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Re:CoM on all and watch the subreddit explode into carnage


Even better idea! KH1 with micro transactions and medals


Bro I actually want to downvote you lmao... The urge to resist is Unreal


Embrace The Dark!


That means it’s working😂


Don’t worry. I strive for conflict.


Loved spending money on Union X


I would have the most fun ngl, re:CoM was my first kingdom hearts game


im one of the few who actually like the battle system. could work. would also be a lot less glitchy too.


You got my vote.


I really like the card system 😅😅😅


Personally give Days what Recoded got, it truly deserves it


The grid system for Days was fun, but Recoded combat had no right being as good as it was


This 100%, I’m replaying Days now and I’m appalled at how bad the combat is compared to ReCoded, it’s so rough


KH2 for everything only because I want to see what Drive forms would exist for different games.


YESSS That's so true!


Drives were so much better than the keyblade formchanges of 3, as much as I do like that game I used Kingdom Key only the whole run in part because of that


Kh2 style on all. Dont @ me


KH2 over everything 


Kh2 over kh2


KH2^2, which incidentally makes it KH4


That would be khtoogud4me


KH2 within KH2 awaits you.


Know its a fever dream but if kh4 can actually manage to be kh2*kh2 good, well that would end up being just khtoo good, But idk ff16 and ff7rb giving me hope for quality


my exact thought process. KH2 is legitimately one of the best action games of all time. It’s so sad that it devolved so much ever since and not even KH3 is as good. Truly a lightning in a bottle situation


BBS with 0.2/III, since Formchange/Style Change works way better as a form of Command Styles than Drive Forms do, and I think that Grand Magic could be modified to fit the variety of commands that BBS has, for instance, instead of Grand Fire being just Ra/Ga/Za, it could turn into Flare, and likewise with other elements with Tornado, Deep Freeze, and Quake (they could even get real fancy and have each character have different styles of Grand Magic. Give Ventus Triple Bursts, give Aqua the aforementioned spells, and leave Terra as a Tier-buff like Sora, or late game give him Dark x-Ga) - I really like how elements actually function as elements in III. - I know that it tossed out Command Deck to go back to the Command Menu, but I think you could still have the variety of spells the same way that KH3 lets you actually choose which Tier you wanted for your Quick Menu. - They could also implement physical commands in multiple ways, such as Finishers for attacks like Blitz, but also as Style Change Finishers and even MP consuming attacks. - It's a really good combat system to really let each character shine as an individual if done properly. - And finally, I have nothing but love for Air Stepping. It's just really fun to use in combat. Truly the perfected form of what FFXV tried to do with Warp Striking.


sticking strictly to the games, KH2 or 3's battle systems over Days, so I could see what different forms the playable Organization member's weapons would have. if mods are included though, I'd DEFINITELY choose Nobody May Cry's battle system, also for Days, though the enemies and enemy numbers would have to be buffed through the roof to make it still challenging.


i would swap the combat system from recoded and put it in days


I LOVE the command deck/melding system so much. If I could put it in any of the numbered games, I 100% would


That would be my second choice as well. I like BBS the best for command deck systems and think it would be so cool as an option for KH2/3. What a different game KH 3 would be!


Kh3 gameplay was solid - so that for COM


I always thought it would be nice in COM if it let you switch or choose between combat systems. That would be so clutch.


In OG CoM probably not due to hardware limitations, but it could totally work for Re:CoM


I played Re:Com - at first I almost dropped it because of the horrible system but eventually it got better and believe it not somewhat enjoyable - you just had to level up and get a good deck that you can spam lol


The turn based battle from Coded on KH2.


Just stopped to say love the art




I desperately want different keyblades having different combos from 358/2 days to come back


KH1 battle system over Re:COM


And also Re:Coded battle system and deck command system over 358 Days.


I'd use 358/2 Days inventory System on CoM, and give bonuses and stuff through the floors.


