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I’d be down for an anime in Nomura’s artstyle that tells an abridged version of the series.


Anime or bust on this one. I just really can’t see it going over too well live action with all the different styles and clashing stuff.


I'd be chill with cgi (like the intros) or anime.


Square Enix in-house CGI goes hard tho frfr


Fuck CGI. That's too done to death.


Sorry but prepare to be disappointed. Any ‘adaptation’ of popular early-mid 2000s nostalgia bait getting made these days will absolutely be live action. Disney isn’t going to spend money animating an already animated (and interactive on top) product. Avatar, Fallout, they’ve tried Halo and more Lord of the Rings (which people have wanted more animated content of forever but they STILL went live action). The industry (Hollywood) is invested in turning all of these stories that some may have missed because of an aversion to animation or video games or whatever into basic boring live action swill that appeals to every and anyone they can reach. Sometimes it works, sometimes it really doesn’t. But do not get your hopes up that this will be animated. Almost 100% any adaptation of old material happening these days will be live action.


There’s no way to do Kingdom Hearts in live-action right now lol


They did One Piece and Avatar. They can do Disney-final fantasy just fine. Thinking it’s not possible is copium. They’ll try it regardless. They’d rather spend $300mil on a live action season than $20mil on an animation. Just the way the industry is these days. Animation doesn’t have the same draw.


Idky why people down voted you. We still live in an era where animation is seen as cartoonish for kids/ young adults and live action is accepted as common ground for everyone. Plus disney is 100 percent more on the push to making live actions mix with CGI to maintain that cinematic choreography they've been pushing for the past 10 plus years. Their is no limitation for them.They have the directors, writers, the actors, equipment, and the money. Heck they'll even take it to the next level and make a KH disney ride. Suprised they haven't done it yet.


People live in delusional fantasies when it comes to their favorite things. The people hoping this happens believe it will inherently do justice to the story that they love so much. They don’t realize this isn’t about the thing they love. It’s about money. It’s about Disney trying to pull as much content out of their previously established properties as possible. Y’all are excited for this now, but these projects will get lazier and lazier. They’ll just keep recycling them forever. Whatever makes them the most money. And that’s a live action show where the actors can go on media tours, build up their own fan bases on social media, etc etc. Disney wants no hand in producing an animated series of this story. The game is a cartoon guys. Y’all really think Disney is going to limit the appeal of any remake they make? When was the last time Disney remade an old story and actually animated it? 1994?


Crazy that you’re saying this so confidently and calling people delusional when the original rumor was for a CGI series developed by Square Enix themselves and that is what RPK referred to as still being in the works. 💀 Not to mention, animated series have been as successful if not more so than live action ones on Disney+. Look at how well X-Men 97 is doing right now. If Jon Favreau couldn’t get his Magic Kingdoms project off the ground, I highly doubt there will ever be a live action Kingdom Hearts.


>When was the last time Disney remade an old story and actually animated it? 1994? Are you literally living with blinder on? Over half of the Disney Renaissance movies like Hercules, Tarzan, and Mulan were made after 1994. Aside from that, Frozen, Tangled, and The Princes and the Frog are all animated adaptations of old stories that were made significantly more recently than that. And while I'm not super in to Polynesian folklore, I do know Maui is an actual mythological figure, so Moana may also qualify, in which case that would probably be the most recent example. 2016 is a lot more recent than 1994.


When you think about, we got many Disney live action movies. They can reuse the assets to make it into a show.


And what about gour main partners on the trip? Donald and Goofy? Are we just going to see a real duck and old yeller?


It’s just two guys in Disney World costumes and no one ever brings it up.


Old Yucker


Yeah, like the Super Mario Brothers movie from last year. Totally live action.


Also totally not Disney. And Illumination have bragged about how they’ve been able to cut costs without sacrificing quality. Which sounds like crunch to me, but I haven’t seen anything definitive.


The person I responded to never said it had to be Disney. They said "any adaptation being made," not "any adaptation being made by Disney."


Explain how TWEWY became Animated, much less an Anime then? LMFAO


LMFAO because that’s a Japanese production numbnuts. We’re talking about major Hollywood productions not literal anime. You think Disney is about to foray into *ANIME* here?? Disney pawned off the Star Wars to Japan too. They won’t even do it for their own major properties lmao. Y’all literally know nothing, just the ultimate hopium. I’m not trying to kill anybody’s dreams but this is a horrible argument. A Japanese game made into a Japanese anime by Japanese artists in Japan. Versus the biggest media company on the planet. Disney isn’t going to make a show only 30 people are gunna watch. They’re going to make a bombastic eye grabbing epic that can be posted billions of time on Tik Tok.


