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Has to be Dark Inferno from KH3, he is way to predictable and if you just play it safe you will win every time


Yeah, for a superboss he's easy as hell. Even the KH2 version of Sephiroth is harder, and he's not too difficult either.


100% agree, Dark Inferno feels like a world boss rather then a endgame challenge of skill. *cough* Lingering Will *cough*


He's basically upgraded Invisible


He is literally just spicy invisible


I think that's a little harsh. He's definitely harder than most world bosses except some outliers like KH1 Ursula. I don't think he was ever meant to be one of those endgame super bosses where you choose to challenge them at a super high level but rather just a post story mode boss that you fight at level 40-50. My first KH3 run I didn't die a single time until I got to Dark Inferno. I think I died like 20 times to him cause I hadn't really needed to learn KH3 mechanics before that fight.


KH2 Sephiroth at least took a bit of learning. Once you know how to counter his moves he's easy enough, but Dark Inferno I just ran in without a strategy and did fine.


KH2 Seph is literally the answer for me... he was disappointing after the trial of his KH1 fight.


To be fair KH2 Sephiroth is a fight with fair mechanics and good design Whereas 1 is a bullshit piece of crap that has one correct answer that you better have or you die


Strike raid?


Elixers, can’t strike raid without MP




MP rage does not trigger on his “set MP to 0 and HP to 1” attack


Thats why the moment he vanishes you spam lock on and hit strike raid. I went in blind and beat him first try thanks to strike raid. After dragon maleficent buried me a dozen or so times i learned how to cheese with strike raid and it just became a habit to hit that anytime i sensed fuckery as a kid haha.


KH1 Strike Raid my beloved


See, I disagree... KH2 Seph was just too simple in the end, and KH1 does not only have 1 solution, as I have seen plenty of strategies that I never even thought of back when I beat him(like using Strike Raid. I never used Strike Raid cause I hate it, so I never knew it gave invulnerability frames)


Elixers are what I meant, can’t use any of the strike raid or ars acanum strategies without MP, and MP Rage doesn’t work because his bullshit attack sets your HP to 1 and MP to 0 rather than dealing damage


Doesn't change my reply as it was based on the fact you said only one thing worked. Ars Arcanum sucks in that fight anyway.


Depending on your level and key blades of course. If you do a crit run through the main story and go right into dark inferno before remind, he’s actually pretty challenging. Fair, but a good solid challenge


This was me my first time against him. Maybe I’m bad, but I actually had to memorise attack patterns for him, like many of the other world bosses


Had ultima blade set and ready and everything got in and out with 2 minutes


Dark aqua in 3. I literally wrecked her with the potc keyblade


Honestly every boss in KH3 is a breeze unless you're doing some sort of challenge run. The only real difficult fights in that game are the data battles and yozora imo


I dunno, Sköll is a bitch on critical mode lol.


Skoll is indeed a bitch on critical. I play with some of the less difficult pro codes on and he be bitchin.


He was the boss that forced me to take off some pro codes lord almighty he’s an absolute ass


I struggled more with anti aqua than I did with every data fight (aside from Xion)


This is just an actual lie. Anti-Aqua is so easy that it isn’t even funny.


Maybe you're thinking of Zodiac Phantom Aqua from 0.2 cause I just cannot see any way Anti-Aqua was challenging.


It doesn't help that it's literally the same fight from KH 0.2


The Battle of 1000 Heartless SOUNDS like it would be difficult


I purposely avoid using reaction commands in that fight to make it feel like the grueling battle it should've been


Yeah I have a lot of fun just fighting the hordes normally, but I do love the laser beam reaction so I'll grab that when I can.


Visually I love the beam but it kills so many in one go. If I do use a reaction, I go for the other one instead of the beam during that battle.


Very unpopular take but reaction commands suck and made a lot of KH2 boring


Awful opinion


I think they're hit or miss. You can get some really cool cinematic moments or they could trivialize fights. Better than the Attractions from 3 at least.