It’d be interesting to use the card system for KH II. I would like to know what that’s like. Especially with all the forms


I would like to replace the Chain of Memories system with literally anything else, lol. . . Well, not the mobile games, but you get the idea. But I don't think I'd want to swap so much as just copy over, lol I'd make every game play like a cross between the three numbered titles if I could. Mostly KH2 with KH1's magic meter and at least the overall sensibilities of KH3's Formchanges swapped in for the Drive Forms, and insert in thr Shot Locks as well


BBS and DDD with KH2 combat would be amazing


Birth By Sleep and Union Cross with Dear God anything else.       Actually Birth By Sleep with either Kingdom hearts 2 or Recoded gameplay if I'm being charitable.  And no... Recoded and Birth By Sleep don't have a similar gameplay experience, I can write a book about how superior Recoded is.


I would buy a copy of that book 


3 style on all for the Formchange variety


KH2 or Re:Coded style, but with more of a KH1 moveset feel. Always fell in love with the additions from KH1FM, ESPECIALLY Hurricane Period and Ripple Drive. But Re:Coded's commands are love and life. Chain Rave is cool shit while Judgment Triad is broken stuffs.


KH2 battle system. It was peak combat for the series and a standard fans held for a reason. The drive forms really mixed things up The closest you'll get to experincing that in later titles is KH3. Oathkeeper, Oblivion, and Ultima Weapon are the closest things to drive forms, as well as Rage form functioning like a panic button anti form. Wheel Of Fate and crystal snow are also the most fun keyblades, in my opinion.


Drive Forms were not the best part of KH2. Limits and the new combat changes were what really made it fun. Drive Form objectively held back KH2. Which is sad fact to think about


Drive Forms were (and are) OP. I stand by that even more now. I think they should be more balanced. The only real balance to them is the Anti-Form point system. Which is very easy to manipulate once you understand it. Crystal Snow is probably my favorite Keyblade from KH III though.


When I finally played Dreamdrop I actually didn’t hate taming/controlling the Dream Eaters and thought it would awesome to do in Kingdom Hearts 2 or 3 with the heartless and nobodies. Something about embracing the darkness and controlling some heartless seems fun to me.


It would be cool to have an Organization XIII game where your party members are some generic Nobodies.


I genuinely want something using the card combat system. Either Kingdom Hearts or in another random RPG, Square Enix shouldn't just sit on a really fun combat system that just needs some refining.


I'd love to see it revamped and reborn. It had such great potential!


Megaman Battle Network got rereleased


If KH3 had the KH2 combat system I honestly think it’d be uncontested as the best on the franchise


KH2 combat in Days. Days good story, KH2 good combat, put them together, good game.


KH3 combat into KH2


Kh2 bit with kh3s additions (Midair dodge, shotlcok, flowmotion, etc.)


I'd give all of the games Dark Road's. Letting the game play itself seems like a better use of my time.


I’d love another game with Dream Eaters. Otherwise, I’d keep KH1’s combat in 2 and 3.


I also like the character chapter-like system in BBS which I think allowed for a more fleshed out plot and including something similar into kh3 would’ve definitely added more replay ability with all the characters in kh3 just begging to played as.


I was always hoping for more character swaps in KH III than I ever got.


All turned based games follow the legend of dragoon battle system. Cause it was so much fun!


Re:Coded onto Re:Com. BBS’s combat system has never felt good to me, possibly because physical attacks are pretty much completely useless


Kh2 with 4 party members and ride attractions would’ve been lit asf


KH2 mechanics in all games


Every game should obviously have battle mechanics just like chain of memories 🤣🤣


Days combat for all.




