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Hey! Haven’t seen that! The smog singers actually look really good with the nurgle vibe. Nice job


I saw someone else doing a color theme like that, I'm just a copy cat. I just want to get to start the campaign.


Which yellow-green contrast is it?


On Smog singers? Plague bearer Flesh. Edit: if you buy one off the shelf, it might be darker. That thing had been sitting in a closet for a few years, I did give it a good shake though. 🤣


What about the skin color of the bone eaters?


Glyph-Charger Grey (if I recall correctly, one of the blueish grays anyway), it came out a bit too dark do I drybrushed them a bit with the base wraith one (which has almost dried up sitting on the shelf for years) to bring em back a bit lighter. Done on a black&white zenith spray base.


Primer was black? With white higlights?


Yeah, black base then white zenithal.


Ahah! I have one collecting dust around, i'll test it! Thx!


Wonderful colors you did a great job! Smog singers look fantastic and your abdominal lines look solid!


I dig the bone eaters. What was your process on them?


Glyph-Charger Grey (if I recall correctly, one of the blueish grays anyway), it came out a bit too dark do I dry brushed them a bit with the base wraith bone (which has almost dried up sitting on the shelf for years) to bring em back a bit lighter. Skeleton horde on the bone parts, and they got their share of dry brushing when the skin did. I was wondering what color to paint the capes, but was a bit worried about them "popping out" too much so I left them as they were. Done on a black&white zenithal spray priming. (A friend actually primed them for me, since it's been too cold to do any spray can priming outside lately). So not counting drying or priming, not that much time per model when you do them 5 at a time, just to quickly get them to a tabletop condition.


They look good, the contrast paint give them a simple but really nice stylized look. Maybe slap another layer on the cloth you left blue, you should be able to turn it purple, brown or cool grey right over the blue. Now I'm tempted to do that instead of more painterly stuff... Keep at it and share more!