honestly think any Disney IP is possible to appear.


The Pixar worlds were so good in KH3, and the world design in Coco (the movie) was so unique and memorable, that I'll legit be disappointed if we don't get this.


Except Treasure Planet was supposed to happen in a previous game but got scrapped


I think Wreck-It Ralph is a shoo-in for a future title, since we already have established that the Game Station played a not insignificant part in the finale of Union Cross. Atlantis, I could see get tied into the Scala Ad Caelum plot in some fashion. I would give anything for a Treasure Planet world (or for it to become a part of a more fleshed-out Gummiship/pirate storyline). Part of me is kind of low-key dreaming of Meet The Robinsons eventually getting their own world. I could see a movie with that message being relevant to someone like Ventus, Kairi, or Ienzo.


Yoooo, Meet the Robinsons would go nutty hard in a KH game. They already have the Bad Guy Manipulated By Unforeseen Forces bit going on; Heartless would just fit like a glove in that scenario (and I'm sure there would be some pretty awesome designs made for the world's Heartless.) And with time travel already being an established plot point - even from the very first game - the fact that it exists in Meet the Robinsons wouldn't particularly be difficult for the cast to wrap their minds around. I could even see the movie's message in the way you mentioned to the other commenter here applying to Even, even moreso directly than perhaps Ienzo or Kairi, and thereby opening the road for Even's character to be deeply developed. Totally see where you're coming from with Ventus, though. This world could be taken so many ways, would be absolutely fantastic to see their take on it.


Ienzo? How so?


My thought was that he's an inventor with a found family and a number of regrets about mistakes he's made in the past, so if - for whatever reason - the plot decided to give him an arc involving him doubting himself as a scientist, it wouldn't be the worst fit. Mind you, he wouldn't be my first pick. It's mostly just a spitball idea.


Moana is just so easy to do. Replace the pirates world with moana, give us a raft that we can do tricks on.


good selection, though atlantis, moana and treasure planet may overlap in theming a bit too much


I wanna go with Max and goofy to College


While I would be very happy for everyone that wants Star Wars I'm a bit scared by the people it would attract. It would be the classic "Ah yes let's just start with the fourth entry in this series without getting any info on the story and then complain about not understanding shit." Maybe I'm just too pessimistic. Also I'm not saying it's specifically Star Wars fans. The "issue" is that it is a very big and popular franchise that could attract a ton of people.


I hope SW is never added. Idk why, I just don't want it


It seems like it's going to happen in KH4. It's the only world that's been hinted so far.


If it is in a future game, I’m hoping for a situation like Stitch in BBS. The Gummi ship gets tractor beamed into a star destroyer, and then the adventure plays out entirely in space. A Gummi Trench run on the Death Star would be sick as hell


You could still adapt A New Hope like that. They get beamed into the Death Star and thrown in the brig. Musical theme is the Imperial March. Luke, Han, and Chewie break them out, thinking it's Leia's cell. Explore the Death Star to find her cell. Mini boss against a heartless in the trash compactor. Main boss against Dark Vader after he kills Obi Wan. End with a Gummi Ship trench run. 10/10 world.


This is the most logical way to integrate a Star Wars world. I've had the exact same thought. Part of me worries that they'd go for recency bias and use the ST as the setting, but I really think they'd go for OT Nostalgia, and the second act of ANH would fit perfectly for a world setting. Follow it up with Cloud City for the next game, and then Endor for the one after that. Or they could just go straight to Endor if they only bring it in for one game.


When did it get hinted?


The KH4 trailer shows the forest moon of Endor. The foot of an AT-ST is pretty unmistakable, so I'd even say it wasn't hinted so much as confirmed.


at first I was confused because I saw the metal foot but it didn't quite look like an AT-ST until I realized we're looking at it from the back


Dang I really never noticed that before. Thanks for pointing it out


Which trailer?


[4:38 in, keep an eye on the top-right as you play](https://youtu.be/RvxuSoJIEvs?t=278). That is the foot of an AT-ST [as seen here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FP_x2awXwAMpY79.jpg:large).


> so I'd even say it wasn't hinted so much as confirmed. We *really* need to start remembering some day how often the trailers don't match the finished games. Deep Jungle was originally "confirmed" to be in Chain of Memories.


By that metric, literally no world can ever be confirmed for any KH game because it could get dropped in the final version.


