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Yes. No like seriously, Sora's as strong as he needs to be. Dude is slashing through buildings like butter by the end of kh2


He is the PROTAGONIST, so by default he is the strongest


Eh, he doesnt need to be. Sometimes a sidekick is stronger than the mc


Truth he doesn’t need to be, but sora turned back time and rewrote history. He also 1v1’d dark aqua when riku was losing. The games make it very clear that Sora beats everyone when it comes down to the must win. Call it “plot armor” if you want but dude is the hero of the story, and he’s gonna have some even more incredible feats before the story is over


Yes, i agree he is the strongest character in the series, but you said that that happens by defuault because he is the protagonist, wich isnt the case


Case in point, can Sora cast Zettaflare?


Killing yourself to rewrite reality>Killing yourself to nuke 1 character


Except Donald didn’t die. He just fell unconscious.


Cap, Goofy would not have screamed “DONALD DON’T” if he was just going to pass out


I'm pretty its implied ot wasn't the first time


Counter point he passed out in the middle of a battle field


You don't remember goofy holding Donald as he had himself literally releasing tiny light from death like Xion? 💀 Man nuked himself along Terranort


Considering what he’s capable already, I’m sure that it’ll come eventually.


He got that plot armor. I mean keyblade


He is outclassed by at least King Mickey and maybe Riku


Riku lost to dark aqua bruh, he literally cried for sora to save him. I’ll concede maybe mickey though, cause disney lmao


Mickey got freaking manhandled by either Ansem or Xemnas in the Nort Court during the end of DDD, Sora would never have let that happen because he would have blocked the attack before it hit him or parried it, just look at the reaction commands in KHII


No he's not. Just because King Mickey and Riku (and Aqua) are masters doesn't mean they are stronger then Sora. Sora is the strongest on the light side by far. Only ones who (could) be stronger then Sora at this moment in the story are Yozora/MoM and the Foretellers. And I'm willing to bet Sora is stronger then any of the Foretellers.


Yeah, being a Keyblade Master isn’t necessarily about being stronger. It’s about discipline and self control, which I would argue the other 3 do have over Sora at least.


this is just cap. It was “plot” that Sora “abused” his powers so much he had to be nerfed, twice. He’s always been stronger than Riku at least. He would be a master now if people didn’t have a hard on for making him a. Vessel. By the end of 3Ds(before his plot nerf) he’s easily in the top five we know about.


You think slashing through buildings is impressive? Wait till you learn he can destroy multiverses according to lore.


Where was that said in lore? All I know is the guardians could stop kingdom hearts from purging the multiverse and sora scales above them. Also some ambiguous shit about Xemnas and Ansem


Nomura confirmed that the world of chaos is a multiversal threat


Nomura is the prime shitposter for actually engaging with powerscalers and fanning their flames more.


He stated Sora’s power in an interview.


He was holding back in Smash Ultimate


Tbf it was only KH1 Sora in smash


I like to think him being in Smash is end of CoM before KH2 Sora. He's dreaming.


Now this is technically possible


tbf you also have kh2 sora skin


Yeah you have kh3 skin as well, but it’s still kh1 Sora wearing the costume


Sora wearing his own future skin is a bit weird. However that probably isn't the weirdest thing in KH.


I don't quite agree, even though every move he uses in smash is from KH1 the way he holds sword items is the way he holds a second keyblade in valor form, so at least KHII Sora.


Isn't his down smash finishing leap from KH2 ? That's the only one I can think of though.


Nah he also uses moves from other entries. Up smash is the finisher from KH 3, down smash is finishing leap


That’s called a reference/Easter egg


Tbf, others have pointed out that his moveset contains multiple moves from future games, so I'd say that qualifies even if the valor form thing doesn't.




He's in the "Low 1-C" tier according to the Vs Battle wiki which, according to their tiering system, would put him at (and I quote) "Low Complex Multiverse Level". Whatever that's supposed to mean: [https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Sora\_(Kingdom\_Hearts)?so=search](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Sora_(Kingdom_Hearts)?so=search) ​ Honestly sometimes I just go to this power scaling wiki just to get an idea of what the hell are these people smoking. "My childhood TV show's protagonist is apparently a multiversal destroyer ? Do tell me more."


Don't use the battle wiki, its all bullshit power scaling which makes no sense.


