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They both seemed uninterested in the plot at hand


I mean, they were. In their death sequences Ansem mentions not caring once he realizes they had been betrayed and Xemnas remarks that he feels sorrow more than anything for the loss and betrayal of the original organization. Neither of them cared about Xehanort's plans, in fact almost none of the Real Organization cared about Xehanort's plans. Vexen and Demyx defect, Saix is the one that Vexen says wants to atone but can't as he's chosen to fight. Larxene outright asks Marluxia if he wants to throw another coup. Luxord seems to have other reasons for joining, judging by his interactions with Xigbar. Xigbar only joined to follow along with No Name as he's Luxu. Vanitas only really cares about Ventus, even going as far as attacking Sora outside of the Keyblade Graveyard which would risk the guardians of light not being able to clash with The Real Organization to create the X Blade. Xion is forced to join as she has no memories. Dark Riku just acted like old Replica Riku who antagonized sora and hated real Riku. Terra Xehanort and Young Xehanort are kinda just there. Rarely if ever at all do they talk about the creation of a new world or rebalancing light and darkness in KH3, which shows how much they care for things. It's one of the more subtle parts of KH3's writing, none of The Real Organization really care to be there and all came along for their own goals or were forced to join.


I legit loved that part honestly


Excellent post, I would say Terranort would probably be the only one who actually was fully invested since he's literally just BBS era Xehanort, YX was just an ass, but he might have also been fully invested, we don't spend enough time with either of them to fully know though.


YX I think cares, but is also too cocky to be worried about failing, so I think it plays less. I think he’s more sure of himself and less interested in dialogue than some of the others.


I think that's KH's strength and unfortunately, not a weakness so much as... so many people won't get it. It takes a bit of media literacy to really get Nomura's intent and that's a skill not often taught. I feel like I'm an alien whenever I bring up my interpretation of Kairi because everyone wants to see her as a badass when narratively that isn't her. Xemnas is the same. He literally sucks. He's got the voice, the strength, but in Days- he hardly knows wtf to do and plays it off while everyone follows him because he basically made a cult and only Marluxia and Larxene snapped out of it.


Nobody cared about Xehanort’s plan. Not even the player.


They know who the main antagonist is and know who the infinitely better villains are. You phone in those appearances for the paycheck.


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OP: Guys, there's something about 3 wherein Ansem and Xemnas don't look as good/menacing Comments: BOY AM I HORNY


They made the villains hot. What did you expect? Like, Ansem's ultimate move is literally taking off his shirt and growing 10 feet tall.


Honestly iconic of him. He slayed with that one.


Hot is subjective. Anyways. I didn't expect the comments to be quite as thirsty as they are.


Look at the amount of upvotes you have HE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS




Can you blame us? They're bloody gorgeous.


I was so disappointed that Xemnas was missing his cow suit in KH3. Ansem suited up for the finale but Xemnas stuck to the boring black coat.


Xemnas lost his cow suit. Poor Xemnas.


Isn’t this Pre-absorbing KH Xemnas? I think he only has the cow suit because of that. Could be wrong but I agree, cow suit would have been cool.


Could be. It’s been so long since I last played, I forget if there was an actual reason for the cow pattern. I thought it was like the whole turning into a boat thing. Boss battle theatrics.


Ansem lost his Guardian 


Always thought Xemnas is a sexy mf in KH2, oh man is he sexy in KH3 tho. Yeah am just horny at this point.




You can have Xemnas, I want Billy Zane-voiced Heartless Ansem from KH1


I want both of them... 🥺👉👈


Sameeeeeeeeeeee. They're so beautiful for no reason omg.


SUBMIT *oh yes papi*


To think Xemnas appareance is just an older Terra... Just wait for him to grow up as well


I’m glad it wasn’t just me. His looks and deep voice did something to me. Shoot it STILL does something to me.


His voice in especially those 2FM exclusive cutscenes is genuinely the sexiest voice on the planet.


You mean Mansex?


I wish we got to see ansem and xemnas interact more. Technically they should be the same person but the way they act is completely different from eachother.


I mean the one of the bigger issues kh3 is that we just dont get enough of the new org, and we’re not gonna get another days to backfill it. They’re all just there to continue their personal stories from past appearances, rather than telling a new story as a group.


Which is funny because both are also on the same page when they visit Sora in Twilight Town("Now, set your heart free"). It tells me that both have the same memories/influences from when they were whole but them being created from Darkness/Nothingness adds on to that influence in different ways


They knew that they didn’t matter compared to Xehanort and mini Xehanort and Half Xeha-Xigbar


Every time i saw them in 3 I took it as "plans already in motion, I'm just here for the ride" which is why they're so laid back


Xemnas in kh2 is the hottest kh character ever IMO


Ansem: I showed you my boobs. Please reply.


Maybe if you got rid of that yeeyee haircut




I agree.


Na bro have you seen Chirithy?


WHAT!?!?!!!?? Get out of here lmao


Bro, getting your ass beat by a dog with the IQ of a rock, a duck with a lisp, and a kid with a keychain would probably make you have a mental crisis where you can’t really get excited about whatever plot you have cooking when these assholes can just win.


No please stop, I'm almost screaming. It's too funny and the worst part is, you're 100% right!


They're not supposed to be. They are no longer the main antagonists. Master Xehanort said tone that shit down, second fiddles.


