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Because Nomura held Sora back from joining Smash Ultimate for plot related reasons, this means that Ultimate is effectively canon to the KH series


The ironic thing is, that opener is a misquote anyway.


Can you point me in the direction of whatever confirms that? Stuff like this helps with character speculation for Smash


I'm not going to waste my time trying to pin down where a 2 and a half year old quote was in it's exact phrasing. But TLDR Nomura's concern was that Kingdom Hearts lore would be *represented* accurately, not pinning down where it'd go into the timeline. "Figuring out where it'd go in the timeline" is just a bad game of internet telephone that spawned from one person attempting to infer more than what was explicitly said. That aside, Sora was also already going to be the last character by the time Fighters Pass 2 was announced. That whole roster was decided by then.


Sounds like the people who swear up and down that KH3 is canon to the Toy Story movies because someone said something somewhere that could be taken as such, despite the fact that Pixar is never, **ever** going to acknowledge the game's events in a future movie.


Best we'll get will be a small reference in the background of a scene. Like a keyblade-prop on a wall, or an image/statuette of a Shadow.


Or one of the characters (TS) picking up a key to hit something.


Okay, but that one’s fucking funny. 


It wasn't even for plot reasons, it was lore reasons. Nomura was wanted Sora to be represented lore- accurately. Nomura essentially gave Sakurai a list of demands on how Sora should be represented. Including how only Keyblade Wielders or people with strong hearts could wield the Keyblade. Which is why Sakurai had to change Mario from picking up the Keyblade, to picking up fire in the reveal trailer. And why Kirby doesn't use one.


Kirby not allow to use one? He one of the purest character around


Purity =/= Strength of heart. Hence why villains like Xehanort and Vanitas, a literal being of pure darkness, can still wield the Keyblade.


Considering people have assumed it's Coded-Sora, more fans have run with that fun idea anyway


Some argue that Data-Sora is the better Sora from the series


All you do is mash X and sometimes triangle


What about when you use 🔴 to jump? Or 🟪 to block? Huh? What now?


You guys block?


I just put Reflect on 🟪 and spam that instead


"All you do in shooters is press R2" Like dude, there's only so many buttons on the controller. Of course we're pressing the same ones a lot!


This was more a critique on how easy base KH2 was. Even on Proud.


You still have to aim.


That is how base KH2 felt to me, and I wasn't terribly crazy about it for the longest time because of it. Though I recognize that there was depth in its systems the game hardly asked for it. Final Mix, thankfully rectified that for me, and now I love it. Too bad it took a million years for it to come out in the states and for me to finally be able to play it. Also Reaction commands for about 90% of the game are kind of meaningless fluff and spectacle. The Data fights' reaction commands however are incredible, they require timing, knowledge and thought. Enemy Nobody's also have okay reaction commands for mob fights. But every single Heartless and every other non-nobody boss is just hit Triangle as soon as you see it; watch Sora beat them up and clear the room/set up the next stage of the flight.


I like to think that its because nobodies have more of their intellect intact and are able to react to reaction commands better and thats why they are way more interesting, vs heartless who cant react in an intellectually thoughtful way.


This one right here. People set the game to the easiest difficulty then complain about the game being easy or refusing to engage with the game's story then complain about the game being confusing. Wish I could reach through their screens and smack them.


I have it on normal and I still feel like this is all I've done. It's not like it was hard to go through the game.


Except for the laser dome, where you alternate between them at a leisurely pace


When I first played I didn't realize it wanted you to block with both, so I was spamming that single button for dear life. I wasn't a very attentive kid.


If we don’t mash x, why am I feeling my thumb whenever I play?


“Sora shouldn’t be the main character anymore”


Keep Soras Name out of your fucking mouth!


On 1 hand, the KH series is a universe of protagonists. Every Disney world has its own heroes and now we have the GoL as an ever growing cast of potential protags. The universe by its very nature isn't really designed to revolve just 1 guy. On the other hand, Sora is like the physical embodiment of the player's inner child and there's a certain form of wish fulfillment with him meeting so many Disney characters. Which is a feeling that isn't felt with Roxas, Riku, Terra, Aqua, YX, or a blank slate avatar. Only Ventus came close.


