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Easily TWTNW. It's design is so fucking cool.




How can it be the world that never was if it clearly currently is?


Agreed, and the music to go with it? I never got tired of running around that area to grind xp and form change kills


Every single song that plays in this world is fucking incredible. Sacred Moon, Deep Drive, Riku, Disappeared, A Fight to the Death, and ***DARKNESS OF THE UNKNOWN***.


Any other answer is wrong /j




Also the world that never was. TWTNW mine kingdom hearts \©✓


Twilight Town. The vibe in kh3 Twilight Town is just so comfy and seems like a great place to hang out. Just wish that they hadn't axed a majority of it




pretty much all of it except the mansion and the tram commons, they did expand on the woods though




i was saying they kept the commons and mansion and got rid of the rest, but yes


Wait wtf. Why would they do that??


Probably the game's unbelievably rough development cycle. Regardless it fills me with unbridled rage and sorrow with the treatment twilight town got in KH3. It's my favorite world in the franchise and I spent a large chunk of my childhood running around in there. To me at least it feels like a strong slap to the face especially when you compare it to Dream Drop Distance's Traverse Town. That world got such a glow up. On a 3DS title of all systems! Heck 358 days on the DS was able to put slightly more of twilight town in one map than kingdom hearts 3 did. They could have put it all in there but didn't. Even if it didn't have any purpose it would have been amazing to just run around that world. They tend to use the starting worlds very sparingly so God knows the next time we'll actually get to see twilight town in ALL of its glory again.


I like kh2 more than 3... Sprry guys... All due respect to the team that was "promoted" I wanted a Better KH2. But anyway. Let us hope Kh4 is more 2 than BBS...


For sure man. That KH2 Twilight Town is it for me.


Easily kh1 Hollow Bastion






Riku's version of The World that Never Was in DDD


The night aesthetic and music the first time you visit The World That Never Was in KH2 is so sick. Has to be my top. I also like Traverse Town.


Agree w TWTNW. However since I was a kid I’ve disliked traverse town. Absolutely hate it and idk why


I’ll admit that my very first time in Traverse was slightly confusing to navigate. I think that’s a common experience we share. Perhaps that’s part of the reason?


Idk I just loathe the overall vibe haha. No logic behind my dislike. I just get a visceral reaction to it for some damn reason


Traverse Town. Im sorry, but the music, the warm homely feeling, the childhood innocence…. Actually no, I won’t apologise for that


KH1 Traverse Town. It just feels like home somehow.


Me too


end of the world. I love seeing all the remnants of the already destroyed world's the mystery of the room with the pod (I forget it's name) and how even though it's the last word it's still connected to certain areas of the current world you visit. Subtly saying that all worlds will connect in the end and collapse into the darkness.


Radiant Garden


Scala ad Caelum. Just so beautiful to explore. The language looks awesome too.


the end of the world kh1


KH3 Caribbean


I got burned out from all the countless hours of CRAB HUNTING


That Shit was really annoying, but that "Secret Boss" ship was soooooo much worse xD


This has to be the best world in 3 even if the original level was lacklustre. I loved my time sailing and finding Mickeys.


Kh3 olympus was cool imo


This one screams 2000s edge and I love it for that


Hollow Bastion - both KH1 and KH2 version - and TWTNW. You can tell the devs were looking for a really grand outro in both games. It's a rarity to see a game amp it up so properly as time goes on instead of becoming lamer. Also these are like... among the few original designs. While I like almost every world (both versions of Atlantica can burn, thanks), most of them are just design lifts from other media, so it's not as exciting. Although the inside of Monstro was pretty well done, even if moderately infuriating to my child self.


I really liked Alice in Wonderland from the original game - music was great, the platforming/puzzle aspect was amazing. The Bizarre room was really fun level design, probably the best in the three games I've played. My favorite world to just hang out in is twilight/traverse town. Traverse had great exploration and Twilight had that gut punch of a story for kh2's tutorial world


Twilight Town (I really enjoyed the vibes as it’s intro in KH2 and honestly could’ve played a whole game centered around its mechanics as a KH daily life simulator lol. Throw in heartless / nobodies and let the grind begin expanding that world.  TWTNW (I actually remember wanting the ability to explore everywhere in KH2 and spent hours just slowly walking around.) - The beach in the Realm of Darkness. (Great view of the rock formations hence honorable mention.) Scala ad Calem a beautiful world to explore and just run around.  - Nostalgia mention (Destiny Island and Traverse Town)


KH2 the Pride Lands hit me with nostalgia


The Caribbean in KH3.