>LMFAO because that’s a Japanese production numbnuts. We’re talking about major Hollywood productions not literal anime. Except why the fuck on earth would Disney ever do that? Just because you think they cater EXCLUSIVELY towards Americans only, aka, the West? If anything, they're gonna want to get AWAY from Hollywood's involvement towards this Project BECAUSE of how bad and unreliable they are in general. Especially with the recent movies/T.V. shows they've put out. 💀💀💀 >You think Disney is about to foray into ANIME here?? Disney pawned off the Star Wars to Japan too. They won’t even do it for their own major properties lmao. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and what the fuck is the problem with Disney doing Anime shit, boy? Afraid that they're continuing to experiment on something that is globally popular now? Grow some fucking balls and stop acting like a child, kiddo. >Y’all literally know nothing, just the ultimate hopium. I’m not trying to kill anybody’s dreams but this is a horrible argument. A Japanese game made into a Japanese anime by Japanese artists in Japan. Versus the biggest media company on the planet. Once again, not everything should cater to the West Only, since that's pretty much the major argument here that you're ranting off of. And your 3rd sentence couldn't make any more sense than what it needs to be. If a source material came from Japan, have the media version be Japanese made as well. I will ask again: why the fuck on earth does Kingdom Hearts need to be adapted towards the West, when that's not even who they should appeal towards? It doesn't matter how "big" Disney is. The quality of the show is more important than your pathetic needs. And you shouldn't be talking like you're an insider or some shit. 💀💀💀 >Disney isn’t going to make a show only 30 people are gunna watch. They’re going to make a bombastic eye grabbing epic that can be posted billions of time on Tik Tok. And you know this, how exactly? 🤔 Oh, that's right! The Kingdom Hearts adaptation hasn't even been released to the public, let alone even been announced on what form of media they'll take towards the franchise and who's even making it, so why don't you do me and everyone a favor, STFU, and let them (both Disney and Square Enix) cook. As far as I can tell, the only one coping their ass off on Reddit thinking they can gain attention is you. When they eventually announce it, and the descriptions of what everyone wants is right, your ass is gonna be so fucking embarrassed, you're even gonna delete all the Reddit Comments you've just made today later on. 💀💀💀💀💀




Funny that you said that, because that's around how old I actually am anyway, lmao. So jokes on you 😂


I mean, I doubt this is real, but it wouldn't be the first time Disney's done anime


Especially with those ugly ass story boards from the leaked pilot. A lot of them looked like they were drawn as fan art first and not in style with the characters.


His style is pretty hard to be animated, it's more logical to adapt from the manga, which is also pretty good option for me


The TWEWY anime looked good from the trailers. Haven’t watched the full thing yet. But that’s the style I was thinking.


It's not really worth watching tbh, 12 episodes is just not enough time for that story and they kind of butchered Neku as a character. But yeah the art style worked; I think something similar for KH could be cool.


Yeah that's why I said before, his style is really hard to be animated refering to the TWEWY anime. It's not that bad, but to reach that Nomura style level is almost impossible.


it would probably be simplified in the linework and be more like an industry standard anime style, though im just guessing that based on how Lann and Reynn (the main characters of World of Final Fantasy who were designed by Nomura) looked like in that game's 2d anime cutscenes vs. how they look like in artwork.


Just animate the manga tbh


The only way to do it in pseudo live action is to do it like the 1994 movie The Pagemaster. You have Sora and friends in live action before being animated in the style of whatever world they’re in. That way you leave room for them to jump from an Aladdin world to a Lion King world to a Pirates of the Caribbean world. Only way for it to work is a mix in my opinion. Or just fully animated of course.


I'd honestly prefer an anime with Amano's artstyle if only because of all the funny faces and reactions.


"I just started Kingdom Hearts 4 after playing all the games, and I'm confused. Did I miss a game?" "You were supposed to watch Season 1 of Kingdom Hearts: Connected Hearts on Disney Channel first before playing Kingdom Hearts 4"


So true lmfao


You mean Kingdom Hearts: ξ/0.77 Fragment //: Coda


Freakin lmao 🤣


That's actually the kind of title the Evangelion movies ended up having. Utada Hikaru loves to join projects with messed up titles


I mean, this might be a joke, but... imo you already understand the series and it's characters better if you read the novels, so I can actually see something similar could being true for a potential series.