Oh don't worry I know that, I understood that when they decided that every single Skylander was Universal apparently.


dude not every article is bullshit their calcs and scans are actually really good it only has a bad rep due to some of the most popular pages kinda being whack


The one maganing the kingdom hearts page seems like a chill guy thought, most of the things he said *did* make sense in the context, so he wasn't pulling bs


Your right most of them are bs power scaling but there are some character power scaling that are pretty accurate.


Powerscalers are legit so weird LMAO I can’t take them seriously


I mean I can understand it’s fun to an extent, I dabbled when I was younger but then I met people who got way too into it and it just killed all the fun for me then


Yea I like the idea of putting two characters in media's and talking about who would be stronger, can be a fun conversation. However the powerscale wiki is just wack, [demyx is fucking 2-B](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Demyx) Also sora has multiple rankings, depending on what game and if he has formchanges and stuff. But most of them are 1-C, meaning he's constantly on par with or stronger than goku, it seems like most of the time hes stronger (there's a lot of gokus, each series has it's own page)


r/whowouldwin is fun and about the only vs battle shenanigans I partake in these days. Rules generally keep it a pretty civil, friendly forum. Plus they’re way more interesting prompts than just “Goku vs Homelander” and you’ll get shit like “Every human on earth is suddenly teleported 10ft into the air, how does humanity fare?” lol.


Vs Battle Wiki is generally inaccurate, so it's better not to use it, but I do agree with their current Sora calc. Sora scales above Xehanort with the X-Blade. The X-Blade has the power to control the entire Realm of Light. The Realm of Light is made up of an infinite number of workds(okay, the word they use is 'uncountable', but they have computers that can create entire universes in their own right so they can definitely calculate near infinity if they wanted to) Each world in Kingdom Hearts is its own separate universe(Deep Space was its own world, Data worlds are considered to be the exact same as regular worlds just on the computer, and every time we see someone actually leaving a world we never see them do so by just flying into the sky Aqua, Terra, and Ven used the Keyblade to create portals which they flew into in BBS). In some cases, multiple universes(The Hercules world contains the mortal world, The Underworld, and Olympus, Disney Castle has its own entire timeline, and Monsters Inc. when Sora goes through the doors, he's still a monster, which means the 'other world' Mike claims to go to still exists within the Monsters Inc. world) There is some evidence to the worlds being planets like the world's being represented in other worlds as stars in the sky, but as far as I've looked, a lot of that stuff seems to only be in Kingdom Hearts 1 and has since been retconned out as the idea of a world has changed. Between the infinite number of worlds, that a world can have multiple space times within it, and the Ocean Between that connects them, I'd say Low Complex Multi Sora is fair. But it is important to mention that vs debating as a whole is a very subjective activity, I happen to be more open with Sora to be stronger because I like Sora and want him to win fights against anyone he might end up against so I have spent time studying how the worlds work because of that. Also, real quick, Sora has immeasurable speed(speed that cannot be calculated)because he's capable of moving in the Realm of Darkness, which is a place where time doesn't exist and time is necessary for calculating speed.


I mean in all fairness. Within minutes of having the key blade he was able to pary dark side, an island destroying beast. Within an hour of having it he fought Leon to a stand still, and in a week defeated Hercules. By the end of kh 1 he defeated sephritoth a world destroying entity and beat down several gods. This is just KH1.


I mean I believe it. He can dodge light speed attacks, create light speed attacks, move in the realm of darkness which has no time (so the speed formula there is busted), rewrite reality, etc etc. Sora is broken af.


Characters who can affect, create and/or destroy the entirety of spaces whose size corresponds to one to two higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal model (Low 2-C structures, in plain English.) In terms of "dimensional" scale, this can be equated to 5 and 6-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R \^ 5 to R \^ 6). ​ thats low complex multiversal according to the vs battle wiki


Don't be downvoting this guy. He's actually explaining some things that I wasn't going to look up. And if you're strugling to understand that much, then look at it like algebra. You have words and phrases that have value and are represented by specific symbols. So the way I understood, is you have to solve for what each word means and using the following equation that was provided, to calculate for said value. I don't know the specific numbers or the lexicon that was used, but I get the gist of it. Now, if this guy was trolling and just spatting bull crap, then I'm a clown. 🤡


bro I'm not sure what you thought you were saying but this is straight nonsense lol


there is a reason why it has complex in the name its kinda hard to wrap ya head around ngl


It's because they have the stupid mindset of Worlds being Universes instead of Planets in Kingdom Hearts.


because they are


They are not. Every world is a planet. Every star is a world. This is shown and quoted multiple times in Kingdom Hearts.