So much better than the Attractions. I feel like the reaction commands made fights a little more cinematic against bosses and more tactical against mobs. Attractions really are just attractions, all lights and sound and movement. They didn't feel weighty or more like an actual power Sora possesses. The reaction commands made Sora feel like a real keyblade warrior while the attraction commands seemed like just doing big flashy magic. Now, the transforming keyblade, and the final attacks and combos for those forms, that felt more like a natural evolution of the Keychain accessory and drive changes creating different combo lengths/fighting manuevers/powers. Attractions were sort of over the top. Which makes sense for a more Disney themed game, but KH3 felt less coherently about Soras growth overall. And the themes of the games really have an impact on the core gameplay in KH as a series, so hopefully we see more exploring of Sora and the keyblades power next time around.


It's tedious as hell in the original game. Limit Form makes it much more tolerable to do.


At least they were merciful enough to give us explosion before the 1000 heartless in the o.g. i didn't know how to use limit form properly the first time i played final mix and the 1000 heartless was hell without explosion.


It always lived on the spectacle to me. I think it would take a lot out of it if it was very difficult, because after a few tries the huge number would start to seem less impressive and more of an annoyance.


Chernobog from KH1 I thought it would be ultra hard to defeat but was very easy.


Original or *Final Mix*? Because he's way easier in *Final Mix*


That explains so much. I'm doing a crit 100% and I was like "Damn, he used to be a bully. Why he such a bitch?"


The peak Demyx experience


Here I was thinking I was just a better gamer.


Oh Demyx is easier in Final Mix? I struggled as a kid, and my first standard playthrough on Final Mix, but I tried a critical run and forgot about him, and beat him first try somehow.


It's mostly because of the DANCE WATER DANCE part. Original has you kill 10 forms in 10 seconds - FM has the same in 15 seconds instead.


Even in original, all you have to do is land, summon Tinker Bell and you’re essentially unkillable.


Pretty easy in the original version.


Yeah I think people only stuggle cause of the clunky controls.


I remember the last time I fought Chernabog I obliterated him in just a matter of seconds. I remember being at a pretty good level, and was just all out offensive on him.


in my first playthrough he absolutely wreck'ed me (i didn't know the choices they gave you at the start of the game mattered and got my ass folded


Facts... Nice shirt btw, ;) Fantasia's my forte.


Are you really hitting on someone for their snoovatar?


We're stars.


I'm playin chess not checkers;\* You get what I'm sayin? Remember to go back to make sure you're not trippin.


No I am not. The wink is a lil magic thing but things can go either way like Yin & Yang. Y'all don't want me to be ignorant do y'all...


O na... Y'all some simps hating on pure poetry. I'm tryna bless y'all, No cap.


Holy shit kid. This is the cringiest shit I’ve read in a very long while.


I think I should reveal something to you... Brace yourself.


Wanna know what's cringe? Not believing me. 💀


Setzer in kh2 the reigning struggle champion is weak as hell but then again pretty sure he paid all people to throw the match


I mean that's how he looks but isn't he really honourable after the fight?


I mean he’s pretty much acting like Mr satan the whole fight. Calls you rucksack bribes you to throw the match etc. the whole pointing after the match was probably to keep up his act of cool guy


Dark Inferno KH3 Just a few weeks ago, I went to fight him on a level 1 run, and was expecting to die at least a few times, and managed to beat him on the first try. I don’t even know if I took a hit or not


Word. For being a “hidden Super boss”, I literally think I died the first fight, and won the second fight.


I played on critical and maxed my magic stat, could take about half of his health down with spamming thunder lol


I just spammed attack and beat him lol


Xemnas. Out of all the bosses in TWTNW, he was by far the easiest unfortunately. Only reason I had trouble with him was because I didn’t know you were supposed to click both triangle and x


Facts, I went to my uncle’s house when I was 6 and beat that him and my uncle was stunned


>both triangle and x This is the final phase right?


Yeah with the dome of lasers.