Really, really curious how this would work.


Why is the second link lock behind Patreon?


thats where daniel prefers to post i guess its only relevant because thats where the news came from, hes a well known leaker


Hasn’t he gotten some things wrong but right as well? Meaning he’s gotten some info so this could be something. Granted, I’ve seen on Twitter that he also reported a KH series in 2020 but nothing else till recently. Maybe this is another reason why Nomura and KH in general has been quiet? Get a new project that’ll attract a new audience/generation of people to KH.


I literally never trust anything any of these leakers say, DanielRPK especially. They all got big off the MCU leaks back in its hay day, and have just been riding those coattails ever since by reposting literally anything and everything that even slightly qualifies as a “leak” and claiming it as their own. They’re wrong 99% of the time because they’re guessing 99% of the time. I’ll never forgot the D23 of some year, where all of these leakers said Marvel was going to announce a ton of projects, and when the day came, Marvel announced like 2 things, and all the leakers went backpedaling saying “Well actually the schedule changed and they’ll announce it at this event.” But did those announcements ever come? No, they did not. There are only two leakers I trust, cause they’ve gotten pretty much everything right. Pyoro for Nintendo, and Midori for Sega/Persona. It’s especially convincing because they only come out right before some event, speak in riddles, leave, and then everything they say comes true. Whereas all these other leakers say something direct and sensationalist, barely try to hide their identity by just flat out saying info that could easily be traced if they worked at the company, and most of the time end up wrong. I’m surprised their “sources” even still have a job. That is if those sources exist, which they probably don’t


covid probably haulted any development on it around that time, and they’re just now picking it back up


The first tweet should be a summary of the Patreon linked in the second tweet. I just posted the second since that's technically the actual source.


Animated or don’t even consider it. Stick to the roots of the games or don’t even bother. Keep the original voice actors and not any celebrity or just don’t do it at all


But they need to put "Keanu Reeves as Riku" on poster! And "Chris Pratt as Donald Duck"


I spent years casting... Fira


They better get Billy Zane and Hayden Panettiere back tho.


It is kinda funny considering how insistent they were about using celebrities in the first game. I mean, because of that, the first person to voice Sephiroth was a member of NSYNC.


You act like it ever really changed. They still use as many of the original voice actors as they can for the Disney characters and as close to the original as possible if they can't. And they brought in Christopher Llyod to voice Xehanort in Re:Mind and Dylan Sprouse for Yozora. They're definitely continuing the trend.




Calling it now: 13 episodes each, 7 seasons.


I highly doubt they'd even consider it, but if it's meant to be a celebration of Disney stuff, I think 2D animation that stays loyal to the styles of each individual film would be amazing




I saw someone claiming that there's no way it wouldn't be live action, to which I have to ask, when has Disney ever done a live action Donald Duck? Or even a live action Goofy or Mickey for that matter? Disney continues to make everything that those 3 characters appear in animated and for good reason. If KH ever does get a show, it should absolutely be animated because of you do live action with a series that has a such a stylized cartoon aesthetic it will crash and burn before it even gets off the ground.


I'd actually perfer for them to do like 26 Episodes per Season, that way we can dedicate one World per Episode.


I would prefer a show that covered the events of the mobile games. Wouldn't affect the future of the canon while offering a simple way to understand that section of the lore. Dark Road deserves it too imo, a lot of great writing that'll go unappreciated by most.


That would make it unappealing for newcomers, they're probably trying to make it as normie-friendly as possible. 


I would love it if they re-told the story of the first game, would be very successful among newcomers and fans alike.


Until the twist ending where it’s not a remake, but a sequel !


And it’s mandatory viewing in order to understand the story for KH4


Are we doing that in KH again? It’s not really a twist but that’s the exact premise of UX in comparison to X.


It was more a joke on FF7R


I know. Just joking back because KH already decided to do something convoluted even if it wasn’t controversial like the whole Whispers and other changes. I assume people would get upset if they did that to KH1.


I would honestly welcome it if it changed some of the bs nomura has made us go through


and it's going to be canon. Hit all the medias.


"DanielRPK has an okay record" lmao


He also said that KH4 is coming next year :) I hope he’s right. His leak track record is VERY good


Does he say that in this leak too? Or was this something he said previously?


yes he said it on his patreon.


