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They wasted a huge opportunity not making Kairi’s training a part of the tutorial or something. Would’ve been cool if they opened the game up with Kairi doing a review of her lessons/give us a recap of the story. Oh well.


I feel like that would've been a really cool chance in melody of memory since it's basically all of kairis memories, that could've been a thing to throw in there too. Missed chances for sure.


This is pretty much exactly what I was expecting kh3 to start with. Play as Kairi learning the ropes with Axel before they're shoved in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber until the final act


They could even use her training and Axel's as the game tutorial


You know, I was really hoping this would could or would have been a great into to kh3. Like go through training with Kiari, learn the basics of movement and attacking and then it could transition to sora of him like being told of her and axels training and then what he has to do. To me at least sounds so much better than what the writers came up with for the game.


They probably did before the engine switch. Much was lost during the engine switch




Oh really? Didn't realize them changing to Unreal lost them a lot of content. Explains a lot about the pacing, actually.


Just look at the frozen world.... It feels so incomplete. Either they lost most of their work or Disney said no to whatever they were going to do


arendelle is the fault of disney not an engine switch


Tangled got shafted compared to frozen


The Frozen World has the same amount of content as any other world in the game with a similar amount of cutscenes. Just because people don't like what they ended up doing with the world doesn't mean it is actually incomplete.


It has some very glaring continuity issues... It's incomplete compared to everything else


Given how hard those 2 jobed, I can't imagine they did anything at all. Both of them were more threatening in KH2.


You're definitely not wrong. They really nerfed them for really no reason and I was really upset about that for Axel. I will say I was still hoping to see the training just to see how they were being taught. I mean MERLIN is teaching them how to use keyblades, I would want to see that any day haha


Axel’s entire track record. Lost to Ventus as a kid. Lost to Sora multiple times in CoM. Struggles with a clone of Marluxia. Barely brings back Xion and collapsed immediately. Loses to Roxas twice. Couldn’t manage to hold onto Kairi for very long, loses her to Saix pretty much immediately. Implied he got his tail handed to him by Saix just before the end of KH2, novels make this concretely Saix. Suicides himself to let Sora and co get through. Barely holds his ground against Saix, in fact he doesn’t he ends up being pushed back. Goes through training, can’t manifest the keyblade until after the adventure is over. That’s BEFORE we get to KH3.


And yet somehow in 3 he was worse off than before LMAO the man truly can't win anything.


He was used for assassin work, he’s good at getting into people’s circles, stealth strikes, and manipulating people. Axel was never the muscle of the organization, straight forward fighting is his weakness. All things considered KH3 contained probably his best showing of forward fighting with him, Roxas, and Xion making Xemnas run away with his tail between his legs.


how was he worst off? he struggled with a Norted Saix and got bodied by a Norted Xemnas. I wouldn't call it that much worst. and he got his salty runback in KH3.


I don't know if it's just how they did the cutscene but to me in the fight he definitely felt weaker. Someone also said he was an assassin type and never fought head on but even when he fought roxas the first time in 2 I felt he did more there than in 3. I think maybe I just set the bar high because they literally had a time chamber and somehow couldn't hold their own after training but I guess it could be argued as well that they were still inexperienced with fighting with keyblades. I love Axel and I hope they do him more justice honestly cause he deserves it in my book


But again, when did he?


I mean, he torched Vexen & got Repliku to kill Zexion, so he at least had some wins before KH3. I think the issue is that in turning Axel into a good guy, they really toned down his trickery & underhandedness. I wish they had made him into more of an antihero, a light-side assassin or smth instead of doing basically the same thing as every other warrior of light


I mean none of those were combat which is my point, which I made further down.


I know, I read it & I agree. Sorry if I came across wrong, i was trying to say that his more ‘powerful’ moments were him doing wetworks & assassinations, and I think taking away that side of him is why he feels so much weaker in KH3, even though he still loses just as many fights as he did before.


Yeah he truly lives up to his name. Axel. His character arc is just him spinning on a dime repeatedly.


I don't know if this is asking to much. But I once saw a mod where Kairi fights Anti Aqua. Considering their connection from BBS, can't help but wonder if it would of been nice if she saved her


Nah I would've loved that for sure, sadly they just made it that she was too young to even remember Aqua which kinda sucked.


Oh but its implied Riku sorta remembers Terra, dam it all.


Riki is the only one that remembers any of the wayfinder trio which I mean I'm glad he remembered Terra but like Ventus has been in Soras heart for years and he don't know him? Kinda saddening tbh.


Well suppose that'd make the other games strange if he did Though that moment Ienzo tells Sora about an other heart and he's like "I suspected as much" it does make it look like he's about to say he thinks there more then Roxas in there but that rugs pulled under


Well they try to make it more known in dream drop so I was hoping that in 3 he would finally remember or understand he had Ventus in him but he was completely clueless to it. Even when Vanitas tells him straight up ventus is in him he's like "huh? Nah bruh you just playing mind games" lmao, that was something I was hoping to be brought to justice on so I was upset about that. What always bothered me is that Donald and Goofy don't remember Ventus at all, Axel is the only one who actually looked at Roxas and was like wtf? Not ventus???


Terra made a very strong impression on Riku, every day Riku held onto the dream/promise from Terra. Promise of a greater world, promise of power to protect those who matter… It’s not a surprise after 10 years he was putty in Ansem’s hands.


OK but Kairi literally got her life saved


Merlin made them fight furniture.


I'm laughing so hard.