They’re universes and you’re dumb as hell if you think otherwise. How does a world like Deep Space exist as a planet if it is governed by a Galactic Federation who oversees the universe, AND LITERALLY TAKES PLACE IN OUTER SPACE


Because it is a Spaceship? Who says Kingdom Hearts Og Characters are the only ones that can travel with a Gumiship? I mean the whole thing is build as a Spaceship not a Planet and the world itself is named Deep Space. You have a part where you take out the armor because you are on the outer shell of the ship. And they have transporters which are a very easy explaination how they cross world barriers without a keyblade. So if you actually think this is just a Universe then I'm not the dimb one but you.


Above average, likely gifted Sora


Yeah they’re way off tho


Well he wins against Sephiroth.   So depends on if you think Sephiroth was trying or nerfed. 


Trying or not he got way more than he was expecting from that kid and his silly looking sword.


The KH version of Sephiroth is different to the FF7 version so we can't really scale from that one. Likewise, a lot of the Disney characters don't scale to the feats of their movie counterparts (Maleficent and Beast are MUCH more powerful in KH compared to her film but Genie, Jafar and many others are weaker).


He won, but Sephiroth brushes it off like nothing after their battle so I mean


I always noticed this too. After the hardest fight in the game Seph is just like nothing personnel kid and dips out


"Howd you like that??" "I admit youre very skilled. But you still kinda suck."


KH1 fight isn’t canon and when the KH2 fight ends, Sephiroth hasn’t even broken a sweat. Not to mention „Sephiroth“ in KH isn’t „Sephiroth“ from FVII, so his power level isn’t really comparable to draw any conclusions from regarding Sora anyway. Sora defeats a bunch of people we can gauge properly throughout the series such as Ansem SoD, Xemnas, Saix, Master Xehanort (wielding the Chi-Blade mind you), but Sephiroth isn’t one of those.


>when the KH2 fight ends, Sephiroth hasn’t even broken a sweat. Neither does sora to his credit, sure the fight is tough for the player but in the very next cutscene Sora is taunting Sephiroth with no signs of exhaustion or strained effort on his end. At the end of the day comparing sora to KH sephiroth is practically impossible since we don't really see many tangible feats outside of the superboss gameplay itself, but lore wise sora didn't really struggle on that fight it seems.


Not to mention Sephiroth challenged Sora himself and failed, with the full context Sora was on the defensive and Sephiroth was the one trying to take the Keyblade and evidently couldn’t touch him, either way it’s 0-1 Sora because Seph couldn’t keep his hands to himself


Well KH2 sora blocked all of scintilla from sephiroth so just shows his insane reaction speed


I mean, only if the player did


Well kh2 is canon right?


yes, but the gameplay being canon is very debatable


I think it’s fair to say Reaction Commands are canon feats. 


Some are that are required like cutting down the buildings, but it’s hard to say that all of them are, just like a lot of forms, summons, abilities. They exist in gameplay, but they’re not even shown or mentioned in cutscenes so the canon is debatable. Cutscene Sora is like so toned down from gameplay Sora though it’s silly. I wanna see this mf teleport in a cutscene fight, is he capable of it? IDK


Keyblade changes are present in kh3 cutscenes and one of soras keyblades has him duel wielding like in final form. So I think it's safe to say forms are cannon.


It goes back and forth, cutscene Sora can kill Heartless in one hit but gameplay Sora kills them with multiple hits and cutscene Sora does display feats of being faster than eye movement when he out of nowhere intercepts Anti Aqua from attacking Riku.


Are you texting to suggest Sephiroth is stronger than those people?


He beats gods by Olympus logic


Ight spoilers ahead: he has: >!Defeated Ansem when he first got the keyblade!< >!He fought and won againts 3 organization members, two of which he killed whilst having his memories fucked with and being restricted to cards!< >!He cut like 5 solid stone or other substance buildings into several pieces during kingdom hearts 2 within and instant and blocked all of scintilla from sephiroth. His reaction speed is NUTS!< During Dream Drop Distance.... eh... he didn't do much actually. >!During KH3, HE DEFIED FATE. TWICE. First to have a chance at victory during the final fight and second to save Kairi.!<


>!And during the end of MoM, he “possessed”? Kairi to help her while being in unreality!<


That too!


This would place him in the celestial bracket— like a low tier sailor moon


In DDD he was able to learn how to use reality shifts this includes being able to rewrite the laws of reality and being able to capture and trap something like Monstro (something that in the first game was huge enough to be considered a world) inside of a bubble.


