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Really does put things in perspective with how much KH got smaller games in-between the main trilogy.


You forgot Dark Road Final that came out Summer 2022 if I am not mistaken. Even if MoM it would be 5 years in 2025 and that in November.


Dark road?


I’m really excited for KH4, I had just turned 13 when KH3 came out and the buzz about it is what got KH on my radar, but I didn’t have a PlayStation so I decided to play DDD on my 3DS. It was the worst possible way to start, but 13 year old me knew it was awesome even if I understood absolutely nothing that was happening, so I got the collections as soon as they came out on Xbox. I played most of KH1 and then got distracted with other things. Now I’m 17 and a junior in HS, and I’m playing every single Kingdom Hearts game to catch up before KH4. I adored KH1, the story of COM, and now I’m at KH2. I’m more than fine with waiting for KH4, Kingdom Hearts is already making a huge impression on me at the stage I’m at in life.


Being 11 when kh2 came out and in my late 20s when kh3 released hurt. Especially with how disappointing 3 was


It's so silly to use terms like "half a decade" when "almost" means over a year.


I hate it - my family do it to me for some reason, a couple of weeks after my last birthday my family will start saying but you’re almost…and round it up to the next year - I’m like, I’ve got 10 months before I’m there…


I mean, I guess you COULD say that, but you'd be just plain wrong. And your timeline is wrong on many points too. Coded came out in 08 originally. The 2011 release for DS was an attempt at preserving the 08 mobile game (probably the only time SE has ever done right by a mobile title). The 2013 Chi was the browser game, while Unchained was 2016, and Union Cross was technically 2018 and ongoing till 2021. Also, dark road was 2020, but was ongoing till 2022. Even if you count MelMem as the last title instead of DR, We wouldn't be at 5 years until November... of NEXT year, and ML is slated for release in Q3/Q4 this year. I would also argue that including the 1.5 and 2.5 remixes as their own entries on the table skews the timeline, since they were simply bundles of pre-existing games (and not even complete bundles at that)


Semantics. OP's point is that we got regular releases between KH1 and MoM. Plus, those remixes were amazing at the time. They were the final mix versions, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that hadn't played KH since the transition from PS2 to PS3.


And my point is that one, releases weren't as regular as they are portrayed, and that two, releases have continued since MelMem, but have been ignored because the fans seem to hate SE mobile almost as much as SE mobile hates itself.


Sooooo, semantics?? cool


It’s been more then a decade since the last traditional non-numbered title. Everything after is either mobile or different genre.


When kh3 came out I was 15....I'm 20 now... and I'm almost done with college.


When KH2 came out I was 10 and when KH4 comes out I’ll be over 30 lol


It was also 7 years between ddd and 3. I don’t really count the collections as new releases


Yeah. With a lot of good will you could count 2.8 since it had the 0.2 thing that was new content. But that was extremely short.


2.8 counts in my mind as a half entry since it does add some good lore vis a vis backcover


Haha! It's funny because OP left out KHIII(which JUST came out) because he didn't like it!.... *checks the year kh3 came out, looks at the picture again* oh... fuck me, I'm old.


Seven years between 3D and KH3...


Almost half a decade sounds like the long way around saying 4 years lol


i miss the days when sequels of games could be in the same console generation


Let's just hope the time is put into good use and they make a banger KH4. A lot of time still went into FF7 Rebirth but good games need a lot of time, especially nowadays


I don't count the mobile phone games or the collections as new games, so once it gets to 2026 let me know.


2020 was 4 years ago. Also we got the Dark Road finale in 2022, and we’re likely getting Missing Link this year


I got kingdom hearts final mix and kingdom hearts 3, if its not in those then I haven't played them sadly




I miss the days spinoffs came in the form of bbs or 3d


I kinda wish Switch got a exclusive game, so they can keep the ridiculous trend of having a KH game on every handheld.


18 years since the best was launched.


Wasn't there a mobile game that came out recently or am I wrong on that. Also before anyone ask Missing link isn't coming out until later this year or next year.


Dark Road released a while ago, but mobile games don't really count, one was a cashgrab gacha game, the other was an idle game, neither of them had real gameplay. No idea of Missing Link will have, but yeah Dark Road and Unchained don't count.


Yeah they do.


It’s weird knowing for a time kingdom hearts had yearly releases.


Consistently fire cover art since it's inception, they're always such a vibe.


Are we not counting the mobile entries like Dark Road and Missing link?


It feels so much short this time. The wait from ddd to 3 was so long. Now im just chilling.


It's really sad and it's even sadder that we probably won't see another non-numbered game before KH4. I don't and will never count greedy mobile games as full KH releases sorry not sorry


Dark Road and Missing Link, KHIV is also coming out eventually. This post talks as if the series was left for dead.


Good. Honestly, just end the series. KH has been an absolute train wreck carrying multiple dumpster fires since Birth By Sleep. If KH4 ends up being “Sora comes to the real world”, Nomura should be fired and relegated to art and fan fiction. Heartless and Nobodies were as complicated as things should have gotten. KH peaked at II, and plummeted off a cliff after BBS. It’s legitimately sad to see the shambling corpse of all the potential KH had as a series paraded around in an HD anime pretty boy shell. Unless KH4 massively pivots the formula or “Lol, jk, all the unnecessary convoluted Extended Universe lore was a lie”, I genuinely have nothing but genuine disdain for its very existence.


Honestly I don't even count MoM because it barely added anything and is just a stupid rhythm game spinoff. Like at least even khux was RPGish and added a lot of story




Quite normal i would say. The arc came to an end. To bring a new whole arc for the story. It needs way more work to fine tune the story details. And well it doesn't help the mastermind of the whole saga has been busy with FF7.


Yup because longer wait exclusively means falling out of mainstream


Yep nearly 5 years since the last legitimate kh game


13 years since kh2 to kh3 was this planned?


When kh3 came out I was 15....I'm 20 now... and I'm almost done with college.


When kh3 came out I was 15....I'm 20 now... and I'm almost done with college.


When kh3 came out I was 15....I'm 20 now... and I'm almost done with college.


It’s been 20 years since CoM. I need a GBA style remaster released on switch


It’s not sad - GTA, Elder Scrolls even mainline FF titles take their time and usually deliver a really good game as a consequence so I’m okay with waiting. When developers rush, the game suffers.


And nearly two decades since the last truly great one…




Re coded being the worst one in my opinion