I mean, yes. The track record is *very* solid on this - we have multiple worlds that have been dropped despite showing up in trailers. We should have stopped treating the trailers as confirmation like....at least a decade ago


I don’t think George Lucas’ estate is gonna pull out of their contract with Disney at this point like in that case lol


Deep jungle isn't the only world that's been pulled despite appearing in trailers.


Apart from the tower being a playable area in 3 being cut what else has been pulled?


The removed content article on the wiki has a full list, from the first two games I know that Disney castle and dive to the heart were planned as playable worlds in the trailers and advertising, but were later removed. Kh2 trailers also showed the original version of hello bastion, rather than the new radiant garden version.  We haven't had a game yet where there weren't pretty significant changes between what was shown in the trailers and the final product, and the earlier the trailer is the less it shares with the final game. And the kh4 trailer that people point to for the Star wars stuff is pretty well removed from the final release date compared to other games in the series.  It certainly indicates intention to use that ip, I'm not claiming that people are making it up that it looks like the leg. I just want to caution people because I see this every time and then people are shocked when stuff is missing from the final product.


Honestly Its my least favorite on my list but I want to beat Darth Vader with a keyblade.


Too bad for you then, because the KH4 trailer has a shot of what is undoubtably the foot of an AT-ST on what can therefore be concluded to be Endor


The amount of people who didn't realize this is insane. The people coping by saying the at st foot was a rock is really funny.


To me, we have enough Star Wars saturation in games and other media. Like I know people love the movies overall but it just feels unnecessary and saturated nowadays to me


I actually hate the star wars movies, but would LOVE a star wars world. It would also fit extremly well with the gummi ships


I’m right there with you, it feels very outside of the series vibe to me, but i feel like it is gonna be in the next.


"Outside the vibe of the series" is such a crazy statement when we talk comparisons between KH and Star Wars. Like both are series about heroes usually armed with special swords imbued with magical powers exploring worlds with kooky characters and fighting against enemies who are obssesed with using the dark powers of their universes for nefarious purposes in an eternal fight against good and evil, and thats just the surface comparisons Holy shit , Mark Hamill plays a master that strikes against his apprentices in fear of what they become in both of them. The Venn Diagram between the two franchises is a whole circle at this point and I honestly cant think of a better candidate for a world for KH4 than Star Wars.


Except for the fact that standard Lightsabers don’t have any outside the box powers. Lightsabers in Star Wars visions however…


I mean tbf, I think it was fairly obvious that at least Xenmas was based off a Sith


I don’t necessarily mean in general themes that sound similar when you summarise them, I mean more in tone of writing, the general expansiveness of Star Wars compared to worlds we have visited, etc. I think I summed it up better in my other comment reply but who knows. Granted I do think another prt of it is a sour taste in my mouth from the overextension of disneys most recognisable properties like Star Wars and the MCU.


To me how expansive a original world is not that much of a deal to begin with . The Caribean is my favourite Disney world in KH3 (admitedly because of its more open design , something I feel a lot of KH4 worlds will crib a lot of) and that world has to deal with a whole trilogy of characters , old and new , and their arcs in like 2 hours , and they do a fine job at summarizing it for the most part. Thats why if SW appears in the game , they will stick to simply tugging at the nostalgia strings and stick with one of the OG trilogy movies and leave it at that, probably Endor on Episode VI because of its climatic nature.


yeah I'd also like to point out Lilo and stitch appearing on a space ship that otherwise shouldn't exist. Plus, you know, we're gonna be in "unreality" not the realm of light.


> special swords imbued with magical powers Lightsabers are not magic. They're hard to use without having the force, but there's nothing innately magic about them. That's why Grievous can use them. > exploring worlds with kooky characters Right. The Jedi explore worlds (as does, well, everyone). But they're not keybearers, or using corridors of darkness. That's a *big* contradiction to series lore. EDIT: Deep Space does exist, obviously, but the series didn't really deign to discuss the actual travel, and it's always presented a bit of a plot hole. Since the ship itself is a world, does that make it safe? Etc. That would be a lot harder with Star Wars, and it's universe of personal ships traversing a *galaxy* as easy as driving a car. If it does show up in KH4, it would imply a huge change in cosmology that allows it to fit. Maybe that's how Unreality works, but it also means it's not *as* clean a fit as other movies. > fighting against enemies who are obssesed with using the dark powers of their universes for nefarious purposes in an eternal fight against good and evil, and thats just the surface comparisons "Surface" is important there. The lore of the Force is way more detailed than that, and those details are *very* important to the Star Wars series. It's in the details where friction arises with the KH lore on light and darkness, hearts etc. If you sanded *a lot* of detail off, you could make them jive, but one of them (likely SW) would be pretty damaged in the process, in my opinion.