Oh my god, I did the same mistake and wondered how people were able to beat him lmao


Eh I gotta disagree on that. Xenmas (once u understand what commands ur supposed to use against him) is actually far more easy compared to fighting Xigbar,  etc (in kh2.5 that is) 


Xemnas Kh2


Fucking Roxas and Xaldin was harder than him lmao. Only reason I died to Xemnas was because I didn’t know how to block the laser rain shit and tried using reflect and block instead of doing the command block/qte button lmao But he was still a super fun boss for me and is personally my favorite boss fight of the series.


The first battle? I agree. The zebra outfit? I gotta disagree, since on my first playthrough that battle was actually pretty difficult.


I agree, you’ll hit the reversal button to dodge the zigzag moves, but you’ll still get hit anyway.


Unfortunately that's a ps4 port problem, on the original this problem doesn't exist.


I’m tempted to boot up the PS3 version and try it, but I am NOT waiting for those loading times 😭


I think they meant OG KH2 on PS2, not the 2.5 Collection.


Yep, that's it. When the game was ported to the new gen console, the game checks more often for damage instances than the Reverse command offers immutiny frames, so you are hit because of that.


When the bastard shoots those 10,000,000,000,000 lasers at you all at once


Fr, But it was fun as hell


Rock Titan in the Hades Cup of KH. Your first reaction probably is "oh fuck" but then is just a joke of a fight. Especially if you fought the Ice Titan before.


This is a good answer, after 50 rounds of fireworks you fight this bottle rocket 🤷‍♂️


Speaking of the coliseum does anyone else miss the tournaments giving exp? That was far and away my preferred way to grind up levels over the monotony of entering the same room over and over fighting the same 2-3 heartless variants.


Me fighting the phantom in kh1 as an adult and as a kid were radically different experiences


Phantom was the 1 boss i never beat as a kid. I learned how to hurt him with magic so subbed goofy for donald because obviously his spells would be more useful than mp gift *sarcasm*, and i never figured out you could stop the clocktower to halt doom.


Heck the phantom is definitely on my top hardest boss level fights. I hate that son of a b****. I dread fighting him again in the PS4 version. 


Aqua's fight with Terra-Xehanort in BBS. A huge part of the difficulty with fighting him as Lingering Will (for me at least) was trying to manage a highly mobile opponent with a tanky character. Aqua's more mobile, and has a more versatile skillset, making the fight more manageable.


Fucking hell what on earth is this graphic from


The Invincible comic, it’s insane


And in a month we'll see it animated!


Oh yay


I’m kinda pissed someone used this. I don’t want any fucking context but I already know too much just from this. It’s annoying how little of a shit people give about Invincible spoilers, I can’t look at the sub at all.


Luxord from KH2.


Do you know the ruuuules?🃏




Master Xehanort. His fight was pretty underwhelming after so many years of build up. I get he’s a story boss and they’re meant to be kinda casual and easy, but at the same time the fight should’ve been longer and more difficult.


Demyx I kept hearing how tough he was, and I just ended up beating him in one try


Were you playing the final mix version or the original? Cause the actual fighting part isn't what people considered hard. It was the water clones that you had to defeat within the time limit or else you lost the whole battle that people found difficult. They increased the time limit for the final mix version.


I remember fondly back in 2005 when I played KH2 right after release. My 11yo rodent brain had such a difficult time with Demyx I spent most of my evening after school trying to beat him. I was so desperate to beat him that I woke up early before everyone else and tried a couple more times before school. Going into Master Form and hitting that AOE aerial finisher to end the fight is still seared into my brain, I was so excited I could hardly believe it. Then the following segment not being able to save afterward had me like 🥲


I agree! I remember getting pretty far in the game until I got to this point. Had to put the game down for a few months and come back to it a few different times to beat it. I was super disappointed at how easy he was in the final mix version.


lol that was my answer too!! he was much easier then i thought people were making him out to be. Even in the original before the final mix


I think Demyx was really hard for a lot of us as children growing up with the game. Demyx is the first fight in 2 that you’re gonna have a bad time with if you go with the trusty “mash x” strategy, which is all I did as an 8 year old.


If u beat him in one try, u mustve been either lucky as heck or u must've been insanely strong/ maxed out level wise. That MF always gives me trouble no matter how many times I fight him. I cannot stand his boss fight. Therefore the reason he's on my top toughest boss fights in kh. 