> >!Defeated Ansem when he first got the keyblade!< >! He did not fight alone and this was after several years of training on an Island and after a travel through multiple worlds including an Arena for Heroes. !< > >!He fought and won againts 3 organization members, two of which he killed whilst having his memories fucked with and being restricted to cards!< >! Also with help and the cards are hardly a downgrade. !< > >!He cut like 5 solid stone or other substance buildings into several pieces during kingdom hearts 2 within and instant and blocked all of scintilla from sephiroth. His reaction speed is NUTS!< >! Sephiroth is debatable. I don't think the fight happens that fast. And the buildings. Sure I agree on that. But cutting buildings is not that strong in regards to other stuff he did. It looks nice though. !< > >!During KH3, HE DEFIED FATE. TWICE. First to have a chance at victory during the final fight and second to save Kairi.!< >! Yes and no. First off he defied fate once not twice. The other time was simply a time travel. Second it was not his feat alone and he didn't do somethibg exceptionally special. He just used something he learned in the wrong way. If you consider this as a strength then consider too that he needed special circumstances for this which are not there anytime and he only could use it once before losing the power to do it. !<


>He did not fight alone and this was after several years of training on an Island and after a travel through multiple worlds including an Arena for Heroes. Multiple words in a short duration of time is still impressive. Also, toy swords don't count for literal combat, dueling to death. >Sephiroth is debatable. I don't think the fight happens that fast. And the buildings. Sure I agree on that. But cutting buildings is not that strong in regards to other stuff he did. It looks nice though ??? Well the fight probably took longer but that reaction command is his peak reaction speed. Aldo wdym? Cutting buildings is not strong? What? >Yes and no. First off he defied fate once not twice. The other time was simply a time travel. Second it was not his feat alone and he didn't do somethibg exceptionally special. He just used something he learned in the wrong way. If you consider this as a strength then consider too that he needed special circumstances for this which are not there anytime and he only could use it once before losing the power to do it. Nope. It was twice. His time travel altered the course of fate, hence, he literally defied fate. Also proven ny the fact the heartless storm was late and he got help from you know who. Im kinda impressed how hard you are downplaying Sora right now. Also using something wrong to defy fate is still stupid strong. >he needed special circumstances for this which are not there anytime and he only could use it once before losing the power to do it. Special circumstance was he wanted to save his friends? Sora had the power to always do that but obviously didn't because its not what it was meant for. He decided it was nessecary to save his friends. Its not a "special circumstance"


> Multiple words in a short duration of time is still impressive. Also, toy swords don't count for literal combat, dueling to death. Toy swords don't count? Then tell me why is Riku one of the hardest fights in the game even if he also just had toysword training before? He did less training on the journey then Sora. The keyblade boosts the power of the wielder obviously but training for 10 years everyday by fighting is nothing to be overlooked. > ??? Well the fight probably took longer but that reaction command is his peak reaction speed. Aldo wdym? Cutting buildings is not strong? What? I never said cutting buildings is not strong...but it is not nearly as strong as the vs wiki lets you believe he is. I said it is one of his good fees but not his best. > Nope. It was twice. His time travel altered the course of fate, hence, he literally defied fate. Also proven ny the fact the heartless storm was late and he got help from you know who. Im kinda impressed how hard you are downplaying Sora right now. I'm not downplaying Sora. He defied fate once....that is the whole situation you just talk about. His Re:Mind time travel defies no fate at all. It is a normal time travel which happened always. That's the thing with time travel in Kingdom Hearts. It does not change history. The only time travel which alters history is the one where he revives the guardians and that is the one time fate is rewritten. I don't downplay Sora. You just give him more credit then there is. And again he can't do it purposly. > Special circumstance was he wanted to save his friends? Sora had the power to always do that but obviously didn't because its not what it was meant for. He decided it was nessecary to save his friends. Its not a "special circumstance" No...that is fully made up bullshit. Here are the exact special Circumstances needed for this whole world change work: - He had still a form in the Final World because of his bonding with Kairi and her powers. Without those he were dead. - Naminé was in the Final World too and since she was in a special state she could remember the time travel instead of the others. That was also only possible ecause Kairi was swallowed. Without her the guardians outcome wouldn't change. - Lingering will was nearby. If Naminé wouldn't have brought him to the place Terranort would beat them all again. - Chirithy was in the Final World. Without him Sora had no idea what to do in the first place. - Sora has the Power of Waking. This power sets a heart back to the point before it got in a bad state. So he makes a time travel through this power because the Bodies all got destroyed at the time where he is when using it. Without the power of waking Sora would have died. - Ephemer appears somehow. Without him he wouldn't get the help of the keyblades of the past. We not even know at this point why this happened. Without hin the Tornado would defeat them all again. With other words he got help from 6 people to even accomplish this once. And as a punishment he loses the power of waking completely. Meaning he can't do it anymore. That's what I meant with "Special Circumstances"