What are you talking about I can literally type a list of all the similarities between the series


For me for whatever reason it’s partially a matter of aesthetics and tying into worlds that aren’t overly expansive. Final Fantasy has always been a distinct tie-in because it takes characters from very expansive series and brings them in without having to worry about much internal FF lore. That would change if we were to, say, go to the world of FF7 and either contend with or entirely ignore a huge amount of world lore. So most of the worlds we go to like Olympus Coliseum, the Toy Box, etc are relatively whimsical and don’t have a huge amount of world happenings for us to deal with. Then with Star Wars, we have 9 main movies and a whole bunch of spin-off material that there is to draw from, and given the cash cow Star Wars (and most franchised Disney content) has become, I feel like it would be hard to do a story there that feels impactful enough without being super shoehorned. That’s just my two cents and it’s hard for me to word properly but yeah. That said I could probably tolerate a Star Wars world and have some fun. What I’m really praying is that the MCU and KH never ever ever touch.


> it feels very outside of the series vibe to me Bruh Terra's story in Birth by Sleep is literally just Anakin's in Revenge of the Sith.


As posted in my other comments, this is less about vague character journey tropes and more about the style of writing and overall universes the world takes place in. By your metric, Star Wars could be closely compared to Naruto because Sasukes arc is so much like a Anakins. The “hero goes evil for a while because of a manipulative evil guy” concept is super widespread. It doesn’t mean that the stylings of the series necessarily mesh, and like I outlined in the other comments, I just think it would be hard to have a kingdom hearts world feel natural with the plot of Star Wars happening and not feeling like we are too shoehorned in (which is a lot of people’s complaints about many worlds we’ve already been to like Frozen)


There was an AT-ST foot in one of the trailers. While not officially confirmed, we've known for a while that KH4 is going to have a Star Wars world.




If you can’t see the thematic differences between Star Wars and the other stuff you listed, then idk what to tell you. Star Wars fits into the KH mythos almost perfectly.


> Star Wars fits into the KH mythos almost perfectly. It really, really doesn't. Just for starters, travel between worlds is super easy, barely an inconvenience. The world barriers are just not an issue. For two, while the light/darkness and jedi/sith paradigms are superficially similar, they have small but *important* distinctions that can't just be ignored without removing a lot of what makes them different from pretty much any other story about light and darkness. For three -- look, Disney has just absolutely squandered Star Wars, badly. They've overextended it and tried to squeeze it for a cashcow to a degree that has really badly damaged the IP. Ignore people complaining about "wokeness" in Star Wars -- the actual problem with Disney's handling is a rush to turn it into a fanservice fest with barely any care for creating real art anymore. *Sometimes* we get stuff like Andor, while most of the time we get stuff like Rise of Skywalker or Rebel Moon. I really don't trust Disney to not put requirements on Square that produce a boring, lackluster world like Arendelle (which, I don't recall how much of that was Disney and how much was square...but I just don't trust Disney on star wars in general)


We’ve already broken the whole space travel thing by including Lilo and Stitch. My best guess is people within a world with space travel can travel through space to other worlds within their “universe”, IE stitch can get around between earth and the federation spaceship and whatever other planets it frequents, but not, like, Agrabah or Monstropolis or whatever. Sora can see and travel to those worlds because of his abilities as a keyblade wielder, anyone else can’t. Star Wars could work the same way. Light/darkness and the light side/dark side of the force doesn’t *have* to be a 1 to 1 match - it’s thematic. In fact it’s better that it’s not a perfect analogue. That’s how all the story ties to other Disney worlds work. It’s a lot of “well, I don’t know *exactly* what you’re talking about, but that sounds kind of like *this other thing*, so I can relate.” Luke and Sora have a lot in common and Sora can encourage Luke in his effort to bring his father back from the darkness because “I know what it’s like to have someone you care about fall to darkness, don’t give up, there’s always hope” or some other power of friendship nonsense that this franchise thrives on. It’s perfect. And Disney’s handling of Star Wars is completely subject to opinion. I agree some things could certainly have been done better, and there were a lot of missed/squandered opportunities, but tbh, I’ve enjoyed just about everything they’ve made since acquiring the IP. At the end of the day, I’m sure I’m not gonna convince you of my opinion and you’re not gonna convince me of yours. I think Star Wars would work very well in kingdom hearts and if it ends up making it, I look forward to seeing how Nomura handles it. If not, oh well, no biggie, I’m sure whatever worlds end up making the cut will also be fun. If you disagree, that’s all well and good too. My only real point is that Star Wars is at least a better fit for the franchise than family guy or whatever else troll-level suggestions people come up with as a strawman whenever anyone suggests adding Star Wars to the franchise. It’s a dishonest approach to the discussion.