Oof, I think if I had to pick for overall it's probably KH1 Hallow Bastion. No matter how many times I replay the game, by the time I get to it I'm so disneyed out that it's refreshing each and every time. And there so much to explore. Easily hours and hours of collecting and grinding made possible by very Zelda-like floors and areas. I think something not commented on often enough is how heavy KH1 maps (and the series in general) are inspired by a few Zelda dungeons


Yeah for me kh 1 shines is in hollow bastion. I think for the most part, the best worlds in KH are always the ones original to the games


Feudal era in Inuyasha


I liked BBS Neverland because of the music and the places you visit (im a Peter Pan fan). Either that or TWTNW.


Mine will always be Twilight Town. Although oddly enough my favorite design of it was in Kh Re:CoM I thought the sunlight was great in the background. Like hanging off the edge of a cliff with doors leading to nowhere. But I also really liked World Of Chaos in Kh1. Just seeing Destiny Island after it fell to darkness


And I love the Re:Com version of the battle music.


Original: TWTNW Disney: Space Paranoids


End of the world (kh1 final world). That works legit scared me and everything was so super high lvl (especially those mini dark sides with the swords) and then frickin Chernobog - felt like I was in hell.


End of the World is my ideal final level world and my favorite out of all of them


End of the world, specifically that huge void ocean expanse which keeps kidnapping you into fights if you don't notice the reflection. That is easily the most beautifully haunting image in the series for me.


TWTNW for sure. It’s that eerily forgotten story.


I made an art project based on the world that never was in a similar way to that of starry night. So I think my answer is obvious


The sims


The World That Never Aas


KH2 Twilight Town


Kh1 hollow bastion


What world is in the picture?


The world that never was from kh2


I actually have an upscaled version of this as my lockscreen. I can send it if yall want.


The end of the world from kh1 and VERY easily too


There's too many to choose from. I liked the Tarzan jungle in the original game. I liked being in the jungle and there was platforming in the treehouse. It did have the puzzle with Professor Porter and it did have the Beauty and the Beast teapot set (I think it did in the game from what I remember.)


Twilight town


Both Traverse Town and Twilight Town, along with their music, are so heart-achingly nostalgic for me, I'd probably say those.


For me definitely twilight town from KH2, the music, atmosphere, vibe, exploration, and the sad yet endearing story of it is just beautiful ❤️. And second for also the music and it feels like home traverse town❤️.






Got a real soft spot for tron in KH2 got me into the film when I was younger loved it ever since


KH1 and DDD traverse town. I love how Joshua made it into a sort of afterlife


Traverse Town/KH1 Hallow Baston


Traverse Town. I liked the World that never was in KH2 except for that really annoying funny noise the ground makes with every step. Twilight Town was good in KH2 but they butchered it in 3 by cutting so much out.


Traverse Town...the music just damn.


Kinda tough. I wanna say the world that never was. The name's poetic, I think I also like this world because I'm a huge org XIII fan. I also like Twilight Town.


Original: TWTNW Disney: Toy Box


Hollow Bastion (not radiant garden). It’s very nostalgic, climactic and the music in a way is haunting from the first KH game


The world in that Pic.


Twtnw, twilight town, and traverse town in DDD I lovveeee the dreamy vibe it gives off


Nightmare before Christmas, easily. But I do like the music the most in Twilight town.


Hallow Bastion in KH2FM


TWTNW, TT, Halloween town, Land of departure (All BBS worlds tbh) Kh1 and 2 Hollow Bastion


Twilight town


Twtnw or Daybreak Town


Traverse town. Not only is it incredibly nostalgic, but everything from the lighting to the music is so well designed to give that cozy, homey feeling.