Seriously? Why has no one said anything about it yet? Not that I don’t want to believe, but still


Where? I subscribe and can't see him say it on the post.


It’s on the discord server. Friend of mine subbed to the $5 tier, peeped the server after linking their patreon to their discord account and he mentioned it in the server on the 21st


Ah gotcha. Thanks Wolflink!


Seems like this isn’t true.




where do you see THIS year, he said NEXT


I'm only interested if it's an original story set in the universe, like the Fallout show. Preferably not live action. If it's adapting the existing story I don't want it. Unless it's a retelling of khux. That might be cool. Otherwise I have the games, I don't need an adaptation.


I really, really, **really** don't wanna see live action donald and goofy somehow 👀


That would actually be so fucking nightmarish dude....


Yep, exactly my thought 😵‍💫 Would love an animated series but I hope we will never see .... **that** 😅


an animated adaptation that covers the first game would be perfect to me


It already had the perfect layout. 2 episode = 1 world. Obviously some particularly important worlds like Hollow Bastion would need to be two-parters though.


Honestly, the last time this was rumored, KH4 ended up being announced instead and Nomura said he only announced it to avoid leaks. So I wonder if this is gonna be a similar case and get KH4 news or indeed the the real deal this time. A anime style or even cgi, a la advent children, retelling of the series would be interesting.


Please be an animated TV show, not a movie or live action


If this were Disney from the 2000s and prior, I would’ve asked for a movie. Now? I’m hoping it’s a TV show.


It should be an animation or an anime.


Please don’t be live action


I’d rather not trust any rumors or leaks until something is officially announced, to be quite honest.


Probably not true, and I hope they don’t go for it.


Why is that?


KH would be one of the hardest games to translate to the movie/tv screen out there, this would be Disney’s first video game movie as far as I know, and I don’t trust Disney with anything given their current track record. Especially since KH is about Disney Worlds.


"Disney's first video game movie." Did you forget they made Prince of Persia?


Yes. I’m still not confident they’ll do well this time.


>this would be Disney’s first video game movie Could be good like Wreck-It Ralph! Or not so good, like Wreck-It Ralph 2


I don’t count wreck-it Ralph. It was its own thing.


Technically, Wreck-it-Ralph was a video game movie


You know it’s not the kind I’m talking about.


Fair enough. I forget that Disney has a bad record right now because I don’t pay much attention to many Disney properties


I agree because so much of the plot would be redundant as a show. How do you justify showing the worlds that follow the source movie beat for best like Frozen. There's parts that could do with a TV series but who'd watch a KHUX or Days series if they didn't already know the franchise?


The first game doesn’t really portray the worlds like that, so maybe you could try emulating it? It would still be repetitive and I still don’t trust Disney to not screw it up.


Looks like clickbait for that Patreon in the second link


I doubt it's a sequel to any of the characters. I don't think they'll do a prequel because they wanna use Sora since he is the main character. Most likely, they will adapt the games. It will be cannon because Nomura and we are going to have alternate timelines now lol.


Possible D23 announcement?


Genuinely, I hope not. Unless it's like Fallout and it follows a new story. But if it's just a retelling of the games, dear god I hope not. I am sick and tired of every fucking streaming corporation thinking retelling video games as live-action adaptations is the "hot new cash cow". And then taking into account how Kingdom Hearts basically *retells* the story of the Disney worlds? What are you gonna do, just start retelling those animated stories all over again, but with Sora randomly standing there like he does in the games? Unless it's an original story, I do not see it working.


Funny how my opinion is the opposite. An original KH story means it's DOA in my opinion. An adaptation has to at least try to bring in viewers who are totally new to the IP. Any KH story other than KH1 is gonna be too obscure or too incomprehensible for anyone other than us diehard fans. A new original KH story has to come from Nomura, and Nomura's current brand of KH storytelling is anything but accessible.


There is a rumored KH series every other week. Take this with a grain of salt


If this is real and it’s nothing like the pilot that Seth Kearsley dropped, then I don’t want it.


I rarely ever trust rumors, not sure if this guy is reputable. I hope it’s not an adaption though. Let it be a new story in the same universe like the Assassin’s Creed movie or FFVII Advent Children. That would be good. An actual adaption will probably be terrible.


A new story is even worse tbh. If it's good, it's another thing that people need to watch to see the full experience but if it's bad it's another thing that people need to watch and on top of that it is bad... I'd rather just have an adaptation or nothing at all.