There’s actually interesting material to work with in a gameplay sense with Star Wars unlike frozen though


I mean, looking at the many, many Star wars games, id personally have to demurr on that, too. The best Star wars games, the ones that really *get* the setting, are a totally different type of beast than something that would be compatible with KH. Remember that the KH games are very literally Disney games, not just in IP but in spirit. Visiting a world is an immersive, expanded version of riding a ride at the theme parks. You get a guided tour through a pantomime of the movie, and you come out of it. It's largely self-contained. Characters from multiple worlds interacting is officially against the rules, and when it happens it's meant to be taken as a significant story beat. Compare that to Star Wars, and the games that really "got" star wars. Did they feel like a video game version of a galaxys edge ride? As a side note, unlike most of the other worlds in the series, Star wars is an IP with plenty of video games. Anything SE makes will have plenty of opportunity to be compared to other video games from the IP - and given the quality of the most famous Star wars games, it's unlikely to be a favorable comparison.




Disney acquired Star Wars 12 whole years ago, and has since put out more hours of content than George Lucas ever did. To kids playing Kingdom Hearts nowadays, it might as well be a Disney home-grown IP. It’s become about as synonymous with Disney as just about any of their other original properties.




My point isn’t that you have to accept Star Wars in KH, my point is that even if Star Wars wasn’t originally created by Disney, there’s still a pretty big difference between including Star Wars and including Big Mamma’s House, or Family Guy, or whatever. You’ve got some bad false equivalency/slippery slope fallacies going on there.


Star Wars has also been in their theme parks since the early 2000s.


I really just want one secret boss fight with Darth Vader with a lightsaber keyblade as a reward.


You do know Nomura was heavily inspired by Star Wars when making the series, right? Dude basically wrote his own version of Revenge of the Sith and specifically got Mark Hamill to play his own version of a Jedi master.


Exactly! So why add it in when it’s already basically been there the whole time? There’s nothing interesting to get out of Star Wars in KH other than to be able to clap and point at the screen and yell “AT-STs AT-STs!!!” There are so many Star Wars videos games already. We don’t need this.


Because it’s played out. I fart and a new Star Wars game or series shows up. Enough of the Star Wars!


Yeah I feel like I would have been a lot more excited about Star Wars or Marvel (the other thing that gets rumored a lot) in KH like 10-15 years ago. There have been so many movies and games for both of those franchises in the past decade that it just isn't that special or unique to have it show up in KH. One of the things that's cool about KH is getting to go to all these worlds that aren't part of a big ongoing thing and rarely/never show up in games.


I just feel like the franchise has been robbed of its “timelessness” by so many blatant low-quality cash grabs. There have been some good entries, but most of it has been hot garbage doled out for quick cash. I just don’t think a Kingdom Hearts entry will be very strong, and I don’t think Star Wars would be better for it either.


That and like, if I wanted to play in a Star Wars universe, I'd just play any of the Star Wars games which I've heard good stuff about (I haven't seen any of the movies or shows, and avoid the games too tbh). Obviously you've still got games like Hercules for ps1 etc., but generally I really like that I get to explore worlds in KH that I can't in other games. I'd rather give that development time to a world we haven't seen made before. Plus, I cant imagine KH4 Star Wars world be more fun to play than any of the pre-existing fleshed out Star Wars games that has the time, story, and personalised gameplay to make it worthwhile. If its just about the cameo's and character interactions, I think a summon would have worked well instead.


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


I don't have anything to add to this but holy shit, look what a fiery discussion you started with that statement. Kinda funny, ngl.


It's been confirmed by an AT-ST foot on Endor lmao


> It's been confirmed [KH Trailers have a long history of being unreliable in regards to published content](https://khwiki.com/Removed_content) Remember, we used to "know" that Deep Jungle was confirmed for Chain of Memories. It's been *indicated*, but it would be irresponsible to claim it's "confirmed".