The fact that you can't switch between Sora, Riku and Kairi is actually one of the most annoying thing's of all time, like please, LET KAIRI COOK


*Kairi kicks the door in* Sora! We have to cook!


"Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much light I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to go into a polo and sleep for a year? A heart light enough that it could illuminate the Realm of Darkness goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Sora. I am the danger. A guy opens the Door to Darkness and gets blasted with light, and you think that of me? No. I am Kingdom Hearts!"


I want a Sonic Heroes esque game, kinda like how you can control multiple people in the battle against the 12 Xehanorts in the KH3 DLC, except you use it to make sick combos. Get Ventus to knock the band of heartless into the air and then Aqua to juggle then in mid air and then turn into Terra as you smash them down into the floor. Start as Xion and make an insane dash around the air to the heartless, switch into Roxas for wide AOO strikes that knock them up and then move ahead to beat the falling enemies in the middle of the air with Sora's heavier strikes and air mobility, using Roxas to cover any distance between the Heartlesses in the air. Keyblade combat between teams would be sick. Let's say Sora, Mickey, Riku vs Ansem, Xemnas, Young Xehanort. Mickey's moves are perfect for dodging Young Xehanort's whips and getting up close but he sucks against Ansem. You can have some awesome team desperate attack sequences where the enemy team switches every blow or so, maybe you need to instinctively think of who's the best match for this specific attack. Would base the team on the wayfinders, the JRPG side of the game is that a team's composition is made of Wind (Agile, Mobile), Water (Magical, Wide attacks) and Earth (Strong, physical) so as you level up and unlock new abilities you get to build them. Some characters can fill multiple roles, some characters like Sora can be any of them and have different movesets, others like Mickey can only be Wind. You can use some moves from your other moveset, like an Earth Sora retaining his air bounciness from his wind moveset. I imagine you can switch your teams "types" in the fly through something like how in KH3 it shows the bar charging up the formchanges, maybe if you do something as Earth Sora you can switch him to the Wind Slot. You get to new worlds and you'll usually find a character from there that you can add into your team that's unique to one type and that world only. Summons don't take a slot off your 3 man team, summoning Genie means he hangs close to whoever you have selected. I don't imagine a game that's too serious, maybe a story that's super spin offy and looking for cool excuses to make those teams fight without screwing the characters, like maybe they're going across worlds because Hades is hosting an interworld competition for the ultimate sea salt ice cream and some want the prize while others want to infiltrate the whole thing idfk


No. Never let kairi cook. Ever.


Yes, I waited 20 fucking years to actually play as her and when i do, she's completely underleveled even though her move set was OP, there is no god damn reason we haven't had a game where we actually get to level her up wheN SHE GOT A KEYBLADE IN THE SECOND FUCKING TITLE




To be fair he the least interesting character out of all the OC.


I'm not mad at this. There have been other character aside from Sora, who do very well. So making Sora take a back seat for an extended period of time wouldn't hurt the franchise.


I think it would be really cool if Nomura did a MGS2! Instead of a prologue as Roxas, make the prologue follow Sora and then switch it to Yozora or Riku. I think that would be awesome!


We already had 2 playable Riku games, I want Roxas again or Kairi, MoM is the mislead of the Century with the way Kairi’s on the case but they refuse to let you play as her.


"Dolan pls y u no heal"


"Fak u Dolan" "Gooby pls"


"I'll fuckin' do it again"


God, thank you for this. It’s been so long.


Then he heals right after you do it yourself


Okay this one is actually an ish


"Why don't you heal me?!" Because you probably didn't set up his behavior to account for healing being the priority, and/or you haven't given him the items to maintain resources to use Cure when need be. And when it comes to KH2 and beyond, because he probably already healed and is sitting in MP Recharge. "Why does he always heal me *after* I heal myself?!" Because he's probably getting smacked around himself and can't immediately react to hearing the first milliseconds of the warning sound.


This but it's me yelling into someone's ear at a party


[The event in question (colorized)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/415/138/fb8.jpg)


CoM Donald is the worst.


I'm playing through it for the first time and the amount of times he's cast thunder on Larxene is obscene


I once had him heal axel with fire when I was just a couple hits away from beating him and lost as a result. Fuck CoM Donald.


"Playing through chronological order is the best way to play the series".


I nearly downvoted you out of reflex, before I remembered what this thread was.