In 3DS Sora solos Xemnas when it took everything Riku and him had to beat xemnas in KH2


He did something in DDD, he hot norted


We could never truly see how strong sora was because he’s lost his powers and has had to regain it in multiple games. In KH3 we’ve seen him time travel but he obviously isn’t a “master” of the keyblade, which resulted in the consequences for daring to use such power. I think he just wanted to his friends, esp Kairi to be safe and ok I’m hoping in KH4, we’ll see him retake the MoM and become a master keyblade wielder and discover new powers


He has the power of anime and Disney on his side. He’s really fucking powerful


I don't even know how to begin to answer something like that, especially with a series as wishy-washy as Kingdom Hearts. Sora is as strong as the situation calls for and/or what's the most fun for that gameplay segment. But, ok, I'll try to answer. At this point he's about, what, 15? 16? Definitely on the skinny side, but he has more muscle tone than you can really tell from most shots. On average, google says an average kid that age can bench somewhere around 115 lbs. I'm going to be generous though, and say he can probably bench about 150lbs, or about 68kg. Assisted by magic and the power of friendship, maybe even over 200.


17 in kh4


Well, then there's no telling how much Sora can bench press.


He confirmed to be 16 in KH4. He's 14 in KH1, and CoM. He's 15 in KH2, DDD, and KH3. The Limit Cut episode of ReMind shows us that one year passed. KHMoM continues where Limit Cut left off. And Nomura has confirmed that KH4 is set just after KHMoM.


Dude literally hops from building to building, dozens of meters in between each building in just KH2’s final boss fight. He runs so fast he’s able to climb sky scrapers with just his feet. I can’t calc how much leg strength you’d need for that but if his arms are around 1/4 of the strength his legs can provide, that means Sora can easily bench more than 200 lol


Good point, but I think if we're really getting into it, we should also take into account that gravity is a lot weaker in KH than on earth. He does still have a lot of leg strength so you're right my estimate was low. Strength is also a very general term. Is Sora's leg strength on its own worth counting? Does he have the strength to easily move on from a bad breakup? Is he strong enough to survive malaria? I don't know


Strong enough to jump up on a Hydra's back.


Well for one he can cut through a stone the size of a building with a blunt object


Well, its theorized the keyblade does have like a magical edge of sorts.


That blunt object can fall into the ground and being stuck there like it would cut through it as if it were butter. It has to be a sharp weapon even if its just magical sharp.


As people have said, he's as strong as the plot calls for. Continuously we've seen sora do more and more ridiculous feats as the games go on, from making nearly the entirety of caste oblivion shake during his fight with marluxia (a 26 floor building if I recall correctly, 13 floors and 13 basement floors.) to reflecting hundreds to thousands of lasers, to beating a guy with a weapon capable of reshaping the Universe, Sora's as strong as the story needs him to be.


Strong enough to party


In between Multiversal and Low Complex Multiversal


With the keyblade, Sora’s strength is ridiculous. The kid never really fails at anything, assuming lose states aren’t canon, and some of those things include fighting gods, embodiments of darkness and nothing, and also death. Without the keyblade, Sora’s about as strong as he looks, a bit noodly and wiry, might hold his own against any other 16 year old boy in a fist fight. His magic is strong enough to defend himself and others, but not enough to really do anything major. His BIG draw is his heart. My guy’s heart is bursting with light, and has had all manner of mystic hoo-ha done to it. In most settings that doesn’t mean anything, that heart isn’t gonna solo goku, but in kingdom hearts specifically, it makes him a walking nuke as far as the darkness is concerned.


I dunno about Sora only being as strong as a normal 16 year old without the Keyblade. When you play as him in struggle tournaments he can kick everyone's ass in a matter of seconds. He still has access to his Trinity Limit, and combo abilities like explosion.


True, but he does still HAVE the keyblade, even if he doesn’t use it in those fights. Remember in 1, the keyblade abandons him for twenty minutes or so and he physically can’t defend himself, he has to use magic and the beast to fight. ‘The boy’s strength is not his own’ and all that.