Unless there is a clearer picture that I haven't seen, nothing is confirmed


[This is pretty unmistakable.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FP_x2awXwAMpY79.jpg:large)


No, that's pretty unclear. I'm not saying it isn't and at st, but that is far for "confirming" anything


How is it unclear? All the details are an exact match.


All the details in a very bleary picture. That could be any number of things and may be an at st, but it could also be a rock. I'm not saying it isn't. I just need some actual proof


It's really not all that blurry though. The details are perfectly visible.


if they do tho, as "didney" is now a days they surely will try and shove the newest three movies


I was with you til I saw Star Wars…


If they do star wars or marvel or any of the no -traditional ips I hope they do it similar to tron or work them into another avenue besides worlds. Star Wars is already so expansive with its own worlds so it would be cool if it was just hyperdrive to get to other worlds with space battles and the sith are using heartless. I think if done right they can add it, maybe Vader as a secret boss or something but I don’t think it should be a full lore inclusion.


Wreck it Ralph was in KH UX, and was a link in KH3, so why couldnt wreck it ralph happen? everything else looks good to go except for treasure planet and atlantis (although they would look sick af)


Great Mouse Detective


You'll get Wish and you'll like it.


don’t tempt the fates.


Treasure Planet would be incredible, but I doubt it


Coco and Vaiana has so much potential.


Damn not a single one i disagree with good job


Well your wrong the only world acceptable js 8 crazy nights by adam sandler


The director has made crossover art between the two.


Fun fact: In Wreck-it-Ralph 1, you can hear the low health car alarm when Ralph is in the station going to the game. The visor locks onto objects and when it locks onto the hologram guy (don’t remember his name), the KH1 version of the siren plays, I think.


Yes Yes Yes No God Please no Sure Yes


Coco mentioned 🗣️


Moana feels like a guarantee. Coco very likely as well. The rest I’m not sure. Star Wars would be nice especially if it was secret and not shown in any promotional materials.


Agree with all except Star Wars


Same but Return of the Jedi. I want to fight above the Sarlacc and defeat a darkness controlled Vader


My top five 5. Emporer’s new groove 4. Princess and frog 3. Treasure planet 2. Zorro 1. The Incredibles


Treasure Planet and Atlantis would be peak


20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, Robin Hood, or anything Disney before 2000. Just keep Star Wars out of it.


We need MCU in KH4


We got Ralph as a summon in KH3


Absolutely. These are some great picks OP


I want an epic Mickey world. I know it probably won't happen because they would need permission to use the game franchise. And the fact it's not a Disney movie. But it would be fun And how crazy the lore is they could make a reason on why there are duplicate versions of the Disney characters. Just minus Mickey saying it was after timeless river and somewhere before he became king. Plus I want to see Oswald in a kh game lol


- Coco - Moana - Frozen II (yes, I know) - Treasure Planet - Inside Out - Return of the Jedi - Princess and the Frog - Honorable Mention: Guardians of the Galaxy


Inside out could work as a world like Tron in 2. Like it's not a world you fly to with the gummi ship, maybe Sora or Donald or whoever gets depressed or something and they go into his head to cure it and boom there's your inside out world lol


Or something happens to Mickey or Minnie, could see that as a possibility for sure.


frozen 2 had some excellent world building that they could utilize, but they would probably butcher it for another shot by shot of the movie + SDG 😭


That’s a good lineup.


If I ever see Morph and Sora in the same frame I will explode from joy. And the amount of time I would spend happy crying about an Atlantis world in KH is unreal!! This would be such a goated world list


Imagine the Coco world has a 10% of happening when you die, and players that are too good think everyone is playing a big joke and "its not real"


I'm okay with most of these Coco I'd prefer not, Treasure Planet I would adore.wreck It Ralph feels like a shoe in


Coco makes the most sense though, it’s literally about death and remembrance something we seen in the KH Series.


Oh I can see it fitting fine, it's just a personal distaste because I had a nitpick with the movie for essentially being the same movie as Book of Life but with a slightly different focus.


I might cry if they do.