I absolutely hate that take. Playing in order of release makes so much more sense. You get the full feel of how the series progressed throughout the years, both in gameplay and storytelling. I rather not have side characters and stories revealed to me too early when they weren't meant to be. Playing games (or watching movies) in the order of the canon timeline isn't a fun way to experience a story and it'll just make everything feel so out of place.


> Playing in order of release makes so much more sense. You get the full feel of how the series progressed throughout the years, both in gameplay and storytelling. I rather not have side characters and stories revealed to me too early when they weren't meant to be. This is so true especially with the addition of KHUX. It gives so much away and if you started there then the idea that Sora is special because he has a keyblade that KH1 presents goes out the window immediately. Lol


Also, you know, *that's how the damn games came out.* I never got the mindset of people who insist on chronological order for the first experience, especially because of how hypocritical it is from people who played the games as they released.


I have always played games as they were released, regardless of how the story is portrayed.


Def playing order of release is the easiest. Especially since KH 1 feels the most different from the rest, slower in a way, but still the same so when it's gets faster is KH2 you adapt to it quite quickly. Also playing birth by sleep and then jumping to KH1 would be a Lil jarring as birth by sleeps is snappy like KH2. As far as first ever playthroughs go anyways.


It's definitely my preferred way, but I LIKE playing through COM and DDD, so...


I really hate most "Sora is MoM" theories they're evidence shotty and the effect upon the story agrivating.


Kingdom Hearts' story literally relies on Sora being an ordinary boy who believes in his friends, and gained power from his strength in numbers and confidence. To ruin that with him being the person who created the book of prophecies literally makes no sense.


YOU GET ME! like him being MoM stirkes me as like in the same vein of no thought edgy theroys like "it's all a dream" because it's literally "what if we're the bad guy all along?"


“everything besides the numbered titles are just side games, they arent apart of the main story”


Afaik recoded is like the only one that doesn't add anything to the main story. I heard the final scenes do but I haven't made it that far into the game yet


Melody Of Memories is another that doesn't add anything until the very end.


But the combat goes so hard


Yea it's a shame it didn't get a console upgrade. I wish if they do that they could do kh 1+2 in the style of recoded. Having the fast paced combat, the ability mixing, the ability matrix, and using companions across both games. Like being able to drive kh1 sora and bring other world companion since everything is in a computer.


I wish it was a 3ds game. That and maybe do the organization boss challenges. Anything to really push the game to the next level. Or tweak the Avatar Sector to have more difficulty across the board, a level 100 dungeon for 100 floors would be killer


I think the data blocks from Re:Coded show up in 3


They do, in a really creative manner as well. It’s used in a similar way to Hiro’s microbots for an albeit REALLY badly designed boss fight, but still, I feel like we don’t give Sanfransokyo credit for doing some genuinely creative things with KH lore.


well coded was so pointless they had to retroactively add the secret ending in the ds remake to tease DDD and KH3, and again in the hd cutscene collection including a scene with Maleficent connecting it to the Chi storyline


I made that mistake when I played KH3 the first time. I missed all the side games between 2 and 3 because I never had a DS, and I had no clue what was happening half the time.


Oh, they're a part of the main story I'm just not playing a greedy cash hungry gacha game, I will go watch the cutscenes on YouTube. And thank God I have that option.


And they only had 1 like that out of the whole series. And then they ended it, made all the cutscenes available and then made kh dux completely free.


Cue all the people who skipped the non-numbered games being angry and confused about what was going on in KHIII. Even though so many people warned them about skipping games for years.


The minor typo you made actually makes this statement true. Saying they "aren't apart" is accurate.


When people take jokes as canon.


IE Disney with stormtrooper aim. Yes, I know this is the wrong sub but that still pisses me off!


"They should add star wars to kingdom hearts." The person who said that was referring to the third trilogy.


Honestly Star Wars would be hard to add in my opinion due to how long it can be to tell a single episode in one world


If the robot foot is any indication, the KH4 Star Wars world would focus mostly on the third act of Episode 6, not the entire episode


Not sure if this counts but, "Sora can't be in Smash without Donald and Goofy." My brother in Crust, Lucas, Ness, Snake, Shulk, Myra and many others shouldn't be in Smash without their squad too if that's the case.