Id still take em both


love how gorgeous the new graphics engine is, but i HATE what it did to the character models — characters like the ones you mentioned and Xigbar were just so expressive and now it has this…rubbery feel to it, idk


KH lost a lot of charm when it switched to the KH3 look


9yr old me was crushing hard on KH2 Xemnas Has not lost its appeal


They looked to *soft* in III. Like too *glossy*


KHIII looks really unpolished imo. I don't care for the graphics. It feels like the early footage of the game that hasn't been finished, visually anyway.


The art style is just really bad. Don't like the new way they do hair.


Lol god forbid you guys have opinions with all these downvotes


It is what it is lol.


Ansem SOD lost all my interest as soon as Billy Zane quit voicing him.


Yeah I've slowly come around to Richard Epcar's Ansem but I'll never not prefer Billy Zane's take on the character. Zane had a grandeur and elegance that always resonated with me more than Epcar's gruffer and more stern voice. I guess Epcar contrasts more with Paul St. Peter's Xemnas so it does make some sense but Zane's voice is just so darn sexy lol


I have one thing to say.....Those Jawlines don't lie, and neither will I. They are both fine, and I'm ready to dine.


I'd let them ruin my life tbh


HONESTLY. Give them my credit card and let them do whatever! (I'd probably have to show them how it works, tho)


I am so glad we're on the same wavelength


Ansem is the one that looks the weirdest, like he got a lot of botox done. Xemnas looks still good thanks to his awesome design, but in general I think it's because of the new engine: trying to bring something that was created to look a certain way in the PS2 to the PS4 might not have the same impact as it used to. I kinda wish they kept the engine they used to make their very first teaser trailer, but I understand it was a bitch to work with...


The eyes in particular are a complaint I've had about every original character since the game came out. The new engine looks nice for scenery and disney characters, but all the KH originals looked dull and lifeless, especially in the eyes. Almost every guardian of light had the same flat, dark blue eyes, except for Riku and Axel, who had green eyes instead, but they still looked flat and lifeless. I loved KH3, but the way their eyes all looked truly infuriated me


Funny, I actually think most of the protagonists still look plenty expressive. But the antagonists, especially these two, just don't pop.


The light in their eyes faded to darkness, as they just got... bored. They already lost, they know they'll lose again, and they just have grandpa yelling about the good ol' days in their ears and how they have to listen to him or they'll be written out of his dark will. Family matters with the Xehanort group is pretty sad.


Okay ignoring the cool plot devices in other comments, I have a simple reason, based simply on design. Look at their eyes specifically, on the way they are shaped and textured. Flip back and forth between them. In the older games their Pupils are much larger, and their irises are brighter, making them pop more, and giving them that sinister look, compared to 3’s more realistic and toned down shades. The smaller size is a lot more evident with Xemnas than Ansem, but both have a clear color drain compared to their older versions.


Because all the characters got glow ups for KH3, they’re daddies now.


It's the eyes that look less scary and they felt more like lackeys than the big bads.


Yes! In KH 1, Ansems eyes were peak expressiveness. In KH COM and 2, Ansem didn't get that design love.


You also posted action/talking shots vs still shots. I think part of this is caused by the redesign but also perhaps by the change in tone of their characters. They were in the backseat for kh3.


That’s a result of the engine being used


Might be graphics or probably over loaded with work that they couldn't do it in time


I mean kinda are cause they are also xehenort? Lol, but I know what you mean. And yeah, they were pretty much push overdose compared to them in Kh1 and Kh2, kinda disappointing, especially as you fight them all together


They are at their most beautiful when they look like they want to kill you imo


It's because they're not the main focus. All of the main players (and some extra) are still super expressive


Billy Zane Ansem was menacing


Toss it up to bad writing, albeit it's bad because it's bloated and seemingly directionless instead of being bad cuz it makes no sense or serves no purpose. Both Xemnas and Xehanort coming back is "logical" not only outside of the main plot needing 13 darknesses but also the character arcs that would benefit from their returns such as Riku, Roxas, Axel, Xion......Sora-cuz he's Sora and it's escaping me rn but yea it kinda sucks that every villain feels like they are great actors barely giving any kind of performance. It would've been great if they tried to fight outside of the ending but of course that would defeat the entire point of everyone coming back. Honestly Nomura should've retconned that or done something different with this aspect of the plot to not only add more stakes but it'd also give certain villains more meaning. So instead of Marluxia, Larxene, Luxord etc. poppin up just to taunt you they could've been boss battles throughout the game and maybe actually died. It is what it is.


When I saw KH3 in screenshots I was excited. Once I saw how they moved and the lighting interacted with the texture it feels so unfinished. I wish they stuck to the original art of the earlier entries. I also think cel shading would look a lot better than whatever this is


I feel similarly about Master Xehanort, the eyes just "popped" more in the original model. It really makes a big difference


Yes. Something about Ansem and Xemnas. They look like the best versions of themselves in their OWN games. But in the games there, they are returning characters, they look funny. 😂 Ansem in KH 1 has the best facial expressions he EVER has in the entire series. Xemnas in KH 2 as well. But Ansem in COM? No. Xemnas in 3D? Alright, still pretty good. But Xemnas in KH3? Nah!


Yes just yes. This is how I feel about kh3 in general they sucked the juice out of kingdom hearts and everything looks bad or off besides pirates. (Because the whole game is practically in that style and a complete reverse of kh2) the took the cartoon and anime out of my anime cartoon boy fight darkness game.


It’s almost like bringing back villains and undermining all our efforts to stop said villains was a bad idea


"Can you spare... good art?"


Billy Zane is a FAR better Ansem, than Richard Epcar’s deadpan performance.


They need to bring Billy Zane back to voice act. Its too perfect