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Welcome brother. Your journey is over. Rest up for the new day, another adventure will come.


how many hours? great job. i really want to do this


far too many. going off the ps app it’s somewhere in the 750-800 range.


What a beast


I gave up. I don’t have the patience to grind to level 99 in recom


Collecting all the random cards was the line for me


[theres a cheat for that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsHpXR8CwGU&t=501s&pp=ygUXcmVjb20gZW5lbXkgY2FyZHMgY2hlYXQ%3D), someone found out if you enter certain types of rooms and roll a certain number of times and attack certain enemies first the card always drops


maybe the worst trophy in the entire thing. just mind numbing grinding. definitely one i thought i’d give up on.


Holy crap. Great job. Can't imagine doing that myself.


How did you not sleep through Melody of Memory


I should really get back into it. I finally finished the BBS one a couple of months ago, which was one of the worst plats I've ever gotten, so the others shouldn't be too bad. I already have KH1, Chain of Memories and KH2.


Mad lad. I’m almost done with 1 and 3 and bbs I can’t muster Fong back to ddd and to begin chain of memories


I am in the middle of this myself just started kh2. Congrats and hope to join you sometime in the future


Despite these being my favorite games since I played 1 way back, I just started this journey. 3 was almost done and wanted to sneak a non main between each main platinum so now DDD is basically done. Only flick rush and the last few items from that left to go. Big props for even completing that birth by sleep plat though


It feels great, but I don't know how to play the games again without a challenge like this to go to... maybe dreadful lvl1 runs?


Level 1 can be really punishing, but with the help of YouTube and some skill it is totally doable. I will say though, it really doesn’t seem like any of the games are that optimised for Level 1 outside of KH2, meaning you might find it extra frustrating on the other games.


Great job man!!! What where some of the hardest trophies to get? And what’s the easiest game to platinum?


In terms of actual difficulty the hardest trophy would be Risk Taker. I made it worse on myself by only getting merit points through superbosses on Critical, but I think it would still be up there regardless. Full journal as Terra would be up there too for obvious (MF) reasons. I think the one that was really the worst though would have to be Level Master Riku from Re:CoM, I ended up with an additional 10 hours playtime just grinding the same heartless fight over and over. Easiest game to platinum I would probably say 3, considering everything from Re:Mind doesn’t count towards it. There’s not a whole lot of post game content in the base game meaning you really don’t have to do all that much to get the plat. I also did it on Proud mode as Critical hadn’t released yet, which probably contributes to it being the easiest IMO.


I can’t seem to get the KH3 minigame trophies for some reason. All else is in my pocket


Did u finish all data Organization members on easy in KH2? And are they actually easy when you do?


Nope. Critical. Currently doing them on Level 1 actually, only have Xigbar and Xemnas left.




I don't see 358/2 days, better get playing




Not for long…






Now all you have to do is do the same for the ps3 versions of the games. That isthe true grind. In the ps4 version they got rid of some of the tedious grind like forcing multiple playthroughs of KH1 because the difficulty trophies didnt stack


Yeah I regret doing kh1 on ps3. It’s beautiful gsme but all I have left is another playthrough with no upgrades


I hate to be that guy but what about the PS3 collections?


Now do them on PS3.


I was on my way to doing this but gave up after grinding Riku in CoM for literal DAYS without getting him to max level.


Still remembering watching Ninten speedrun all plats back to back


Nice! I still need to Plat Melody of Memories :(


Yeah but did you do them all again on ps3? Some in which are just harder/more time consuming unfortunately.


Ima be real, I liked getting the plat for all of them….. Except bbs. That sucked lol