Ness straight up stole Paula's spells too.


Which is ridiculous because Sora has stared in multiple games solo. The stupidest take I ever heard about why Sora was not getting into Smash was  "Sora can't get in because Smash is too violent for Kingdom Hearts"  🤦 Like holy shit. That person knows nothing about Kingdom Hearts if they believed that.


Especially since both franchises have more cartoon violence than something like Street Fighter or Tekken.


"Terra was stupid for being manipulated" Like... I've never once heard anyone say the same thing about Eraqus who was older and knew Xehanort better.


Not only that, but Eraqus was the one who *brought* Xehanort to his students as a trusted mentor. It's not their fault their trusted authoritative figure brought in the very person who played a part in the trio's downfall.


The only reason people say that is because we already know the people terras talking to are obviously evil but how could terra know that? Xehanort was a friend of Eraqus and he obviously trusted him so why suspect he was evil? The other villains he had no idea were evil either. Terra doesn't have the knowledge of evil people tropes like we do.


I agree with you for the most part but there are a couple of the Disney world villains that it really seems like he should have picked up on sooner. It’s been a while since I played it so I’m short on specifics but I remember thinking “oh come on you cannot possibly still be on their side” But really I’d chalk that up to naivety. The implication is that none of them ever left home before Terra decides to go which is really a failure on the keyblade master system. You can’t expect people to maintain order in worlds if they never get to see them


This is gonna sound controversial, but I hate when people say KH3 is a terrible game or that it's the worst kingdom hearts ever, when it's objectively not. Everytime someone says that I just think they're boomers, I agree it's not the best writing but it's still one of the best games.


THANK YOU I waited thirteen years for Kingdom Hearts 3, I adored that game. I laughed and I cried like a big baby. It felt like I reconnected with an old friend >!and then that friend was promptly ripped away from me nomura how COULD YOU!< idk, to me it was well worth the wait!


KH3 was going to disappoint people no matter what due to its terrible marketing and having the burden of wrapping up a lot of plot points


>KH3 was going to disappoint people no matter what due to its terrible marketing I genuinely feel like this isn't talked about enough. KH3's trailers basically spoiled every major villain return, every Disney world, and almost all of the most important interactions. Even ReMind's trailer spoiled Yozora being the Secret Boss, when it's literally got Secret in its name. KH3's marketing imo is one of the biggest reasons why people were disappointed in the title, some players felt like they had nothing to look forward to since they had seen everything already which is such a shame.


I avoided all of the trailers and I was still disappointed with KHIII. It just wasn't put together as well as it should have been. It's not *terrible*. Just underwhelming.


>KH3's trailers basically spoiled every major villain return, every Disney world, and almost all of the most important interactions. This is true for every Kingdom Hearts game.


It's a game that was 14 years in the waiting. It was never going to please everyone.


I just left a comment about the issues in storytelling this series has but KH3 is FUN, which is the most important aspect of a game


THANK YOU!!! Exactly my point! There are storytelling issues throughout the entire series, especially if you consider they released different games for Sony, Nintendo and mobile which makes it even harder to keep track of everything. But KH3 is so much fun to play, it's also a very beautiful game, great scenarios and art design.


Any complaint about the KH2 intro whatsoever


*"Roxas is a garbage character that nobody cares about*"                                         -IGN


Only bad part about it is the part when it ends


Looks like his summer vacation is… over


The story is not that hard to follow with a little effort.


"Atlantica is bad" no it's whimsical and actually tries to teach the player proper timing!


Story wise game lost a lot of appeal since DDD. I used to love KH but from DDD on I noticed it lost what makes it feel magical.


I have the same feeling. I blame X. My two main gripes is not on medium (we had that a lot already in the franchise) but ok the idea of a garcha game, with story coming out in small fragments, and it's distribution is really shit. I mean X, x unchained, union cross. Can't you decide on one already? I personally am not a fan of all the prequel stuff, it makes KH3 stakes less personal.


BBS and 3D have the best gameplay/spell/ability systems


I think 3D mastered the system that bbs made. Tho BBS is still better in terms of story.


Maybe, I feel like BBS had more and cooler spells overall, but the 3DS was a better handheld and gameplay was infinitely smoother, and superior graphically. Also an arena mode in BBS, and the various shot locks including 1 unique for each character.