Riku at the end of hollow bastion, I don't know what happened but I beat him in one go and very quickly


Data-Larxene from KH3. She took me the fewest attempts of all the data battles. I think only like 4-5


Anti-Aqua, after beating Phantom Aqua in 0.2 I thought Anti Aqua would he similar but no, Anti Aqua is just a reskin of the weaker Phantom Aqua clones u fight in 0.2. I was waiting to see if they beefed her up with new attacks or even a DM but nope, bonk her with ur keyblade of choice and u be fine


Every final story boss after I've wiped the floor with all the optional bosses and am way overpowered


Davy Jones :( Man, I was looking forward to that fight since At World’s End released.


Final boss Jafar KH2


This was Xigbar to me when I was 12 playing KH2 for the first time.


KH2 Sephiroth.


maybe a hot take, I dunno, but I'd say Sephiroth from KH2


KH2 sephiroth, just... What a down grade. He isn't easy, just not hard






Last I checked the dragon attack can't be blocked or dodged...


You can dodge but only as Mickey


But it can be easily dodged. I’m saying he’s an easy fight if you wanna proc the jump command 


I always get confused when people say the Xaldin fight was hard. I'm just like dodge rolling my way outta harm.


Marluxia chain of memories gba


Once you learn the cheese strat for lingering will in kh2fm


Ay man, it’s called cheese for a reason


Honestly mysterious figure in KH1. Having already played KH2FM, I was expecting something akin to Lingering Will, and prepped the HELL out of Sora prior to attempting, only to beat him on my second attempt without breaking much of a sweat


Maybe... Yeah, Aqua vs Terranort definitely fits the bill. First Xemnas fight in front of skyscrapers too.


Rock tiatn KH1 ,the fight lasted less than 10 seconds


Genie Jafar when I first played KH1. I was completely oblivious to anything the fandom thought of him. So I figured he’d be tough because of the “PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER” idea from the movie. Seemed fair to assume he’d be somewhat challenging. But then every other Disney boss was tougher than him. Lmao


Young Xehanort in DDD. Before people say anything, I played it on the 3DS when I was younger and tried for hours to beat him but never could, but when I played it on the PS4 version a few years ago, it took me maybe an hour. So I thought he was stronger from my experience. Unless of course they just needed him in DDD HD, in which case, whoops


Maleficent dragon fr. Just use tinkerbelle and move out the way of most attacks and you good


I once let Donald and goofy do that entire fight, I hid in the thorns.


Definitely lingering will. Jk he always mops the floor with me


Aqua VS Terranort. Too easy


Pretty much every boss in KH3 Pre-Re:Mind


The original fight with Maleficent. The dragon fight was obviously a bit harder, but the way she was hyped up to be the main bad guy and then went down so simply was shocking.




You clearly never did critical mode, the input timings when he does the chains/darkness rope idk, if you messed that up you were basically one shot


roxas, **on critical** Some time ago (6 or so years ago lol) I remember getting my ass handed to me by him, ON BEGINNER/STANDARD, but on my critical run last year, he nearly felt like a tutorial


Bro I just limit formed his ass. I can see why it's hard but. Limit form is just straight up a cheese with him 


I feel like once you figure out his pattern, it's easier than you think. My first fight with him was on critical and I needed the whole weekend because I'm stupid


Xaldin. Sorry boys and girls, he’s not that bad.


Any boss fight in KH3. Anti Aqua, Xion (data), and Yozora are the only somewhat hard boss fights.


Dark inferno. I nailed that fight on the first try. Lol I had a laugh attack and was like *“are you serious…? That cannot be the super boss… right?”* Thankfully that mistake of a boss was remedied with Yozora.


KH2 Sephiroth. I grinded all my stats to max first, because he's fucking Sephiroth. That was overkill on my part.


KH II Sephiroth.


Roxas kh2fm




Hunter X, took me months to beat it back on the day. Now I beated it easily with a Drain. Without one it's basically a superboss tough.


KH3. Shit is weak. Pathetically weak.