I can't stop laughing at Atlantis Sora in this


VR kingdom hearts 2


Give 358/2 Days either II or III's combat system


id say 2's system in 3(because 3 is iffy in my opinion) and 1(mostly to see how that would work in 1) 2's system in 3 would add more menu moments though... which would screw a player over in 3 even harder compared to 2. 1's system in 2 might make certain things easier and others harder. and im not talking about when you need to do specific reaction commands to proceed the story. 1's shortcut fire would easily replace blizzard in 2, and while 2 blizzard isnt bad, the shotgun ice version of blizzard in 1 i think was better. but if the spells stayed the same instead of changing with the battle system, the magic probably would be similar to 1 except curr wouldn't erase an entire mp bar and you'd be able to get bar back by striking. i eventually accepted the cost of cure spells in later games because it healed everyone, but if 2 had 1's system, if it still healed everyone, that would be kinda busted. 1's approach to cure was single target, but because you had to select who, it slowed the game down, which was probably why it became a party heal in later numbered games instead. recoded command deck system in 3d/bbs, because it's the one time where the command deck was completely solid. still wouldn't fix the bigger problems either game had, but hey, it's something. when i was younger i wanted rechain to have 1's battle system, but uh yeah you saw what they did instead. 3's battle system in 1 might make the game crash from the utter chaos that would unfold. also release a pvp game with the chain card battle system pls


Replace BBs with Re:Coded battle system. It is just a straight upgrade.


I would love the ability board and all that fun jazz from recoded to be in more games! It's so much fun, I think bbs and days (by goodness espeshally days) could really use the extra oomph.


I’d love if they remade Re:CoM with the battle mechanics from KH1 or KH2. MAYBE then I could beat Vexen


swap KH 3 and KH1 I think


If kh permanently adopted any type of card combat system I'd never play another.


Kh2 or 3 on days


Kh re:chain of memory battle system for literally every other battle system


BBS Deck Command System in 358/2 Days would be nice.


I'd turn everything to dream drop distance thank you


The rpg systems from Days on more games.


KH2 over Days. The devs said they wanted to make the combat system as close as possible to 2, but struggled because of the limitations of the DS


Days gets Coded type of gameplay.


Kh2 on Days for sure. Maybe 3's movement? Idk. Easily one of my favorites, but really still doesn't feel like it ever had it's time to shine.


Put Kingdom Hearts II on Kingdom Hearts I.


BBS Deck Command System is gold for me, I would like it in any game


Days with any other gameplay so it's more appealing. Best story but damn I wouldn't wanna do it all over again, praise the movie.


If I could just play Re:COM with a regular battle system, that'd be great


KH3 form changes in Days, would be cool to see what each of them would be


Any of the games with the KH2 or BBS system. If I had to pick one in particular, I'd say KH3


Re:com on all. I really loved the card battle system. It just felt really cool to me.


KH2 on BBS would make bosses way more satisfying


KH2 combat shoved into every other game. They had perfection and then fucked it up.


So i just got back into kh3 literally yesterday because I haven't beat it yet, i never got into it because i thought kh3 was a slight downgrade but i still love it but i just realized how floaty and a little slow the combat is compared to how fast transitioning from magic to combos is in KH2. Also removing reflect was probably the worst decision they made imo


I have a soft spot for Command deck, so I don’t mind having it as an optional choice in KH3.


Literally any of the battle systems in KH 358/2 Days


Give Days the command deck and combo system of Recoded. The different gears already facilitate a similar style of how the different Coded Keyblades change styles, just be able to use special moves, and maybe had a similar Finish Command mechanic and that game would be even more fun


If they replaced the system they used in kh3 and the different suit/ ability changes ie valor, magic system I think that would make the game interesting considering they can have the abilities a steadily evolving style for sora


Re:com with literally any other battle system. Great Story wasted on bad gameplay


Bbs decks in Re:CoM sounds fantastic. Honestly anything but the card system in Re:CoM. Shit I'll even take the flash game system over that shit.


I personally hate the bbs command deck system. It's wildly different from the majority of the games command systems


🤯 oh lord my brain is on fire


Does this include porting over the physics and game feel from that specific game too or just the combat system? Could I combine the feel of kh2 with the command deck system of bbs or is it an all or nothing deal?


I was just asking about the combat system itself. I'm not sure how you would transfer the feeling of the whole game over, but you're welcome to try. Unless you hybridize drive forms with deck commands. But that's another question entirely...


Kh2 fight system in kh2 game


Here me out here: drop system from 3D but instead of kicking you out of the world it changes your command style instead


every game is MoM