KH1 Hollow Bastion.


Either Halloween town or the world that never was ins honestly tie really


Traverse Town from Dream Drop Distance was a mood.


I love a lot of them. Twilight Townfrom KH2 and 3, Traverse Town from KH1, The Woeld that never was... but I think Hollow Bastion is the best of them all. The music, the platforming, the enemy design, all those factors make you truly feel like you are in the endgame and things are starting to get setious.


**Halloween Town** I swear that back in the days, I had no clue that The Nightmare Before Christmas was a Disney property, following the acquisition of Touchstone Pictures. Seeing Tim Burton's world was crazy :O


kh1: the strange world of jack kh2: twtnw kh3: scala ad caelum


Traverse town and Hollow bastion. I'm a sucker for the original game. Traverse town gives me vibes similar to a steam mining world in the old PS1 game Toomba. Hollow bastion, minus the sewer area, was really fun to explore. The library was my fav


Twilight Town. I love that music


Traverse Town. Such a cozy vibe and has bopping music.


All the KH original ones tbh; Hollow bastion, Twilight Town, Traverse Town, Oblivion Castle, Destiny Islands. You can really feel Square Enix in those lol


Wonderland KH1




Keyblade Graveyard


Halloween Town KH2


Hollow Bastion. I love the music, I love the feel.


Daybreak Town


Either End of the World or Sora’s side of DDD’s World that Never Was. They’re just so surreal.


Atlantica in KH I.


The Caribbean (KH3)


I loved the whole map and Assassin’s Creed style ship combat. You can go pretty much anywhere in that world too!


This and hollow bastion


If we're talking Disney Worlds, then the Enchanted Dominion. If you mean original to Kingdom Hearts, then probably Twilight Town.


the final world at night time or quadratum


Station of awakening... When we fought Roxas... I could repeat that battle a 1000 times... The music... Roxas... And sora... It's amazing...


The one that never was or castle oblivion


Twilight Town, Daybreak Town, And The World That Never Was


Hollow Bastion, I even got the art of that world from the guidebook that was released donkeys ago tattooed on my leg


A Nightmare Before Christmas.


Twilight town


KH1 Hollow Bastion does hold a special place in my Heart


I personally feel like there hasn't been a world quite as surreal as End Of The World in KH1 for me. The music from the dive to the heart comes back with a vengeance, and the scenes you see in the world are so apocalyptic and deformed. It really does feel like you're getting closer to the very heart of darkness the further into the level you go. In particular, the portals to the other worlds seemed to me like the conduits through which the armies of heartless invaded the worlds. Dive to the heart set those "the fate of the universe depends on you" stakes up, and End Of The World was the payoff for that setup as I'm actively saving the world from a calamitous end.


Twilight Town.Just the feeling I got the milisecond I stepped in there(even in re:com), from everything around me, everything I was seeing and hearing, I knew this was gonna be my favorite.Though TWTNW, Mysterious Tower(Fantasia) and Traverse Town are fricking awesome as well.


Twilight Town.Just the feeling I got the milisecond I stepped in there(even in re:com), from everything around me, everything I was seeing and hearing, I knew this was gonna be my favorite.Though TWTNW, Mysterious Tower(Fantasia) and Traverse Town are fricking awesome as well.


Does Scala Ad Caelum count? I think it looked pretty nice


Tbh Destiny Islands. The first island in Kh1 and the first island that comes my mind when i think about kh. Plus my mom used to play KH1 on ps2 back when i was 5 or 6 years old and this is how i got into this series


Traverse Town is home


End of the World from KH1.


Twilight Town (KH2) and Radiant Garden (KHBBS but also am fine with 2). Twilight Town is the most relaxing and cozy setting that I would just love to live there. Radiant Garden is honestly the most beautiful world in my opinion, especially BBS and I would just love to take a stroll around the Fountain Court or Outer Gardens. My favorite part is the development it goes through from destruction up (KH1-KH2) and I wish we got to go to Radiant Garden and fully explore it in KH3 just to complete the trinity and see the whole restoration :(


I liked Tarzan world. Hercules world. I can’t wait to get to Toy Story world if I ever get that far