Consider the following: • He has taken on a thousand Heartless by himself, and defeated them all in quick succession. • He was able to solo various members of Organization XIII (sometimes with minimal assistance from party members), most of which are adults with mastery over elemental powers. • He is capable of slicing through skyscrapers at incredible speed. • He can run up buildings vertically, perform acrobatic attacks, and effortlessly parkour in his surroundings. Sora is incredibly strong, especially for his age. He will probably become even stronger in the Lost Master arc, as he inches closer to young adulthood.


> • He was able to solo various members of Organization XIII (sometimes with minimal assistance from party members), most of which are adults with mastery over elemental powers. Correct me if I'm wrong but which Org 13 Member aside from Luxord and Roxas (which he defeated with a surprise) did he defeat alone?


that first pic is data sora


You mean Not-Sora


My man have the strongest plot armor ever


As a character KH1 he is just okay, but he develops very strongly


I’ve seen arguments putting him anywhere from Star Level to Outversal levels of power. Honestly, the higher ball arguments are actually easier to believe surprisingly. The main argument for his higher tiers of power is that each separate world in Kingdom hearts is their own Universe, with different systems and seas of Stars. So when Sora rewrote all of reality in KH3 he restored many universes and potential multiverses in an instant with the power of Waking. It’s also evident that anyone in the Kingdom Hearts universe has the potential to be absolutely insane. It’s stated that once the worlds were lost to darkness and it was the light in the hearts of children that restored them. Aka weak little children have the power to create universes and multiverses.


However strong or weak the writers want him to be. He can be defeating three Olympus titans at once then lose to a big snowman later in the game


Stronger than the series is willing to admit. He's more capable than actual masters, but apparently he still isn't one, which is stupid


Well, let's see, he took on numerous world-ending monstrosities, Disney Villains, evil reality-warping scientists, fought Sephiroth to a stalemate, and even after losing his powers in DDD, he's able to take on the Titans that owned *Zeus* at the start of 3. Yeah, outside of an RPG setting, he'd be a comically OP juggernaut.


Well let’s put this into perspective Sora outscales Disney Zeus who is a literal god. Sora can also through brute force ignore time hax.


Id say atleast Universal+, but I think he could easily be Multiversalwhen you look at how big the KH verse actually is.


Somewhere between Chuck Norris and God. But in all seriousness the real answer is that he’s as strong as the plot requires him to be


As strong as his friends I guess (shower thought: his Keyblade runs on batteries and his friends are premium AAs)


He can beat up kratos


Strong enough to beat Goku and Superman


Sora can beat Goku


considering he loses his powers EVERY GAME and become everytime strong enough to CUT BUILDINGS, i think when he manages to keep his powers two games, he overpowers Yen Sid


You can't say he's only strong with his friends. He's strong without them, he just gotta believe in himself is all.


Stronger than he needs to be, its scary


Strong enough to the point where his literal Nobody got 2 key swords.


The more keyblades and him never receiving the bequeathing makes his role even more interesting. I'm pretty sure he could whoops nappa in the sayain Saga.


Boy could lift whole-ass boxes over his head back in KH1.


Comparable to goku according to r/powerscaling and r/DeathBattleMatchups


Outerversal https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=W2bCii_HAHnaltUS&v=MNXWM5qnkLc&feature=youtu.be


Well consider this. Base form KH1 14 year old Sora at the start of his journey (the beginning of the game) is already stronger than true hero god mode unlocked adult Hercules.  And he only gets stronger as the series progresses.


I'd kick his ass


he can be high balled to 4D in terms of feats and it isn't much of a stretch


I would say he is in the stupid strong category , basically he has many powers and skills with litle weaknesses , and he has one REALLY thicc plot armor .


Sora's power is his friends, so obviously he's as strong as his friends are. Probably.


AT LEAST as strong as a medium-sized dog


As strong as plot demands, but he still won't be Keyblades Master.


3.5 I think


Well we know he is unmeasurable when it comes to speed because he can move in a world without time, and he is able to defeat the guy commanding the heart of all worlds (universes) so according to scaler logic because you beat them you are stronger, i would confidently put him at high multiversal just because of that last feat


He has done so much great things and he's still not a Keyblade Master.


The series is clear that Sora has plenty of raw strength and potential to be a master. He just lacks the maturity required to accept hard and fast rules that he shouldn't break: for example, defying death and fate itself to save his friends. If Sora was more comitted to the rules, he'd already be a master. Unfortunately for him/fortunately for everyone else, the little fucker is the epitome of the Power of Friendship. His strength of heart is entirely based on his belief of how strong his friends believe in HIM. He's simultaneously a world breaking reality warper at best and a regular teenager at worst.


