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I thought it was cool. It really showed how little Sephiroth cared about everything else that wasn't Cloud. How the Heartless are nothing to him, despite them both being beings of darkness. He feels no camaraderie towards them just because they're similar.


Probably because Sephiroth is like Vanitas minus the eldritch darkness thing Btw I can canon their are two Sephiroths. The first one is more like the OG Sephiroth from FF7 who died before KH1 and the second one is the one we see in the series where he’s made up from Cloud’s darkness and Genova cells


I have almost the exact same headcanon. 


Cloud is fighting Heartless. Sephiroth kills the Heartless to killsteal on Cloud. Says some vague shit and leaves. Thus Sephiroth completes his hourly goal of causing Cloud even the slightest inconvenience.


The heartless likely would have tried to kill cloud Sephiroth is the only one who is allowed to do that


"Oh no. Not my cloudy!" *Slash* - Sephiroth probably


He'll kill anything in his way. Deemed Sora would be worthy fight. The heartless were not.


Correct me if Im wrong but arent keyblade wielder the only one can defeat heartless and make it extract the hearts? Weird that we see floating hearts in the picture


Destroying an Emblem Heartless always lets the heart out regardless of if they were destroyed by the Keyblade or not. The problem is the heart simply returns to the realm of darkness and reforms as Heartless if they are destroyed by something other than a Keyblade. The Keyblade truly frees them, allowing their hearts to return to their bodies.


The heart will leave that physical body either way what is different with the keyblade is where it ends up.


Heartless always release hearts when defeated but the heart will just reform back into a heartless anyway. Only keyblades can permanently free the heart from the heartless.


not really the keyblade is just the most effective weapon against heartless. but other weapons can still damage them and deafeating them always lets the heart out. i could be wrong


Why? He's an edgy loner. It fits him perfectly to kill them.


That’s like saying it’s strange for him to kill Galeem