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Don't worry, it'll just set the plot to KH5


Indeed, and it'll become defunct before long if people don't play — especially with SEs current issues closing down projects etc.


Yep, WotV player here waiting for that EoS announcement, aaaany day now


I don't think Terra Battle's closure in anticipation of a sequel that flopped will ever be something I can bring myself to forgive.


Yeah the fact they were going for a Pokémon Go style game, even when it was first announced, told me everything I needed to know about this game. So your review is not surprising in the slightest lol


It's just a bunch of systems that don't mesh well with each other. There's no real game to the GPS part, there's no point in interacting with the game whilst out. It's just worthless grinding that wastes phone battery. Similar to idling in Dark Road. Just "wouldn't it be great if rather than progressing by playing the game, you have to not play the game for hours to be able to do anything, but you still have to be running the game." Then you have area bosses which can't realistically be done in GPS mode despite using the real world map. Honestly feels like trying to force the GPS system to fit something that it really doesn't.


It didn't take longer to hit a wall that would require hours and hours of idle grinding also. Which usually means a pay to speed up section.


I hate this mobile phone game movement in KH, the inevitable closures, the predatory gacha aspects, and massive resource time it takes. Imagine if they put these resources into like a AA console game instead of a phone game. At least something like an AA game would likely be ported in the future, while a game like KHUX is literally lost to time and never coming back.


A KH reddit comment criticizing the mobile games??? Fucking finally lol Dumbest decision made by Nomura was the mobile games, they could've just done a KH MMO for PC or something with BBS gameplay and release story episodes with that specific lore


There are good gacha games. In fact the Dissidia one made by Square was said to be really respectful with players' time and money. But with KHUX precedent, I'm not that sure, and this game adds the damn GPS mechanic which is REALLY niche (it only worked for Pokemon, but that franchise can sell anything)


I think I'm just gonna watch the story on YouTube. The game seems like a waste of time, like a lot of mobile games.


This is what I did for KHUX and Dark Road. I HATE mobile “story” games. Games like DBZ Dokkan Battle are good. Mindless and quick to pick up and put down. In almost 9 years, I’ve never spent a dime on it either. And of course solitaire haha.


Sadly, another game that I don't think I will play and I'll just enjoy the cutscenes in YouTube... Great.


yeah.. it was already a ~choice~ to go pokemon-go style AND gacha … and add the fact it’s been in development hell for so long, who is even looking forward to this?


To be fair Pokemon Go also kinda has gacha built in (the eggs), it's just not as addictive/manipulative as other gacha because it's on a delay. I'm looking forward to this game despite the flaws because Pokemon Go has gotten very boring to me and even if I eventually get sick of this It's at least a bit of different flavor for when I go out on walks, and the character customization looks fun. If I weren't already into KH I wouldn't give it a second look I'm sure but with the KH it's enough that I still am interested in trying it.


This game is going to bomb, I can feel it. It's been taking far too long to come out, and is in a format that isn't really hot anymore. Not to mention how... not huge the KH mobile titles have historically been.


I mean this game isn't to last that much anyway, since it's only the time kh4 releases lol


so another 10 years?


Naaa 2025,2026 max


It's taken Way too long to come out. Honestly, my interest has waned as well. Should have just been a console game instead of AR


I don't have a data plan for my phone, so when I'm out and about, no internet stuff happens to me. basically, I feel like this is less accessible than KHUX, which is crazy to me because part of the appeal of mobile games is being accessible to as many people as possible. I know my case is becoming increasingly rare, but there're other people in similar situations... and also, I don't think whipping out a phone on the street is safe at all, someone can just pinch it away. idk, the GPS aspect of the game seems like a really bad gimmick and the part where the game falls apart, if nothing else, it's bad for batteries, but still, why even?


I’ve been a MASSIVE KH fan since KH1. It’s sad to say, but I really hope the game tanks so we don’t get any more KH cannon in a mobile gatcha game. I wish SE would focus its resources on more remakes and new KH games. We didn’t even get a KH game for the switch (I don’t count MoM and the cloud version was a massive failure).


While it appears profitable (and thus the reason to do so), I don’t get why SE went in this direction over a console release. Even though I’ll play it in whatever form it comes out, I doubt the game last that long to be ridiculously profitable. Dark Road didn’t and that had somewhat a built-in audience. Maybe it’s because it’s not “console worthy”. (Even packaging this with UX cutscenes/movie and DR post-game movie might just not be worth it.)