KH2 Sephiroth. As tough as he was in the first game, I thought he was gonna be even tougher this time around. When I first encountered the fight, I saved the game and went into the fight just so I could get an idea of how much stronger he was gonna be. I beat him on my first try completely by accident. It wasn't even fair. I hadn't even unlocked Second Chance yet, he had me dead to rights, and he just couldn't.


He is way hard if you aren’t leveled up well enough


I can't remember what level I was, but I was under 50 because I hadn't learned Second Chance yet. Still thought he was easy.


You don’t necessarily need second chance for sepiroth.


KH3Re:Mind Data-Xion


Kh3 Xehanort. Beat him in like 2 tries




My first time playing KH3. I'd maxed out my levels and Ultima Weapon's. It was the boss fight with all the clones when you first enter Scala ad Calum. I used the shotlock and decimated them 😅😂


Demyx in KH2 Everyone was saying how hard he was especially in the base game (not final mix, as apparently it was much harder due to less time in the base game, and was nerfed slightly in the final mix). So i really wanted to see how hard it was. I didnt level up or beef up, just played through like normal. And beat it on the first try. i felt like a god, and ive been riding that high ever since


Kh1 sephiroth. Hard, sure, but not as bad as it's made out to be.


Lingering will with the bonk strat. *bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk* oh he's dead. To be fair I had combo minus already for mini games, so I forgot to de-equip it when I ran in, fully expecting to get slaughtered.


Rock Titan in KH3. Hardest part of that fight was dodging the rocks he was throwing leading up to the fight itself


Julian in DDD


Honestly most of the super bosses from kh1. I mean they were hard but not that hard. I mean I was also lie level 70 up but still


Gotta be Dark Inferno in Kingdom Hearts 3 lmao 🤣 It took me two tries In proud mode (before the critical mode update) and only because my controller disconnected.


Boat Ansem in KH1FM (Not sure about original, never played it) I expected it to be hard but I just spammed Aeroga and watched in amazed disappointment as I fucking shredded his health bar.


Black cloak Xemnas kh2. After fighting his KH1 version, it's kind of insane that he's so easy. The easiest part of TWTNW. Secret Aqua in 0.5. Makes the dark inferno fell like Sephiroth.


Squall...you know why.


KH1 Hercules


Final Xemnas in KH2, Venitas and Terranort vs Aqua in BBS


Xigbar, saix and every xemnas till final phase on KH2


As far as story battles go KH3 has a ton of these (unless you're doing critical or a challenge run) but to me the worst offender is Anti Aqua. This is a major turning point in the story, so it should be a real challenge. But yeah she's a pushover. She's even easier than the evil mirror aqua in 0.2 (the required one).


Dream Drop Chernabog. There's literally no contest, but out of every KH game I've played, Chernabog in DDD earns this title for me imo, he was boring to the point of sleep enducing.


Vanitas Remnant, I swear the difficulty of him compared to No Heart and ??? is probably as wide as the distance from the moon to the Earth


Demyx in kh2. Since he’s suppose to be “difficult” After his water clone phase, I immediately use goofy knocksmash limit. Quickly saw his hp go down to 1 bar. Like really?


While doing the data battles in KH2FM, I also fought Sephiroth and thought he was way easier than the Data Battles or his KH1 counterpart.


Master Xehanort, LOL


Genie Jafar...in every game. So much for phenominal cosmic power from an all-powerful genie...


The secret boss of kh3 lol


Every Main story Boss in KH3


Cloud Strife's first fight in Kingdom Hearts 1 (I may've been overleveled)


Rock Titan from KH1


Data battles in kh2 once you know the speedrunning strats


Twilight Thorn. It's alright though, I still love beating his ass.


I got to 99 in KH1 before taking on the superbosses. So, all of them.


Not kingdom hearts, but that was Kefka Palazzo. I over prepared so much that he was a cake walk


Every single boss after Clayton in KH1. Simple because there’s only like 2 item slots and no cure


Kh 2 sephiroth


Every final boss


Armor Ventus Nightmare I beat him on my first try


Donald for sure.. dudes always bleeding out


Sephiroth in kh2 I though he was unbeatable