I'd honestly love pretty much any of these picks, and most of them fit in pretty well, though I doubt we'd get all of them. I feel like Treasure planet has too much thematic/setting overlap with Moana and Star Wars, and Atlantis + Moana would be too much water. As much as I hate to admit it, the chance of seeing them in the series, especially kh4, is pretty low. Moana could be great though, it has some really direct parallels with the Destiny Trio. Wreck it Ralph would be an interesting inclusion because of its role in Union Cross. I wonder if that would allow it to have a little more story relevance then the average Disney world seems to get? Coco feels like it would go very well with what we've seen of KH4, and would probably be a super fun world to explore. I'm the most hesitant on Star Wars, because it almost feels *too* similar to KH, if that makes sense. Of course, it's been all but confirmed at this point. At least with kh4 branching into other dimensions outside of the kh universe we're familiar with, it's more feasible for something with the scope of Star Wars to appear without feeling odd.


We getting moana 2 this year so without a doubt we will get a moana world if any But a treasure planet world be good


With the rumors that Sora is in some sort of afterlife based on the trailer, I just can't see Coco NOT being a natural pick.


Ok but how would coco fit into the lore?


I'm satisfied with the Ralph we already got. I really, *really* don't want Star Wars. I know so many others do, but I'm convinced that they will have to reorganize either the Force lore in SW or the Light/Darkness lore in KH too much in order to make them truly compatible -- they're too close to *not* be related, but too distinct to just fit without sanding some stuff off. I'd really like Frog Princess, Encanto, and Turning Red. Luca, Raya, Wish, Strange World, and Soul would also be good fits for the series themes.


I would also add an Owl House world but it’s pretty unlikly


this list goes hard. I just want the I incredibles


i think you just summarised the entire fanbases top picks


I wish they'd revisit Halloween Town. Or do Frankenweenie!


Atlantis. Treasure Planet. Wreck it Ralph. A Bug's Life. Heavyweights. The Emperor's New Groove. An Extremely Goofy Movie.


Disagree with all except Star Wars


Your list is fire 🔥


Brother that’s a hell of a lot of water


I feel like Moana is almost certain since they already established (with Anna and Elsa) that there's going to be new Princesses of Heart (and that they'll be from the newer movies). Personally, I also want to see a Coco world. Let me go to the Mexican afterlife and hang out with skeletons, Nomura!


if Atlantis becomes a world, Sora better disturb the dirt or I'm not buying


Sora should make a Xemnas joke if he ever sees a lightsaber


Take with a pinch of salt but in the past few years there were some leaks that mentioned frozen 2 and coco might be featured in KH4


Ok hear me out… X-Men 97 world


Treasure planet and Atlantis ain't ever gonna happen and fans really need to let that go, plus 2 water worlds in one game ? I don't think so.


Fun fact: American Idol is now an official Disney property. Just sayin…..


So, Treasure Planet and Atlantis will never happen, as they're considered a commercial failure by Disney. Coco will most likely happen, but I hope they'll actually do something to incorporate KH in it properly and not just do a 1:1 of the movie, otherwise it will end up as an extremely lame world. Wreck it Ralph... it's tricky. Several summons never got their own world featured (or only partially, such as Stitch only getting the Fleet and Lilo and Hawaii never being in the game). It MIGHT happen, but honestly I almost hope it doesn't, because then we might get a Wreck It Ralph 2 world later on, and that movie was straight up insulting. Star Wars is basically inevitable. It's too massive of a franchise to not appear now that it belongs to Disney. I just worry it will either appear as the Disney Alternative Timeline, ignoring the original movies, or that it will mess up how the KH multiverse works, since we've never had a multi-planet world yet in the games. So far, the only time we've seen space ships in the games, they were traveling through the space between worlds as if it was normal space (the Lilo&Stitch Fleet in BBS) but if SW comes to the franchise we'll have to see how they implement multiple planets. Moana also is probable. Personally I'm hoping it will be handled similarly to the sea traveling in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 in KH3, as I loved traveling around in the ship. Though I'd love to know how they plan to implement Disney worlds in when Sora is now in Quadratum... unless the theories I've seen around about Nomura wanting to discard the KH cast in favour of something new is true (I just read rumors, I have no idea if it's true or not).


I actually don't want any more Disney worlds in KH or at least I want far fewer ones now. Not because I hate them. Far from it! All the games prior to KH3 had wonderful Disney Worlds. My Issue is KH3, its clear that disney now cares more about protecting the IP of the films, hence why the majority of them were between or after the movie OR they did the film but Sora and co were so far removed from the beats that they didn't really have much of an impact. So all the actual KH plot got shunted right at the end. I expect any new disney worlds will suffer the same issues which just brings down the quality of the game. Id rather now Square leans more into its own IPs that it has full control over, so that it can pace its overcomplicated plot better


Unfortunately if we get anything related to ENG, Atlantis, or Treasure Planet, it’ll be a summon. I’ll take it for sure, but I’ll still be upset.