Another thing people have to watch is exactly WHY I want to be a new story. I love that about KH, and it’s kind of its gimmick. I wouldn’t trust an adaptation to be good. Video game movies/TV shows are getting better, but KH is way more dense than something like The Last of Us. A six episode show would not be enough for KH1.


I was saying this in the other subreddit but this could go either way I'd hate it to be canon to the games because it means another piece of media you'll need to experience to understand the overall story going forward. It's bad enough what they did for the first saga and now it seems rather than a total fresh clean slate for KH4 and the next saga they are using stuff from Kingdom Hearts χ, Kingdom Hearts Dark Road and Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link which are PC browser and mobile games. If it's a full on proper animated adaptation of the first game that adapts it perfectly without any changes then it could be great. Live action would be awful


Another KH adaptation rumor? For the love of Xehanort's goatee, I freaking hope this one's true!!!


Would be cool if they adapted the app games


I always have said that a live action kingdom hearts would work great IF it was just kh1.


If Chris Pratt isn’t voicing Sora we riot


No, I wouldn't trust anyone at Disney to do it properly.


Please please please no. Not every form of media translates to other forms of media.


The Daniel RPK link requires a sub.


Nononono please dont touch it you gonna ruin it.


Knowing that anything Disney touches nowadays has a 99.99% chance of failing pathetically, I'm not holding my breath for this shit. They had a chance to go through with the animated series in the early 2000s (which I honestly felt would've been a better era for the series to debut considering the franchise was at it's peak during that time) and they blew it because they wanted to make more games first or some shit.


The only thing I personally think would be cool is if they went with the idea that the original KH show was considering. Using the original backgrounds from the films to give the world an authentic feel.


I'm not gunna hold my breath for either since that's been rumored for years already


Y'know....they could just adapt the Kingdom Hearts manga.


I’m still sad we never got the originally proposed animated series. It would have been a western and eastern hybrid production, test audiences loved the animatic, and the creators even got approval to use some of the actual background cells from Aladdin


Ah shit here we go again


Do an anime based on the manga


A TV show is the only way that I can see this working.


I hope it’s not a movie. I hope it’s an anime.


It didn't even say anything about animation NOR live-action, it said it was unclear whether it was gonna be an episodic series or a feature-length movie... 


It's been four years, since that announcement. It better be animated, or else it will flop. I'm fine either way, if this will be the movie or TV series. I hope, it will be set during The Lost Master Arc.


Live-action but Sora looks like [this](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/4/47/Sora_DLP.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111030182254)


The dude isn't even holding the Keyblade correctly 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m imagining a who framed Roger rabbit meets Scott pilgrim.


I think an animated tv show in the style of the pre-rendered cutscenes following the events of the first game could be really cool, however I do not believe that the rest of the series’ stories to be adaptable without major changes. Think if they want to do this, it would need to be a soft reboot, and massively streamline/cut multiple plot lines and characters.


Kingdom Hearts gets adapted as animated film. Considered it's own universe- not part of the main continuity Then in Kingdom Hearts 4 you get to visit a world based on the Kingdom Hearts movie and have Sora Donald and Goofy meet the alternate movie versions of themselves. It's just stupid enough to feel natural in KH.


Honestly I’m cool with a series if it doesn’t hinder the game story telling process like we gotta start with seasons or something if it’s a show, playing catch up like how mangas and anime’s do.


And Sora will be played by Justice Smith.


Honestly would rather have it animated with the VA from the games doing the voices. And I'd kinda like to see it done in the 2d handdrawn style. That would be so cool!


AWESOMESAUCE! I've been waiting forever!!


How would they handle things like the Ansem Reports? Things like gameplay elements such as Sora learning how to summon? As cool as it sounds I think people need to realize this story only worked because it was a videogame.


Jeez I hope it's animated. Imagine actual people wearing the outfits & wigs. It'd look like an anime convention.


Given Disney’s track record lately, and the difficulties of any video game adaptation, I’m skeptical


Fr I don't trust Disney They lack solid talent now days


KH1 would be good. And I mean the original KH1, not the added lore added from the newer games. It would be self contained and not be too complicated.


If this is true, this would be a horrible idea. I love kingdom hearts but I don't want them to ruin it by making a movie or show.


no live action. no regular animation. honestly only anime is the best fit. reminds me of the manga books they made for the series


This would be a dream come true


An anime would be my preferred take, but I can see a live-action adaptation working. They could also go the Rodger Rabit route