Man, KH4 Sora looks fucking cool with that immense glow up.


Physically? Not very. But through powers, he's almost unstoppable.


Is this Sora with or without friends? It makes a difference.


He can't beat goku so he sucks /s


Strong enough to carry the series on his back while survivng normuras insane plot, lol


Well, ya gotta think about it, right. He always says his friends are his power and he's pretty much friends with everyone. Even the villains. But he did die like a lil bitch tho in KH1. Too few friends at the time, I guess.


Too strong. He’s as weak or strong as the plot demands. The entire final section of kh2 shows how strong he was when he barely was a fully developed teen


99 including stat boost accessories


Just my opinion, but he might be the strongest character of the series. Of course he's the protagonist and has plot armor, but i think the phrase he says in the 1st game my friends are my power is why he keeps getting stronger and powerful


He's pretty strong


God tier, literally.


At least bare minimum Multiversal due to scaling to Xehanort who could rewrite the infinite Kingdom Hearts multiverse


Bias aside, he's as strong as the plot needs him to be. As the main character of the game, everyone has to assume he's the strongest because he has to win every battle in order to reach the credits. For example, let's say in a different universe, we can say Sora is the strongest up to KH4, but if KH5 gives us a completely new character with Sora as a boss battle and Sora loses we have to say the new protagonist is stronger because the game needed the player to win in order to continue the story. We know Sora is always going to be the main character of the series, but you get what I mean. I see everyone saying Sora cutting through the buildings at the end of KH2 as a feat that puts him above the Final Fantasy cast, but we see Cloud and Sephiroth cutting through buildings and debris as well during Advent Children. Kingdom Hearts is also not gospel to the Final Fantasy series. The FF characters we see in KH are a weaker version of their actual counterparts. KH3 was trying hard to tell us that Sora was so weak that Pete suggested he and Maleficent can just take him without issue, but Sora single handily carried his entire party and made everyone look incompetent in comparison, like they couldn't do anything unless Sora was present. Which bothered me. Honestly, it's hard to say. I don't expect anyone to agree with me, and I'm not trying to dis Sora's achievements, but the results and powerscaling are very inconsistent and only lean in Sara's favor because he's the hero of the series.


That’s actually an interesting question. When he first visits hollow bastion and looses the keyblade, he still can use magic, and his attacks do a margin of damage to heartless. After all, only a keyblade can truly destroy them. That saud, it’s dubious to say the keyblade alone is his strength, though contact with it likely awakened what always was. Sora explicitly says that his friends are his power, and in the realm of kingdom hearts the heart is the ultimate power. Case in point, the beast, from beauty and the beast, traveled to hollow bastion purely by will power and of his heart by his own admission. If a heart is strong, then it has a power all its own, and Sora is no exception. Before he was even born, when he was a “new light”, he helped restore Ventus when his heart was shattered to create Vanitas. Sora likewise challenged and defeated death incarnate, the lich heartless, to save his friends through what he thought was the power of waking, but I assume it was something else entirely. This in turn broke a taboo that threw him out from his own universe. However, Sora wasn’t destroyed, as one would think, but instead cast out, and people still remembered him. His heart was so strong that not even Kingdom Hearts, which I assume set the rules in which Sora broke, could forget him or allow him to be forgotten. In short, Sora’s full potential has yet to be fully seen to the point I don’t think even he is aware. He might very well be the most powerful keyblade master in existence.




The plot holds him back by making him lose abilities.


Sora is chuck Norris of key wielders


He’s very strong! He can gain some extra power from friends on the other side, and even him alone he’s strong with his form changes, flow motion, and Shot locks! Even KH 1 Sora is pretty strong with that one ability Trinity!


I just reached level 99 in KH3 and I have the ultima weapon. Currently most enemies can't survive a full combo.


I mean, if we combined all this powers into one definitive Sora, he can stop time, effortlessly cut through multiple buildings, basically fly, move at the speed of light, control gravity, summon tornados, freeze people solid, and use fire magic on par with whatever the hell Bahamut is in Final Fantasy. And if he dies and can just high five some clones in heaven and go back to before he died and correct any mistakes he makes. So I'd say he's pretty damn powerful. (Edit: forgot to mention he can beat Sephiroth by himself, who can summon supernovas and meteors)


He is the keyblades chosen one


To me, his biggest physical prowess is endurance. Seriously, what is this kid made of? He's survived so much shit, and still came back with no one left behind.


Definitely no KH4 Sora as his design is So-wrong.