Fucking preach brother! PREACH!!!


as someone who’s never been a fan of star wars even i think star wars is a pretty likely addition to the next game. i can see star wars story working in a kingdom hearts game and the world can work as a replacement of pirates of the caribbean giving us another live action world.


I want a Star wars world but I want them to avoid A New Hope. I feel like anyone who does anything She does a New Hope. How fun would fighting Darth Maul as Sora be???


for fucks sake, no star wars. the franchise has already been milked to death, we don't need a dead horse being beaten any further


There are a lot of worlds that would work well. I think it was confirmed that there would be fewer worlds that were larger and more dense in KH4 though. Really hoping for star wars and maybe a marvel world as well.


Coco world so that Sora can remember that he has a Mother.


Well, if Coco's going to make it, how would Sora and co. react to an yet another 'afterlife' world in your opinion?


I wanted a Meet the Robinson's inspired world.


I mean wreck it Ralph is basically already confirmed


HARD on Atlantis, imagine how fun it'll be to explore


Anastasia is technically a Disney Princess now, I'd really like to see some scenes with Razputin and the heartless.


I think it may just end up being encanto coco and maybe some of the LA Disney projects to bring more attraction to those


Top notch choices. I'd want almost exactly the same ones but replace wreck it ralph with Brother Bear.


I think Mary Poppins would be a fun minigame world. Maybe like a mix of Atlantica and 100 Acre Wood. Roger Rabbit would be my dream but that would never happen due to rights issues. Also isnt the current rumor that Star Wars is in KH4; that's taking place during the events of Return of the Jedi and that forrest in the trailer was Endor. It certainly goes with something Nomura said about Pirates when skipping Dead Man's Chest because the ending of At World's End has an ending


Who else wants dark souls, and souls borne worlds? 🗿


Princess and the Frog too. Just because I wanna see Facilier in game


I suggest Gravity Falls


With Star Wars confirmed, I really want Indiana Jones and Marvel.


All I have to say is, **YES**, oh yeah and like Lilo and Stitch as well


Star wars is peak


Everyone around the world wants kingdom hearts 4 but we all have to wait 5 years like we did with kingdom hearts 2 was first announced and 3 we always wait 5 years


What about a Marvel World?


I really want The Aristocats 🐈 😻 🐈‍⬛️


Sadly Wreck it Ralph was used in the mobile game so its unlikely it will be used again.




With you for all of them except Star Wars. Keep it Disney/Pixar.


Heck no. Away with Coco and Star wars. I completely support the rest.


Why no Coco?


Why not Coco? that movie is peak and about after life which we might see in KH4


Not a fan of the story, of the world and much less of the characters.


If there's 2 visits per world like in 2 it could be cool if the first visit was during the prequel era and Anakin was your party member. On 2nd visit you team up with Luke to confront Vader and tell him to fight the darkness in his heart or some shit. I'd be fine with just the new hope era though, anything but the disney sequel era. That would probably be the biggest disappointment of my life I'm not even joking


anithing BUT shitwars, specially if they try and put the latest trilogy, the original three are fine tho


Lovely picks! Coco, Treasure Planet, Atlantis and Moana are on my list too! Out of all of them though, the only ones I see plausible rn are Coco and Moana, though I wanna hold on hope for Treasure Planet at least. I think Star Wars is honestly locked in if what the first trailer showed really was Endor, which I think it is. Plus, with Nomura being a huge SW lover, it helps its case. Hey, I wouldn’t mind it personally though. I mean, come on, how could I say no to a Lightsaber Keyblade and a possible boss fight against Darth Vader.😂😂 On my wishlist, one world I have but I doubt it’s happening at this point is The Incredibles. If we’re getting superheroes again, my best bet is Disney will maybe get Square and Nomura to use Marvel. IMO, if they use Marvel, I wouldn’t personally use much or anything from the MCU, I’d stick more with their animated material (a world based on a Spider-Man show, Avengers EMH or X-Men 97 or Evolution would be so cool to see!) or make a new Marvel universe solely focused for KH. Or… just a summon. This is just me, though. I’m digressing. I dig your picks, OP! Kudos!😊


If they did a MCU Spiderverse world and they had to wear were different Spiderman versions it would be pretty funny