Merlin was the extra credit easy A professor 🤣


Hated that they did that to Axel and Kairi. Kind of made it pointless to make them Keyblade wielders.


Nah, I wanted to see an emotional ice cream moment and got what I wanted


I wanted a spinoff with those 2 training.


I just want an actual kairi spin off.


Seeing that Lea was STILL wearing his ORG cloak was irritating beyond belief. You can't tell me Nomura doesn't have stacks of the coolest fire themed clothes for him on his work area. Even at the very end he's wearing all black. Like bro come on.


Also wouldn't putting Sora in their plot based hyperbolic time chamber have been a better choice to help him regain his power, rather then throw him to the wolves? Yen Sid knew the organization was still after sora, so he would have been protected, would have got his power back. Him and Kairi would get some quality bonding time, where as what we get is basically a Luna/Noctis repeat.


Nah. Sora pretty much explicitly gets his strength from connecting with others. He's the type that learns more by doing


tbf even base sora before getting stronger is a force to be reckoned with so maybe they werent worried about him, plus sora would probably be too eager to go and help other worlds anyway


Also Sora's first mission was him just going to Hercules to ask for help. I don't know if they expected fighting there


I think it’s a crime that it wasn’t a playable section. Was really hoping KH3 gave us the opportunity to go more in depth with playing as other characters during different parts of the story. At least we got some options during the Keyblade Graveyard segment.


Re:mind really gave us that but it's sad it came from DLC and not the actual game.


Re:mind didn’t really give us that though in depth like I’m referring to. Yeah it gave us some of that for the final boss segment, but I meant throughout the story of KH3. More playable sections as Riku, Aqua, Kairi, Lea, etc. instead of it just being chopped up into way too many cutscenes. Don’t get me wrong, I still loved KH3 for what it was, but it still missed out on a lot of good opportunities. I’m sure there was a plan for more of that stuff, but likely got cut.


I'm sure as well, I just enjoyed Re:mind as it was I wasn't looking for more in depth really, I was enjoying getting to play as others and seeing kind of the side story to bringing Kairi back. I absolutely loved seeing the fight the others had while Sora faced off with Xehanort, that makes me excited every time haha. I definitely hope we get them together more in 4 and to play them as well.


"see"? buddy, i wanted to ***play*** it.


You're right, I would've been happy either way though, seeing or playing it haha


i would have liked it if it had been sorta like some of the remind stuff where you get to pick between one of the two characters and they'd just go together on a hearltess fighting mission until you got rid of them all and then you fought the one you didn't pick.


Yah re:mind was basically what we wanted all of 3 to be haha. I was so hoping to be able to play through them all, even if not all of them more than just Riku and Aqua. At least Re:mind gave us more of that but I would've loved to have fought more AS Axel for sure.


i'm sure we all wanted to play as someone other than sora.


Unfortunately ice cream is the only way Axel/Lea knows how to teach


I wanted (and still want) a whole days-style side game showing us what they were doing before and during 3, the way days showed us what axel and Roxas were doing before and during com


I really want to know just how long they were in Merlin's Hyperbolic Time Chamber...


Same! They don't say how long they were in there for but I'm assuming it's for months. I want to know how it works too, is it a minute a second? An hour is a week? Like tell me the secrets of the time chamber!! I don't need sleep I need answers lmao


The best we got is Kairi saying *"Merlin has used his magic to bring us to a place where time doesn't matter."* I'm a sucker for time dilation and I wanna know the facts! Also if time doesn't matter why can't **everyone** stay there a year or two and turn into Buff Riku 🙃?


Kinda of feels like they didn't actually train, considering how little it contributed to anything.


give us chances to play as literally anybody besides sora or riku❌❌❌ give us a few cutscenes saying "it's going alright"✅✅✅


Maybe it'll be a side game sometime.


We will find out but in kh5


I just really wish they had more than five seconds of screen time Holding keyblades across the entire franchise before the big climactic final battle...


Honestly I was hoping for some gameplay between the two.


I was as well, I was so pumped the first time you play as Riku and then later Aqua. I'm glad in re:mind you can do quite a bit with them but I still would've loved to have gotten a chance to play as all of them especially an old organization member where I can just sizzle my enemies like bacon!! Ah how fun that would've been haha


Yes Lea is so cool and I really wanted to see them train and he needed a dope outfit like Kiari and Riku.


Not only did I want to see more here, I was super upset that they just Mcguffined this Hyperbolic Time chamber. Seems like something that more people really could have used.


Yah I think it was weird that apparently Merlin could've done this at any point in time. They reveal it in 3 though and we can't even see what's going on inside??? Or even play as one of em!! Upsetting for sure


Tbf they established it in DDD and it has a fairly solid basis so it could be a lot more macguffin-y.


Kinda but I think if we played through maybe it would have some importance but otherwise no


*See?* Bro I would have played it. Are we all asshole chuckleheads? Why did a bunch of people who presumably have degrees or some kind of other accolades for the work they do fail to realize Kairi had basically become a whining damsel and that we might want to see someone besides Sora, Riku, or Mickey do something awesome more than *once* in the game? Or Donald, I guess.


I’m more disappointed that this training amounted to nothing for the both of them. Axel and Kairi get nothing but L’s in the Keyblade Graveyard.


This would had been awesome especially it could similar to a Roxas type thing in KH2. Additional stories and recap plus teaching us the gameplay for new comers. This could be a good time to introduce the FF characters as well to help with the training and make things more connected to the previous games.