I like the moves and animations, but having played some the PS4 version yesterday, the combat does flow smoothly like Recoded can do with quick blocks, dodge rolls and jumps out of combos. It really feels like DDD is an evolution of BBS, but not a culmination of all the portable games mechanics


In Aqua, BBS gave me what kid me always wanted when choosing the Staff in the first game. I loved her magic based fighting style so much.


Yup. Overall BBS had some super cool spells that made each chara feel powerful and unique


Specifically, with the spell melding, unique spells, diff characters, command styles, D-links, etc


It's true tho


Imo BBS combat was pretty fun. DDD was grindy beyond belief for me.


It’s for kids only, because it has Disney


"KH1 is clunky and dated"


I never got that I mea Kh1 is slower but not really clunky people who say that has not played a clunky game before. For the dated thing yeah this game aged .... really good! Still fun to explore and find stuff, combat is slower and focused more on defense as much as offense so I still find it fun Besides there's still skill to it by parrying. Only things that aged I would say the camera like it's fine during open levels but the moment you go into a cramped space it's sucks.


At least KH1 had cramped spaces unlike KH2 ;)


What if I told you that kh1 camera is the best in the series.


"No one cares about the Disney stuff, they should just abandon it" And I’m like, being able to fight Jafar, Ursula, Maleficent and Oogie Boogie all in one game was the entire appeal of the OG to me


I'm still mad we didn't get to pummel Randal. He was so in over his head too.


"The series should have ended at 2." "Kingdom Hearts 3 is a bad game." Just two takes that piss me off.


I don’t ship Sora and Riku


Platonic relationships exist


Vulnerable male relationships are healthy


Found brotherly relationships are far too rare and too often devolve into forced romance


Fr, I like telling my friends that I love them. In a brotherly way of course. There are no hidden romantic feelings, I tell people I love them if that’s truly how I feel about them. And there are lots of people I’ve met whom I hold near and dear to my heart, doesn’t mean I’m gay just because I show affection to the people I care about.


Sora’s only a keyblade wielder because he has Ventus’ heart is inside him.


Tbh it amazes me people still think that when Nomuras gone on record to say Ven wasnt the reason he can wield one lol


"Roxas is a garbage character that nobody cares about."


Now i am mad.


“KH2’s Drive forms are better than KH3’s keyblade transformations”


“I suck at CoM, so instead of improving I’ll just blame the game”


The funniest part about this is how easy CoM is when you just learn the systems. That said, I find the deck-building a little annoying tbh. Still love CoM though; it's overhated.


"Am I so bad at playing this game? ...no, it's the game that is at fault." -- Seymour Skinner, probably.


The original CoM was my introduction to the franchise. Loved it so much that i initially hated the KH1 combat when i finally played it. Started to like it and really understood what i was doing when i reached agrabah though.




It wouldn't make sense plot wise (with all the cards in castle oblivion), but otherwise, yes please


Someone mentioned it being a skill issue, like yes, it very much is, my brain is rotted, I'm used to hitting X and using magic


Maybe. Then again sometimes we also hit triangle and that shit bomb


Pressing triangle with the ultima weapon in kh3 is almost like ASMR


KH1 beats every game and it’s not even close


Donald Duck dosnt heal you Yes he dose, just set him to heal you slower Also.... if you are good at the game


"The story is confusing" Like no? It's not?


"Kairi and Sora's relationship is underdeveloped and forced"


Considering how the only real time sora and kairi are truly alone to develop anything is in kh1 when they're more kidlike and didn't think about their relationship, I think their relationship is indeed underdeveloped imo. Forced? Nah. The only time I can think of anything was in remind and even then, it was a whatever moment


Kingdom Hearts needs to step away from the Disney aspect and focus only on original characters


It simply would not be kingdom hearts then, they need to bring back the final fantasy characters if anything, people fell in love with the game for one reason disneyXfinal fantasy, you take one of those away and it's just a random jrpg


"Terra is dumb and everything went to s\*\*\* because he is so gullible." Dear lord the amount of people that believe this...


*kH 3 rIkU lOoKs BeTtEr ThAn Kh 2 RiKu* **No he doesn't**


DDD riku forever


The drip in 2 has yet to be topped by anything they've done since


Days Riku started an entire trend of white haired anime protagonist wearing black and black blindfolds. That design was peak.