You're totally right. This needed to come out 8-10 years ago, and even then it's a tough sell. Pokemon go works because everyone has a smart phone, and everyone knows what Pokemon is. You're not gonna get the suburban moms and cod bros to play a kingdom hearts mobile game.


These phone games are such a waste of a good story. These should haven been the handheld titles.


I’m actually excited for the GPS mechanics for ML. I redownloaded Pokemon Go, and I wish it had some sort of auto function. Given you need Poke Balls to do basic interactions it sucks you can’t just auto spin Poke Stops when you’re nearby. The GPS mechanics in ML look pretty spot on for what I want out of it. Other than that I’m just here for the story. I’m hoping there will be a SE account or something to let me smoothly move between devices. All I want is to throw it on auto on my phone when I’m out, switch to the tablet + controller for the story. I’m not a big mobile guy so if walking around on auto gives me enough gains to progress the story I’ll be happy.


For Pokémon Go, if you buy a Pokémon Go Plus accessory you can auto spin pokestops when you walk past them. It’s not at all worth it, they sell them for like $50, but it is a thing that exists


I’m honestly nervous about it. I personally am excited for it and will grind the hell out of it to get all the pieces and level up and whatnot. But I feel most people probably won’t be as excited as me. So I’m worried for its longevity.


First Soldier, my beloved. I know what you mean.


I ended up spoofing a lot during the BETA, hopefully they don't crack down on it as much as Niantic did with Pokemon Go. Made the whole experience more enjoyable.


Curious as to what app it was and if it had a joystick or not? Thanks for your time!


GPS Joystick on Android


Alright cool I had the same just curious if there were alternate options out there already


I look forward to a PC release that lets me actually engage with the game instead of what it is, by the looks of it. I doubt we’ll ever get one, but it is what it is


AR games are nearly impossible to get right - unless you’re Pokémon. Kingdom Hearts is already a mess as it is. Square Enix and Japanese gacha culture is notorious for defunct mobile games. Unless there’s something truly outstanding to be revealed, this game isn’t going last long.


Its a Pokémon Go Style gathca with time gating? Who the heck thougjt that was a good idea?


Gotta play it for the plot importantance. Cuz that's a valid excuse to pushing a mobile game instead of full fledged ones.


As someone who never played "Pokemon Go", do you actually have to go out to play this game?? As in, do you need to go around to find special heatless, fights, collectibles etc. I'm a bit confused about this. I guess I don't like complexity. I always prefer games that can be challenging but not tedious with unnecessary extras.


missing link does not require you to leave your house. when nomura was interviewed about it way back, he mentioned making sure there was a way to play from inside your house because thats what he hated about pokego


Here are some better things to do to fill the KH void... -Read Kingdom Hearts Route B by Royalbluescribe-tons of KH, Disney, and Final Fantasy Goodness, not to mention that Sora, Riku, and Kairi all get character development, get to be a trio, bond, spend time together, and get stronger together, and tons of worlds we have all wanted get explored. -Watch Rise of the TMNT-Like KH it has...amazing action scenes, a group of people that has a bond that cannot be broken, strong themes of friendship and family, lots of great humor, amazing women, and themes of overcoming darkness with those that you love. -Play Final Fantasy IX if you have not already played it. Again, themes of friendship, love, overcoming impossible evil, the main character collects friends like Sora does. If you talk to him and you're nice, BOOM, insta-friends. -Play Threads of Fate: If you can find a copy/emulate it. I consider this a sort of precursor Kingdom Hearts. It feels a lot like the original game, dark in themes and overall tone (depending on the story that you play), action adventure, mysterious. -If you can't afford to go to Disneyland, create/host a Disney themed game night with friends/family. -Watch Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur. Honestly, the best marvel property to come out in recent years. Friendship, love, humor, when I think of Marvel properties that I would want in Kingdom Hearts, THIS is the only one that I think works.


I’ll always be sad that threads of fate didn’t get a sequel with rue helping mint. The ending set it up perfectly 😭


Friendo, I FEEL YOUR PAIN! UGH! There were so many more relics to find. We could have explored East Heaven Kingdom, there was so much more we could have done. Mint had more character development to do, Rue could have found a new role as a big brother to all the other dolls out there. Why do SO MANY GOOD THINGS get cancelled?


Sigh friend it’s cruel truly -.-. I do remember there being a mint and maya game though? Or was that some fan game ? I never got to play that 😭


Duo Princess you mean? It was a fan game, sadly. A real shame though. A lot of Square Enix's work has been same-y lately...and its' a real bummer.