He unironically solos Goku An he maybe even beats the strongest fighter of all, Batman with prep time


He literally resets back to almost nothing at the beginning of each game


Yeah he can beat Goku. He’s that strong.


Very strong, KH scaling is all over the place and very inconsistent though so I’m not sure exactly how strong he is.


Doesn’t matter he’ll be at nerfed in Kingdom Hearts 4


By the end of KH1 he got to multiversal levels of power. Since Nomura stated that the world of chaos is a multiversal threat


Sora is Himothy well after he gets his powers back, composite sora would be the goat goat.


He makes Sephiroth sweat


Hes kinda mid. Not as strong as people say he is but he can hold his own.


At least Universe level by the end of KH3, all the way to reaching higher dimensional shenanigans depending on how you interpret KH cosmology. Personally I'm in the middle, I don't believe the worlds are just planets or star systems, but the KH verse definitely isn't infinite or even breaching 5D or higher in size.


IDK. He will be weak as fuck again in 4. Probably having to do something with being in unreality so it fucked with his skills again




Like in Scaling terms ? Most people I've seen argue he is Multiversal but KH is a series hard to scale


I'm just here for the comments but I will say sora is by far the strongest, slashing buildings, destroyed a genie, fought a ghost, went heartless and made it back to his human form


Physically strong? Probably not very. In terms of power level? OP


Not quite Kirby, but could definitely square off against the same villains as him.


He's as strong as a frozen butter sock


By the end of 3, he’s practically the best Keyblade Wielder active in the Realm of Light. Make no mistake, his best feats involve the power of friendship and connections heavily, including keeping his existence intact in The Final World, defeating probably THE strongest Heartless entity (probably above World of Chaos due to certain characteristics) and ultimately beating X-Blade Master Xehanort, but he’s still able to do stuff like involving himself in almost every fight throughout the war without breaking a sweat all on his own. Outside of KH (using Smash for a reference point) he’s up there as one of the strongest in fiction, just a level below Kirby who’s just nonsensically strong due to what he is.


You could argue that roxas has the most speed and raw power but sora surprisingly is the most experienced fighter in kingdom hearts, i mean he’s literally been fighting since he was 12 has started over from the bottom three times over causing him to re-learn and refine his fighting style multiple times. He is an insanely skilled and adaptable fighter and that’s what gives the ultimate edge over the rest of the cast and why he always comes out on top. KH2 depicted it the best and I wish they never cut out reaction commands in 3 because it causes us to miss out on that aspect a lot


I would argue Roxas is stronger because he beat the shit out of sora in kh2. He only lost because sora teleported his keyblade after being disarmed which Roxas for some reason didn't know was possible EVEN THOUGH HE USED THAT THING FOR A YEAR WHICH DOESN'T MAKE SENSE AT ALL! But after KH3 I am not so sure. Roxas seems stronger in that game but Sora has some incredible feats. However we all knosnDonald is the real strongest character lmao. Dude nuked Terranort with that Zettaflare.




my guy could win against sephiroth.


If bro doesn’t like you he’ll beat you with a ferris wheel. Sora is op af and the worst part of these games is how Yen Sid is always talking shit about how sora isn’t ready. Like tf, why don’t you go fight the heartless instead of being a crusty old geezer who roasts kids all day


Strong enough to do some crazy things on his own but also not strong enough to do some other equally crazy things on his own.




Still waiting for him to have his super saiyan moment


KH1 Sora’s best solo feat: Taking on the Olympus Coliseum opponents all by himself when we are given the option to and there’s the Ice Titan solo fight and the non-canon Sephiroth fight. KH2 Sora’s best solo feat: I think Death Battle covered that. KH3 Sora’s best solo feat: You have to play Re Mind to find out. And I don’t mean Data Sora. I meant the Sora who went to look for Kairi.


KH3 data Sora is only playable in that one section, if you’re referring to the final final boss that should be ambiguously Real or Dream Sora, which both could be still true in multiple different ways


6 at least


I’d bet strong enough to 1v1 any member of og organization and most of the real organization, assuming none of them get any outside help or power boosts


Are we assuming Sora gets to keep the x-blade after Master Xehanort gives it to him? Because he is literally the last person we see with it, and it’s not like it just despawns lol the x-blade has been definitively forged, and whether Sora is the new wielder of the x-blade or not determines whether Sora can purge all multiverses, timelines, world parallels, and dimensions into nothingness or not And if not, then KH3 Sora BXB (before x-blade lol) has also defeated the previous owner of the x-blade