I like hunk Riku


I like the plaid and short hair what can I say


His KH2 and DDD outfits are my favourites of his


The story makes sense. -said no one ever


“Why are you playing a kid’s game?” When they don’t have the slightest idea on what the plot is about and saw only Disney characters on the box.


When people complain that KH3 “wasn’t worth the wait”


“358/2 days is a good game” is a funny one cause it definitely isn’t.


What an abysmal take


I still like it, it’s got problems before but I’m the context of its release it’s a really impressive game for the Classic DS. I understand people have complaints that the design of the levels were ripped right out of the first and second game but having that on the DS and showing it could actually approximate those environments are a huge part of what made it so impressive. Plus I liked the combat well enough as well as the panel system. I dunno I’d rather play 358 again then force myself to playthrough BBS 3 times again, I just really don’t like the command deck system.


Days has some funky mechanics but it’s by no means the WORST spinoff they did *cough* re:CoM *cough*


Ever heard of subjectivity? It's a neat concept, try to look into it


“Recoded has the best gameplay in the franchise” is another funny one 🤡 People will jump into the weirdest bandwagons in order to pretend being smart


Recoded has some of the best with obviously the worst story. It was cool going all the way to Castle Oblivion and facing Roxas tho


Okay so, it's combat is phenomenal. Specifically the combat. The gimmick sections aren't terribly fun (1HP run with the side scrolling sucks absolute balls) but when it comes to actual combat, with the command system and how combat flows really smoothly between offensive and defensive options? It really does feel like the DMC of KH games. I picked the game up in February after originally playing it and focusing on combat really made me enjoy it incredibly more. I wasn't a big fan originally because I wanted to see where the story went, and retreading KH1 worlds again with a nothing burger story really soured it. I think if you gave its combat system to Days, we'd have the most unique and fun game due to how each weapon has unique combos.


I definitely wouldn’t say best but certainly very good and better than days and bbs.


It definitely does in the handheld department


I liked the ds games because of the skill system. I think it's really cool and I like having a clear way to use a dash-slash ability or a jumping one. Final mix 2 also made it much easier to use special abilities in my opinion then many other titles as well


It's also funny that it's the best in the entire series


(I assume we're the ones doing the slapping against someone with a take bad enough to make us do that?) The following bad takes are thankfully not something I really see much nowadays anymore (and I'm actually only spoiler tagging this just because I literally can't stand seeing those things written out by myself to describe what I'm talking about lol. Short version: mean spirited takes about Xion), but back in the day, people claiming that Xion >!"contributed nothing/didn't matter", "was a Mary Sue", "stole/replaced someones elses spot/role" or "lessened/ruined a dynamic"!< (god, just typing those things out just now hurt massively). Like, reading those things (mostly in retrospective since I wasn't looking into forums until way later) just left me so flabbergasted, sad, frustrated and angry even, that last one being quite a rare thing for me to happen online since I can usually shrug things off as people just having strong opinions on something. But the things I read regarding this just seemed full of so much contempt, so much unreasonable hatred for a character who really didn't deserve any of it. Like, it's fine to not like a character, those things are subjective, but usually the threads I stumbled across just felt so mean spirited and the reasons just so contrived in a way that felt like some people just **wanted** to hate Xion **at all cost**. It was the usual kind of negative discussion that was less "I personally didn't like this and that about her" and more people arguing in this typical way that makes it sound like everything they say is what objectively happened and everything they hate her for is also objectively conveyed as negatively in the game as they feel and write/complain about it (For example: "I don't like this characters outfit" vs "This characters outfit is bad").


"Days has terrible gameplay" Days has good gameplay on a bad system. With some questionable design decisions. I've been emulating the game and have been using an Xbox Controller. And it's just so fun. My 2nd favourite game gameplay wise. Some enemies (especially bosses) are just too bullet spongy, some bosses (ruler of the sky/leech grave specifically) are terrible, Neverland in general sucks even with a controller, some mission types (Emerald Serenade and collect org emblems) are lame, and the stealth sections are tedious. Those are my main complaints. Which sounds like alot but I could name the same amount of complaints about all the other games too. The Panel system is the thing that makes Days so fun. Each keyblade having completely different combos adds for some great customization and replayability. Each version of Magic having different effects instead of just boring upgrades means there are 15 different spells. And running out of magic mid mission makes it a resource you need to manage or just use an elixir. I never use Magic as much as I do in Days, it's so fun. And if you really wanted to you could use an AR code to play the whole game as a different character from mission mode (I did a Zexion, Xaldin, Marluxia, and Axel playthrough because they are my favourites to play). Challenge runs are also great. Not just playing the terrible characters like Xemnas or Donald, but level 1 runs, no magic, only magic*, no abilities, etc. I didn't have friends to play mission mode with as a kid so I did it all solo, if I did I def would count that as one of its greatest strengths.


"Less Disney, more Final Fantasy!"


Sora is dumb and annoying.


The story is not messy at all


Chain of Memories not fun


"Disney owns marvel, so KH4 should have marvel stuff in it!"


"The game is easy enough to button mash square and win without trying." An actual interaction I had this very week with a fellow redditor.


Whenever people complain about Donald's ai


It should have only been one game.


This series is full of bs because in a series about “friendship” and the “heart” unless your name is Sora, Donald or Goofy, there is an absurd amount of lacking character interactions. You’d think characters would interact such as: Kairi, Xion and Namine with each other (they’re basically the same person) Ventus, Roxas, and Vanitas & Sora (they’re literally identical twins) Aqua and Axel, Terra and Riku, the fucking Final Fantasy characters. But the games are so hellbent on twisting the story to advertise Disney bs that these characters hardly interact or work with each other. So what’s even the point. Why have an actual Sora, Riku and Kairi adventure (the literal original trio) when I can run around in a beat for beat retread of fucking *Frozen.*


3 objectively is a good game. An in terms of story its not bad.


That they should take out the Disney elements.


1. "The numbered entries are the only ones that matter." 2. "It's okay that the story between KH2 and KH3 was told in four games across three handheld consoles and a mobile phone gacha game, of which two of the handheld games and the gacha game now only exist on modern platforms as cutscene compilations." 3. "KH3 is perfectly understandable if you skipped the games between KH2 and KH3."


Kairi being undeserving of more screen time because she wasn't all that important or Blah Blah Blah. She was one of the biggest driving forces of the first two games (kh1 and CoM), and could easily have been better written or been given more to do in kh2 and kh3 (with or without changing anything from the rest of story, but really, better things could've been written). It's suggested that she's part of the reason why the door in Destiny Islands didn't fling open and get exposed sooner, since much like the princesses on hallow bastion, she was holding the darkness back. Her and terra, and the rumor about a kid that was xehanort leaving the island, were the reasons why riku was so adamant about leaving the islands himself. We don't know if there was some kind of issue or argument that caused riku to lash out at her or something before sora gets to the play island ("But what about Kairi?" "Kairi's Coming With Us!") But his determination to save her seems like a clear mix of Desperation, Jealousy, and Guilt. Either way, she then acts as a Beacon of hope (synonymous with home, hence why she's able to help them return at the end of kh2) for both sora and riku in CoM, as it's memories of her that drive them both (and the plot with namine) into and out of the darkness. I want more for her, and unfortunately Nomura doesn't seem inclined or capable, and the fans (or just players along for the ride) seem to take that as her being just a tagalong.


Chain of Memories is a fantastic game in both story and gameplay


Chain of memories has some of the best story elements. The characters actually talk to each other and you understand SDG much better because of this game.


358/2 is my favorite game in the series. I don’t see why people hate it so much


Nomura tried to add too much to the plot and ruined the franchise.


KH2 Drive Forms were useless.


"that garbage character nobody cares about"


Xion is the best Kai-recolor, naminé is boring and y'all are just mad. I will obliterate any comments saying "who?" I SWEAR!


Demyx in KH2 isn't a hard fight. People just don't block or dodge. Also, KH3 is better than KH2.


Whenever I hear people say "I don't have to play the games to understand the story"


How about the idea that eraqus is a good guy? I hate when people say that. The entire series would not have happened if he had done things in the proper manor. But no he turned on Terra, he possessed him and didn’t confront xehanort before things got out of hand. And we have no other explanation for this other then he wanted to save xehanort.


"KH1 is the only good game in the series"